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88 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following best describes the impact European colonization had on the Western Hemisphere's native population?
Native populations were often killed off or driven away by the Europeans
Which of the following imperial powers originally settled the Hydson River Valley?
The Colony of Georgia was:
(C) established by England as a penal colony
Which English colony was established by proprietors that also had investments in the slave trade and therefore introduced slavery into the colonies?
(D) the Carolinas
The Duke of Baltimore established the colony of Maryland:
(C) As a haven for persecuted English Catholics
French immigrants to the New World tended to inhabit:
(A) Canada
As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams:
(C) established complete religious freedom for all of the colony's settlers
Which of the following stunted the physical growth of the English colony of New York?
(E) Aristocrats controlled vast tracts of land
Which of the following sought to exploit the lucrative furt trade in North America?
(C) The French and the Dutch
John Winthrop is associated with what colony?
(B) Massachussets Bay Colony
A major goal of the French in wanting to maintain control over the Ohio Valley was to:
(C) merge its landholdings in Canada to the Mississippi Valley
The most immediate objective of the Albany Congress was to:
(E) improve relations with the Iroquois tribes
As a result of the British-victory in the French and Indian War:
(E) none of the above
Which of the following is the correct chronological order?
(B) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3
Under Britain's mercantilist policy:
(D) the colonies were expected to supply Great Britain with raw materials
Prior to the 1760s, Britain's Navigation Acts
(C) were only loosely enforced in the American colonies
The primary goal of the Hat Act, Iron Act, and Wool Act was to:
(A) subordinate American capitalism to British capitalism
The Declaration of Rights (adapted from the Suffolk Resolves by the Delegates of the First Continental Congress) declared the ___ null and void:
(C) The Intolerable Acts
All of the following are correct regarding the Quebec Act EXCEPT:
(A) it was warmly accepted by American colonists as a way of building a closer relationship with French colonists
Conservative delegates to the First continental Congress:
(D) supported the Galloway plan
The Declaration of Rights:
(E) was rejected by the British Parliament
The opening shots of the American Revolution occurred at:
(A) the battles of Lexington and Concord
Which one of the following was NOT an advantage the British had in their war effort to suppress the American rebellion?
(B) shorter supply lines
The Olive Branch Petition:
(E) was an attempt by the First Continental Congress to prevent further hostilities after the Battle of Bunker Hill
Which of the following British measures declared that because the American colonies were in open rebellion against the British crown, all trade would be suspended?
(D) the Prohibitory Act
Thomas Paine:
(C) wrote "Common Sense," an appeal to the colonists to resist the British and establish a republican form of government
The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the American Revolution because:
(A) The French entered the war on the American side
THe argument that "abuses and usurpations" by King George and his government violated the social contract that had existed between Britain and its American colonies was articulatd in:
(E) the declaration of independence
The Regulator Movement, Bacon's Rebellion, and the Paxton Boys:
(B) indicate to some historians the undemocratic nature of the Pre-Revolutionary American society
The Treaty of Paris included the following terms EXCEPT:
(B) Britain was allowed to maintain several forts in the area west of the Appalachian Moutains in order to protect its trading posts.
Which one of the following was a major success of the Articles of Confederation:
(D) They devised land policies that would allow for the systematic incorporation of new states
Of the following list of political leaders, which one was strongly opposed to the plan of government created by the delegates at the Philadelphia convention?
(A) Patrick Henry
Which of the following was NOT a feature of the articles of confederation?
(A) they called for a bicameral legislature
Shay's Rebellion:
(C) convinced some political leaders of the necessity of giving more power to the central government
Which important controversy was resolved by the Great Compromise:
(B) representation in Congress
Powers granted to the federal government under the U.S. Constitution are expressed as:
(A) enumerated powers
All of the following are true regarding the antifederalists EXCEPT:
(E) they maintained there was no need for a bill of rights
The "Federalist Papers":
(E) attempted to calm the anxieties many had about the powers granted to the central government under the consitution
North Carolina refused to ratify the Constituion:
(D) unless a bill of rights would eventually be added
Which part of the government was not as fully developed as the others by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention:
(A) the judicial branch
Which one of the following did NOT serve in George Washington's administration?
