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37 Cards in this Set

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Need for transport systems in animals

High metabolic rate - active

Large surface area:volume ratio

Multicellular - large diffusion distance

Movement of other substances in blood e.g. hormones

Double and single circulatory system

Single pass through the heart once for one circuit of the body

Double pass through the heart twice for one circuit around the body

Fish single, mammals double

Double and single circulatory system diagram

Advantages of a double circulatory system

Flow around the body can be at a high pressure then the lungs - more quickly

Mammals need to maintain body temperature so lots of energy

Low pressure in single

Open and closed circulatory system

Closed - blood enclosed in blood vessels and not in direct contact with cells - leave and enter by diffusion

Open - not enclosed in blood vessels all the time e.g. in insects

Insect blood called haemolymph - no carbon dioxide or oxygen only nutrients and food

Muscular pumping organ like a heart - long tube and pumps up towards the head where it pours out

The disadvantage as pressure is low and slow and circulation may be affected by body movements

Insect circulatory system diagram

Components of blood vessels

Elastic fibres - elastin to stretch and recoil - vessel walls with flexibility

Smooth muscle - contracts or relaxes to change the size of the lumen

Collagen - structural support to maintain the shape

Arteries and arterioles

Carry blood away from the heart - oxygenated

Under high pressure - withstand force

Inside to outside - endothelium, elastic fibres, smooth muscle, collagen fibres

Walls thick and muscular so stretch and recoil with heartbeats and maintain high pressure

Inner lining folded so it can expand to maintain pressure

Arterioles are small blood vessels from artery to capillary

Layer of smooth muscle to constrict to reduce rate of flow or divert to other regions


From arterioles to venules

Lumen so small - same as 1 red blood cell so short diffusion distance

Walls single layer of squamous endothelium to reduce diffusion distance

Leaky walls so blood plasma and dissolved substances leave

Provide large surface area

Venules and veins

Venules from capillaries and join together to form veins

Venules have thin layers of muscle and elastic tissue and collagen

Veins carry blood back to the heart - deoxygenated

Inside to outside - endothelium, elastic layer, muscle layer, collagen

Under low pressure

Don’t have a pulse and have a large lumen

Lots of collagen and little elastic fibres as no stretch and recoil and not used to reduce blood flow

Smooth, thin endothelium lining so easy blood flow

Valves to prevent backflow - open when blood in one direction but close when moving in another

Muscles contract to force blood back to the heart

Vein and artery diagram

Tissue fluid

Surrounds cells in tissues

Dissolved substances in the plasma leave the capillaries

Red blood cells and large proteins too big to get through

Cells take in oxygen and nutrients from it and release waste

At the start of the capillary hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries is greater than tissue fluid so forces fluid out

Oncotic pressure generated by the plasma proteins and stays the same

The arterial end of a capillary has a high hydrostatic pressure so pushed the fluid into the tissues

Hydrostatic pressure then drops but oncotic pressure remains the same so some fluid including the waste and water move back into the capillary at the venule end

Lymph system

Some of the tissue fluid doesn’t return to the capillaries

Now called lymph and return to blood by lymphatic system

Lymph capillaries smallest

Valves to prevent backflow

Moves towards main lymph vessels in thorax and returned near heart

Contains lymphocytes made at lymph nodes - immune system

Blood, tissue fluid or lymph components - red blood cells

Blood - yes

Tissue fluid - no

Lymph - no

Too large to leave blood vessels

Blood, tissue fluid or lymph components - white blood cells

Blood - yes

Tissue fluid - no

Lymph - yes

Most in lymph

Blood, tissue fluid or lymph components - platelets

Blood - yes

Tissue fluid - no

Lymph - no

Only escape when capillaries damaged

Blood, tissue fluid or lymph components - proteins

Blood - yes

Tissue fluid - no

Lymph - yes - antibodies

Too large to leave capillaries

Blood, tissue fluid or lymph components - water

Blood - yes

Tissue fluid - yes

Lymph - yes

High water potential in lymph and fluid

Blood, tissue fluid or lymph components - dissolved solutes

Blood - yes

Tissue fluid - yes

Lymph - yes

Can move freely

The heart valves

Atrioventricular and semi-lunar valves Prevent back flow of blood

Open and close due to pressure

Pressure behind open

Pressure in front close

Lub-dub sound - lub atrioventricular valve closing and dub sound from semi-lunar valve closing

