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54 Cards in this Set

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experimental values are all close to one another
experimental values are close to correct values
systematic error
- can be discovered and corrected
- usually wrong in a particular direction (i.e. miscalibration)
-fault of equipment
random (indeterminate) error
- limitations in the ability to make physical measurements
- can come from estimating errors
- can be wrong in more than one direction (may estimate a little more or a little less than correct value)
normal distribution
- a bell curve, where the expected experiential values are in the center, and should be seen the most often when testing
- happens when only random error is involved
(sum of values) ÷ (number of measurements
standard deviation
√((sum of the the squares of the deviation from the mean) ÷ (# of observations-1))
degrees of freedom
number of observations -1

used to determine standard deviation
Q= (gap) ÷ (range)

used to decide whether an outlier should be rejected
analytical balance
used for weighing
setting something (i.e. the electronic balance) equal to 0 for calibration
weighing by difference
weigh a container full of a substance, pour some out, weight the container again to see how much substance has been poured out
how many decimal places something measures to
-dip at top of water in a tube
- measure from the bottom of the meniscus
-occurs because of surface tension, water is more attracted to glass that other water molecules.
intensive property
a measurement that does not change based on the amount of a substance
D = mass ÷ volume
conduct electricity (metals)
conduct some electricity (semimetals)
dont conduct electricity (nonmetals)
direct current
electricity flows through something in only one direction
alternating current
the current of electricity that flows through something in oscillating back and forth
the electrical force that pushed charge through the conductor


I = current
R = resistance
the quantity of electrons passing a point in one second

measured in amperes
how much a conductor resists the flow of atoms

measured in ohms
the work performsd by all electrical current
P = VI

measured in Watts (W)
1W = 1 J/s
electric circuit
any arrangement of electrical materials hat allows a current to flow through
converts energy from one form to another
used for drying substances

(uses CaCl2 in this case)
the precise numerical relationship between quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction
a substance with ions dissolved in it

conducts electricity (the ions are positive and negative)
siemens (S)
the unit for measuring conductance
conductometric titration
using conductivity measurements to tell how much of a certain substance needs to be added to bond to all of the lose electrons in a solution
First Law of Thermal Dynamics
the total energy in the universe must always remain constant
releases energy/heat (gets hotter)
absorbs energy/heat (gets colder)
heat of reaction
(heat of products) – (heat of reactants)
state function
i.e. enthalpy- a rection will always give off/absorb the same amount of energy, no matter what path is taken to get from the reactants to the products.
a device used to measure the heat or reaction. all the energy of a reaction expressed as heat, and the heat that is release or absorbed by the reaction makes water in the calorimeter heat up or cool down
heat capacity
the amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of a substance by 1˚C
specific heat
the amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1˚C
heat or reaction (qrxn)
-(qsoln + qcal)

qsoln = mass • ∆T • specific heat
qcal = calorimeter constant • ∆T
light waves
c = wavelength • frequency

c = speed of light
Balmer seires
the light spectrum of a hydrogen atom
Balmer's Equation
∆E = Rh ((1/nf^2) – (1/ni^2))
used to view the light spectra
transmission diffraction grating
small piece of glass or plastic with grooves in it that diffract light, so different frequencies show up at different points on the graph of the spectroscope
electrical discharge tube
tube containing metal electrodes and a low pressure gas. when a high voltage is passed through the electrodes, it emits light.
atomic emission spectrum
the light waves that a certain element produces (measured by a spectroscope)
continuous emission spectra
certain lights (like fluorescent lights) emit waves of so many different frequencies that the light overlaps and the spectra looks like a rainbow
burning a substance to ash and burning all of the carbon out of it
the process of using a machine which measures light absorption to determine the amount of substance in a solution

(measured by subtracting the amount of light transmitted through a substance from the amount of light originally emitted by the machine)
measures how much light is transmitted through a substance in a colorimeter
Beer's Law
A = e•b•c

A = absorbance = log (1/T)
T = transmittance = (light transmitted through solution) ÷ (light transmitted through blank solution)

e = molar extinction coefficient
b = path length of light
c = concentration of units of molarity
Beer's Law Plot
graph of absorbance vs. solution molarity