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178 Cards in this Set

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Tissue Types? (4)
4 Types: Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous
Name the Primary Bones in the Skeletal System

Provides protection and support, allows body movements, produces blood cells, and stores minerals and fat. Consists of bones, associated cartilages, ligaments, and joints.
Name the Primary Muscles involved in the Muscular System

Produces body movements, maintains, posture, and produces body heat. Consists of muscles attached to the skeleton by tendons.
Name the primary systems involved in the Lymphatic System

Removes foreign substances from the blood and lymph, combats disease, maintains tissue fluid balance, and absorbs fats from the digestive tract. Consists of the lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and other lymphatic organs.
Name the primary organs in the respiratory system

Exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and air and regulates blood pH. consists of the lungs and respiratory passages.
Name the primary organs involved in the digestive system

Performs the mechanical and chemical processes of digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes. Consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and accessory organs.
Name the main organs involved in the Nervous System

A major regulatory system that detects sensations and controls movements, physiological processes, and intellectual functions. Consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory receptors.
Name the primary organs in the Endocrine System

A major regulatory system that influences metabolism, growth, reproduction, and many other functions. Consists of glands, such as the pituitary, that secrete hormones.
Name the primary organs involved in the cardiovascular system

Transports nutrients, waste products, gases, and hormones throughout the body; plays a role in the immune response and the regulation of body temperature. Consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.
Name the primary organs involved in the Urinary System

Removes Waste products from the blood and regulates blood pH, ion balance, and water balance. Consists of the kidneys, urinary bladder, and ducts that carry urine.
Name the primary organs involved in the FEMALE reproductive system.

Produces oocytes and is the site of fertilization and fetal development; produces milk for the newborn; produces hormones that influence sexual function and behaviors. Consists of the ovaries, vagina, uterus, mammary glands, and uterine tube.
Name the primary organs involved in the MALE reproductive system.

Produces and transfers sperm cells to the female and produces hormones that influence sexual functions and behaviors. Consists of the testes, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate gland, epididymis, and penis.
Negative Feedback
Negative feedback maintains homeostasis by resisting any deviation from set point and returning the body to a normal range.
1) A receptor monitors the value of a variable - blood pressure
2) Control center establishes the set point around the variable - brain
3) An effector changes the value of the variable to maintain homeostasis - heart

Example: Blood Pressure
Positive Feedback
Less Common than Negative Feedback

When a value deviates from normal values, the system's response is to make the deviation even greater

Ex: inadequate delivery of blood to cardiac (heart) muscle
Ex: hemorrhage = blood pressure goes decreases because of losing blood, heart can’t work properly (heart beats even slower), thus causing blood pressure to decrease even further, etc.
Ex: Estrogen surge during menstrual cycle, release of estrogen causes more release of estrogen
Negative feedback is much more common than positive feedback
Adenosine Triphosphate
Provides energy as a result of breakdown from ATP → ADP
Extracellular Fluid, makes up about 1/3 of the body's water
Intracellular Fluid, makes up about 2/3 of the body's water
Interstitial Fluid
Fluid that bathes the outside of cells, plasma leaks fluid into the interstitial space primarily through capillaries
the smallest of a body's blood vessels
fluid part of the blood (extracellular)
Diffusion? Basics?
solutes move from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration of that solute in solution.
Diffusion is random!
Ex: perfume in a room
WITH gradient

Examples: Oxygen, carbon dioxide, chloride ions, urea

Hydrophobic molecules diffuse easily across the cell membrane.
Like diffuses like.
Steroids are made of cholesterol (which is a lipid) therefore it diffuses across cell membranes.
Ions DO NOT cross cell membranes
Net Diffusion?
solutes move from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration of that solute in solution.

