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8 Cards in this Set

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What are America's founding ideals, and why are they important?
1. Equality-because it allows all people to be treated the same way.
2.Rights- are powers tha give you privelage to do things like a right to trial by jury and only be taxed when you agree.
3.Liberty or freedom to make choices about who we are, what we do, what we believe adn how we live. This is important so people can have religious freedom, civil liberty which means the government cannot interfere with your life
4.Opportuntiy The pursuit of happiness so that people could pursue their dreams and hopes.
5. Democracy is so citizens can decide and participate in government how it affects them.
How did the Civil War affect the United States and it's people?
1. Split the nation into Union and Conferacy about slavery.
2. It caused families to fight against each other.
3. Creation of military draft to find enough men to fight the war.
4.Many men died almost 1 million and many were injured, the weapons were more deadly, the medical care was bad, hygeine was bad which caused men to get sick and die. The men kept busy between battles with music, reading, writing, sports, and swimming.
5. African Americans the Emancipation Proclamation gave blacks hope for equal rights, were recruited to fight but there was still a lot of racism and meanness to blacks.
6. Women were important as nurses, spies, and doing jobs like keeping the farms and businesses going. They also collected suppies and raised money to feed the soldiers.
7. The Civil War created an Us because we became more of a country after the war.
8. The Civil War helped the people understand the meaning of freedom.
What opportunities and conflicts emerged as Americans moved westward?
A Opportunities
1. Mining opportunites to find gold, silver, precious metals to get rich.
Ranching opportunities from the natural resource of grass and begin cattle drives and ranches to make a lot of money.
3, Railroads open the west to rapid settlement, transporting goods and communications was better and an opportunty for railroad builders to make money and become "railroad barons". The railroad allowed people to move west and get land and farm and ranch and work and become "lifelines".
5. African Americans saw the west as the "promised land" and were called Exodusters.
B. Conflicts
1.Confilcts between the Indians and the settlers
2. Conflicts between Indian tribes some were nomadic tribes that roamed the land and some were settled tribes that wanted to farm.
3.Farmes rose up in protest because they could not make money and pay their debts and created a protest movement called the populism and the Populist Party ( the power of the people).
Why did the southern states secede from the nation?
The southern states seceded because when Abraham Lincoln was elected they were afraid that slavery would be abolished.
Why was the railroad a threat to the Great Plains Indians existence?
The railroad was a threat to the Great Plains Indians existence because the railroads took over the land and the buffalo were slaughtered and threatened the Indians existacnce. The railroad brought settlers, ranchers famers and soldiers to the hunting grounds which destroyed them.
What struggles did the African American ex-slaves face after the Civil War?
The struggles the African American ex-slaves faced after the Civil War were the poll tax, the literacy test and the Jim Crowe laws the color line between blacks and whites in public places. Blacks were lynched by whites and Plessy v Fergusen which made blacks separate but equal, segregation.
What was the Supreme Law of the Land?
The Supeme Law of the Land was the Constitution of the United States of America.
What were the Billl of Rights, and whose rights are protected by the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights are the ten amendments and they protected the people and the states.