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95 Cards in this Set

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(Panadol, Panamax)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C:Non-opioid analgesic
I:Pain, fever
MoA: Unknown
D: 1-2 qid prn m8 (1g qid)
AE: increased aminotransferases
P: urticaria, hypersensitivity, liver failure Sx
L: pain management. compresses, RICE
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: opioid analgesic
I: mild to moderate pain
MoA: mimic endog opioids, activate opioid receptors which produce analgesia etc
D: 30-60mg q4h max 240mg/24h
AE: N/V/C, drowsiness
P: sedation and hard to rouse, difficulty breathing, shallow breathing, anaphylaxis (allergy)
L: high doses = prevent constipation, pain lifestyle e.g. RICE warm pack, cold pack
(Tramal, Zydol)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Opioid analgesic
I: Mod to severe pain
MoA: mimic endog opioids, activate opioid receptors which produce analgesia etc
D: 50-100mg q6-4h max 400mg/d
AE: N,V,C, drowsiness
P: sedation and hard to rouse, difficulty breathing, shallow breathing, anaphylaxis (allergy)
L: high doses = prevent constipation, pain lifestyle e.g. RICE warm pack, cold pack
(Oxycontin CR, Endone IR)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Opioid analgesic
I: Mod to severe pain
MoA: Mimic endogenous opioids, activate opioid receptors which produce analgesia etc
D: IR- 5-15mg q4-6h, CR-total daily dose bd
AR: N/V/C, drowsiness
P: Sedation and hard to rouse, difficulty breathing, shallow breathing, anaphylaxis (allergy)
L: high doses = prevent constipation, pain lifestyle incl pain specialist
(MS Contin, Ordine)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
Class: Opioid analgesic
Indication: Mod to severe pain
MoA: mimic endogenous opioids, activate opioid receptors which produce analgesia etc
Dose: titrate dose to patients needs
AE: N/V/C, drowsiness
P: sedation and hard to rouse, difficulty breathing, shallow breathing, anaphylaxis (allergy)
L: high doses = prevent constipation, pain lifestyle
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Penicillin
I: chronic bronchitis, acute bacterial otitis media, sinusitis, CAP
MoA: Inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis
D: 250-500mg tds or 1g bd; 7.5-25mg/kg tds (up to 80-90mg/kg/day)
AE: GI Sx, rash/hypersensitivity
P: allergic hypersensitivity reaction
L: plenty of water, rest, paracetamol for fever, probiotics (2h after antibiotics)
(Keflex, Ialex)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Cephalosporin
I: UTIs, Staph and strep for pts with mild-mod Pc allergy
MoA: interfere bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis --> cell lysis
D: (A) 250-500mg qid or 500-1000mg qid/bd; UTI Px 250mg n ; UTI Tx 500mg bd. (C) 6.5-12.5-25 mg/kg/dose q6h
AE: D/N/V, rash headache; blood dyscrasias; anaphylaxis
P: anaphylaxis/severe diarrhoea,
L: UTI -drink enough water daily, wipe back to front
Amoxycillin with Clavulanic Acid
(Augmentin Duo, Moxiclav Duo)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Pc/clavulanic acid
I: HAP, UTI, Otitis media, acute bacterial sinusitis
MoA: interfere bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis --> cell lysis. Clav acid inhibits B-lactamase
D: with or soon after food until all taken (A) 500-875mg bd for 5-10days (C) >1 month: 10-15 up to 20mg/kg tid, max 500mg; >2 month: 22.5mg/kg bd, max 875mg, >40kg = adult dose
AE: D/N/V, rash
P: anaphylaxis/severe diarrhoea (CDAD)
L: UTI -drink enough water daily, wipe back to front
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Macrolide
I: URTIs, LRTIs, CAP, recurrent tonsillitis, skin infections
MoA: bacteriostatic, inhibit protein synthesis
D: (A) 150mg bd or 300mg od (C) 2.5-4mg/kg bd. Best taken on empty stomach (if makes u feel sick then with food)
AE: GI (N/V/D abd pain cramps), candidal infections; rash h/ache;
P: hypersensitivity, CDAD, hepatitis,QT
L: counsel for indication
(Doxsig, Doryx)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Tetracycline
I:RTIs, Acne, Malaria Px
MoA: bacteriostatic, inhibit protein sythesis
D: 200mg stat then 100mg od. Acne = 50mg od; Malaria 1 d for 2d b4, during +2-4 weeks after
AE: N/V/D, epigastric burn, tooth discolour, photosensitive; rash, fungal overgrowth
P: CDAD, oesophageal ulcer (weak), hepatitis, anaphylaxis
L: drink with plenty water and upright for 30-60 mins after. best mane.
