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62 Cards in this Set

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Signs of c. botulinum infxn?
constipated, poor feed, hypotonia, loss DTRs, impaired gag reflex, resp difficulty, hypotn, neurogen bladder
-ingestion of c. botulinim (honey) in GI tract that then produces toxin that blocks ACh release
Klumpke paralysis=?
From excessive traction of arm on delivery
Paralyzed hand (claw hand w/ lack of grasp reflex) w/ Horner syndrome (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
-C7-81 +/-T1 (confirm on MRI w/ nerve root avulsion/rupture)
-Immobilize the arm
What predisposes baby to facial nerve palsy?
pressure over facial nerve in utero/labor, forceps delivery
-Facial paralysis more noticable on baby crying (usually improves w/ time)
Differentiate swelling in newborn scalp
cross suture lines=caput succedaneum (swollen soft tissue)
Does not cross=cephalohematoma (subperiosteal hemorrhage)
absent moro reflex w/ intact grasp reflex in newborn=?
What is the arm's position?
Erb-Duchene paralysis (C5-C6) "waiter tip"
internally rotated adducted w/ pronated forearm
Differentiate chronic hep B and C
chronic hep C has waxing and waining LFTs w/ arthralgias on occasion (cryoglobulinemia, porphyria cut tarda, ITP, glomerulonephritis, etc.)
Chronic hep B does not wax/wane
Hundred of adenomatous polyps in colon=?
Familial adenom polyposis (FAP): aut dom from mut APC gene
-elective proctocolectomy at time of dx (100% risk ca)
What is the most common cause of amblyopia in childhood.
Dx Test/
Strabismus (medial deviation of eye or esodeviation)
-Do cover test (the normal eye keeps position, but the abnormal one must change to refixate on object)
-TMT w/ covering the normal eye (so prob eye can mature properly rather than go blind)
Type of renal problem in HSP?
Dx Test?
IgA mediated vasculitis (mesangial IgA depot)
-usually clinical but bx w/ IgA depot on immunof in skin or renal (this is a leukocytoclastic vasculitis)
-Resolves by self, steroids if abd pain/renal prob progressive
rupture of berry aneurysm=?
subarrachnoid hemorrhage (they'll have a HA b4 any neuro findings) So if neuro findings + HTN=basal ganglia/putamen hemorrhage
Name physiologic feet/leg problems in newborn that are seen commonly?
metatarsus adductus: if overcorrects to abduction when passively or actively moved->reassurance, if only corrects to neutral->orthosis/corrective shoes, if do not correct/rigid->serial castings
internal tibial torsion: reassurance (corrects in 95% cases)
In what conditions can you breastfeed and when can't you?
Can: mastitis, rubella, breast milk jaundice (only switch to formual for 2ddays and resume), hemolytic dz newborne (erythroblastosis fetalis->ab in milk are inactivated in baby GI tract), Hep B/C, malaria, toxoplasmosis,
How to tell it's not marfan's but homocystinuria?
How to tell homocystinuria from phenylketonuria?
TMT of homoc
Marfan's + Thromboembolic events/stroke=homocystinuria (also downard lens dislocation), marfans does not have retardation!
-It's cystathionine synthase deficiency
-Phenylk and homo have fair skin, blue eyes, but only phenyl has musty odor & eczema
-TMT w/ hi dose vit D
Differentiate papillary muscle rupture vs. free wall rupture post MI
Pap muscle: requires RCA infart, 3-5days post MI, have acute pulm edema (SOB) + new holosystolic murmur
Free wall: requires LAD infarct: 5-2wk postMI, have JVD, distant heart sounds, shock from pericardial effusion/tamponade (no new murmur or lung sounds)
What is the arrythmia of dig toxicity?
atrial tachy w/ AV block
EKG may show downsloping of ST seg in all leads
What are common drug-induced causes of pancreatitis and why are pts taking them?
diuretics-lasix, thiazides
Seizure/bipolar: valproate
IBD: sulfasalazine, 5-ASA
AIDS: didanosine, pentamidine
abx: metronidazole, tetracyclines
Immunosuprresives: azathioprine, L-aspariginase
What are findings/complications of meningococcemia?
meningitis, skin petechia/purpura, joint arthralgias, septic appearing
Complication: ADRENAL FAILURE (Waterhouse-friderichsen) and HEMORRHAGE=sudden hypotn and death
alternate name of croup?
Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)
-racemic epi to prevent asphyxiation
TMT of croup vs epiglottitis vs whooping cough?
Croup: racemic epi (young 0-5yo)
epiglottitis: intubate + ceftiaxone + rifampin to contacts (older children)
Whoop: erythro/azithro if catarrhal stage, isolate, macrolide sto close contacts
What is bacillary angiomatosis? TMT
Differentiate from molluscum contagiosum and kaposi sarcoma
bartonella (GNR) infxn->bright red fiable exophytic PRURITIC nodules in HIV pt: give po erythromycin
-Kaposi skin lesions are papules (light brown-violet) that become plaques or nodules on trunk/face/extrem
-molluscum contagiosum (HPV): dome papules w/ central umbilication by poxvirus, NONPRURITIC
Management of minimal change dz?
In kids and hodgkins: empiric steroid therapy (has benign course but frequently relapses after steroids stopped)
wide fixed splitting of S2=>
ASD (will see no sx) also ejection systolic murmur
Types of chronic vs acute prostatitis?
acute: irritative voiding, exquisitely tender, bacturia and pyuria on u/a
chronic bacterial: irritative voiding, afebrile, u/a normal, ucx w/ >10wbcs, and +cx
inflammatory chronic: irritative, u/a normal, ucx w/ >10wbc, -cx
non-inflammatory chronic: irritative, u/a normal, ucx w/ <10wbc, -cx
fever, chills, L lung base sounds less, LUQ tender, CT w/ fluid colleciton in spleen, wbc count 23500, 65% pmn, 11% band, elevated LFTs
ML Dx?
Infective endocarditis! L sided causing septic emboli to spleen (can also go to liver, kidney, brain), possibly Hep C too (suggests IV drug use) Key things=hi WBC, fever chills, and random findings in distant organs from septic emboli in Hi Risk pt=IE
Common findings associated w/ types of pna?
Staph=recent viral/flu
Kleb=alcohol, DM=currant jelly, hemop (necrotizing pna)
Anaerobes=poor dent, demented, aspir=foul rot egg
Myco=young military dorm=dry cough=PCR, cold agglutin, pmn on sputum gram stain
Chlamydi=hoarseness=serologic titers
Legionella=water source/ac=GI diarrhea, HA, confuse=urine antigen/cx charcoal-yeast agar
Hemi-neglect = lesion where?
R parietal lobe (non-dom parietal lobe)
Pt in MVA w/ internal bleeding u/s shows fluid at spleno-renal angle, but is hemodynamically responsive to fluids.
Next Step?
Abd CT to document splenic injury in case of need for later surgery
What is seen in CXR on staph aureus pna. When do you get it?
Differentiate from bronchiectasis
multiple cavitary lesions (acute necrotizing pna w/ 2ndary pneumatocels), it's a super infection w/ bloody yellow sputum, hi fever, the worst stuff.
pna after recent viral URI/influenza
-Bronchiectasis has same sputum production and is also necrotizing, but is chronic w/ dilated bronchi (not cavities)
What is pimozide?
typical antipsychotic (that or haldol treat tourrettes_
When to suspect chorioamniotnitis
PPROM or prolonged ROM (no it by amniotic fluid pH 7-7.5 wheras vag fluid is 4-4.5) w/ fever and 1 of: mom HR>100, baby HR>160, mom WBCC >15000, uterine tenderness, foul-smelling amniotic fluid
-Deliver immediately (can be vaginal)
Pt when arm abducted past 90 degrees and asked lower arm slowley, suddenly drops when near the 90 degree=?