Net Diffusion is HIGH → LOW
Ex: More in "A" than in "B"
Osmosis can be thought of as the diffusion of water from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration. Water wants to move where it has more stuff to dissolve.
water plus salt (or a substance)
it has more solute inside the cell than outside
it has more solute outside of the cell than inside
Facilitated diffusion
Facilitated Diffusion utilizes a protein in the cell membrane to transport solutes down their concentration gradients.
Ex: glucose
WITH gradient
no energy needed
Primary Active Transport
Primary Active Transport utilizes a protein to pump solutes against their concentration gradients. It moves low to high and requires additional energy (ATP).
Ex: Sodium out, Potassium in, ATP used up
AGAINST gradient
Ex: sodium, potassium, calcium, and hydrogen; amino acids
Secondary Active Transport
Secondary Active Transport involves the coupled transport of 2 or more solutes.
It requires indirect energy, which comes from the primary active transport. Something is always moving in the gradient and something is always moving against the gradient; usually sodium is moving down.
AGAINST gradient by carriers
EX: Glucose, amino acids
Which direction is sodium pumped? Potassium?
Why is this important?
Sodium moves Up
Potassium moves Down
Results in a higher concentration of sodium extracellularly and a higher concentration of potassium intracellularly. This is essential in maintaining membrane potential.
covers internal and external surfaces throughout the body. it also forms most glands.

No blood vessels in the epithelial tissue. Gets blood from the basement membrane.

Purpose: protection, selective barrier, secretion, absorption, propulsion

Identification: Open space
Basement Membrane
Secreted partly by epithelial cells and partly by the cells of the underlying tissues. It consists of a meshwork of protein molecules with other molecules bound to them.

Has blood vessels

Purpose: filter and barrier
ex: prevent metastasis (moving of disease)

Made of collagen and adhesives; acellular
propel materials along the free surface of cells. The nasal cavity and trachea are lined with pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium.

Require energy cuz they are constantly beating
cylindrical extensions of the cell membrane that increase the free surface area. Normally many microvilli cover the free surface of each cell involved in absorption or secretion, such as the cells lining the small intestine or kidneys.
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Location: air sacs (alveoli) of lungs and inner linings of the heart and blood vessels

Purpose: Diffusion and Filtration - It is found lining surfaces of passive transport or gasses.
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Location: Kidney tubules, thyroid gland, liver, and ducts of salivary glands

Function: Secretion, excretion, absorption
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Location: Anywhere that requires absorption.
Nonciliated: uterus, stomach, and intestines.
Ciliated: Uterine tubes

Function: Protection, Secretion, and Absoption
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Location: Keratinized - Epidermis of the skin
Nonkeratinized - linings of the oral cavity, esophagus, vagina, and anal canal
Goblet Cells
modified columnar epithelial cells that synthesize and secrete mucous
Endocrine Glands
No ducts
Empty secretions into the blood (Hormones)

Includes: Thyroid gland and insulin-secreting portions of the pancreas
Connective Tissue
found throughout body.

It is usually characterized by large amounts of extracellular material that separates cells from one another (Extracellular Matrix)

Enclosing tissues, Support and movement, Energy storage, Cushioning and insulation, Protection
Extracellular Matrix
Extracellular material that separates cells (connective Tissue).

Major Components: protein fibers, ground substance consisting of nonfibrous protein and other molecules and fluid
Exocrine Glands
Have Ducts
simple or compound or tubular

Includes: sweat glands and sebaceous glands
immune; white blood cells (phagocytes) that eat
Compact Bone
Locations: Bone Shafts (Sides of Bones), beneath periosteum

Functions: provides great strength and support and protects internal organs such as the brain, bone also provides attachment sites for muscles and ligaments
Spongy (Cancellous) Bone
locations: ends of long bones; inside flat and irregular bones

Functions; holds marrow, provides strength and support
Do blood vessels extend into epithelium? How does epithelial tissue exchange gasses, nutrients and wastes?
Blood vessels do not extend from the underlying tissues into epithelium, so gases and nutrients that reach the epithelium must diffuse across the basement membrane from the underlying tissues, where blood vessels are abundant. Waste products produced diffuse across the basement membrane to blood vessels.
Are blood vessels present in connective tissue?
yes, erythrocytes are generally present in connective tissue.
How does collagen fiber help tissues?
it provides added strength and durability.
Muscle Tissue
Characterized by elongated cells, often called muscle fibers, that can contract to create movements

