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54 Cards in this Set

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pt s/p acid ingestion
- esophogeal stricture: dysphagia
- pyloric stenosis: eating fine i.e. no dysphagia but throwing up afterwards = gastric outlet obstruction, succussion splash on epigastrium
midshaft humerus fx
- radial nerve injury = wrist drop = limited extension
- ulnar nerve = claw hand
barium enema bird beak
- sigmoid volvulus
tx of pseudocyst
- when pt becomes bacteremic = pseudocyst infx and need to drain
paralytic ileus
- trauma pt s/p retroperitoneal associated with vertebral fx => decreased bowel sounds, no stool, KUB = air fluid levels in gas filled large intestint
esoph perf
- pt with hx of esophagitis whether pill induced (KCL) or infx (candidiasis) now with widened mediastinum and pneumomediastinum
- do gastroraffin esophagram; NEVER BARIUM which causes mediastinal inflammation
solitary pulm nodule
- <3 cm in diameter by xray
- do CT
- benign if doubles in 1.5 yrs, if doubles in <30 days = infx
glascow coma
- eye: spontaneous 4, verbal 3, pain 2, none 1
- verbal: oriented 5, disoriented 4, inappropriate 3, incomprehensible 2, none =1
- motor: obeys = 6, localizer 5, withdraws 4, flexion (decorticate) 3, extension posturing (decerebrate) 2, none =1
humeral shaft fx with decreased strength and pulse
- injury to radial nerve, will heal
- attempt to align humerus
bronchial vs esoph rupture?
- rarely esoph from trauma, only 2/2 esophagitis
- trauma = bronch
- will see pneumomediastinum in both
- spinothalamic = pain and temp
- upper motor neuron injury
- above are located near center of cord
- hx: whiplash
pt with diverticulitis now with abscess formation?
- now complicated, do CT guided drainage, lap if fails
- noncomplicated = cipro and metronidazole
hypoglossal nerve injury
- surgery below mandible => tongue palsy
winged scapula
- long thoracic nerve injury e.g. axillary dissection
breast pathology
- intraductal papilloma: benign, intermittened d/c from one niiple
- fibrocystic: bilateral breast pain with cystic change
- fibroadenoma: firm, painless, mobile lump, 15-25 y.o., benign
- ductal carcinoma: incidental finding on mammography, asympt, abnormal ductal epithelium, no BM involvement
lower brachial cuff injury
- sudden upswing of arm
- C8,T1
- Klumpke's palsy: weakness, atrophy of hypothena and interosseous muscle, claw hand
- fluid collection in processus or tunica vaginalis
- ddx testicular mass by transillumination, hydrocele will transluminate
- resolves in 12 mo
pancreatic vs splenic rupture
- both 2/2 abd trauma
- CT would have spot spleen; if neg CT but sx 1 wk later of sepsis then pancreatic trauma that formed pseudocyst
psoas abscess
right of left lower quadrant pain but elicited on DEEP palpation, no rebound/guarding to suggest peritoneal signs e.g. appendicitiis
- hx of skin infx (furuncles) as infx by continguous spread
- MC pathogen s. aureus
ischemia reperufsion syndrome
- ischemia => embolectomy => reperfusion => swelling, compartment syndrome
septic synovial fluid
- WBC >= 2000 often 50,000
- neutrophil 75%, glucose <25, +gram stain
SCFE tx?
- surgical pinning of slipped epiphysis where it lays (in situ) to decrease risk avascular necrosis
anserine bursa
- gracillis and semitendinosus muscle tendon => medial knee tenderness
nerve of lower limb
- femoral: anterior compartment => knee extension, hip flexion, saphenous branch
- tibila: posterior compartment => knee flexion and plantar flexion, sensation to leg except medial side and plantar
- obturator = medial compartment => adduction, medial thigh sensation
- common peroneal = sensation to anterolateral leg, dorsum foot
- MCL: + vlagus stress test
- ACL: forceful hyperextension or torsional injury during deceleration => Lachman's test, anterior drawer test, pivot test
- PCL = dashboard injury => Posterior drawer, reverse pivot, post sag test
indications for transfusion?
