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55 Cards in this Set

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The aging of the American population at the end of the twentieth century was primarily due to:

1. fertility and mortality rates below their long-term average.
2. a record number of births after World War II.
3. new methods of contraception and abortion.
4. decreased immigration rates.
5. the deterioration of the family unit.
1. fertility and mortality rates below their long-term average.
At the time President George Bush spoke of building "a new world order" in 1990--91, the most significant international situation confronting him was

1. the outbreak of civil war throughout the Balkans and the Caucasus.
2. Afghanistan's harboring of terrorists.
3. the rapid disintegration of Soviet control over Eastern Europe.
4. the conflict between Israel and Egypt.
5. the Chinese takeover of Hong Kong.
3. the rapid disintegration of Soviet control over Eastern Europe.
Which of the following best characterizes the methods of Martin Luther King, Jr?

1. Nonviolent defiance of segregation.
2. Armed violence against police enforcing segregation laws.
3. Patience while developing the skills that would make blacks economically successful and gain them the respect of whites.
4. A series of petitions to Congress calling for correction of racial abuses.
5. Call for reparations to reimburse African Americans for slavery.
1. Nonviolent defiance of segregation.
Which of the following best describes the agreement that ended the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis?

1. The Soviet Union agreed not to station troops in Cuba, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba.
2. The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba.
3. The Soviet Union agreed not to invade Turkey, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba.
4. The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the United States agreed not to invade Turkey.
5. The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the United States agreed to withdraw its missiles from Western Europe.
2. The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba.
The "new immigrants" coming to America from Eastern and Southern Europe during the late nineteenth century were most likely to

1. settle in large cities in the Northeast or Midwest.
2. settle on farms in the upper Midwest.
3. seek to file on homesteads on the Great Plains.
4. migrate to the South and Southwest.
5. return to their homelands after only a brief stay in the U.S.
1. settle in large cities in the Northeast or Midwest.
Which of the following had the greatest effect in moving the United States towards participation in World War I?

1. The German disregard of treaty obligations in violating Belgian neutraility.
2. Germany's declaration in 1917 of its intent to wage unrestricted submarine warfare.
3. A German offer in 1917 to reward Mexico with U.S. territory should it join Germany in a war against the United States.
4. The beginning of the Russian Revolution in 1917.
5. The rapidly deteriorating situation for the Allies.
2. Germany's declaration in 1917 of its intent to wage unrestricted submarine warfare.
The main idea of Theodore Roosevelt's proposed "New Nationalism" was to

1. make the federal government an instrument of domestic reform by regulating big business.
2. develop an American colonial empire.
3. increase economic competition by breaking up all trusts and large busines combinations.
4. establish government ownership of basic industries such as coal, steel, and railroads.
5. take an isolationist position in foreign policy that largely ignored international affairs.
1. make the federal government an instrument of domestic reform by regulating big business.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal program contained all of the following EXCEPT

1. the attempt to raise farm prices by paying farmers not to plant certain crops.
2. the attempt to encourage cooperation within industries to control production so as to raise prices generally.
3. support for the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
4. effectively eliminating the gold standard as it had previously existed.
5. the attempt to restore confidence in the banking system by establishing government regulation.
3. support for the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
The Haymarket Affair of 1886 involved

1. a riot between striking workers and police.
2. a scandal involving corruption within the Grant administration.
3. allegations of corruption on the part of Republican presidential candidate James G. Blaine.
4. a disastrous factory fire that killed 146 workers, mostly young women.
5. an early challenge to the authority of states to regulate the railroad industry.
1. a riot between striking workers and police.
Which of the following was a goal of the Populist movement?

1. Free coinage of silver.
2. Reform of child labor laws.
3. Using modern science to solve social problems.
4. Eliminating the electoral college as a method of choosing the nation's president.
5. National legislation outlawing racial discrimination.
1. Free coinage of silver.
This cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt with whip lashing some industries from the early twentieth century suggests

1. Theodore Roosevelt is ignoring the trusts.
2. the trusts are defeating Theodore Roosevelt.
3. Theodore Roosevelt is taming the trusts.
4. Theodore Roosevelt is in league with the trusts.
5. the trusts are ignoring Theodore Roosevelt.
Theodore Roosevelt is taming the trusts.
Which of the following statements is true of the SALT I treaty of 1972?