Attached to skeleton, but also components of internal organs

Generates body heat through movement
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Voluntary Control, Striated

Locations: Attached to bones via tendons, tongue, facial muscles, and voluntary sphincters

Functions: body movement, maintaining posture, breathing, speaking, controlling waste eliminations, and protection
Smooth Muscle Tissue
Involuntary, non-striated

Locations: visceral organs, the iris, blood vessels, respiratory tubes, attached to hair follicles

Functions: visceral organs, controlling pupil size, blood flow, and airflow, and creating "goose bumps" if we are too cold or frieghtened
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Involuntary, Striated

Locations: Only in heart wall

Functions: Pumping Blood
Contain a cell body with the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm, and cellular processes that extend from the cell body

Cellular processes include one to many dendrites and a single axon (nerve fiber)

Functions: Considered excitable cells because they can exhibit signals called action potentials (nerve impulses) along the neuron to another neuron or a muscle or gland
Glial Cells

More abundant than neurons
Cannot conduct nerve impulses

Functions: they have important supportive and protective functions for neurons
Integumentary System
Consists of the skin and accessory structures, such as hair, glands, and nails

Functions: Protection, sensation, vitamin d production, temperature, regulation, excretion
most superficial layer of skin, layer of epithelial on the dermis, prevents water loss and resists abrasion, stratified squamous epithelium, new cells produced by mitosis.
layer of dense connective tissue, on average the dermis is 10-20 times thicker than the epidermis, responsible for structural strength of skin, rests on hypodermis which connects skin to muscle
Subcutaneous Fat
a fat layer found in the hypodermis, the base layer of skin. It is connective tissue to muscle.
as new cells form, they push older cells to the surface, where they slough, or flake off. The outermost cells protect the cells underneath, and the deeper, replicating cells replace cells lost from the surface. During their movement, the cells change shape and chemical composition. The cells are filled with the protein keratin, which makes them hard. As keratinization proceeds, epithelial cells eventually die and produce an outer layer of dead, hard cells that resists abrasion and forms a permeability barrier.
Stratum Corneum
The most superficial stratum of the epidermis. it consists of dead squamous cells filled with keratin. Keratin gives the stratum corneum its structural strength. The stratum corneum cells are also coated and surrounded by lipids, which help prevent fluid loss through the skin. It consists of 25 or more layers of dead squamous cells joined by desmosomes. Excessive stratum corneum cells sloughed from the surface of the scalp are called dandruff. in skin subjected to friction, the number of layers in the stratum corneum greatly increases, producing a thickened area called a callus.

Apical Layer
Stratum basale
deepest stratum, consists of cuboidal or columnar cells that undergo mitotic divisions about every 19 days. one daughter cell becomes a new stratum basale cell and can divide again. The other daughter cell is pushed toward the surface, a journey that takes about 40-56 days. As cells move to the surface, changes in the cells produce intermediate strata.
Made of cuboidal or columnar tissue. Takes almost 3 months to have all knew skin (reach surface)

Basal Layer
when a cell undergoes self division into two different cells
Dermal Papillae
Contain many blood vessels that supply the overlying epidermis with nutrients, remove waste products, and help regulate body temperature. The dermal papillae int he palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the tips of the digits are arranged in parallel, curving ridges that shape the overlying epidermis into fingerprints and footprints. The ridges increase friction and improve the grip of the hands and feet.
melanin is produced by melanocytes, which are irregularly shaped cells with many long processes that extend between the epithelial cells of the deep part of the epidermis.
"black", group of pigments primarily responsible for skin, hair, and eye color. Most melanin molecules are brown to black pigments, but some are yellowish or reddish. Melanin provides protection against ultraviolet light from the sun. Large amounts of melanin form freckles or moles in some regions of the skin, as well as darkened areas in the genitalia, the nipples and the circular areas around the nipples. Other areas, such as the lips, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet, contain less melanin. melanin production is determined by genetic factors exposure to light, and hormones.
Hair follicle
hair arises from a hair follicle, an extension of the epidermis that originates deep in the dermis. The shaft of hair protrudes above the surface of the skin, whereas the root and hair bulb are below the surface.
Hair Bulb
below the surface. hair is produced in the hair bulb, which rests on a dermal papilla. Blood vessels within the papilla supply the hair bulb with the nourishment needed to produce the hair. Hair is produced in cycles.
Sabaceous glands
simple, branched acinar glands. Most are connected by a duct to the superficial part of the hair follicle.
an oily, white substance rich in lipids. The sebum lubricates the hair and the surface of the skin, which prevents drying and protects against some bacteria.

