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71 Cards in this Set

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electrolytes regulated by kidneys

Sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate,magnesium,

Regulation of acid‐base balance:

Hydrogen ions (pH)

Excreted of metabolic waste products

• Nitrogen (urea, ammonia, uric acid, creatinine)• Toxins, drugs, pesticides, food additives

Secretion of hormones:

• Renin ‐ controls the formation of angiotensin,

• Erythropoietin – stimulates red blood cell production,

• 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D – active form of vitamin D,influences calcium homeostasis


Synthesis of glucose from amino acids

Major cation and anion in extracellular fluids is

Na+, Cl‐

Major cation and anion in intracellular fluid is

K+, PO43‐

Two forces determine thismovement between compartments

Hydrostatic and osmotic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure (P)

pressure forcing fluids across capillarywalls – generated by pumping of the heart

Colloid Osmotic pressure (π)

generated by osmotic proteins in fluidthat cannot cross the semi‐permeablemembrane

Compartment 1 : compartment 2 Net Driving Pressure =

(P1 – π1) – (P2 – π2)

Changes in ECF volume & composition are mainlydetected through:

-Low pressure baroreceptors (jugular, R atrium),

-Osmoreceptors (hypothalamus),

-Renal “baroreceptors”(gives rise to renin release & angiotensin formation),

-Adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa cells, monitor K+),leading to aldosterone secretion

renal corpuscle:

(filtering component) consisting ofglomerulus and Bowman’s capsule

Renal cortex:

Site of glomerularfiltration & convolutedtubules

Renal medulla:

Location of longerloops of Henle &drainage of collectingducts into renal pelvis& ureter

Urine formation





Glomerular filtration

passive process,

Hydrostatic pressure forces fluids & solutesfrom glomerular capillaries into Bowman’sspace

Tubular reabsorption

Active & passive processes,

Movement of substances from the filtrate intubules into the peritubular capillaries,

Fluid taken back into body

Tubular secretion

Movement of substances from peritubularcapillaries to the tubules,

Remove fluid from body.


Reabsorption of water through aldosterone mediated aquaporins,

Concentration of urine.

3 layeredglomerular filtration barrier:

– fenestrated (pores)endothelium of glomerularcapillaries,

– Basement membrane (-ve charge),

– Foot processes of podocytes &slit diaphragm.

Course of Filtrate along tubule:

cortex –medulla ‐ cortex – medulla – renal pelvis

Filterability of solutes

Size: (<7Da freely up to 70kDa),

Charge: (-ve charged molecules repelled by -ve charged membrane).

pressure natriuresis

Urine flow rate is proportional to arterialpressure

2 mechanisms of Renal autoregulation

1. Myogenic mechanism,

2. Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism

Myogenic mechanism:

vascular smooth muscle Contracts when stretched (high bp) and Relaxes when not stretched (bp drop).

Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism:

macular densa cells of thejuxtaglomerular complex: Senses Na+ content in distal tubule, (when Na+ low, increased Renin --> increased GFR).

Biochemical tests of renal function:


Measurement of GFR,

Tubular function tests

Renal clearance (of a substance)

Urine Flow Rate (ml/min) x [Urine] (mg/ml) / [Plasma] (mg/ml)

Measurement of GFR

Inulin:– Small, polysaccharide (5200 MW), => clearance of inulin = GRF

Tubular secretion

Eliminating undesirable substances or end productsthat have been reabsorbed by passive processes,

Eliminating excess K+ from the body,

regulating pH.

Tubular reabsorption

Highly selective: glucose, aminoacids, some ions;

process may be active orpassive:

Active reabsorption:

ATP required (directly: primary;indirectly secondary), pinocytosis(small proteins)

Passive reabsorption:

No ATP required. Diffusion,facilitated diffusion & osmosis downelectrochemical gradients

Na+ reabsorption in proximal tubule

1. Na+ diffuses across luminal (apical) membraneinto cell,

2. Primary active transport of Na+ by Na+/K+ATPase across basolateral membrane,

3. Passive absorption of Na+, waterfrom interstitial fluid into peritubular capillaryby ultrafiltration

Glucose reabsorption (Secondary active transport)

Sodium‐glucose co‐transporters (SGLT) on thebrush border of proximal tubular cells carryglucose into the cell, secondary active transport,against a concentration gradient.

Electrochemical gradient caused by Na+/K+ ATPase in the basolateralmembrane

Proximal tubules

High capacity for active & passive reabsorption– ~65% Na+, H20, 50% Cl‐, 90% HCO3‐, >90% K+– Most of glucose, lactose, amino acids

Specialisations of proximal tubule epithelialcells

large number of mitochondria (active transport),

– brush border (high surface area),

– Rapid transport of Na+ and other substances,

– Highly water permeable

Transporters on the proximal tubule

Lumenal: Na+/Gluc symporter, Na+/H+ antiporter,

Interstitial: Na+/K+ ATPase

3 sections of Loop of Henle

Thin descending segment, thin ascending segmentand thick ascending segment

Thin descending limb:

Highly permeable to water,10% reabsorbed– Water absorbed due to medullaryinterstitial Na+ concentration gradient.