1. It brought sharp reductions in the number of ballistic missile sites in both the U.S. and Sovie arsenals.
2. It was intended to encourage the deployment of defensive rather than offensive strategic weapons.
3. It indicated U.S. acceptance of the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction.
4. It was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.
5. It created basic equality in the number of ballistic missiles on each side.
3. It indicated U.S. acceptance of the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction.
All of the following were parts of Andrew Johnson's plan for Reconstruction EXCEPT

1. recommending to the Southern states that the vote be extended to the recently freed slaves.
2. requiring ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.
3. requiring payment of monetary reparations for the damage caused by the war.
4. requiring renunciation of secession.
5. requiring repudiation of the Confederate debt.
3. requiring payment of monetary reparations for the damage caused by the war.
Which of the following words best describes the spirit of American intellectuals in the 1920's?

1. Alienation
2. Complacency
3. Romanticism
4. Patriotism
5. Pietism
1. Alienation
In reaction to the arrest of U.S. sailors and a perceived insult to the U.S. flag and in order to hasten the downfall of Mexican leader Victoriano Huerta, in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson

1. ordered General John J. Pershing to take U.S. troops across the border into northern Mexico.
2. withdrew previously granted diplomatic recognition of Huerta's regime.
3. ordered the occupation of Mexico City by U.S. troops.
4. ordered U.S. forces to occupy the Mexican port city of Vera Cruz.
5. sent a strong diplomatic protest.
4. ordered U.S. forces to occupy the Mexican port city of Vera Cruz.
All of the following were part of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points EXCEPT

1. self-determination.
2. open diplomacy.
3. freedom of the seas.
4. a League of Nations.
5. a restoration of the balance of power.
5. a restoration of the balance of power.
Which of the following was among the objectives of Booker T. Washington?

1. To keep up a constant agitation of questions of racial equality.
2. To encourage blacks to be more militant in demanding thier rights.
3. To encourage blacks to work hard, acquire property, and prove they were worthy of their rights.
4. To urge blacks not to accpet separate but equal facilities.
5. To form an organization to advance the rights of blacks.
3. To encourage blacks to work hard, acquire property, and prove they were worthy of their rights.
When President Andrew Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton without the approval of the Senate, contrary to the terms of the recently passed Tenure of Office Act, he

1. was impeached and removed from office.
2. came within one vote of being impeached.
3. was impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office.
4. resigned to avoid impeachment and was subsequently pardoned by his successor.
5. was impeached, refused to resign, and his term ended before a vote could be taken on his removal from office.
3. was impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office.
By the Compromise of 1877 the Democrats agreed to allow the Republican candidate to become president in exchange for

1. a promise that they would be allowed to win the next two presidential elections.
2. an end to Reconstrution.
3. large personal bribes to leading Democrats.
4. a substantial lowering of protective tariffs.
5. retroactive compensation for freed slaves.
2. an end to Reconstrution.
Which of the following was passed into law during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson?

1. The Pure Food and Drug Act.
2. A progressive income tax.
3. A high protective tariff.
4. A national old-age pension.
5. The Sherman Antitrust Act.
2. A progressive income tax.
At the Casablanca Conference the Germans in January 1943, President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed

1. to concentrate on beating the Germans first before dealing with the Japanese.
2. to shift Allied efforts from the European to the Pacific theater of the war.
3. to demand unconditional surrender of the Axis of powers.
4. to grant a general amnesty to Axis leaders who would surrender.
5. to land troops in France in the summer of 1943.
3. to demand unconditional surrender of the Axis of powers.
The Farmers' Alliance of the 1880's appealed primarily to

1. small farmers in the Northeast who found themselves unable to compete with large Western farms.
2. Southern and Great Plains farmers frustrated with low crop prices and mired in the share-cropping and crop-lien systems.
3. established and well-to-do farmers who desired to limit production in order to sustain high prices.
4. owners of the giant "bonanza" farms of the northern plains states who sought special advantages from the government.
5. former plantation owners in the South who sought strengthen their share-cropping and crop-lien systems.
2. Southern and Great Plains farmers frustrated with low crop prices and mired in the share-cropping and crop-lien systems.
During the period of Reconstruction, most of the states of the former Confederacy, in order to regain admission to the Union, were required to

1. grant blacks all the civil rights that Northern states had granted them before the war.
2. ratify the Fourteenth Amendment.
3. provide integrated public schools.
4. ratify the Sixteenth Amendment.
5. provide free land and farming utensils for the recently freed slaves.
2. ratify the Fourteenth Amendment.
The primary function of the Food Administratioin during World War I was to