Apocrine Sweat Glands
Simple, coiled, tubular glands, that produce a thick secretion rich in organic substances. They open into hair follicles, but only in the armpits and genitalia. Apocrine sweat glands become active at puberty because of the influence of sex hormones. The organic secretion, which is essentially odorless when released is quickly broken down by bacteria into substances responsible for what is commonly known as body odor.

Eccrine Sweat Glands
simple, coiled, tubular glands located in almost every part of the skin but most numerous in the palms and soles. They produce a secretion that is mostly water with a few salts. Eccrine sweat glands have ducts that open onto the surface of the skin through sweat pores. When the body temperature starts to rise above normal levels, the sweat glands produce sweat, which evaporates and cools the body. Sweat can also be released in the palms, sole, armpits, and other replaces because of emotional stress. Emotional sweating is used in lie detector tests because sweat gland activity usually increases when a person tells a lie. Such tests can detect even small amounts of sweat because the salt solution conducts electricity and lowers the electrical resistance of the skin.
Vitamin D
formed when exposed to ultraviolet light. The vitamin is carried by the blood to the liver, where it is modified and then to the kidneys, where it is modified further to form active vitamin d. If exposed to enough ultraviolet light, humans can produce all the vitamin d they need. However many people need to ingest vitamin d as well because clothing and indoor living reduce their exposure to UV Light. Fatty fish and vitamin d fortified milk are the best sources. Vitamin d stimulates the intestines to absorb calcium and phosphate, the substance necessary for normal bone growth and normal muscle function.
What are the major functions of the integumentary system?
Vitamin D Production
Temperature Regulation
What function is the epidermis best adapted for? The dermis?
epidermis prevents water loss and resists abrasion.

dermis is responsible for most of the skin's structural strength. (collagen and elastic fibers)
Describe how skin grows? Which layers are involved? What is the role of keratinization?
New cells are produced by mitosis. As new cells form, they push older cells tot he surface, where they slough, or flake off. The outermost cells underneath, and the deeper, replicating cells replace cells lost from the surface. During their movement, the cells change shape and chemical composition. The cells are filled with the protein keratin (keratinization), which makes them hard. As keratinization proceeds, epithelial cells eventualy die and produce an outer layer of dead, hard cells that resist abrasion and form a permeability barrier. Specific layers of strata are involved (Stratum Basale to Stratum Corneum).
What kind of tissue is the dermis? What structures and cell types are present within the dermis? Are blood vessels present?
The dermis is composed of dense collagenous connectie tissue containing fibroblasts, fat cells, and macrophages. nerves, hair follicles, smooth muscles, glands, and lymphatic vessels extend into the dermis Collagen and elastic fibers are responsible for the structural strength of the dermis.
Blood vessels are present.
How do epithelial cells in the skin acquire melanin? What factors account for skin color? Which of these increase melanin production?
Factors that determine skin color include pigments in the skin, blood circulating through the skin, and the thickness of the stratum corneum. Melanin is the group of pigments primarily responsible for skin, hair, and eye color. melanin is produced by melanocytes which are irregularly shaped cells with many long processes that extend between the epithelial cells of the deep part of the epidermis. The Golgi apparatuses of the melanocytes package melanin into vesicles called malanosomes which move into the cell process of the melanocytes. Epithelial cells phagocytize the tips of the melanocyte cell processes, thereby acquiring melanosomes.
Melanin production is determined by genetic factors exposure to the light, and hormones. Exposure to ultraviolet light in sunlight stimulates melanocytes to increase melanin production. The result is a tan.
What is the role of the skin in vitamin D synthesis? Give one example why having adequate levels of vitamin D in the body is important.
Adequate levels of vitamin D are necessary because vitamin D stimulates the intestines to absorb calcium and phosphate, the substances necessary for normal bone growth and normal muscle function.
How is body temperature homeostasis regulated by blood flow in the skin?
Normal body temperature is maintained at = 37 C

