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24 Cards in this Set

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What are d block transition metals

Metals with incomplete d subshells in at least one of their ions

Which atoms don't follow the aufbau principle when filling the d shell and why?

Chromium; has a half filled d shell and copper; has a full d shell

Where are electrons lost from first in transition metals when they form ions?

The 4s sub shell

How can oxidation number be determined?

Uncombined elements have an oxidation number of 0

Ions containing single atoms have the same oxidation number as the charge

The sum of all oxidation numbers in a molecule is 0

The sum of all oxidation numbers in an ion is equal to the charge of the ion

What is special about transition metal colours in compunds?

The colour can be different in different compounds

How do transition metals from differ in their oxidation states

Transition metals can have different oxidation states in different compounds

What does a change in oxidation number imply?

An oxidation or reduction has occurred

What is oxidation?

An increase in oxidation number

What is reduction?

A reduction in oxidation number

What does having a high/low oxidation number typically mean?

High oxidation state means oxidising state

Low oxidising state means reduction state

What are ligands?

Negative ions or molecules with unpaired electrons that they donate to form dative covalent bonds

What is the name of a ligand that donates 1/2/3 electrons

Monodentate, bidentate, tridentate

What is co ordination number?

The total number of bonds from the ligand to the central atom

What rules allow you to name complexes?


How are complexes named?

Ligands are named first in alphabetic order, then the name of the metal and its oxidation state

If the ligand is water or ammonia or CO then its changed to aqua, ammine or carbonyl

If the complex is negative then the complex ion ends in -ate

What is special about d orbitals in transition metal comolex?

They're not degenerate

What is d orbital splitting?

When electrons in approaching ligands repel the orbitals lying on the axes

What is a strong and weak field ligand?

Strong field ligands cause large difference in energies between d orbitals

Weak field ligands cause small difference in energies between d orbitals

What is the spectrochemical series?

A list ordering ligands in terms of their ability to split d orbitals

What happens when electrons move from a lower d orbital to a higher one?

Light is absorbed

What is a heterogeneous catalyst?

When the catalyst is in a different state to the reactants

How does heterogeneous catalysis work?

Transition metals on the surface of active sites form weak bonds on the reactant molecules. The presence of an unfilled d orbital allows activated complexes to form. This can provide reaction pathways with a lower activation energy

What is a homogenous catalyst?

A catalyst in the same state as the reactants

How does homogenous catalysis work?

Oxidation state changes with the formation of intermediate complexes