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63 Cards in this Set

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Jesus was a regular guy who was "adopted" by the Holy Spirit and given special abilities through Baptism, like the prophets in the OT

Analogia Entis

"Analogy of Being" developed by good ole Thomas Aquinas, allows one to know God through Creation

Analogia Fidei

"Analogy of Faith" developed by St. Augustine, you need Scripture to know God


All of out concepts of God are analogies, we use words to describe something that is indescribable


View proposed by Apollinaris of Laodicea (died 390) that Jesus could not have had a human mind; rather, that Jesus had a human body and lower soul (the seat of the emotions) but a divine mind.

Book of Nature

A religious and philosophical concept originating in the Latin Middle Ages which views nature as a book to be read for knowledge and understanding. Supported by our good friend, ole Thomas Aquinas


Jesus is human. Begotten.


The study of the person, nature and role of Christ


I am really unsure what I'm supposed to put here, but I mean I know who Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ is, so I think I'm good.

Book of the Word

The concept that scripture is super duper necessary to coming to Christian faith. Supported by St. Augustine. A lot.

Council of Ephesus

(431) No more Nestorianism, Certified the idea of Dyophisitsm, One person, two natures accepted.

Chalcedonian (Christological) definition

451: one person, two natures, Dyophsitism

Council of Constantinople

381: No more Arianism. Holy Spirit divine, Trinity solidified.

Creatio ex nihilo

Creation out of nothing, based on Genesis 1 and 2

Council of Nicaea

(325) Easter, clarification of God and Jesus, creation of the Nicene Creed.

Creatio continua

God's creation continues, God is the constant cause and sustainer of all things


Gnostics— “dokeo” =to seem/appear à Jesusseemed like a human being, but he was really divine


God created the world, but since then she hasstepped back— hands off creator.

Dialectical Theology

We have to hold God’s attributes in tension. Ourlanguage is feeble attempts, but necessary (In between Positive Cat andNegative Alpacha)

Doctrine of Revelation

God is fully revealed to our realm of existence in the person of Jesus of Nazareth

Doctrine of Creation

God alone is the creator of all reality and the source of all that is good, including the crowning creation— humanity.


Branch of philosophy that studies the nature/scopeof human nature.


One person, two natures “w/o confusion, change,division, separation.”

Edict of Milan

Letter signed by the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius, that proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire. The letter was issued in 313, shortly after the end of the persecution of Christians by the emperor Diocletian.


Again, I have no idea what specific thing he wants because he never defines these simple terms in the lectures and there are millions of definitions of faith out there, so.

Essence/Energies of God

(1) Persons- or Hypostases (also subjects). answering the question “Who is doing it?”

(2) Energies answering the question What is it that that They are doing?”

(3) Essence or Nature or ousia, answering the question "what are the they, that are doing these things".

Eastern Orthodox believes in a real separation of Essence and Energy.


The view of Eutyches was that Christ had only one nature - a confused mixture of human and divine. Eutycianism is also known as monophysitism from monos (single) and physis (nature).


A second century heresy claiming that salvation could be gained through secret knowledge. Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning "to know." Gnostics also believed that the material world (matter) is evil and that only the spirit is good.


The theological doctrine that God (the father) does not experience pain or pleasure from the actions of another being.

General Revelation

Knowledge about God and spiritual matters, discovered through natural means, such as observation of nature (the physical universe), philosophy and reasoning. Scripture's necessity debatable.

God's fingerprints

Good ole Thomas Aquinas: We can see Go'ds fingerprints on Creation


Process theology, creation is part of God, creationand God effect each other. God is evolving in a “process”, God changes, “opentheism”

God-shaped hole

A hole in our heart that only God can fill

Imago Dei

Image of God. Freedom? Relationships? Creativity?Understanding?

Personhood of God

God is a Personal God, not a deistic God. This just implies that God can have relationship and that God and humanity's relationship is "I-Thou", not "I-It".


The key term of the Christological doctrine formulated at the first ecumenical council, at Nicaea in 325, to affirm that God the Son and God the Father are of the same substance


The renunciation of the divine nature, at least in part, by Christ in the Incarnation.

