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30 Cards in this Set

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Outward current or flow of + ions out of the cell has whats effect on the cell's membrane
Inward current or the flow of + ions into the cell results in..?
In hyperkalemia, the cell is depolarized due to the high concentration of K+ though not to threshhold so the Na+ channels remain closed causing muscle weakness..what's this phenomenon called?
Which valvular event coincides with the T wave?
aortic valve closure
A pt with meningitis would hyper or hypo-ventilate..why?
Hyperventilate because there's an increase in H+ ions hence a decrease in ph 2/2 to infection triggering hyperventilation
A pt develops acidosis. What effect does this have in the H+ concentration of the CSF?
None because H+ cannot cross the BBB..Any increase of H+ ions in CSF is extrinsic (infection)
If a pt breathing room air is given 100% o2, what happens to ventilation?
Nothing. Only decreases in O2 content trigger ventilatory responses
A pt presents with prolonged inspirations and short expirations..DX and which CNS area is damaged?
Apneustic breathing..Caudal pons
If a pt donates a kidney, what happens to GFR?
It's cut in half to 60 ml/min
If a pt losses 50% of functioning nephrons what happens to GFR?
It decreases only 25% because the rest of nephrons compensate by increasinf glomerular capillary pressure
If a pt donates a kidney, what happens to GFR?
It's cut in half to 60 ml/min
If a pt losses 50% of functioning nephrons what happens to GFR?
It decreases only 25% because the rest of nephrons compensate by increasinf glomerular capillary pressure
At maximal ADH secretion, where's most of the free h2o reabsorbed in the nephron?
In the PCT..Even though ADH acts on the collecting duct, 2/3 of the H2O was already reabsorbed in the PCT
At maximum effect of ADH, at what point on the nephron there's a maximal osmolarity?
At the tip of the loop of henle and in the collecting duct
At which point in the nephron is the lowest osmolality?
Early DCT because h2o leaving the loop of henle is hypotonic but there's further reabsorption of electrolytes so DCT has a lower osmolality than the end of ascending loop of henle
What happens to urine osmolality in an uncontrolled diabetic?
Decreases because glucose isnt reabsorbed in the PCT so it drags h20 through the nephron creating an unconcentrated urine..hence polyuria
What happens to HCO3- in RTA 2 and provide two examples of conditions in which this happens?
PCT is unable to reabsorbe HCO3- so it's lost in the urine and the plasma concentration decreases as well..this leads to acid urine and blood..exp: Fanconi's syndrome and effect of Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
If the pituitary stalk is severed, which pituitary hormone would increase?
Prolactin..because it's constantly inhibited
Which drug maintains Mean Arterial Pressure by increasing Cardiac Output and decreasing Total Peripheral Resistance?
In a pt on chronic steroids tx, which areas become atrophied and which one stays intact?
The z. fasciculata and reticularis atrophy and z. glomerulosa statys intact because it's under control of angiotensin 2 and K+
Why do hypercalcemia and hypokalemia result in polyuria?
They both inhibit ADH at the kidney tubules
Short 4th digit, mental retardation, short stature..Dx?
Pseudohypoparathyroidism (normal levels but tissues are resistant)
A pt presents w/ + prostate ca and spine mets. which drug tx should be initiated?
Flutamide (inhibits testosterone at prostate receptors)
A pt w/ metastatic prostate ca to the spine is treated and he becomes paralized. Which tx was started?
GnRH agonists (Leuprolide...) they cause an increase in FSH and LH as well as testosterone
A woman presents with irregular menses. Which phase varies in lenght?
Follicular phase
A pregnant in her 3rd trimester has an elevated po glucose tolerance test. There's no hx of DM. What's the cause of this?
Human Placental Lactogen can induce gestational DM
What's the mechanism by which milk synthesis is blocked until birth?
High levels from the placenta prevent milk synthesis..after birth estrogen levels decrease and milk is produced
A woman nursing her newborn is sexually active but doesn't conceive. What's the mechanism?
Nipple stimulation inhibits dopamine which increases prolactin which inhibit GnRH leading to low levels of FSH and LH
Pt presents with acute pancreatitis. What's the underlying enzymatic mechanism?
Premature activation of trypsinogen in the pancreas
A pt develops diarrhea and hypokalemia. Where's the location where the diarrhea developed?
Colon..the colon secretes potassium