(Ceclor-CD, Karlor)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: cephalosporins
I: otitis media, RTIs, bacterial sinusitis
MoA: bactericidal
D: (A) 250-500mg tds or 375-750mg bd max 4g daily (C) 10-15mg/kg tds or 20mg/kg bd max 1g/dose
A: DNV, rash h/ache; serum sickness like syndrome
RM: SSLS (skin eruptions, arthralgia), CDAD, blood dyscrasias, bleeding anaphylaxis
L: for indication. tablets take with food and until complete
(Lipitor, Trovas)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
I: hyperchol, mixed hyperlipidaemia, high risk for CAD, HTN pts with risks for heart disease
MoA: inhibit HMG-CoA reductase
D: 1 daily (10, 20, 40, 80); increase dose after 4 weeks if nec
AE: myalgia, GI Sx, h/ache, insomnia, dizzy, incr aminotransferases; hair loss
P: myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure hepatitis
L: avoid grapefruit juice, muscle pain, liver signs
(Zocor, Lipex, Simvar)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
I: hyperchol, mixed hyperlipidaemia, high risk for CAD, HTN pts with risks for heart disease
MoA: inhibit HMG CoA reductase
D: 1 nocte (; increase dose after 4 weeks if nec
AE: myalgia, GI Sx, h/ache, insomnia, dizzy, incr aminotransferases; hair loss
P: myopathy, rhabdo, renal failure hepatitis
L: avoid grapefruit juice, muscles, Liver signs
(Avapro, Karvea)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist
MoA: blocks Ang II binding to AT receptors --> vasoconstriction, Na reabs, aldosterone rls
D: 1 d; usu 150mg increase to 300mg
AE: dizzy, h/ache/ hyperkalaemia; 1st dose hypo, rash D, dyspepsia
P: hepatitis sx, African
L: avoid K supp, dizzy; Salt, exercise, diet
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
I: HTN, HF, diabetic nephropathy, post MI, reduce risk of CV events
MoA: block Ang1->Ang2 reducing effect of Ang2 induced vasoconstriction, Na retention + aldosterone rls
D: 2.5mg od (mane) increase after 2-3 weeks to 5 if nec, up to 10mg d in 1-2 doses.
AE: cough, hypotension, hyperkalaemia, h/ache, dizzy, fatigue, N, renal imp; rash
P:Renal, Angioedema, African, NSAIDS
L: avoid K supp, pregnancy avoid, dizziness
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
I: HTN, HF, diabetic nephropathy, post MI, reduce risk of CV events
MoA: block Ang1->Ang2 reducing effect of Ang2 induced vasoconstriction, Na retention + aldosterone rls
D: initially 5mg od max 10mg od (2.5mg for risk hypotension or initial for Renal Imp).
AE: cough, hypotension, hyperkalaemia, h/ache, dizzy, fatigue, N, renal imp; rash
P: Renal, Angioedema, Afircan, NSAIDS
L: avoid K supp, pregnancy, dizziness
(Norvasc, Amlo)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
I: HTN, Angina, Tachyarrhythmia
MoA: blocks CChannels on vascular smooth muscle, decr vasc resistance, decr pressure
D: 1 d (mane). 2.5-5mg od increase over 1-2 weeks to max of 10mg
AE:periph oedema, palpitations, h/ache,, dizzy, flush
R: peripheral oedema, hypotension (v low), difficulty breathing
L: angina - use of relief; exercise. HTN - SNAP. Arrhythmias (things that worsen - pseudo, caffeine)
(Pravachol, Lipostat, Cholstat)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor
I: hyperchol, post MI, unstable angina
MoA:inhib HMG CoA reductase (imp for cholesterol synthesis)
D: 1 nocte (5, 10, 20, 40, 80) increase dose after 4 weeks if nec
A: myalgia, GI Sx, h/ache insomnia, dizzy, incr aminotransferases; hair loss
R: myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, rennail failure, hepatitis. If urine dark brown or muscke painn tenderness or weakness
M: CK, LFT, lipid levels.