Potentia ordinata

Creation, miracles, immediate revelation, inspiration, and regeneration, are to be referred to the potentia absoluta of God; all his works of providence to his potentia ordinata. This distinction is important, as it draws the line between the natural and supernatural, between what is due to the operation of natural causes, sustained and guided by the providential efficiency of God, and what is due to the immediate exercise of his power.


One person, one nature.

Natural Theology

Theology or knowledge of God based on observed facts and experience apart from divine revelation.

Sensus divinitatis

("sense of divinity"), also referred to as sensus deitatis ("sense of deity") or semen religionis ("seed of religion"), is a term first used by French Protestant reformer John Calvin to describe a hypothetical human sense.


When we say Jesus is divine and human we mean twovery distinct, separate substances held apart, unable to touch, like magnets.(Two persons, two natures)

Nicene Creed

Is a profession of faith widely used in Christian liturgy. It is called Nicene /ˈnaɪsiːn/ because it was originally adopted in the city of Nicaea (present day Iznik, Turkey) by the First Council of Nicaea in 325. Confirms Trinity nature of God.

Special Revelation

The belief that knowledge of God and of spiritual matters can be discovered through supernatural means, such as miracles or the scriptures, a disclosure of God's truth through means other than through man's reason.

Orders of Creation

Martin Luther: God didn’t just create back then hiscontinued creation is through social structures. (state, church, family, work)


Essence or Nature or ousia, answering the question "what are the they, that are doing these things".


The vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil. (all the stuff around the problem of evil)


God = Nature, same thing

Point of Contact

Does the contact of the Christian God need to be through Jesus and scripture or how else can people come in contact with the Truth?


God bearer 450— Chalcedon


Christ bearer 431—Ephesus

Potentia absoluta

Creation, miracles, immediate revelation, inspiration, and regeneration, are to be referred to the potentia absoluta of God; all his works of providence to his potentia ordinata. This distinction is important, as it draws the line between the natural and supernatural, between what is due to the operation of natural causes, sustained and guided by the providential efficiency of God, and what is due to the immediate exercise of his power.

Via positivia

Cataphatic Tradition: We can make constructive positive affirmationsabout what God is. Positive Cat


A heresy in Christian theology which holds that the Son and the Holy Spirit are subordinate to God the Father in nature and being. Subordinationism, in its various forms, was believed by some in the Early Christian period until the mid 4th century, when the Arian controversy was finally settled, after many decades of debates, with the formulation of the doctrine of Trinity. (loosely connected to Arianism)

Theological Anthropology

Humanity is God’s fav. Body (errybody got it) Rational Soul,(philosophize) Spirit (little golden string b/w God & us)

Theological Method

Source of theology. The methods that make up the Wesleyan Quadrilateral are Bible, Tradition, Reason, and Experience.

Threefold Word of God

Karl Barth’s concept of the threefold form of the Word of God may be stated as follows:

1.) The Word of God is first of all and preeminently the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2.) The Word of God appears in written form as the Holy Scriptures of the people of God, the Bible of the Old and New Testaments.

3.) The Word of God is the proclamation of the church of Jesus Christ as the revelation of his Father by the Spirit of God.


Greek for Fish, the letters stand for

I Jesus

X Christ

O Son of

Y God

E Father

Wesleyan Quadrilateral

1.) Bible— Authoritative witness to JC, “Christian” revealed in JC as witnessed to inscripture

2.) Reason— centralhuman capacity, necessary to theology and all aspects of life.

3.) Tradition— HS works thru us and others, we listen tocommunity of faith and theological reflections

4.) Experience— HS workingin us, can we unaided come to “See” truth?

Process Theology

A type of theology developed from Alfred North Whitehead's (1861–1947) process philosophy, most notably by Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000) and John B. Cobb (b. 1925). Process theology and process philosophy are collectively referred to as "process thought."




One nature, one person, Miaphysitism (Oriental/Eastern Orthodox)

Apostle's creed

Officially adopted by the Western Church in the 8th century, Eastern Orthodox never adopted it.