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82 Cards in this Set

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Placing organisms in groups

Kingdom -> phyla -> class -> order -> family -> genus -> species

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

- transports substances around the cell

- inter-connected system of membrane-closed flattened channels

-ER with ribosomes is ROUGH ER

- NO ribosomes is SMOOTH ER

DEFINE ecosystem

Biological unit comprising of the community living in a discrete region

Keystone species

species that have a large role in the ecosystem


INTERSPECIFIC: competition for resources in an ecosystem involving 2 species

INTRASPECIFIC: competition for resources in an ecosystem involving some species


identifying, naming, describing and classifying organisms into groups


Total number of DIFFERENT organisms living in an area


- a sack containing about 50 digestive enzymes which break down bacteria

- performs autophagy - breaks down non-functioning cells

3 levels of biodiversity

1. species diversity

2. genetic diversity

3. ecosystem diversity


- found in plant and algae cells

- responsible for performing photosynthesis

- has 2 membranes


- in eukaryotic cells

- membrane bound organelle containing DNA
- has a double membrane, called nucleus envelope


transports inorganic substances (water & dissolved ions) from roots to leaves

Active transport

- Goes against concentration gradient

- Moves substances from area of low concentration to an area of high concentration

- ENERGY NEEDED (normally ATP)


- transports organic substances produced by photosynthesis (glucose) from leaves to rest of plant

Facilitated diffusion

- uses special protein transporters (channel/carrier proteins) in plasma membrane

- NO ENERGY required

- channel proteins: tunnel (pore) that creates hydrophilic passage, diffuses charged particles

- carrier proteins: allows diffusion of 1 kind of molecule


- movement of water from area of high water to area of low water through semi-permeable membrane

High water levels

S - increased water levels

R- osmoreceptors

C- Hypothalamus (stops ADH release)

E- Kidney tubules

R- Decreased reabsorption of water, increased urine volume

Low water levels

S- decrease in water level

R - osmoreceptors

C - Hypothalamus (1. release of ADH 2. thirst centre)

E - Kidney tubules, thirst behaviour

R - Increased reabsorption of water, decreased urine volume

Positive feedback

Keep doing the same thing that was already happening

Negative feedback

System detects change and acts to reverse change

Decrease of core temp

S - Decrease in temp

R - Thermoreceptors detect change

C - hypothalamus

E - muscles, blood vessels, body cells

R - shivering, vasoconstriction, increase metabolic rate


-Rich in the enzymes that detoxify various toxic materials that enter bloodstream

- Responsible for oxidation of fatty acids


- in eukaryotic cells only

- Produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

- produces ATP through cellular respiration


- made by Beta cells

- transport of glucose into some body cells

- Insulin decreases glucose in blood

Low level of glucose

S - decrease in blood glucose

R - alpha cells of pancreas

C - Alpha cells secrete glucagon

E - Liver cells

R - Liver cells release glycogen (glucose)


- made by alpha cells

- makes liver release stored glycogen

- glucagon increases glucose in blood


Glucagon released by Alpha cells

Beta cells release Insulin

High glucose levels

S - increased blood glucose

R - beta cells in pancreas

C - beta cells release insulin

E - Liver cells

R - uptake of glucose (by liver)

Respiration (continued...)

- ADP + P = ATP

- occurs in mitochondria & cytosol (95% ATP made in mitochondria)

- Glucose needed for ADP to turn into ATP

Prokaryotic cells

- lack membrane bound nucleus & organelles

- E.G. bacteria (unicellular)

- Circular DNA

Cell organisation

1. Cell

2. Tissue

3. Organ

4. Organ system




Heterotrophs: obtain energy through consumption of other organisms (omnivores)

Autotrophs: synthesise energy or glucose using sunlight

Chemotrophs: Generate energy from inorganic substances E.G. ammonia, live in places with no light


- where proteins are made

- Contains RNA

Stimulus response model



Control centre




-maintaining a level of balance for certain physiological variables (temp, glucose, water, urea)



- practice of learning from & being inspired by nature to achieve technological advances