Complete rotator cuff tear (drop arm test)->supraspinatus most likely
"popeye sign" =
rupture of long head tendon biceps (muscle belly pops up in mid arm w/ weakness on supination but can still flex foream)
Differentiate findings nocardia vs. TB vs. actinomyces
Nocardia: PARTIALLY acid-fast, gram+ beading rod (filamentous), aerobe in soil: like TB w/ weight loss, fever, night sweats, purulent cough, CXR w/ alveolar infiltrate/nodules and cavitation (even chest wall invasion), disseminates to anywhere but esp subq and brain abscess (look for immunocompromised or steroid user)->BACTRIM
TB: acid fast non branching rods do NOT gram stain (same sx nocardia) w/ cavitary lesion->RIPE
Actinomyces: filamentous gram positive SULFUR granules ANAEROBIC so usually cervicofacial skin and sinus tract dz->PENICILLIN G
Management of child swallowing battery?
CXR to determine location immediately
if in esophagus->immediate endoscopic removal (prevent esophageal ulceration)
if passed esophagus: observe to confirm excretion in stool
Cri du chat=
cry of the cat: 5p deletion: cat-like cry, hypotonia, short stature, mental retard, facial abnromalities
Steps of tmt for pseudotumor cerebri?
1. fundoscopy to routine monitor visual fields
2. weight loss
3. acetazolamide (inhibits chooid plexus carb anhydrase CSF prod)
4. Steroids (if waiting for surgery w/ deteriorating vision)
5. surgery w/ lumboperitoneal shunt (rpted lumbar puncture no longer the norm)
1st line tmt otitis media?
for sinusitis?
for pharyngitis?
-amoxicillin 10day course (strep pneumo 1, HiB 2)
-amoxicillin-clavulonate (or doxy or bactrim) w/ decongestant
-amoxicillin or penicillin (cephalexin if penicillin rash, clinda or macroolide if pen anaphylaxis)
When to worry about neonatal jaundice (5 rules)
1. appears 1st 24hrs life (phys jaundice happens day 2 or 3, if day 5 think neonatal sepsis, if b4 1day think erythroblastosis fatalis)
2. rate increase tbili >5mg/hr
3. bili level >12 or 10 in premie
4. jaundice after 10days old
5. conj bili every >2
Differentiate hyaline membrane dz vs. transient tachypnea newborn vs. persistent pulm htn newborn vs meconium asp syndrome
HMD: PREMATURE, immediate tachyp, grunt, use intercostal/sub muscles, nasal flare, cyanaosis, harsh tubular sound, CXR fine reticular granular esp over bases->mech vent and surfactant administer
TTN: TERM, cyanosis corrects w/ O2, flat diaphragm, fluid lines in fissures, prom vasc marking, pleural fluid
PPHN: TERM, cyanosis, hypoxia not correcting w/ O2, XR normal or opacification
MAS: TERM, resp distress in 1hr after deliver, ptx or pneumomediastinum, increased AP diameter/flat diaphragm (think emphysema findings)
2yo w/ otitis media has seizure-like episode for 3 min.
ML Dx?
Simple febrile seizure (common in kids <6yo w/ viral/bacterial infxn, Dtap, MMR)
1. seizure w/ temp >38 (100.4)
2. age <6
3. no CNS infxn
4. no acute systemic metabolic cause
5. no hx of afebrile seizure
-if <15min=simple->treat otitis media and send home,
-if >15min=complex: at risk for future seizures (epilepsy)
Rules for chickenpox?
usually get it b4 16yo. If exposed, has 10-14day incubation period b4 vesicles, are contagious 48hr b4 vesicles to when all are crusted over and should be isolated throughout. Get vacc w/in 5 days of exposure or not effective, only in immunocompitent. If don't get rash in 2wks, can give vaccine for future. If immunocompromised/pregnant, get VZIG w/in 96hr (does not always prevent infxn but can delay it).
What is the cause of grave's opthalmopathy?
autoimmune lymphocytic infiltrate of EOM causing fibroblast prolif and hyaluronic acid depot->edema and fibrosis
Differentiate roseola from chickenpox.