Heart structure diagram

Heart flow chart

Vena cava

Right atrium

Atrioventricular valve

Right ventricle

Semi-lunar valve

Pulmonary artery


Pulmonary vein

Left atrium

Atrioventricular valve

Left ventricle

Semi-lunar valve


Cardiac cycle - diastole

The heart relaxes - both atria and ventricles

Semilunar valve closes as high pressure in pulmonary artery and aorta

Atria fill with blood increasing their pressure

Pressure in ventricles falls so the atrioventricular valves open and blood flows passively

Cardiac cycle - atrial systole

Atria contract, ventricles relax

Atria decrease volume and increase pressure so pushes blood into ventricles through atrioventricular valve

Slight increase in ventricles pressure and volume as receive blood

Cardiac cycle - ventricle systole

Ventricles contract, atria relax

Ventricles decrease in volume and increase pressure

Force atrioventricular valve shut and open semilunar

Blood forced out of pulmonary artery/aorta then back to diastole

Heart tissues for pressure

Atria - thin walls because little pressure and only going to ventricles

Right ventricle - walls thicker than atria but still thin as only going to lungs so low pressure

Left ventricle - thicker than the right as under high pressure to go all the way around the body

Coordination of the cardiac cycle

Myogenic - initiates its own coordinations and rhythm

Sino-atrial node (SAN) generates electrical activity in the wall of the right atrium and causes the atria to contract

Non-conducting layer of tissue prevents the ventricles contracting

SAN activity is picked up by the atrioventricular node (AVN)

Slight delay to allow the ventricle to fill then travels down the bundle of His of Purkyne fibres

Ventricles contract from bottom up to push blood up


ECGs measure the electrical activity of the heart

P = atria contract
QRS = Ventricles contract
T = ventricles relax

ECGs measure the electrical activity of the heart

P = atria contract

QRS = Ventricles contract

T = ventricles relax

Heart problems

Bradycardia - slow heart rate

Tachycardia - fast heart rate

Fibrillation - irregular heartbeat - atria and ventricles out of time

Eutrophic heartbeat - an extra heartbeat - feels as through a heartbeat has been missed

Transporting oxygen

Erythrocytes adapted to transport oxygen

Biconcave shape for large SA

No nuclei to carry haemoglobin

Haemoglobin carries the oxygen - globular protein with iron haem group

Each haemoglobin can bind to 4 oxygen molecules

Oxygen has a high affinity for oxygen

Forms oxyhaemoglobin

Partial pressure of oxygen

Partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) measures the oxygen concentration

Higher concentration = higher pO2

Oxygen loads onto haemoglobin when there’s a high pO2

Oxygen unloads when low pO2

High pO2 in lungs so load on Low pO2 in respiring cells so load off

Oxygen dissociation curve

Oxygen dissociation curve explanation

High affinity for oxygen at a high pO2

Low affinity for oxygen at low pO2

Hard for the first molecule of oxygen to attach then changes shape for the next two to get in easier

Then hard for last oxygen to attach so few at 100% saturation

Fetal haemoglobin

A fetus gets oxygen supply from its mother’s blood in the placenta

Fetal haemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than adult haemoglobin

If the fetal haemoglobin had the same affinity for oxygen little oxygen would be transferred as the oxygen saturation of the mother’s blood has decreased as it moves around the body

Fetal haemoglobin curve

CO2 transport

Haemoglobin gives up its oxygen more easily at high pCO2 so at respiring cells

CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid - catalysed by carbonic anhydrase enzyme

Carbonic acid dissociates into H+ and HCO3- ions

The H+ ions cause oxyhaemoglobin to unload its oxygen to take up the H+ ions to form haemoglobinic acid

HCO3- ions diffuse out of the red blood cell and the chloride shift of Cl- ions prevent pH change

When blood reaches the lungs there is a low pCO2 so H+ and HCO3- ions recombine to form carbon dioxide

10% combine directly with haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin and 5% dissolved in blood plasma

Bohr effect

Higher affinity for oxygen at a low pCO2 as less carbon dioxide will travel in the haemoglobin
Higher affinity for oxygen at a low pCO2 as less carbon dioxide will travel in the haemoglobin