Tolerance range

Particular environmental conditions in which an organism can survive

Behavioural adaptations

Activities organism does to help survive

Increase of core temp

S - hypothalamus detects increase

R - thermoreceptors

C - message sent to hypothalamus

E - Sweat glands, blood vessels, body cells

R - Sweat, vasodialate, decreased metabolic rate




Hypertonic: having a higher solute concentration than cells content (less water outside cell)

Isotonic: having equal solute concentration to that of cell

Hypotonic: having a lower solute concentration than cells content (more water outside cell)

Eukaryotic cell

- have membrane bound organelles

E.G. animals, plants, fungi

- linear DNA

Cell wall

- found only in plant cells

- Allows things to pass through

Golgi complex

- responsible for export of substances out of cell

- multi-layered structure, made of stacks of membrane line channels


Genetically controlled feature that enhances survival

Structural adaptation

Anatomical parts of the body (external) to assist survival

Physiological adaptation

Internal responses made by the systems to assist survival

Growth rate equation

Growth rate = (Birth + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)


- Transfer of energy from glucose to ATP

glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water

Aerobic respiration

oxygen needed

34 ATP's made

Slow process

Anaerobic respiration

no oxygen needed

2 ATP's made

quick process

by product of lactic acid = fatigue, muscle soreness

Simple diffusion

- movement of substances from area of high concentration to area of low concentration

- gases & uncharged molecules

-NO ENERGY is required

Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism: under-active thyroid gland that fails to secrete enough hormones

Hyperthyroidism: over-active thyroid gland that produces excessive amounts of thyroxine

Useful forms of energy


- Glucose

- Glycogen

- Starch

- Fats


Carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen

- plants (occurs in chlorophyll found in chloroplasts)

Hyperthermia & hypothermia

Hyperthermia: elevated core temp due to failure of thermoregulation

Hypothermia: condition where somebody has abnormally low core temp

Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes

Type 1: beta cells of the pancreas produce little to no insulin

Type 2: insulin produced but the body cells do not respond (A.K.A insulin resistant)


One organism inhibits or destroys another organism

The organism that destroys the other gains no direct benefit

Population distribution

- refers to spread of members of a population over given area

A - uniform

B - random

C - clumped


One member gains, while nothing happens to the other (not harmed nor gains anything)


- clear, thick, jelly like material

- protects cell organelles


Both organisms benefit somehow


- Parasite lives in or on host but does not kill host

- Parasite benefits (feeds off host)

Predator - prey relationship

one species kills or eats another

breakdown of ecosystem

Cell -> organisation -> population -> community -> ecosystem

Asexual reproduction

one parental organism gives rise to 2 identical offspring

EXAMPLES: binary fission (bacteria) and budding

Biological advantages of asexual reproduction

- parent can produce without a mate

- offspring produced at a faster rate

- not a lot of energy required

Biological disadvantages of asexual reproduction

- little variation in the population

- rapid population growth that could lead to competition for resources

- any mutation in parents DNA will be passed of to offspring


asexually reproduced organisms with identical genetic makeup


cells that contain half the number of chromosomes of somatic cells

How are gametes formed?

Through the process of Meiosis where genetic material is shuffled between homologous chromosomes


process of cell division that produces daughter cells, each of which have half the number of chromosomes of the original parent cell

- there a 2 nuclear divisions in meiosis

Prophase I

appearance of chromosomes, crossing over between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes may occur

Metaphase I

Homologous chromosomes line up independently at the spindle equator

Anaphase I

Homologous chromosomes separate and move towards opposite poles

Telophase I

Chromosomes disappear, nuclear membrane forms and cell divides into 2 (each cell has half the number of chromosomes as the parent)

Prophase II

chromosomes reappear in each cell

Metaphase II

each chromosome lines up at the spindle equator

Anaphase II

Centromeres are split and sister chromatids move to opposite poles

Telophase II

Chromosomes disappear, the nuclear membrane reforms and each cell divides into 2

Final product of meiosis

four daughter cells

variation can exist between four cells as a result from crossing over and independent assortment during meiosis 1


when chromosomes fail to separate correctly during anaphase I or anaphase II

- gametes produced may have an extra copy of a chromosome or missing a chromosome

Biological advantages of sexual reproduction

genetically varied offspring

individual characteristics may aid in survival if environment changes