Roseola (Herpes virus 6): fever->5days later maculopap rash trunk spreads periph
Chickenpox (VZV): prodrome (fever/malaise/anorexia)->rash on trunk w/ vesicles that break and scab in crops
wedge shaped lesion on CT=?
Pulm Embolism
1st step in management of a suspected congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
place OG tube and put to suction to prevent bowel distention and further lung compression
then CXR
Differentiate precocious adrenarche, thelarche, and pubarche
adrenarche: activation adrenal glands b4 6yo, have dark axillary hair, benign->no workup
Pubarche: pubic hair growth b4 8yo, alarm->50% time CNS disorder
Thelarche: breast development b4 8yo, benign, no prob
Managmenet of possible renal colic?
Do pelvic u/s 1st (IVP, CT and shockwave lith are contraI in preg)
What is seen in chlamydia conjunctivitis?
purulent discharge, later goes to pna 3-19wks after bith (no wheezing or fever->otherwise thing RSV bronchiolitis)
TMT: po erythromycin
loud P2=?
Who gets this?
endocardial cushion defect (AV canal) causing pulm HTN
Down's syndrome (most common defect in Down's)
Large kidneys bilat=(5)?
Amyloidosis (look for GI/IBD, psoriasis, RA, chronic infxns, multiple myeloma)
HIV nephropathy
Polycystic kidneys
Renal Cell Ca
Differentiate physical exam findings of vaginosis and pH
Trichomonas: PRURITIC, INFLAMMED, MALODOROUS, frothy, pH up >4.5
Bacterial vaginosis: nonpruritic, noninflammed, stinky, up pH >4.5
Candida: thick clusters, down pH <4.5
How do you treat PEA?
start CPR, give O2, attache monitor/defibrillator->if asystole/PEA->CPRx2min, IV access, give epi q3min->shock->CPRx2min, epi q3->shock->CPRx2min, amiodarone push->treat reversible causes->rpt starting at shock
5Hs & Ts of PEA
Hypovol, hypoxia, H-acidosis, Hypo/perkalemia, hypothermia

Tension pneumo, tamponade, toxin (narcotic/benzo), thrombus, trauma
Differentiate milia and erythema toxicum and sebaceous hyperplasia
milia: small pearly white cysts on baby usually around nose
sebaceous hyperpalsia: little yellowish flat papules on face/nose
Erythema toxicum neon: erythematous papules and vesicles w/ surrounding erythema/halo (pustules have eosinophils)
asbestosis = what risk?
BRONCHOGENIC CA >>>mesothelioma
Todd's Paralysis=?
LOC w/ disorientation, slow gain consciousness and postictal paralysis (todd paralysis) usually resolving w/in 24hr
What is mech ondansetron?
serotonin agonist (5HT3 receptor) use for chemo-induced vomiting ppx
1mo old infant starts crying spontaneously at night and cannot be comorted, been going on for days.
ML Dx?
Infantile colic (benign crying of unknown etiology)
-from 1mo-4mo age (will spontaneously resolve)
MRI findings of friedreich ataxia:
atrophy cervical spinal cord and cerebellar atrophy
-Get myocarditis w/ T-wave inversion (ddx MI, myocarditis, old pericarditis, dig tox, contusion)
What are the symptoms of Fragile X?
What is the cause?
large head, long face, prominent forehead, chin, protruiding ears, large testes, hypereactivy autistic
-FMR1 methylation gene mut w/ CGG repeats
Galaktokinase def vs galactosemia vs fructosuria vs fructose intol
-Galaktokinase def: cataracts, social smile, asx, aut rec
-Galactosemia: def galac-1-phosph-uridyl-transf, aut rec, bilat cataract, fail to thrive, hypoglycemia, jaundice (vomiting), hepatomegaly, retard (convulsions)->Galactitol buidliup in these 2 dz
-Frucosuria (fructokinase def): aut rec, benign, fructose in urine/blood
-Fruc intol: aldolase b def, aut rec, fructose-1-phosph builds up, hypoglyc, jaundice, cirrhosis, vomit w/in 20-30min of fructose meal or sucrose
When is bedwetting normal?
up to 5yo (don't order a single test till then!)