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20 Cards in this Set

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Social Psychology
How other people influence your thoughts and behavior
Attribution Theory
explaining someone's behavior with a reason or cause

- attribute: how you explain people's behavior
feeling / belief that predisposes you to certain behaviors
Attitude <---------> Action
Central Route of Persuasiveness
direct approach
focus on intellect
requires high attention
more enduring change in attitude
works best when audience is already interested in topic
Peripheral Route of Persuasiveness
indirect approach (no facts)
focus on emotions
requires less attention
more transient change in attitude (less enduring)
works best when audience is NOT interested in topic
Factors that Affect Persuasiveness (3)
1. Authority, Credibility, Trustworthiness
2. Attractiveness
3. Similarity - "like the audience"
Anchoring Effect
The first item showed become anchored in your mind which will influence your decision.
ex: you say you have a $2,000 budget, car dealer shows you a $5,000 car first, so a $2,500 car seems more reasonable.
Inoculation Effect
exposing to other / opposing ideas (in a weakened form)
Cognitive Dissonance
state of contradiction when two opinions can't both be true
Cognitive Consistency Theory
attitudes, actions, opinions, etc MUST be in harmony
"Foot in the door" persuasive technique
once a commitment occurs, the foot is in the door and more can be taken. Give an inch, take a whole mile, start small, get bigger
"Door in the face" persuasive technique
start big (anchoring) and then get what is desired
"Straw Man" persuasive technique
Point A and Point B. Explain Point A in a bad way (misinterpreted) and then attack Point A from the misinterpreted points. Prove that B is better.
"Lying by omission" persuasive technique
explain persuasive point wrong (by leaving out the bad points). Not telling the whole truth
"Identity" persuasive technique
Discover the identity of an audience, then convince them that those type of people do / don't do something a certain way. The audience will usually do the same
The SUCCESs Model (persuasion)
Simple - streamlined, less jargon, analogies
Unexpected - surprise
Concrete - sensory / real, create a mental image
Credible - speaker numbers, human sized scale
Emotional - story, involve audience
Story - increases attention and memorability
a dishonest manipulation of information in order to persuade others. usually not propaganda unless institutionalized
Hitler's 5 Principles of Effective Propaganda
1. Aim at the masses
2. Aim at the emotions, not the intellect
3. Focus on only a few points, repeated until ALL get it
4. Set the message at intellectual level of the dumbest
5. The bigger the audience, the lower their collective intelligence
Hitler's 4 Main Points
1. Anti-Communist
2. Patriotism, Call for National Identity
3. Anti-Semitic (Jewish)
4. Call for a strong dictatorship
Hitler's 6 Propaganda Techniques
1. Name Calling
2. Glittering Generalities
3. Transfer
4. Plain Folks
5. Bandwagon
6. Fear