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41 Cards in this Set

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To assess your client's lateral rotation, medial rotation and hyperextension would have you putting them lying in what position?
To assess your client's hip flexion, abduction and adduction would have you putting them lying in what position?
From a mechanical perspective, what is the primary function of the patella?
To increase the pulling force of the quads
Hyperextension of the hip is useful to stretch the hip flexors. However, at a certain point it is no longer beneficial or safe. Why?
Because the inguinal ligament may entrap any of the N.A.V.L.
If a quarter back is standing firmly on the ground and gets hit by a trackler below the knees from the front side, which ligament structure is most likely to be stressed the most?
Excessive stress on the lateral side of the knee would stress which of the supporting ligaments of the knee most?
The knee is capable of other motions than flexion/extension. Explain why.
Lateral and Medial Rotation can happen with a flexed knee
What type of contraction is the gluteus maximus engaging in on the side used to drive out of the blocks during the starting phase of a 100 meter sprint?
Which of the gluteal muscles is most active in standing up from a sitting position?
Glute max
If a person is walking on a treadmill, what type of muscle contraction are the hamstrings using during the propulsion phase of the walking stride?
As you observe your client's gait you notice one foot is turned out laterally as she walks. Which muscle group is most likely to be shortened?
Lateral rotators
What type of contraction are the hip flexors engaged in while a kicker is punting a football?
Give an example of an eccentric contraction of the Iliopsoas muscle.
The action is hyperextension
Example: Running
What type of muscle contraction are the quadriceps engaging in during the push-off phase of sprinting?
The Gracilis muscle provides stabilizing assistance to which ligament structure?
In which condition is the IT Band likely to be more stressed-genu valgum or genu varum?
Genu Varum (Bow-Legged)
What is the VMO and what can happen to knee mechanics when it is not functioning properly?
Vastus Medialus Obliquus
Vastus Laterallus will pull patella laterally
What muscle group would you concentrate on to assist a client with patellar tracking problems?
What effect would a weakened gluteus medius have on gait?
It will create a duck walk because it will make the hip laterally rotated because the medial rotators are weak
How would a shortened Iliopsoas muscle affect stride length during running?
It would restrict hip extension and shorten stride length
How do the Glute max and TFL play a major role in knee activity?
Because if the IT Band is tight it will cause pain in the knee
Why might an MRT for hip abduction produce pain in the lateral portion of the knee?
IT Band
Why might an MRT using plantar flexion reproduce pain behind the knee?
The gastrocs cross the ankle and knee joints
What type of muscle contraction are the quads engaging in during the descending phase of a squat exercise with free weights? (2)
Rectus Femoris is shortening AND lengthening. But, as a group they are eccentrically contracting.
What term refers to the inability of a two-joint muscle to fully stretch over both joints?
Passive insufficiency
Give an example of passive insufficiency with the hamstring muscle group
Trying to stretch the hams with the knee flexed
What term refers to the inability of a two-joint muscle to fully contract over both joints?
Active insufficiency
How does active insufficiency come into play with a seated leg extension weight machine?
Inability to get the maximum contractile force because it crosses two joints
This is often a sharp, prickling type of pain: localized to the epidermis and mucous membranes
Superficial Somatic Pain
This is likely to be burning or aching; results from stimulation of pain receptors in deep skin layers, muscles, or joints
Deep Somatic Pain
This type of pain results from stimulation of receptors in the organs of the thorax and abdominal cavity; usually a dull ache, burning, or feeling of pressure
Visceral Pain
What types of body pain are due to uninsulated nerve pathways?
Deep Somatic Pain
Visceral Pain
What types of body pain are due to insulated nerve pathways?
Superficial Somatic Pain
Name two substances that are created by the body to reduce pain
What do we call the experience of pain through mechanisms other than nociception?
What is our built in sensory detection, transduction, and neural transmission of noxious events?
Name four chemical substances that can stimulate nociceptors
Substance P
If you have a second injury to the same tissue why is it more intense the second time? And, what do we call this process?
Because the nerve pathways were already created so it is much easier for the pain to travel

What is it called when you have stimulation of A-beta fibers by touch, rubbing, vibration, etc. which leads to inhibition of transmission of pain impulses in the dorsal horn?
Gate Control Theory
What is the pain relief called that is experienced through the gate control theory?
Hyperstimulation Analgesia
What is the difference between Bradykinin and Endorphins/Enkephalins?
Bradykinin lets your body know you have pain. Endorphins/Enkephalins are naturally produced to help deal with pain.