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34 Cards in this Set

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How many waves of Immigrants to U.S.?

What are they?


1st wave: Native Americans

2nd wave: mostly Euros late 1600's-1700's

3rd wave: mostly Euros 1820's-1870's

4th wave: mostly Euros 1880's-1921

5th wave: mostly Asians, Latinos, Indians 1965-present

Why do people leave their country to live in US or Canada (modern times)

Opportunities (Pull Factor)

Jobs, Education, To be reunited with family

Forced to move (Push Factor)

Refugees (War, famine, natural disaster, lack of education)

Top 5 in US: China, Haiti, Cuba, Somalia, Columbia

Poor economic situations in home country

Family: reasons immigrants come to U.S.

67-70% of immigrants come to be reunited with their family members

Work: reasons immigrants come to U.S.

12-15% come because of invitation by employers to fill positions for which there are a shortage of workers

Freedom: reasons immigrants come to U.S.

12-15% come as refugees escaping persecution

Response to Immigration: Resistance

Fear of change/the unknown

Xenophobia: a fear of strangers (see US/Canada culture notes)


All people in US/Canada are immigrants or descendants of immigrants

Melting Pot

Assimilation: the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society (lose some identity)

Ethnic Salad

Keep cultural identity, but add it to the whole culture

Fear/hate of others/new culture

Ignorance of other cultures

Immigrants often seen as "scapegoats" for society's problems

Historical examples: Japanese during Vietnam War, no Irish people because they blamed them for the Depression, Mexican immigration

How do people assimilate?



Living location


Learning language

Immigrants: Respect

Immigrants have made America what it is today

Most of us are immigrants or descendants of immigrants

Immigrants add to American culture

Immigrants contributions to American Society?

Cotton gin

Albert Einstein

Levon Bron

Immigrants: Realization

America has always been based on the concept of foreigners entering America

Historical examples: slaves, Asians brought transportation rights

Immigrants: Rule of Law

Some people oppose illegal immigration because it reflects a lack of rule of law and legitimacy

1st Amendment of the US Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Religion is NOT unifying force in US/Canada

People want to avoid the subject in public conversation

Major religions

Christianity (protestantism) baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutherans, Non-denominational


Jehovah witness




10-15% of people claim no religion = secular/unaffliated

Economics: What is an economy?

An economy is the ways in which people use their environment/resources to meet their needs/wants.

Unlimited wants vs. limited resources = scarcity

Economics: Resources



Services/skills = uber, plumbers, electrician, landscaping

Economics: Major components of an economy

Production: produce things

Consumption: takes things or buys things

Distribution: distributing things -

All need each other to work or function

Economics: What factors determine a country's economy?

Land (geography/natural resources/climate)






Government involvement or non-involvement (Taxes)


Free Market (Capitalism)

Type of economy in the US

Only ruled by competition (scented pine cones simile) QT vs. Racetrac

Competition (determines prices/wages, leads to better products/services)

Businesses owned by private individuals, not owned by the government

A true FM economy has little/no government regualtion

Free Market

Consumers determine what is produced by buying things

Prices determine who gets the items

People with access to the resources sell the items = ownership

Supply and demand determine prices

Possibility of profits are major motivating forces

Closely tied to laissez-faire (governments hands off) philosophy Adam Smith was an economist and philosopher who came up with this term.

Canada's economic situation

Healthcare is run by the government

Government controls prices and regulates businesses more than in the US

US is more of a true free market economy, but no one has a pure free market economy

US/Canada economies based more on service industries than manufacturing, agriculture

Services industries provide a service, no goods are produced

Criticism of free market economics

Opponents of FMs think that FMs:

Inspire people to seek self-interests/greed

Make the rich richer and the poor poorer

Cause greater corruption and leads to dishonest business practices

Creates poor working conditions

Karl Marx

German socialist (founded Socialism)

What are the belts?

Rust, sun, bible, unchurched, wheat/grain and corn


Dependable transportation is vital in US/Canada

Transportation: Cars

Most popular means of transportation in US/Canada

Highways, roads, and bridges (built by govt) have expanded because of the popularity of cars

Newer cities are planned around cars

Around 4 million miles of highways in US

Transportation: Traffic

Public transportation meant to decrease car traffic

LA and Atlanta consistently 2 worst traffic cities in US

Why is public transportation not as popular in Atlanta?

Not suitable for Atlanta

Public transportation only good for inside of 285

American Values

Time focuses on the future rather than the past; youth is more valuable than age

We always want to look younger; regeneration for the skin

What's next or what is better

American Values

People enjoy/have a right to privacy (passwords, trespassing, fences)

Humans are by nature "good"

(good Samaritans, charity, ALL good people)

Entertainment/Mass Media

Wealth/affluence: people can afford entertainment

Technology: less time working allows for more leisure time

Escape from reality

Obsession with image in America

Competition between entertainers for dollars only increases the amount of entertainment (capitalism)

Mass media creates a common culture for the population to engage in


North American Free Trade Agreement