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60 Cards in this Set

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What does ASAP stand for?
Army Substance Abuse Program
(AR 600-85 Mar 2006)
What is the mission of ASAP?
The ASAP’s mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army’s total
workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers.
(AR 600-85 Mar 2006 / 1-30 / PDF 19)
What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol?
Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing the use of alcohol through drinking contests,
games, initiations, or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes in contests.
What army Regulation covers ASAP?
AR 600-85
Is ASAP participation mandatory for Individuals that are command referred?
ASAP participation is mandatory for all Soldiers who are command referred. Failure to attend a
mandatory counseling session may constitute a violation of Article 86 of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ).
(AR 600-85 Mar 2006 / 1-31 / PDF 19)
What will happen to Soldiers who fail to participate in or fail to respond successfully to
Soldiers who fail to participate adequately in, or to respond successfully to, rehabilitation will be
processed for administrative separation and not be provided another opportunity for rehabilitation
except under the most extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the CD in consultation with
the unit commander.
(AR 600-85 1-31 / Mar 2006 / PDF 19)
What are the ways that Soldiers can be identified as having a substance abuse problem?
 Voluntary (self-identification)
 Commander / Supervisor Identification
 Biochemical Identification
 Medical Identification
 Investigation and or Apprehension
(AR 600-85 / Mar 2006 3-1 / PDF 24)
All ASAP referrals are accomplished by the Commander or 1SG using what form?
Completing and signing the DA 8003 Referral Form.
(AR 600-85 Mar 2006 / 3-7 / PDF 26)
Can Soldiers that are enrolled in an ASAP rehabilitation program reenlist?
Soldiers currently enrolled in the ASAP rehabilitation program are not allowed to reenlist.
However, Soldiers who need additional service time to complete their enrollment may be
extended for the number of months necessary to permit completion.
(AR 600-85 Mar 2006 / 5-6 / PDF 31)
Will Soldiers who are command referred to ASAP be flagged?
Yes, IAW AR 600-8-2 (Suspension of Favorable Personnel Action (flags)).
(AR 600-85 Mar 2006 / 5-7 / PDF 31)
What Does ACS stand for?
Army Community Service
(AR 608-1 Dec 2004)
What does the ACS symbol represent?
The heart= giving, the cross= help, the gyroscope= stability
(AR 608-1 Dec 2004 / 3-10 / PDF 16)
What Army regulation covers ACS?
AR 608-1
How is ACS staffed for the most part?
By volunteers
What is the motto of the ACS?
Self-help, service and stability.
(AR 608-1 Dec 2004 / 3-10 / PDF 16)
Who qualifies for ACS?
In the United States, the following personnel are eligible for ACS assistance:
 All active duty and retired military personnel and their family members, if otherwise eligible for
 Members of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve when on active duty and their
family members, if otherwise eligible for services.
 Army appropriated fund (APF) and non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees and their family
members, if otherwise eligible for services.
 Family members of prisoners of war or personnel missing in action, if otherwise eligible for
 Surviving family members of military personnel who died while on active duty, if otherwise eligible
for services.
In overseas commands, the Commander will determine eligibility according to international
treaties and agreements.
(AR 608-1 Dec 2004 / 1-7 / PDF 9)
What can you do to help out ACS?
Donate Staple foodstuff to the food lockers, useable household goods, and volunteer your time.
What regulation covers the ACES?
AR 621-5
What does TABE stand for?
Test of Adult Basic Education
(AR 621-5 Feb 2004 / 4-2 / PDF 17)
What are some of the basic services offered by the Army Continuing Education Center?
1. Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP)
2. Advanced Skills Education Program (ASEP)
3. High School Completion Program
4. Service members Opportunity Colleges Army Degrees (SOCAD)
5. Veteran's Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)/Montgomery G.I. Bill (MGIB)
6. Skill Recognition Programs
7. Command Language Programs (Head start - Gateway)
8. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
9. Education Counseling Services
10. Learning Resource Centers
What does DANTES stand for?
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
(AR 621-5 Feb 2004 / 3-5 / PDF 16)
What does DANTES do?
DANTES provides standardized testing services free to military personnel. Family members and
civilians may take DANTES tests but must pay for each test taken.
Soldiers with a GT score of less than 110 should be referred to what?
BSEP - Soldiers with a GT less than 100 are normally automatically eligible. Soldiers with a GT
between 100 and 110 may be command referred.
AER closely coordinates with what other organization?
American Red Cross
(AR 930-4 Aug 1994 / 2-13 / PDF 11)
What is AER?
AER is a private, nonprofit organization to collect and hold funds to relieve distress of members of
the Army and their dependents. AER provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers (active
and retired) and their families in time of distress.
(AR 930-4 Aug 1994 / 1-6 / PDF 5)
What does AER stand for?
Army Emergency Relief
What is the Army Regulation that covers AER?
AR 930-4
When is the AER annual fund campaign held army-wide?
March 01 through May 15
(Site: AERHQ.org)
How does AER provide financial assistance?
AER provides financial assistance by either a loan without interest, a grant or a combination of
(AR 930-4 Aug 1994 /2-4 / PDF 8)
What is the AER Motto?
