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32 Cards in this Set

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Clandestinely - adv
done with secrecy and concealment, especially for deception
subterfuge - n
an artifice used to evade or secape a consequence
presumptuous - adj
warrantedly or impertinently bold; readiness to presume
exonerate - v
to free from guilt or blame; to releive of a duty or task
vindicate - v
to justify, to clear from blame; to exact revenge
cursory - adj
done quickly without care of details
artifice - n
a cleaver trick or strategum
maladroit - adj
lacking in adroitness, unskillful, awkward
obstreperous - adj
resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner
temerity - n
reckless boldness, rashness
affable - adj
showing warmth and friendliness, benign, pleasent
countermand - n/v
to revoke or cancel a command or order, to recall or stop a contrary order
impel - v
to drive or cause to move onward, propel, impart motion to
trammel - n
a hindrance or impediment to free action, a restraint
exhume - v
to dig up something buried out of the earth; to revive or restore from neglect
hedge - v
to mitigate a possible loss by counterbalancing
skulduggery - n
dishonorable proceedings, mean dishonesty or trickery
Indemnity - n
protection or security against damage or loss, or compensation for damage or loss sustained
imprudent - adj
not prudent, lacking discretion, incautious, rash
inter - v
to bury
officious - adj
overly obliging
effusive - adj
lacking reserve, overly demonstrative
demonstrative - adj
characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one's emotions, attitudes, thoughts, ext.
reentrant - adj
having an inward pointing angle
rake - n
a dissolute or profligate person, especially a man who is licentious
dissolute - adj
indifferent to moral restraints, given to immoral or improper conduct, licentious, dissipated
licentious - adj
sexually unrestrained, lascivious, libertine, lewd
enmity - n
the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something
pariah - n
an outcast
sallow - adj
of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown color
dour - adj
relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance
supple - adj
bending and moving easily and gracefully, flexible