1. keep farm prices high by limiting the amount of food produced on American farms.
2. insure an adequate supply of food for American needs by arranging for imports from America's British and French allies.
3. oversee the production and allocation of foodstuffs to assure adequate supplies for the army and the Allies.
4. monitor the purity and wholesomeness of all food items shipped to France to feed the American Army there.
5. create and operate large-scale, government-owned farms.
3. oversee the production and allocation of foodstuffs to assure adequate supplies for the army and the Allies.
The purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to

1. aid the economic recovery of war-torn Europe.
2. prevent European meddling in the affairs of South American countries.
3. aid countries that were the targets of Communist expansionism.
4. reduce the dependence of the European economy on overseas empires.
5. expand the Monroe Doctrine to include Eastern Asia.
3. aid countries that were the targets of Communist expansionism.
Government subsidies for the building of transcontinental railroads during the nineteenth century mainly took the form of

1. special tax breaks based on the mileage of track built.
2. a one-time blanket appropriation for the building of each separate transcontinental line.
3. generous land grants along the railroad's right-of-way.
4. the option of drawing supplies and materials from government depots.
5. the provision of large amounts of convict labor at no charge to the railroad company.
3. generous land grants along the railroad's right-of-way.
A member of the Social Gospel movement would probably

1.consider such social sins as alcohol abuse and sexual permissiveness to be society's most serious problems.
2. assert that the poor were themselves at fault for their circumstances.
3. maintain that abuses and social degradation resulted solely from a lack of willpower on the part of those who committed them.
4. hold that religion is an entirely individual matter.
5. argue that Christians should work to reorganize the industrial system and bring about international peace.
5. argue that Christians should work to reorganize the industrial system and bring about international peace.
In its decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court held that

1. separate facilities for different races were inherently unequal and therefore unconstitutional.
2. no black slave could be a citizen of the United States.
3. separate but equal facilities for different races were constitutional.
4. Affirmative Action programs were acceptable only when it could be proven that specific previous cases of discrimination had occurred within the institution or business in question.
5. imposition of a literacy test imposed an unconstitutional barrier to the right to vote.
3. separate but equal facilities for different races were constitutional.
The Spanish-American War spurred the building of the Panama Canal by

1. demonstrating the need to shift naval forces quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
2. demonstrating the ease with which Latin American countries could be overcome by U.S. military force.
3. discrediting congressional opponents of the project.
4. removing the threat that any possible canal could be blockaded by Spanish forces based in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
5. demonstrating that such tropical diseases as malaria and yellow fever could be controlled.
1. demonstrating the need to shift naval forces quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
This 1919 cartoon (The Child Who Wanted to Play by Himself) suggests that the United States

1. strongly supported Wilson's internationalism.
2. favored Great Brittain over France.
3. took an aggresive stance against Europe.
4. opposed participation in the League of Nations.
5. favored the European continental nations over Great Brittain.
4. opposed participation in the League of Nations.
Which of the following is true of W.E.B. Du Bois?

1. He helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
2. He was the chief author of the Atlanta Compromise.
3. He was an outspoken critic of the Niagara Movement.
4. He believed that blacks should temporarily accommodate themselves to the whites.
5. He worked closely with Booker T. Washington.
1. He helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
The primary underlying reason that Reconstruction ended in 1877 was that

1. Southerners had succeeded in electing anti-Reconstruction governments in all the former Confederate stats.
2. all the goals set by the Radical Republicans at the end of the Civil War had been accomplished.
3. leading Radicals in the North had become convinced that Reconstruction had been unconstitutional.
4. Northern voters had grown weary of the effort to reconstruc the South and generally lost interest.
5. Republican political managers had come to see further agitation of North-South differences arising from the Civil War as political liability.
4. Northern voters had grown weary of the effort to reconstruct the South and generally lost interest.
The Marshall Plan was

1. a strategy for defeating Germany.
2. a strategy for defeating Japan.
3. an American economic aid program for Europe.
4. an American commitment to give military and economic aid to any nation resisting Communist aggression.
5. a civil-defense plan for surviving a Soviet nuclear strike.
3. an American economic aid program for Europe.
All of the following statements are true of John Dewey EXCEPT