L: avoid grapefruit juice can incr amt drug in blood (incr A/E) lose weight eat healthy etc
(Coumadin, Marevan)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Vitamin K antagonist
I: prevention of PE, VTE, 1' 2' stroke Px
MoA: Inhib synthesis of Vitamin K dependent clotting factors
D: Once daily (INR 2-3) pm
A: bleeding/bruising;; skin necrosis, hypersensitivity
P: allergic rxn, bleed in stools, bleeding
L: diet, same brand, avoid cranberry, tell all doctors/dentists on it, need regular blood tests, tell dr if ill/diarrhoea, vom, infection, fever, blood in excrements
(Iscover, Plavix)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: anti-platelet (P2Y12). Thienopyridine
I: Px vascular ischaemic event in pt w sxatic arthrosclerosis (stroke, MI), Px thromboembolism after stent
MoA: inhibits platelet aggregation
D: 1 daily (75mg)
AE: Skin reaction, bleeding, diarrhoea, GI ulcer
P: Svr skin reactions, Bleeding
L: Avoid grapefruit juice
Perindopril + Indapamide
(Coversyl Plus, Perindo Combi)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: ACEI + Thiazide diuretic
I: HTN, HF, post MI, reduce CV events
MoA: block Ang1->Ang2 reduce effect of Ang2 induced vasoconstriction, Na retentino +aldosterone rls. inhib reabs of salts, salts out water out, decr load for heart to pump
D: 1 daily (5/2.5, 5/1.25)
A: cough, HoTN, hyperkal? h/ache, dizzy; rash::: dizzy, weak, pee lots
R: BP not improve, gout Sx, jaundice
M: BP, Urea + electrolytes, FBP, WCC
L: worsen gout, SNAP
(Plendil ER, Felodur ER, Felodil)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I: HTN, Angina
MoA: blocks CChannels on vascular smooth muscle, decr vasc resistance, decr pressure
D: 1 d (mane). 5mg od maintain 5-10, max 20mg
A:periph oedema, palpitations, h/ache, dizzy, flush
R: peripheral oedema +pain, hypotension (v low), dificulty breathing
M: A/E such as swell, BP, Angina Sx
L: angina - use of relief; exercise. HTN - SNAP.
(Cardizem CD, Vasocardol CD)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I: HTN, Angina, atrial fibrillation
MoA: blocks CChannels on vascular + cardiac smooth muscle, decr vasc resistance, decr pressure
D: Angina (180-340mg od), HTN (180-240mg od max 360mg)
A:dihydropyridines + bradycardia; hepatitis, gingival hyperplasia
R: hard breathing, hypotension (v low) hepatitis (jaundice, pale poo)
M: A/E such as swell, BP, Angina Sx
L: angina - use of relief; exercise. HTN - SNAP. Arrhythmias (things that worsen - pseudo, caffeine)
(Solprin, Astrix, Cartia)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: non-opioid analgesic, antiplatelet
I: Acute MI, unstable angina, 1' stroke Px, Px VTE, 2' Px IHD, pain
MoA: inhib platelet aggregation by blocking COX irreversably -> decr Thromboxane (inducer of platelet aggregation)
D: 100-150mg daily
A: increase bleed time; IDA
R: allergic (bronchospasm), blood in stools, severe skin rxns
M: for A/E
(Lasix, Urex)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Loop diuretic
I: Oedema assoc w HF, renal imp, hepatic cirrhosis
MoA:inhib reabs Na + Cl = inhib reabs of water
D: 20-40mg d or bd (max 1g d)
AE: hypo-N, -K, -Mg, gout, dizzy, orthostatic HoTN
P: jaundice, svr skin rxns, Gout
L: Take earlier in the day, Dizziness
Metoprolol Tartrate
(Betaloc, Minax)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: B blocker
I: HTN, Angina, Tachyarrhythmias, MI, Px migraine, stable HF w SAABGT
MoA: block B receptors in heart, periphery, bronchi, pancreas, uterus, kidney, brian + liver. reduce CO, reduction in LV work + O2 use -> decr HR,
D: HTN = 50-100mg od for 1 week then 50-100mg od/bd, Angina + MI start 25-50
AE: ND, bronchospasm, dypsnoea, slow heart rate, HoTN, alter glucose + lipid metabolism; rash, psoriasis;
P: hypersensitive, if intolerant to A/E
