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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the properties of light?

Wavelength (color/hue), intensity(brightness), and purity (saturation)

What is "Wave Length"?

The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave

Which colors represent the longest and shortest wavelengths?

Red-longest, Violet-shortest

What is "Amplitude"?

The height of a wave

What is the "Trichromat" Theory?

Created by Young Helmholtz- states that the

three cones correspond to red, blue and green-other colors perceived through mixing signals of cones

How do sensations become perceptions?

Transduction of external stimuli sent to brain, which makes sense of it all!

In what lobe are faces percieved in?

The right temperal lobe

What is the relation betw. sight, sound, and vestibular sense?

Eyes detect changes in body posture and vestibular imbalance (in ears) provide info to keep us right side up!

How do sight and taste differ from sight and sound?

Chemical molecules, not physical energy

What is the formal word for taste buds?

Fungiform Papallia

Where are taste buds located?

In Papillae-Tongue, throat, soft palate, chemical receptors, parietal lobe

What is a "Volatile Substance"?

Chemical molecules released into air at room temp

What is the Olfactory Bulb in the Nose?

receptor cells covered in mucus that dissolve molecules into electric signals and send to bulb

What is the "Olfactory Nerve"?

Transmits neural impulses to amygdala and hippocampus

What are "Pheromones"?

Chemical communicators system that affects behavior of others

What are "Skin Senses"?

sense of touch emcompasses pressure, pain, and temp(cold/warm)

Where are receptors located?

middle layer of skin

What is the "Two Point Threshold"?

Smallest distance betw. two points before person identifies two sources of stimulation as one (toothpick demo)

What is the "Gate Theory"?

Signal must travel through gate in spinal cord to recieve pain

What is the Phantom Limb Pain?

Pain coming from an amputated limb caused by memory or nerves in the stump

What is the Ganzfield Effect?

caused by exposure to unstructured environment

Characteristics of Extra-Sensory Perception?

a mental perception of events through means other than senses (telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, Zener cards)

Characteristics of Psychokinesis?

Influence of mind over physical matter(static, catching arrow in mid air, living miracle(heal you!))

Where are sense receptors located for vision?

Retina(rods and cones)

Where are sense receptors located for audition?

cochlea, basillar membrane(organ of the corti)

Where are sense receptors located for olfaction?

nasal membrane

Where are sense receptors located for gustation?

Taste buds

Where are sense receptors located for skin?

hair follicles or free nerve endings

Where are sense receptors located for vestibular?

Semi Circular Canals

Where are sense receptors located for kinesthetic?

in muscles, joints, tendents