(D) John Marshall
In the Report on Manufactures:
(E) Hamilton supported policies that would protect American industry from foreign competition
The first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court was:
(B) John Jay
The Compromise that led to the Assumption Bill involved:
(C) relocating the nation's capital to the South
The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution:
(E) required that presidential and vice presidential candidates be from the same party
One of the following represents an improvement in French-American relations:
(D) the Convention of 1800
In his more than thirty years as a Supreme Court Justice, John Marshall:
(D)blocked state regulations that limited property rights
In which Supreme Court case was the concept of judicial review established?
(A) Marbury v. Madison
The concept of judicial review means that:
(c) the courts have the power to determine the constitutionality of laws
Pinckney's Treaty resulted in all of the following EXCEPT:
(C) it gave to the United States Spain's Caribbean Islands in return for American aid
Which of the following was NOT in favor of U. S. territorial expansion in the first half of the nineteenth century:
(D) abolitionists
The Term Manifest Destiny implies:
(C)that it was America's God-given right to expand
The United State purchased the Louisiana Territory from:
(E) France
The Gasden Purchase:
(E) gave the United States access to the Oregon Territory
The war hawks:
(D) supported going to war against Britain in the early nineteenth century
The Hartford Convention:
(B) was organized by the Federalist opposition to the war with Britain
The Battle of New Orleans:
(C) was fought after the peace treaty ending the War of 1812 was signed
"Fifty-four forty or fight" refers to:
(E) the dispute between Britain and the United States over the Oregon Territory
Which of the following decisions by the Mexican government angered Americans who settled in Texas?
(E) The Mexicans abolished slavery
The Supreme Court ruled in Worchester v. Georgia that:
(D) Georgia's state laws had no authority within Cherokee territory
The spoils system:
(D) is a term that is synonymous with rotation in office
The origins of the Age of Reform can be found in all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) the defeat of the South and slavery in the Civil War
The "kitchen cabinet":
(E) was the nickname of Jackson's unofficial advisors
Jackson's Maysville Road vetos was an opportunity for him to:
(A) challenge federal infrastructural development
The leader of South Carolina's opposition to the "Tariff of Abominations" was:
(D) John C. Calhoun
Jackson was embroiled in a controversy with Nicholas Biddle over the:
(E) Bank of the United States
The specie circular:
(D) was an attempt by Jackson to remedy the problems associated with the destruction of the bank
William Lloyd Garrison is most associated with which of the following reform movements?
(C) abolition of slavery
The Seneca Falls Convention is associated with which of the following reform movements?
(A) women's rights
Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Second Great Awakening?
(C) it placed reasons over faith
Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement regarding the North in the antebellum period?
(C) the plater class was dominant in most of the states in this region
The turning point of the American Civil War occurred at the battle of:
(E) Gettysburg
Which of the following is consistent with the contract theory?
(E) the decisions handed down by the Marshall Court
The Compromise of 1850:
(E) allowed California to enter as a free state
Popular sovereignty was the idea that:
(C) it was for the citizens of a territory to decide if their territory would enter the Union as a slave state or a free state
In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court:
(C) ruled that Congress couldn't prohibit slavery in the territories because slaves were private property
The crittenden proposal:
(E) would have guaranteed slaveholders the right to own slaves south of the 36/30 line
In the election of 1860:
(E) the Republicans gained control of the executive branch for the first time
The Emancipation Proclamation:
(A) abolished slavery in all states that were in open rebellion
Which of the following is NOT associated with the North during the war?
(E) the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment guaranteeing voting rights to male U.S. citizens
The original purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau was to:
(C) provide freed blacks with food, clothing, and educational opportunities
Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction, developed in 1863, allowed for a state to be readmitted once:
(E) it abolished slavery
The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution:
(D)denned citizenship rights
Carpetbaggers were:
(B) Norhterners such as teachers and ministers who traveled South after the war to aid the freedmen
Andrew Johnson was impeached because:
(E) he was an obstacle to the radical Republicans' Reconstruction plan
In the election of 1876:
(E) Republicans claimed that blacks had been denied the right to vote in several Southern states
Which of the following did NOT attempt to disenfranchise black voters?
(A)Force Act
Jim Crow Laws:
(B) were designated to subordinate blacks