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90 Cards in this Set

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Lyndon Johnson's plan for the nation was called the _____________.

Great Society

The goal of HUD was to make sure that ___________ took place in rundown areas of American cities.

urban renewal

_________ provided low-cost health insurance for people age 65 and over and for younger people with certain disabilities.


____________ helped states pay for medical care for low-income people.


Who were the candidates in the 1964 presidential election?

Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater

Why was Johnson able to persuade Congress to pass many programs?

Because his programs were designed to improve life for everyone.

What programs did Johnson create to help poor people?

He created Project Head Start, the Job Corps, and Volunteers in Service to America.

How does the Miranda v. Arizona decision protect Americans' rights?

By telling people their rights after they're arrested or placed in custody.

Why was Johnson's appointment of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court an important one?

Because Marshall was the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court.

Lyndon Johnson

his plan as President was The Great Society

Barry Goldwater

running mate of LBJ during the 1964 election

Thurgood Marshall

liberal judge appointed to the Supreme Court by Johnson

Ernesto Miranda

man who was arrested and charged with a crime, but wasn't read his rights

Herbert Humphrey

conservative Republican; strong anti-communist; ran in the 1964 election

Southern Senators tended to ____________ when civil rights bills were trying to be voted on.


The group Black Panther represented the movement known as __________ where African Americans were urged to gain political and economic power.

Black Power

The Feminine Mystique helped to bring about the revival of ___________.


What were two effects of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

States couldn't make voters pay a poll tax or take a literacy test.

How did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 affect civil rights for African Americans?

By outlawing segregation in public places, creating the EEOC, and more.

How were the beliefs of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. different?

Unlike MLK, Malcolm X believed in using violence to gain rights for African Americans.

When did Malcolm X's beliefs begin to change?

When he broke with the Nation of Islam.

What groups besides African Americans worked to gain equal rights in the 1960s and 1970s?

Women, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans.

Why did the Equal Rights Amendment die without becoming law?

Because only 35 out of 38 states approved it.

The idea that if one Southeast Asian country fell to communism, other countries would also fall was known as the _______________.

domino theory

An ___________ in Vietnam meant that the U.S. was dedicating more resources to that country.


Many bombs used in Vietnam were made from _______ which stuck to and burned human skin.


Middle class white men were more likely to receive a __________ in the draft than poor whites and minorities.


What power did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution give the President?

To take "all necessary measures" to protect American forces in Vietnam.

How did the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War change after 1964?

By dropping bombs on North Vietnam.

What factors made the war in Vietnam difficult for th United States to win?

Unfamiliar territory.

Why were napalm bombs used in Vietnam?

So U.S. troops could see their enemies in the jungle.

What effect did the Tet Offensive have on American's opinion of the war?

It caused Americans to believe that they couldn't win the war.

Why did President Johnson decide not to run for reelection?

Because his Democratic support weakened and he wanted to work for peace.

Nation of Islam

a black Muslim separatist group

Malcolm X

a leader within the Nation of Islam who was assassinated in February of 1965

Stokely Carmicheal

began a movement that came to be known as Black Power

Martin Luther King, Jr.

famous for his nonviolent protests; assassinated in April of 1968

Betty Friedan

wrote The Feminine Mystique

Shirley Chisholm

first African American woman to be elected to Congress

César Chávez

leader in the struggle for Latino rights; he worked to help migrant farmers gain rights

Ho Chi Minh

the communist leader of North Vietnam

Ngo Dinh Diem

leader of South Vietnam who was overthrown and assassinated

Viet Cong

South Vietnamese group loyal to communists in North Vietnam, they used guerrilla warfare tactics to fight the U.S.

______________ was put together so that South Vietnamese forces could fight the war themselves.


A _________ in the Vietnam War was signed on January 27, 1973, ending most of the U.S. involvement in that country.


What divided the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s?

Seeing vivid battles in Vietnam and protesters.

What happened in the village of My Lai?

U.S. soldiers killed hundreds of unarmed people.

What was Vietnamization?

President Nixon's plan to train the South Vietnamese to fight the Vietnam War.

What step did Congress take to prevent another conflict like the Vietnam War from occurring?

Congress passed the War Powers Act.

What is the War Powers Act?

The purpose was to increase legislative control over the nation's military and limit the president's ability to begin a long-term war.

Hubert Humphrey

Johnson's VP who was the democratic nominee for the 1968 presidential election

Robert Kennedy

assassinated after winning the California primary in June of 1968

Richard Nixon

republican candidate who won the 1968 presidential election

George Wallace

governor of Alabama and a supporter of segregation who ran under a third party for the 1968 election

My Lai

site of a massacre of Vietnamese men, women, and children at the hands of U.S. soldiers

Kent State University

four protesting students were **** and killed here by the National Guard

Henry Kissinger

Nixon's national security advisor who held secret talks with North Vietnam leaders to end the war

Maya Ying Lin

Chinese-American woman who designed the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.

_______________ was designed to increased opportunities for African Americans, women, Latinos, and Native Americans.

Affirmative action

Nixon and Kissinger implemented ___________ in order to ease tensions between the U.S. and communist superpowers.


____________ is when prices rise but the economy stalls.


How did Nixon handle desegregation?

By opposing busing programs but supporting affirmative action programs.

How did Nixon assist the space program?

By giving NASA approval to develop a space shuttle.

What economic problems did the U.S. face in the 1970s?

Competition in manufacturing and the high price of oil.

How did OPEC impact the U.S. economy?

By raising the price of oil and stopping the sale of oil to the U.S.

_____________ are freedoms that all people should have.

human rights

Iranians stormed the U.S. embassy in Iran and took sixty American __________ and held them captive for more than a year.


A __________ is a period of reduced economic activity - something the U.S. experienced during Ford's presidency.


What was the first major task President Ford felt he needed to accomplish?

Pardoning Nixon.

In what two ways did Ford try to improve the economy?

By balancing budgets and cutting spending.

In what ways did Americans try to solve the energy crisis?

By using wind energy, solar energy, and nuclear power.

Why did President Carter encourage Americans to develop alternative sources of energy?

Because of inflation.

How was Carter's foreign policy both successful and unsuccessful?

Successful: Egypt and Israel's agreement.

Unsuccessful: The U.S. and Soviet Union wouldn't sign the agreement.

What prompted the hostage crisis in Iran?

The U.S. allowing the Shah to enter for medical treatment.

Neil Armstrong

first man to walk on the moon

Leonid Brezhnev

leader of the Soviet Union who signed the SALT I agreements with Nixon


countries in the Middle East who produced and sold oil


organization working for Nixon that was tied to the Watergate scandal

Gerald Ford

pardoned former president Nixon

James Carter

former governor of Georgia who won the presidential election of 1976

Three Mile Island

site of a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania where an accident occurred in 1979

Anwar Sadat

president of Egypt, signed the camp David accords

Menachem Begin

Israeli Prime Minister; signed the Camp David Accords

Camp David

the presidential retreat

Ayatollah Khomeini

leader of Iran who refused to negotiate for the release of the American hostages in Tehran

TRUE/FALSE: The Voting Rights of 1965 eliminated discrimination in the work and public places.


TRUE/FALSE: The Tet Offensive made many more people favor the war in Vietnam.



to give a long speech in order to dealt the vote on a bill in Congress


easing tensions between unfriendly nations


decline in economic activity