Regulation of body temperature is important because the rate of chemical reactions within the body can be increased or decreased by changes in the body temperature. Even slight changes in temperature can make enzymes operate less efficiently and disrupt the normal rates of chemical changes in the body.
To cool, blood vessesl in the dermis dilate and enabel more blood to flow within the skin, thus transferring heat from deeper tissues to the skin where the heat is lost by radiation (infrared energy), convection (air movement), or conduction (direct contact with an object). Sweat that spreads over the surface of the skin and evaporates also carries away heat and reduces body temperature.
To heat, constriction of dermal blood vessels reduce blood flow to the skin. Thus less heat is transferred from deeper structures to the skin, and heat loss is reduced. however with smaller amounts of warm blood flowing through the skin, the skin temperature decreases. if the skin temperature drops below 15 C, dermal blood vessels dilate.
Diaphysis = central shaft of the bone
Epiphysis = ends of bone
Red Marrow and Yellow Marrow
Red marrow and Yellow Marrow – resides in medullary cavity in the diaphysis, and smaller cavities in the epiphyses of long bones.

Red marrow consists of blood-forming cells and is the only site of blood formation in adults. Children have more red marrow than adults (growth).

Yellow marrow replaces red, it contains mostly adipose tissue.
Periosteum – Most of the outer surface of bone is covered by dense connective tissue which is HIGHLY vascularized (blood vessels) and lots of nerves; outer layer is tougher
Compact Bone
Compact bone – blood vessels in bone matrix (osteons) are only found in compact bone; forms most of the diaphysis of long bones and the thinner surfaces of all other bones.
The periosteum and endosteum contain osteoblasts, which function in the formation of bone, as well as in the repair and remodeling of bone. When osteoblasts become surrounded by matrix, they are referred to as osteocytes.
When osteoblasts become surrounded by matrix, they are referred to as Osteocytes.
Spongy Bone (cancellous)
consists of a lacy network of bone with many small marrow-filled spaces.
It is located mainly in the epiphyses of long bones. It forms the interior of all other bones. Spongy bone consists of delicate interconnecting rods or plates of bone call trabeculae, which resemble scaffolding, the trabeculae add strength to a bone without the added weight that would be present if the bone were solid mineralized matrix. The spaces between are filled with marrow.
Parathyroid Hormone
PTH is secreted from the parathydoid glands when blood calcium levels are too low, stimulates increased bone breakdown and increased blood calcium levels by indirectly stimulating osteoclast activity. PTH increases calcium uptake from the urine in the kidney. Additionally, PTH stimulate the kidneys to form active vitamin D, which increases calcium absorption from the small intestine. Decreasing blood calcium levels stimulate PTH secretion.
Synovial Fluid
A complex mixture of polysaccharides, proteins, fat, and cells. Synovial fluid forms a thin, lubricating film covering the surfaces of the joint. In certain synovial joints, the synovial membrane many extend as a pocket or sac called a bursa.
What are the major functions of the skeletal system?
Blood Cell Production
What type of tissue is bone tissue? Describe the composition of the bone matrix. What would it be like if all of the mineral were removed? What if all of the collagen were removed?
Bone is made up of either compact or spongy Bone. But mostly it consists of an extracellular Matrix.