"Helping the Army Take Care Of its Own"
(AR 930-4 Aug 1994 / 1-6 / PDF 5)
What is the purpose of the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program?
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program reinforces the Army’s commitment to
eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness
and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 8-1 / PDF 72)
What are the goals of the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program?
 Create a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents, which impact Army personnel, Army
civilians, and family members, and, if an incident should occur, ensure that victims and subjects
are treated according to Army policy.
 Create a climate that encourages victims to report incidents of sexual assault without fear.
 Establish sexual assault prevention training and awareness programs to educate Soldiers.
 Ensure sensitive and comprehensive treatment to restore victims’ health and well-being.
 Ensure leaders understand their roles and responsibilities regarding response to sexual assault
victims, thoroughly investigate allegations of sexual assault, and take appropriate administrative
and disciplinary action.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 8-1 / PDF 72)
Define sexual assault.
Sexual assault is a crime defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force,
physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / Glossary / PDF 125)
More than half of sexual assault offenses include what?
Prevention of sexual harassment is whose responsibility?
The Commander’s Responsibility
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 7-1 / PDF 69)
If someone has been sexually assaulted, to whom may they report the crime?
 Their chain of command.
 Medical Treatment Facility.
 Military Police/Criminal Investigation Division.
 Chaplains.
 Social Work Services.
 Family Advocacy.
 Legal Services.
What are the categories of sexual harassment and give some examples?
 Verbal – Examples of verbal sexual harassment may include telling sexual jokes; using sexually
explicit profanity, threats, sexually oriented cadences, or sexual comments.
 Nonverbal – Examples of nonverbal sexual harassment may include staring at someone (that is,
“undressing someone with one’s eyes"), blowing kisses, winking, or licking one’s lips in a
suggestive manner.
 Physical Contact - Examples of physical sexual harassment may include touching, patting,
pinching, bumping, grabbing, cornering, or blocking a passageway; kissing; and providing
unsolicited back or neck rubs.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 7-5 / PDF 70)
What does EO stand for?
Equal Opportunity
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 6-1 / PDF 56)
What is an EOR?
Equal Opportunity Representative
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 6-3 / PDF – 61)
What rank should an EOR normally be?
SGT (P) through 1LT
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 6-3 / PDF 61)
What Army Regulation covers the EO program?
AR 600-20 chapter 6
What are the goals of the EO program?
1. Provide EO for military personnel and family members, both on and off post and within the limits
of the laws of localities, states, and host nations.
2. Create and sustain effective units by eliminating discriminatory behaviors or practices that
undermine teamwork, mutual respect, loyalty, and shared sacrifice of the men and women of
America’s Army.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 6-1 / PDF 56)
Define the term racism.
Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group
because of skin color or race.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / 6-2 / PDF 57)
Describe minority group
Any group distinguished from the general population in terms of race, religion, color, gender, or
national origin.
(AR 600-20 June 2006 / Terms / PDF 124)
What is sexual harassment?
1. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the
same or opposite genders when—
 Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or
condition of a person’s job, pay, career, or
 Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or
employment decisions affecting that person, or
 Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
What Army Regulation covers the Army Retention Program?
AR 601-280
What are some reasons that a Soldier may be ineligible for reenlistment?
If the Soldier is barred or flagged and if the Soldier is enrolled in ASAP
The word SAFETY is often associated with what term?
Risk Management
What accounts for the majority of accidents?
What AR covers safety?
AR 385-10
What does DEERS stand for?
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.
What is DEERS used for?
To obtain dependent ID cards for eligible spouse and children
What does NCODP stand for?
Noncommissioned Officer Development Program
(AR 350-1 Jan 2006 / 4-10 / PDF 86)
What is the goal of NCODP?
The goal of the NCODP is to increase and sustain NCO combat readiness and compliment the
overarching Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Program.
(AR 350-1 Jan 2006 / 4-10 / PDF 87)
As with all leader training and leader development, who is responsible for NCODP?
The command.
(AR 350-1 Jan 2006 / 4-10 / PDF 86)
What is meant by the term "overweight"?
A Soldier is considered overweight when his or her percent body fat exceeds the standard
specified in AR 600-9.
(AR 600-9 September 2006 / Glossary / PDF 55)
Can a Soldier who has been flagged for being overweight or an APFT failure receive an award?
A Soldier that is flagged for being overweight cannot receive an award.
A Soldier that is flagged for APFT failure can receive an award
What FM covers Physical Fitness Training?
FM 21-20
What are the three phases of physical conditioning?
1. Preparatory
2. Conditioning
3. Maintenance
(FM 21-20 Oct 1998 / 1 / PDF 13)
What is a MFT?
Master Fitness Trainer. A Master Fitness Trainer (MFT) is a Soldier who has completed either
the four-week active-component, two week reserve-component, or U.S. Military Academy’s MFT
course work. Although called “masters,” MFTs are simply Soldiers who know about all aspects of
physical fitness training and how Soldiers’ bodies function. Most importantly, since MFTs are
taught to design individual and unit programs, they should be used by commanders as special
staff assistants for this purpose.
(FM 21-20 Oct 1998 / Intro / PDF 9)