L: Make sure other HF treatments are optimised before starting, dizziness
Isosorbide Mononitrate
(Imdur, Monodur)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C: Nitrate
I:Px, Tx of angina, CHF, acute HF assoc w MI and unstable angina
MoA: exogenous source of nitric oxide (mediates vasodilation), reduces venous return and preload to heart -> reduce myocardial O2 rqrmnt
D: initially 30-60mg od up to 120mg od
AE: h/ache, flush, palpitations, ortho HoTN, faint, periph oedema
P: still getting frequent angina attacks, HoTN
L: take at time of day when angina most frequent. nitrate free period
(Isoptin SR, Veracaps)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I:tachyarrhythmia, AF, HTN, angina
MoA: CCB, less vasc smth muscle MORE reduces contractility of heart, HR and conduction
D: Angina, HTN -> 80mg bd/tds up to 160 bd/tds (CR = 180-240 od up to 240mg od/bd); Arrhythmias ->120-480mg in 2-3 ddd
A: periph oedema, rash h/ache, dizzy flush, incr liver enzymes, aV block, worsening HF; gingival hyperplasia
R: yellowing of sclera, pale poo
L: SNAP, swallow CR tabs whole. verapamil may incr effects of alcohol
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C:Ang2 receptor antaonist
MoA: blocks Angtensin 2 binding stopping vasoconstriction Na reabs and alsdosterone rls
D: 1 daily (4,8,16,32). incr dose at interals of 2 weeks for HF
A: dizzy, h/ache, hyperK, rash
R: skin rxn, jaundice signs
L: SNAP, avoid K supplements
(Nitroligual, Anginine, Nitro-Dur)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Nitrate
I: Px + Tx of angina
MoA: exogenous source of nitric oxide (mediates vasodilation), reduces venous return and preload to heart -> reduce myocardial O2 rqrmnt
D: Acute angina: 300-600mcg tab rpt every 3-4 mins max of 2-3 tabs; spray = 1-2 sprays; Px Angina: 0.5-1 tab or 1 spray 5-10 mins b4 activity. Px of chronic angina: 5mg (up to 15mg) patch for up to 14hrs.
A: h/ache, flush, palpitations, ortho HoTN, faint, periph oedema
R: still getting frequent angina attacks,
M: Signs and Sx
L: take at time of day when angina most frequent. nitrate free period. Patch (clean dry skin chest upper arm). SL tabs or spray (sit or lie down - dizzy. call ambulance if svr, get worse quick or 10 mins. SL - can spit out if relieved, not too warm. Spray = priming)
(Adalat, Adalat Oros)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I:HTN, angina
MoA: CCB, rlx vasc smth muscle -> decr peripheral resistance
D: Conventional 10-20mg bd up to 20-40 bd. CR: initially 20-30mg od up to max 90mg od (angina) or 120mg od (HTN)
A: periph oedema, rash h/ache, dizzy flush
R: severe HoTN - extreme fatigue/dizzy low BP
L: SNAP, swallow CR tabs whole.
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
I: HTN, HF, asymptomatic LV dysFn
MoA: block Ang1->Ang2 reducing effect of Ang2 induced vasoconstriction, Na retention + aldosterone rls
D: 5mg d increased over 1-2 weeks up to 10-40mg d as 1 or 2 doses. (HF start at 2.5 up to 20mg)
AE: cough, hypotension, hyperkalaemia, h/ache, dizzy, fatigue, N, renal imp; rash
P: Renal, Angioedema, Afircan, NSAIDS
L: SNAP, avoid K supp, pregnancy
(Zanidip, Lercan)
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
I: mainly HTN, angina
MoA: CCB, rlx vasc smth muscle -> decr peripheral resistance
D: initially 10mg od increase after at least 2 weeks to max 20mg od
AE: periph oedema, rash h/ache, dizzy flush
P: severe HoTN - extreme fatigue/dizzy low BP
L: 15min before food
C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L
C:Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist
I: HTN, HF, Px cardiovascular risk in pts with CAD, PAD, high risk diabetes, previous stroke or TIA
MoA: blocks Ang II binding to AT receptors --> vasoconstriction, Na reabs, aldosterone rls, HCT inhibits reabsorption of Na and Cl
D: 1 daily (40mg up to 80).
