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51 Cards in this Set

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This is the phase of a muscle twitch when a stimulus is applied and chemical processes begin
What is the most likely reason for a muscle cramp?
Lack of ATP
If a muscle remains at a constant length while tension increases we call that what?
Isometric Contraction
What type of muscle has the longest refractory period?
The state of sustained partial contraction that serves to keep the muscle taught and ready for action is what?
Muscle Tonus
Forceful sustained muscle contraction produced by a rapid series of stimulations is what two things?
Tetanic contraction
The phase of a muscle twitch where it shortens and thickens is what?
The phase of a muscle twitch where it returns to original length is what?
Period of time immediately following a muscle response to a stimulus where it can't respond to a second stimulus is called what?
Describe the Motor Unit
Motor neuron and all muscle fibers it stimulates
Describe the All-or-None Response
When a muscle fiber contracts it contracts to its fullest extent
Maximum number of ATP molecules produced by glucose molecule in cellular respiration is what?
During The Krebs Citric Acid Cycle how many ATP are produced from one pyruvate?
Kreatin phosphate serves to do what?
It supplies the energy for the re-synthesis of ATP from ADP
Amount of oxygen needed
Oxygen Debt
Chemical compound which when allowed to accumulate leads to muscle fatigue is called what?
Lactic Acid
During a muscle contraction Calcium ions combine with __________ leading to the exposure of active sights for cross bridge formation.
The first event in muscle contraction is what?
A motor neuron releases ACh
Multi-unit smooth muscle is found where?
In the eye
Connective tissue that covers each muscle fiber is called what?
Connective tissue that covers the whole muscle is called what?
Self-exciting and rhythmic property of cardiac muscle is known as what?
Intercalated Discs
The two most abundant chemical compounds in muscle are what?
Protein and Water
During relaxation of a muscle fiber what happens to the Z line?
Move further apart
Anaerobic metabolism takes place where?
In the Cytoplasm
The cell membrane of a muscle cell is correctly referred to as?
Gluconeogenesis is what?
Formation of Glucose from non-Carbohydrate precursers
When large amounts of Ketones are present it indicates what?
Increased metabolism of Fat
Primary function of Carbohydrates is?
To maintain energy production within cells
If Oxygen is lacking how much ATP can you get from one Glucose and why?
Cause it comes from the Cytoplasm
Skeletal Muscles will never what?
Produce hormones
Deglutition is what?
The basic contraction unit of muscle is what?
This provides energy for muscle contraction
Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP
Muscular atrophy is due to what?
Lack of neural stimulation
ATP has no what? What does it have instead?
Hexose sugars
Ribose which are Pentose sugars
This pancreatic hormone is released in response to elevated blood Glucose
Typical healthy diet should include what?
40-70% Carbs
Fructose and Galactose are converted to Glucose in what organ?
As a result of Carbohydrate loading Glycogen reserves in Skeletal Muscle can be increased by what percentage?
3.5% - 4%
Urea is made in what organ?
The liver
Describe Lypogenesis
Making fat
Protein synthesis deals with what?
Actin complex doesn't contain what?
Krebs Citric Acid Cycle matches with what?
Glycolysis matches with what?
This enzyme initiates relaxation
Give an example of a thick contractile protein
Sex-linked inherited muscle deterioration is known as what?
Muscular Dystrophy
Location of sodium ions with relaxed muscle fibers is where?
Outside Sarcolemma
The fixed anchor of a muscle is known as what?
The origin