Hydroxyapatite: bone mineral composed of calcium phosphate crystals (This is like the concrete)
Collagen (like the flexible rebar)

If all the mineral were removed it would be super flexible
If all the collagen were removed it would be really rigid.
Describe how a long bone, such as the femur, would differ between a young person and an adult.
Mostly Spongy Bone
Tons of Red Marrow (for blood cell productions)
Epiphyseal plates are not closed yet - still growing

Mostly Compact (though there is Spongy)
Mostly yellow marrow (used to hold fatty marow, for minerals)
Epiphyseal Plates have closed now called the Epiphyseal Lines
How do growth hormone, estrogen and testosterone respectively affect bone growth?
Growth Hormone stimulates lengthening of bone, endochondral ossification. It also stimulates bone widening. If you have an excess of growth hormone, as a child your bones would become taller, as an adult your bones would become wider (because your epiphyseal plates are closed).

Testosterone is needed to close the epiphyseal plates.

Estrogen prevents bone resorption.
What important role does bone play in Ca homeostasis? How do parathyroid hormone and vitamin D affect Ca homeostasis?
Bone is the major storage site for calcium int he body, and movement of calcium into and out of bone helps determine blood calcium levels, which is critical for normal muscle and nervous system function. Calcium moves into bone as osteoblasts build new bone and out of bone as osteoclasts break down bone. When blood calcium levels are too low, osteoclast activity increases, releasing calcium into blood. If blood calcium is too high, osteoclast activity decreases.

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is released when calcium levels are too low in the blood. It stimulates bone breakdown and increased blood calcium levels by indirectly stimulating osteoclast activity. PTH also increases calcium uptake from the urine int he kidney. Additionally, PTH stimulates the kidneys to form active vitamin D, which increases calcium absorption from the small intestine. Decreasing blood calcium levels stimulate PTH secretion.
Calcitonin is the hormone that decreases osteoclast activity.

Calcium is important for muscle tissue and nervous tissue.
How do the three types of articulations differ? Provide an example for each.
Fibrous: little or no movement; fetal skull

Cartilaginous: united by cartilage; epiphyseal plates, costal cartilage and intervertebral discs

Synovial: free movement; joints of appendicular skeleton; filled with synovial fluid
Resting Membrane Potential
The inside of most cell membranes is negatively charged compared to the outside of the cell membrane; in other words, the cell membrane is polarized. The charge difference, called the resting membrane potential, occurs because there is an uneven distribution of ions across the cell membrane. The resting membrane potential develops for three reasons; the concentration of K inside the cell membrane is higher than outside the cell membrane; the concentration of Na outside the cell membrane is higher than inside the cell membrane; and the cell membrane is more permeable to K than it is to Na.
Action Potential
The rapid depolarization and repolarization of the cell membrane is called an action potential. In a muscle fiber, an action potential results in muscle contraction.
Depolarization & Repolarization
Resting membrane potential = Na channels and some, but not all, K channels are closed. A few K diffuse down their concentration gradient through the open K channels, making the inside of the cell membrane negatively charged compared to the outside.
Depolarization = Na channels are open. A few Na diffuse down their concentration gradient through the open Na channels, making the inside of the cell membrane positively charged compared to the outside.
Repolarization = Na channels are closed, and Na movement into the cells stops. More K channels open. K movement out of the cell increases, making the inside of the cell membrane negatively charged compared to the outside once again.
Motor Neurons
Motor neurons are specialized nerve cells that stimulate muscles to contract. Motor neurons generate action potentials that travel to skeletal muscle fibers. Axons of these neurons enter muscles and send out branches to several muscle fibers.
Neuromuscular Junction
Axons of motor neurons enter muscles and send out branches to several muscle fibers. Each branch forms a junction with a muscle fiber, called a neuromuscular junction. A more general term, synapse, refers to the cell-to-cell junction between a nerve cell and either another nerve cell or an effector cell, such as a muscle or gland cell. Neuromuscular junctions are located near the center of a muscle fiber.
Motor Unit
A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates constitute a motor unit. The fewer fiber there are in the motor units of a muscle, the greater control you have over that muscle. Many muscle units constitute a single muscle.
Smooth Muscle Fibers
Involuntary Control