AE: dizzy, h/ache/ hyperkalaemia; 1st dose hypo, rash D, dyspepsia

P: hepatitis sx, African

L: avoid K supp, dizzy; Salt, exercise, diet

(Prinivil, Fibsol, Zestril, Lisodur)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I: HTN, HF, post MI
MoA: block Ang1->Ang2 reducing effect of Ang2 induced vasoconstriction, Na retention + aldosterone rls
D: 5-10mg od increase intervals of 2-4 weeks up to 20mg od max 40mg. (HF initially 2.5 increased q4w up to 20mg) (Post MI start 5mg then 5mg after 24 hours then 10mg od for 6 weeks + continue in patients dev'ping HF)
A: cough, hypotension, hyperkalaemia, h/ache, dizzy, fatigue, N, renal imp;, rash
RM: hepatitis LFTs, renal Fn and electrolytes before start ACEI
L: SNAP, avoid K supp, pregnancy
Candesartan + HCT
(Atacand Plus)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C:Ang2 receptor antaonist +thiazide diuretic
MoA: blocks Angtensin 2 binding stopping vasoconstriction Na reabs and alsdosterone rls
D: 1 daily (16/12.5, 32/12.5, 32/25)
A: dizzy, electrolyte disturbances, h/ache, hyperK, rash
R: skin rxn, jaundice signs, blood loss/stools + multiple ulcers unexplained
L: SNAP, avoid K supplements. if taking bd, take last dose before 6pm.
C: Barbiturate
I: epilepsy
MoA:prolong inhibitory potential
D: 60-240mg od nocte
A: drowsy, confused, depressed, altered mood; decr BMD
R: svr skin rxns, abnormal bleeding, hepatitis
M: BMD, LFT. Conc TR = 10-40mg/mL
L:Vitamin D and Ca supplements to avoid osteoP, avoid activities causing head trauma, keep to ciracdian rhythm, keep healthy lifestyle
C: Barbiturate
I: epilepsy
MoA:prolong inhibitory potential
A: drowsy, confused, depressed, altered mood; decr BMD
R: svr skin rxns, abnormal bleeding, hepatitis
L:Vitamin D and Ca supplements to avoid osteoP, avoid activities causing head trauma, keep to ciracdian rhythm, keep healthy lifestyle
C: Benzodiazepine
I:epilepsy refractory to others
D: 5-10mg nocte up to 60mg d
L: epilepsy counselling
(Rivotril, Paxam)
C: Benzodiazepine
I: epilepsy refractory to others
D 0.5-1mg n for 4 days the incr over 2-4 weeks to 2-8mg n
L: epilepsy counselling
(Antenex, Valium, Valpam)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Benzodiazepine
I: muscle spasm, acute Tx seizures
D: Muscle spasm 2-15mg ddd up to 60mg d
M: sedation
L: epilepsy lifestyle
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Antiepileptic
I: epilepsy, acute mania, neuropathic pain
MoA: prevent repetititive neuronal discharge
D: (E) 100mg bd incr by 100-200 q2-4 weeks up to 2 g daily (N) 50-100mg od/bd to 400-800mg ddd
A: drowsy, dizzy, blurred vision, h/ache, GI upset
R: bad skin rash, fever + mouth ulcers, easily bruise or bleeding
M: FBP, if low WCC monitor q2 weeks. Monitor skin runs, BMD
L: with food prevent tummy ache. Grapefruit juice. Vitamin D and Ca for prevention of low BMD/osteomalacia
Clobazam (Frisium)
Clonazepam (Paxam, Rivotril)
Diazepam (Valium)
Nitrazepam (Alodorm, Mogadon)

Acetazolamide (Diamox 250)
Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Teril 100/200/400)
Ethosuximide (Zarontin)
Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gabatine, Gantin 100/300/400/600/800)
Lacosamide (Vimpat 50/100/150/200)
Lamotrigine (Lamicta, Lamogine, Seaze 2/5/25/50/100/200)
Levetiracetam (Kepcet, Kevtam, Keppra 250/500/1000)
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal 150/300/600)
Phenytoin (Dilantin 30/100)
Pregabalin (Lyrica 25/75/150/300)
Sulthiame (Ospolot 50/200)
Tiagabine (Gabitril 5/10/15)
Topiramate (Topamax, Epiramax, Tamate 25/50/100/200)
Valproate (Valprease, Epilim, Valpro 100/200/500)
Vigabatril (Sabril)
Zonisamide (Zonegron 25/50/100)
(Gabatine, Neurontin, Gantin)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Antiepileptic
I: Partial seizures, Neuropathic Pain
MoA: Unknown, related to GABA