1. he strove to alter radically both the content and purpose of schooling.
2. he strove to strengthen the child's respect for parental and other traditional authorities.
3. he substituted the authority of the the peer group for that of the teacher so that the child would be socialized and schooling would be made relevant to him.
4. he was much influenced by William James.
5. he has been called the father of Progressive Education.
2. he strove to strengthen the child's respect for parental and other traditional authorities.
This cartoon, (old women trying to sweep back sea the people and congress are the sea) drawn during the period leading up to the Spanish American War, presents McKinley as

1. a strong influence on public opinion.
2. having control over Congress.
3. ignoring public opinion.
4. an effective leader.
5. ultimately overwhelmed by public opinion and Congress.
5. ultimately overwhelmed by public opinion and Congress.
Which of the following expresses the first policy taken by the federal government toward the Indians of the Great Plains?

1. The Indians should be confined to two large reservations, one north of the Platte River and the other south of it.
2. Since the Great Plains are a desert anyway, the Indians may be allowed to keep the entire area.
3. Indians should be given individual parcels of land by the government rather than holding land communally as tribes.
4. Indians are subhuman and ought to be exterminated.
5. The Indians should be induced to accept permanent residence on a number of small reservations.
2. Since the Great Plains are a desert anyway, the Indians may be allowed to keep the entire area.
Georgia O'Keeffe, Thomas Hart Benton, and Edward Hopper were all

1. American painters of the 1920s.
2. pioneers in the field of a distinctly American music.
3. known for their abstract paintings of flowers and other objects.
4. pioneer in the building of skyscrapers.
5. American literary figures of the first decade of the twentieth century.
1. American painters of the 1920s.
The 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference involved primarily

1. the trial and punishment of Nazi war criminals.
2. the decision on whether or not to use the atomic bomb.
3. startling revelations of the Nazi atrocities against Jews.
4. American plans for redrawing the map of Eastern Europe.
5. the formations of the United Nations.
5. the formations of the United Nations.
What was the OVERALL U.S. unemplyment rate during the worst periods of the depression?

1. 10%
2. 25%
3. 40%
4. 60%
5. 90%
2. 25%
Which battle was the turning point in the Pacific war between Japan and the U.S.?

1. Leyte Gulf
2. Pearl Harbor
3. Coral Seas
4. Midway
5. Guadalcanal
4. Midway
The United States Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was significant because it

1. prohibited prayer in public schools on the grounds of separation of church and state.
2. legally upheld the doctrine of "separate but equal" educational facilities for blacks and whites.
3. clarified the constitutional rights of minors and restricted the right of school administrators to set dress codes or otherwise infringe on student's rights.
4. upheld school districts' right to use aptitude and psychological tests to "track" students and segregate them into "college prep" and "vocational" programs.
5. ordered the desegregation of public schools, prohibiting the practice of segregation via "separate but equal" schools for blacks and whites.
5. ordered the desegregation of public schools, prohibiting the practice of segregation via "separate but equal" schools for blacks and whites.
One of the major effects of the industrial revolution of the late nineteenth century in the United States was

1. an increased emphasis on worker health and safety issues.
2. an increased emphasis on speed rather than quality of work.
3. an increased emphasis on high-quality, error-free work.
4. an increase in the number of small industrial facilities, which could operate more efficiently than larger, more costly industrial plants.
5. a decrease in worker productivity as a result of continuous clashes between unions and management.
2. an increased emphasis on speed rather than quality of work.
The American hostage crisis in Iran was precipitated by

1. the American government allowing the the deposed Shah of Iran to come to the United States for cancer treatment.
2. Jimmy Carter's involvement in arranging the Camp David Accords between the Egyptians and the Israelis.
3. American air strikes against Iran's ally Libya.
4. American support for Israel's 1980 invasion of southern Lebanon.
5. American attempts to overthrow the newly established government of Ayatollah Khomeini.
1. the American government allowing the the deposed Shah of Iran to come to the United States for cancer treatment.
The thrust of Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor" Policy was to

1. retreat from the military interventionism and blatant economic domination, which had characterized previous American policy toward Latin America.
2. guarantee the protection of Latin America and South America from European aggression by permanently stationing U.S forces in the region
3. promise " Good Samaritanism" in the United States by encouraging people who still owned their own homes to provide temporary housing for their neighbors who had become homeless because of the Great Depression
4. force Latin American countries to cooperate peacefully with each other and end their petty border disputes or face United States military intervention
5. supply Britain with the goods and nonmilitary essentials they needed to maintain their struggle against Nazi Germany.
1. retreat from the military interventionism and blatant economic domination, which had characterized previous American policy toward Latin America.
Reaganomics is most closely associated with

1. the "trickle-down" theory
2. the "controlled growth" theory
3. the "bubble up" theory
4. a "planned" economy
5. the "pump-priming" theory
1. the "trickle-down" theory
What proposal did President Woodrow Wilson make in 1918 that convinced the Germans they would be treated fairly if they surrendered?

