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58 Cards in this Set

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The science that studies the behavior and cognition of organism


Knowledge comes from experience via the senses and science flourishes thru obsevation and experiment


School in psych that used introspection to explore the human mind


School in psych that focused on how mental and behavioral processes function (adapt, survives, florishes)

Hindsight Bias

Tendacy to believe after learning an outcome that you would have foreseen it


Repeating a research study to see if the finding will be the same with diff participants and circumstances

False Consensus Effect

Tendacy to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors


A blank sunstance used in experiments to make the person in the control group think that they are part of the experiment also produce a false effect

Cognitive Perspective

To understand behavior one must examine how people think, aquire, store and process information

Behavioral Perspective

Only obsevable behaviors can be studied

Humanistic Perspective

Humans are free rational beings with the potential for personal growth

Biological Perspective (Neuroscience)

Our functioning can be explained by the workings of the brain and nervous system

Psychoanalytic Perspective

Unconscious motives and experiences or internal conflicts determines behavior, personality, and mental disorders (Freud)

Socio-Cultural Perspective

Behavior is influenced by social or cultural systems

Evolutionary Perspective

Behavior and internal processes are adapted for survival;natural selection favors behaviors that echances reproductive sucess (Darwin )


Greek philosopher who believed logic comes from experience


Greek philosopher who denied existence of innate ideas, heart is seat of mental processes


Greek philosopher who believed in innate ideas, brain is seat of mental processes

John Locke

Englishmen who insisted that the mind is a blank slate; stressed empiricism over speculation

Wilhelm Wundt

Father of Psychology, founder of first psych lab @ Uni of Leipzig, founder of structualism (introspection)

William James

Author of The Principles of Psychology

John Watson

Father of Behaviorism

Sigmund Freud

Father of Psychoanaylsis and wrote Interpretation of Dreams

Carl Wernicke

Geman Neurologist that showed damage to the left temperal lobe disrupt the ability to comprehend language

Paul Broca

French physician who showed the left frontal lobe as critical for the prosuction of language

BF Skinner

Father of Operant Conditioning

Albert Bandura

Father of observational learning and publishes social learning theory; Bobo Doll experiments

Blackemore and Copper

Studies with perception of cats placed in cylinder with horizontal or vertical lines; cats were unable to see the opposite lines

EL Thorndike

Proposed the law of effect and performed classical conditioning on cats in puzzle boxes

Ivan Pavlov

Father of classical conditioning; experiments with dogs salivationing

Franz Mesmur

Father of Hypnosis

Phineas Euge

Massive damage to frontal lobe when a rod pierced his brain leaving perfect memory and intellect but altered his personality

Mary Calkins

First female pres of the APA; studies with memory

Margerat Washburn

First female to recieve Ph.D in Psych (Cornell)

Herman Ebbinghaus

Father of Memory


Term for the belief that mind and body are diff aspects of the same thing


Term for the belief that mind and body are 2 distinct entities that interact


Study of paranormal phenomena

Human factors

Explored how people and machines interact and how machines and physical environment can be adapted to human behaviors

Clinical Psychology

Studies assesses and treats people with psychological disorders

Industrial organizational

Apply psychology concepts methods to optimize human behavior in workplaces


Investigates memory thinking reasoning language and decision making


Assist individuals in dealing with personal problems that do not involve mental disorders


Experimental factor that can be manipulated variable whose effect is being studied if part of hypothesis


Experimental factors being studied variable that may change in response to manipulation of independent variable then part of hypothesis

Control Group

Participants who are not exposed to IV serves as a comparidon for evaluating the effect of the treatment

Experimental Group

Participants are exposed to the treatment independent variable


All the members of the group being studied

Random Sample

Choosing the participants in an experiment so every member has an equal chance of being included in allows you to generalize your results to the larger group

Double Blind Procedure

A control procedure in which neither the experimenter in charge of gathering information nor the participants are aware of which condition they are in

Random Assignment

Procedure of dividing the participants into the experimental or control group to minimize previous and differences

Hawthorne Effect

Term for being selected president in an experiment will affect the performance because they feel special

Confounding Variable

The difference that exist between the experimental and control conditions that can alter the results for example different room temperatures

Case Study

Observation technique in which person is studied in debt in hope of revealing universal principles; problem using this: misleading show bias can't generalize


Getting self-reported attitudes or behaviors of people usually via questioning a representative random sample of them; problems with using this: people lie wording can alter results may not be representative

Naturalistic Observation

Observing and recording behavior in a natural situation without manipulating or controlling the situation; problems with using this: informal, doesnt answer how or why


A prediction showing the movement of 1 variable and how it relates the other variable; problems with using this: no cause or effect

Illusory Correlation

A false prediction that there is a relationship between 2 variables when none exist