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50 Cards in this Set

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A key consequence of the Battle of Saratoga in October 1777 was:

France’s becoming an ally to the United States.

All of the following were advantages enjoyed by the British during the American Revolution EXCEPT:

an intimate knowledge of the terrain.

Britain responded to the Boston Tea Party with:

the Intolerable Acts.

Crispus Attucks:

was a person of mixed race killed at the Boston Massacre.

During the Revolutionary War, tensions between backcountry farmers and wealthy planters:

gave the British hope that they might be able to enlist the support of southern Loyalists.

In 1778, the focus of the war shifted:

to the South, where the British captured Savannah that year.

In the winter of 1776–1777, Washington won important victories that improved American morale. These battles were at:

Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey

In the years immediately before the American Revolution, the concept of natural rights:

greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson’s early writings.

The “Daughters of Liberty” was the name given to:

women who spun and wove their own clothing rather than buying British goods.

The Committees of Safety:

were part of a series of efforts by the Continental Congress to promote unity and to take action against enemies of liberty.

The Declaratory Act:

rejected Americans’ claims that only their elected representatives could levy taxes.

The expulsion of the journalist John Wilkes from his seat in Parliament:

symbolized the threat to liberty for many in both Britain and America.

The main point of The American Crisis was:

to inspire American soldiers to continue to fight despite demoralizing military losses.

The negotiation of the Treaty of Paris of 1783:

began only after the Battle of Yorktown.

The Quebec Act:

granted religious toleration to Catholics in Canada.

The Sons of Liberty:

was the creation of New York residents who led boycotts of British goods.

The Stamp Act created such a stir in the colonies because:

it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies.

Virtual representation was the idea:

that each member of Britain’s House of Commons represented the entire empire, not just his own district.

Washington’s defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown:

destroyed British public support for the war.

What armed group, motivated by deep frustrations with the corruption of North Carolina’s county officials, was defeated by the colony’s militia at the 1771 Battle of Alamance?

the Regulators

What contribution did the Stamp Act episode make to the colonists’ concept of liberty?

The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people’s freedom.

What did Lord Dunmore do that horrified many southerners?

He promised freedom to slaves who joined the British cause.

What major event first led the British government to seek ways to make the colonies bear part of the cost of the empire?

the Seven Years’ War

Which one of the following did NOT specifically provide for direct or indirect taxes on the colonies?

the Declaratory Act

Which one of the following is true of the soldiers who fought for American independence?

Soldiers fought as volunteers in the Continental army or as a requirement in a militia.

Which one of the following statements about Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is FALSE?

It was breathtakingly original in its ideas.

Which one of the following statements regarding black soldiers during the American Revolution is FALSE?

No southern state allowed blacks to serve in its militia.

Which one of the following was associated with the Intolerable Acts?

The Massachusetts Charter of 1691 was changed to curtail town meetings.

Why did colonists object to the Tea Act?

By paying it, they would be acknowledging Great Britain’s right to tax the colonists.

Although a few were outraged by the Stamp Act, most politically active colonists actually supported it.


American colonists widely believed that Britain had no authority to tax the colonists since the colonists had no elected representative in Parliament.


American leaders viewed the British empire as an association of equals.


Americans did not gain much more than independence from the Treaty of Paris.


Benedict Arnold almost succeeded in turning over to the British the important fort of Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain.


British commanders were never able to consolidate their hold on the South.


Great Britain had the world’s largest navy.


Homespun clothing became a symbol of American resistance during the American boycott on British goods.


James Chalmers, the Loyalist and member of Maryland’s planter elite, equated independence with slavery.


John Wilkes was expelled from his seat in Parliament for his scandalous writings about the king; this caused many colonists to rally to his side with the call “Wilkes and Liberty.”


Samuel Adams defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre in a court of law.


Siding with the British offered slaves far more opportunities for liberty than did siding with the pro-independence Americans.


The American victory at Trenton convinced the French to join the American cause.


The First Continental Congress raised an army and appointed George Washington as its commander.


The French played a significant role in the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.


The idea of American exceptionalism was prevalent in the Revolution.


The Sons of Liberty enforced a boycott of British goods.


The Treaty of Paris was negotiated within six months after Cornwallis’s surrender.


Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense as a response to Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.


Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was written specifically for the educated elite.


Washington’s army was demoralized by repeated failures early in the war, and many soldiers simply went home.