1. The Twenty-One Demands
2. The Fourteen Points
3. The Sussex Pledge
4. The Balfour Declaration
5. The "New Freedome" policy
2. The Fourteen Points
U.S. presidents between 1876 and 1900 are generally considered among the weakest in American history. A major reason for their reputation was that

1. none of them served more than one term in office.
2. they considered themselves caretakers, not dynamic initiators of new legislation.
3. Congress enacted several new laws restricting presidential power during this period.
4. they were the products of machine politics, political followers who were typically incompetent leaders.
5. they were limited in their actions by the overwhelming Populist sentiment of their time.
2. they considered themselves caretakers, not dynamic initiators of new legislation.
The Currier and Ives print strongly suggests that the way to prosperity is through (PIC, the way to grow poor or rich)

1. gambling
2. stock speculation
3. politics
4. credit
5. hard work
5. hard work
In what way did the muckrakers contribute to the rise of Progressivism in the early years of the twentienth century?

1.Their lurid stories of European abuses led directly to American isolationism until World War I.
2. Their stories glorifying the rich and famous led to the supremacy of laissez-faire economic theories during this period.
3. Their horror stories of Marxist infiltration into workers unions led to public support for crackdowns against reform minded unions and alliances.
4. Their exposes of government and business corruption, abuse, and mismanagement led to widely supported public demands for effective reform.
5. They created a repugnance for the national press that developed into a general distrust for all government and business institutions.
4. Their exposes of government and business corruption, abuse, and mismanagement led to widely supported public demands for effective reform.
All of the following were characteristic of the 1920 EXCEPT

1. voting rights for women
2. prohibition and bootlegging
3. consumerism and easy credit
4. Progressivist reform and union growth
5. Ku Klux Klan power and popularity
4. Progressivist reform and union growth
All of the following "New Deal" agencies were created during the Great Depression to provide jobs for the unemployed EXCEPT the

1. Farm Security Administration (FSA)
2. Civil Works Administration (CWA)
3. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
4. Works Progress Administration (WPA)
5. National Youth Administration (NYA)
1. Farm Security Administration (FSA)
The most important factor in the destruction of the Plains Indians' societies by whites in the late nineteenth century was

1. the use of modern weapons by white soldiers and calvary-men
2. the destruction of the buffalo herds by whites
3. the instroduction of alcohol by whites to Indian society
4. the encroachment of railroads into Indian lands
5. the use of reservations by whites to limit the movement of Indians
2. the destruction of the buffalo herds by whites
The sharecropping system in the South following Reconstruction had the effect of

1. allowing many former slaves and poor white tenant farmers, who could have never otherwise owned land, to buy their own farms
2. moving many former slaves and poor white tenant farmers in the middle class
3. pushing tenant farmers and poor independent farmers into deep levels of debt to large landowners and merchants
4. helping to limit the power of former plantation owners and northern business interests
5. changing the basic attitudes of whites and blacks who were now forced to work side by side farming the same land.
3. pushing tenant farmers and poor independent farmers into deep levels of debt to large landowners and merchants
The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was aimed primarily at

1. increasing interstate trade by forbidding states from levying tariffs on goods transported from other states.
2. curbing abusive pricing and hauling policies by the nation's railroads
3. increasing interstate trade through government assistance in efforts to build new canals, roads, and railroads
4. curbing abusive pricing and hauling policies by the nation's ocean-going, river-going, and canal-going shipping companies
5. increasing interstate commerce by offering financial incentives to companies that operated offices or manufacturing plants in more than one site.
2. curbing abusive pricing and hauling policies by the nation's railroads
The only dominant, broad-based labor union in the United States from 1870-90 was the

1. National Labor Union
2. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
3. American Freedom of Labor (AFL)
4. Congress of industrial Organization (CIO)
5. Knights of Labor
5. Knights of Labor