Thin Ascending limb

– Virtually impermeable to water,

– low reabsorptive capacity

Thick Ascending limb

– Na+/K+ ATPases in the basolateralmembranes– Low intracellular Na+ provides gradientfor driving a protein carrier that alsodrives the reabsorption of K + and Cl‐:the 1 Na+ , 2Cl‐, 1K+ cotransporter

Early distal tubule

First section forms the macula densa – partof the juxtaglomerular apparatus

Late distal tubule

aldosterone-dependant Na+ resorption,

Na+/K+ ATPases– Reabsorbed with Cl‐ symporter.

Collecting Duct

ADH /vasopressin– Dependent:

aquaporins are mobilised tomembrane of cells and facilitate movement ofwater out of tubules by osmosis

Two cell types of late distal tubule &collecting duct

1. Principal cells

2. Intercalated cells

Principal cells

reabsorb Na+ & secrete K+,

Intercalated cells

secrete H+ & reabsorb HCO3‐ & K+(important for acid‐base balance)

Four areas where ECF is monitored


Adrenal cortex,

Peripheral Baroreceptors,

Renal baroreceptors.

Hypothalamus: Osmoreceptors

increased osmolarity →osmoreceptor cells in theanterior hypothalamus toshrink → Shrinkage of cells causes actionpotentials → posteriorpituitary → ADH released → water resorption.

Adrenal cortex: zonaglomerulosa

↑plasma K+ or angiotensin II → Aldosterone released → reabsorptionof Na+

Peripheral Baroreceptors:

aortic and carotid sinuses:

↑ in volume →Na + excretion,

↓ in volume → inhibits Na + excretion (=> ↑ECFvolume)

Renal Baroreceptors: Control renin release

Granular cells, Sympathetic nerves and Macula Densa

Granular cells in arteriolar walls sensepressure

↑BP → ↓renin release;

↓ BP → ↑ renin release => increase salt &water reabsorption by kidney

Sympathetic nerves

Increased activity causes renin release & viceversa

Macula densa cells: Chemoreceptors

Drop in flow rate leads to increased reabsorptionof NaCl in ascending loop of Henle, reducingconcentration of NaCl at macula densa →increases renin release

Extrinsic Mechanisms of renal output

1. Sympathetic nerves (short term)• Arterioles, proximal tubule, granular cells,

2. Hormones (medium ‐ long term)• AngII, aldosterone, ADH, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Intrinsic Mechanisms of renal output

1. Pressure natriuresis/diuresis, autoregulation• Myogenic mechanism, tubulo‐glomerular feedback (TGF),

2. Local factors• Nitric oxide (vasodilator), prostaglandins (vasodilators),endothelin (vasoconstrictor)

Produced by adrenal cortex & stimulates sodiumreabsorption in the collecting ducts,

Increases Na+/K+ ATPases inbasolateral membrane of epithelial cells of collectingduct,

sodium reabsorption


Activation results inincreased waterreabsorption by insertion ofaquaporins into luminalsurface of tubular epithelialcells

Anti‐diuretic hormone

Activation results in decreased water and sodiumreabsorption (i.e. Increased water & sodiumexcretion),

inhibits secretion of renin and aldosterone

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Effect of Dehydration

cells shrink signalling to posteriorpituitary to release ADH → insertion of ready made aquaporinsinto luminal membrane of collecting duct →↑water reabsorption.

Effect of Haemorrhage

drop in arterial pressure → reduces GFR → ↑ Na reabsorption → Increased renin release → ↑ AngII → ↑aldosterone → ↑ Na and water retention.

Effect of Congestive heart failure

Reduced CO → reduced atrial pressure → reduced GFR → ↑ [Na+] → ↑ renin release → ↑ AngII → ↑aldosterone → ↑ Na and water retention.

3 layers of the bladder

1. outer serosal layer,

2. thick muscular (smooth muscle)layer,

3. Internal transitionalepithelium.

Bladder filling

Sympathetic NS relaxes bladder &contracts internal sphincter &inhibits PSNS ganglionic transmission,

somatic motor neurons contractexternal sphincter

Bladder emptying

micturition centre in braininhibit SNS nerves & therefore removesSNS inhibition of PSN ganglionic transmission,

internal sphincter relaxes, bladder contracts,

somatic motor neurons inhibited to relaxexternal sphincter.

damage to sensory nerve fibres,

Micturition reflex impaired,

Bladder fills to capacity and overflows a few drops at a time.

Overflow incontinence

involuntary loss of urine arising from increasedintra‐abdominal pressure e.g. coughing, sneezing,bending down, lifting

Stress incontinence

Result of lesions between the pontine storage & micturition centresand the lower spinal cord,

No voluntary control over external urethral sphincter, involuntary voiding,

Bladder never emptied completely

Automatic bladder