Walls of hollow organs
Iris and ciliary body in eyes
Under involuntary control
Autonomic nervous system
Produce motility
Propel food in the GI tract
Maintain tension
Vascular tone
Motor Unit
A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates constitute a motor unit.
Major functions of the muscular system?
Heat production
Organ/vessel constriction
Heart contraction
Describe how flow of ions lead to the resting membrane potential and the generation of action potentials
Briefly describe the steps involved in synaptic transmission of an action potential across the neuromuscular junction
Each presynaptic terminal (axon) contains many small vesicles, called synaptic vesicles. These vesicles contain acetylcholine, or ACh, which functions as a neurotransmitter, a molecule released by a presynaptic nerve cell that stimulates or inhibits a prostynaptic cell. When an action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal, it causes Ca channels to open. Ca enter the presynaptic terminal ancd cause several synaptic vesicles to release acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis. The acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to acetylcholine receptor sites on the Na channels in the muscle fiber cell membrane. The combination of acetylcholine with its receptor opens Na channels and therefore makes the cell membrane more permeable to Na. The resulting movement of Na into the muscle fiber initiates an action potential, which travels along the length of the muscle fiber and causes it to contract. The acetylcholine released into the synaptic cleft between the neuron and muscle fiber is rapidly broken down by an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase. This enzymatic breakdown ensures that one action potential in the neuron yields only one action potential in the skeletal muscle fibers of that motor unit and only one contraction of each muscle fiber.
Where is smooth muscle found in the body? What are its functions?
Walls of hollow organs
Iris and ciliary body in eyes
Around Arteries and Blood vessels

Under involuntary control
Autonomic nervous system
Produce motility
Propel food in the GI tract
Maintain tension
Vascular tone
Helps maintain blood pressure (like sitting and standing)
Posterior (Dorsal)
Closer to back of body
The teeth are posterior to the lips
Closer to midline of body
The nose is medial to the eyes
Farther from midline of body
The eyes are lateral to the nose
Between two structures
The elbow is intermediate between the shoulder and the wrist
On same side of body
The right arm and right leg are ipsilateral
Contralateral (Peripheral)
On opposite sides of body
The right arm and left arm are contralateral
Nearer to point of attachment of limb to trunk
The elbow is proximal to the wrist
Farther from point of attachment of limb to trunk
The wrist is distal to the elbow
Closer to surface of body
The skin is superficial to the muscles
Farther from surface of body
The muscles are deep to the skin
breast bone
genital area
shoulder blade region
spinal column
the area of the back between the lowest rib and buttocks
highest point of the shoulder
Anterior surface of the elbow
posterior surface of the elbow
palm of the hand
grown where the thigh attaches to the pelvis
anterior surface of the knee
posterior surface of the knee
anterior surface of the leg
posterior surface of the leg
lateral side of the leg
sole of foot
Parietal ....
Outer wall or lining
Visceral ....
Inner wall or lining
Pericardial Cavity
the cavity surrounding the heart
Pleural cavity
the cavity surrounding the lungs
Pertaining to the central part of the body, the head and trunk
Pertaining to the extremities or limbs
pertaining to the portion of the skull surrounding the brain
the back of the head
rough projection or elevation
Ex: tibia
Ex: hip bone
superior to condyle
Ex: femur
Vertebral Column
26 bones

Intervertebral Discs
Thoracic Cage
3 bones

- Jugular Notch
- Sternal Angle (opposite 2nd rib)
Body of Sternum
Xiphoid (this is cartilage, ossifys completely by age 40)
12 pairs

True Ribs (7) - Costal Hyaline Cartilage connected
False Ribs (5) - last 2 pairs are called floating

head - to demifacets on body
Tubercle - to facet on transverse process
12 pairs

True Ribs (7) - Costal Hyaline Cartilage connected
False Ribs (5) - last 2 pairs are called floating

head - to demifacets on body
Tubercle - to facet on transverse process