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25 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following was a major factor in the shift in American foreign policy toward imperialism in the late nineteenth century?

a need for overseas markets for increased agricultural and industrial production

Which of the following best summarizes what the many near-wars and diplomatic crises of the U.S. in the late 1880s and 1890s demonstrated?

the aggressive new national mood

Which of the following was used by Secretary of State Olney to justify American intervention in the Venezuela boundary dispute with Britain?

the Monroe Doctrine

Which of the following represents a primary reason that the British submitted their border dispute with Venezuela to arbitration?

growing tensions with Germany made Britain reluctant to engage in conflict with the United States

Which of the following prominent American leaders was least enthusiastic about U.S. imperialistic adventures in the 1890s?

Grover Cleveland

Which of the following is the reason that President Grover Cleveland rejected the effort to annex Hawaii?

he believed that the native Hawaiians had been wronged and that a majority of Hawaiians opposed annexation to the United States

American favored providing aid to the Cuban revolutionaries for all of the following reasons except

a belief that Spain's control of Cuba presented a national security threat to the United States.

The battleship Maine was sunk by which of the following?

an accidental internal explosion on the ship

Which of the following is a main reason McKinley asked Congress to declare war on Spain?

the American public and many leading Republicans demanded it

Which of the following had a major impact on the American military's successes during the Spanish-American War?

effective use of the new steel navy

American imperialists who advocated acquisition of the Philippines stressed which of the following?

economic potential for American businessmen seeking trade with China and other Asian nations

Which of the following documents allowed the United States to assert that it had a virtual right of continuing intervention in Cuba?

Platt Amendment

Which of the following is a result of the American acquisition of the Philippine Islands after the Spanish-American War?

the U.S. assumed rule over millions of Asian people

the U.S. assumed commitments that would be difficult to defend

the U.S. became a full-fledged East Asian power

All of these

Which of these best describes why guerrilla warfare broke out in the Philippines in 1899?

the United States refused to give the Filipino people their independence

Which of these marks the end of the Philippine insurrection?

the 1901 capture of Emilio Aguinaldo

Which of the following describes America's response to the Boxer Rebellion in China?

the U.S. abandoned its general principles of nonentanglement and noninvolvement in overseas conflict

What did Secretary John Hay call on all of the great powers to do, in regards to the extended Open Door policy?

uphold the territorial integrity of China

Which of the following best describes Teddy Roosevelt's opinion of the job of the president?

He believed the president could take any action not specifically prohibited by the laws and the Constitution.

Construction of an isthmian canal across Central America was motivated mainly by which of the following?

desire to improve defense by allowing rapid naval movements between two oceans

Which of the following best explains why Theodore Roosevelt strongly encouraged the Panamanians to revolt against Colombia?

the Colombian senate rejected the American offer to buy a canal route across Panama

What was the general international effect of Theodore Roosevelt's aggressive involvement in the Panamanian revolt?

it led to increasing anti-American sentiment throughout Latin America

The Roosevelt Corollary added a new provision to the Monroe Doctrine that was specifically designed to do which of the following?

justify U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries

Which of the following best describes the effect of frequent intervention of the United States in the affairs of Latin American countries in the early twentieth century?

the U.S. was looked upon as a "Bad Neighbor" and there was ill will and distrust of the U.S. throughout Latin America

Which of the following best describes the primary diplomatic result of Roosevelt's diplomatic ending of the Russo-Japanese War?

both Japan and Russia became more hostile to the United States

Historians have argued that race and gender were important in Roosevelt's and other's justifications for imperialism because these imperialists

regarded blacks as primitive and Anglo-Saxons as civilized.

claimed American society had lost touch with manly virtue

perceived other nations as at the bottom of a strict racial hierarchy.

All of these