- lose 25-30% of blood volume ~1500ml
- start with crystalloid infusion, then blood
xray shows diaphragm rupture, next step?
- barium swallow or CT with oral contrast => operation
irritation of diaphragm
- pain radiating to shoulder 2/2 peritonitis or rupture = Kehr sign
bladder injury
- MC is dome, additional evidence is peritonitis b/c only dome leaks into peritoneum, so see chemical irritation of diarphgram
- MC extraperitoneal injury = bladder neck
raccoon eyes, rhinorrhea, otorrhea?
svc catheter placed, pt now hypoT, tachy
- cause of 1/4 of iatrogenic PTX
- pt has tension PTX
FNA vs excisional biopsy
- if high suspicion of malignancy e.g. fixed and irregular do excisional
- FNA for palpable lesion
fluid in spleno-renal area by U/S
- do CT, grade the injury => surgery vs conservative tx
follicular occlusion?
- suppurative hidradenitis = painful nodules and pustules of axillae and groin
- pilondial disease - coccyx pain 2/2 infx of hair follicles in that area
- dissecting folliculitis of scalp
- acne conglobata
Bowen's dz?
- SCC in situ of skin - thin erythematous plaque with scale and crust
Aortic injury
- rapid decl blunt chest trauma => can have incopmlete or contained rupture => no immeidate death but large hemothoradx
- antiHTN therapy and surgery
- myocardial rupture = insta death
codman's triangle
- metaphysis = osteosarcoma
- diaphyses = Ewing
scaphoid fx
- MC fx, fall on outstretched hand, tenderness at anatomical snuffbox
- note: must do multiple views of hand to catch the fracture, but even if you dont' see fx and still highly suspect, cast it
- cast immobilization, surgery if displacement
- if woman, do U/S to r/o gyne processes
- if man and obvious, APPY
- if signs of abscess or phlegmon = conservative tx with abx
acute cholecystitis
- manage conservatively with observation, pain meds, abx, followed by elective chole during same admission
- ERCP if gallstone in CBD
- perQ drainage if C/I to surgery
- emergent chole if biliary gangrene or perf
tonic clonic seizure, which shoulder dislocation?
- posterior - adducted, internally rotated
- if externally rotated = anterior shoulder d/c
burn inhalation
- non rebreather, but low threshold for intubation
head injury
- low risk: no LOC, mild HA => go home
- mod risk: LOC, emesis, severe HA, seizure => CT => if neg, go home
- young kid, osteolytic lesion at end of long bones
- MC primary bone malignancy, occurs at growth areas, see normal ESR but high alk phos
- codman and sunburst, no systemic sx
onion skin
- ewings; onions = ew
- blue cell, systemic sx, diaphyses, spine, pelvis
soap bubble
- osteoclastoma = giant cell, epiphyses of distal femur, prox tibia
post op fevers
1-2d = PNA
3-5 = UTI
4-6 = DVT
5-7 = wound
>7 = drug
pt with ileus and UA suggesting renal stones?
- ileus 2/2 ureteral colic
- do CT to dx renal stones
clavicle fx
careful with subclavian artery and brachial plexus
- tx: brace, rest, ice
- if distal fx then open reduction, fixation
pt with head and neck injury but also apneic?
- do orotracheal intubation, benefits outweigh risk of cervical injury
- needle cricothyroidectomy only in kids
- surgical cricothyroidectomy if orotrach fails
-0 tracehsotomy is no longer done
fluctuant mass palpable on tip of rectal exam?
- abscess! 2/2 gyne in women and appendicitis in men
- drainage
- anorectal abscess = perineal pain with mass on perineum
carotid artery injury
-intimal flaps? MUST REPAIR
- systemic inflammatory response
- fever or hypothermia, tachypnea, tachy, leukocytosis, leukopenia, or bandemia
- need 2 of 4
- if 2/2 infx = sepsis
- severe end organ damage = hypotension, thrombocytopenia, met acidosis, hypoxia
fibrocystic nodule
- must do FNA b/c cannot r/o carcinoma
- if serous (Green) and non bloody and cyst disappears then reexamin in 6 wks for reccurence
- OCP bad b/c estrogen may be cause