D: (E) 300mg on the first day nocte, incr by 300mg d in 3 doses
A: fatigue, dizzy, double vision, amnesia, HTN wt gain,
R: jaundice, allergic rxn
L: avoid stopping abruptly (week reduction)
(Lamogine, Seaze, Lamictal)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Antiepileptic
I: partial and gen seizures
MoA: stabilises neuronal membranes
D:25mg od 2 weeks then 50mg 2 weeks then incr by 50-100 q 1-2 weeks
A:visual disturbances, dizzy, NV,; hair loss
R: severe skin reactions, rash fever, swollen glands. don't stop abruptly (unless svr sk rxn)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Antiepileptic
I: Epilepsy
MoA: preventes repetitive neuronal discharge
D: initially 4-5mg/kg daily in 1-2 doses, incr by 30mg d q2 weeks depending (TR 10-20mg/L)
A: NV insomnia, sedation, confusion, visual disturb, behavioural disturb, gingival hypertrophy;; osteomalacia
R: blood dyscrasias (immune + bleeding), hyperglycaemia, svr skin rxns,
M: Ther Range, BGL, BMD monitor,
L: Vit D + Ca. drowsy, many interactions, visit dentist regularly (dental hygiene)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Antiepileptic
I: Partial seizure, Neuropathic Pain
MoA: reduces Ca influx, decr rls of neurotransmitters
D: (E) 75mg bd then increase afer 7 days to 150mg bd max 300mg bd (N) 75mg bd - 150mg bd - 300mg bd; increase after 3-7 days
A: dizzy, drowsy, visual disturb, memory impaired, wt gain, periph oedema; depression, agitation, HTN, tachy, HF, myalgia
R: neutropaemia, rhabdomyolysis
M: A/Es
L: dont stop suddenly. epilepsy lifestyle advice
(Topamax, Epiramax)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I:Partial seizures and gen TC seizures; Px migraine
MoA: stabilises neuronal membrane
D: (E) 25-50mg nocte incr daily by 25-100 per week (MPx)25mg n incr by 25 per week
A: fatigue, h/ache, amnesia, depression/nervous, wt loss; psychosis
R: hepatitis, decrease sweat incr temp, acute myopea -> ACAG
M: serum bicarb conc baseline and periodically (met acidosis), monitor decr sweat and hypertherm esp summer
L: drowsy dizzy, avoid alc, tell dr if eyesight changes/eye pain, drink enough water daily. may reduce or prevent sweating - affects body's way of cooling down tell dr
(Epilim, Valprease)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Antiepileptic
I: First line Prim generalised epilepsy, Bipolar, Migraine Px
MoA: prevent repetitive neuronal discharge
D: (E, B) 600mg in 2 doses incr q3 days by 200mg daily (MPx) 200-400mg bd
A: NV incr app and wt, tremor, drowsy, ABNORMAL bleed time
R: heapatitis, pancreatitis, sore throat/infection/ulcers, bleeding abnormally
L: Ca Vit D, with food to prevent stomach upset, drowsy, appetite may increase so pay more attn to foods eaten, exercise
(Cabaser, Bergoline, Cobasol)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Ergot-derived DA agonist
I: Parkinson's Disease
MoA: stimulates DA receptors
D: 0.5-1mg od increase q1-2 weeks by 0.5-1mg up to 3mg od
A:NV abd pain, dizzy ortho HoTN, cardiac fibrosis, impulse control disorders
R: impulse control disorders (high DA)
M: LFTs,
L: take with food, starting with note, OHoTN
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Non Ergot Dopamine agonist
MoA: dopamine agonist
D: 125ug tds for 1 week, 250ug tds for a week then 500ug tds if nec incr by 250ugtds weekly max 1.5mg tds (RLS) 125ug an 2-3h before bed
A: NV abd pain, C, OHoTN, nasal cong, drowsy, schizo Sx
R: impulse control disorders (gamble shopping)
L: may need antinauseant if an issue, swallow dont crush
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Anticholinergic
I: PD, drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders
MoA: block muscarinic actions of acetylcholine -> less stimulation, less jerky movements
D: (PD) 0.5-1mg d increase gradually up to 6mg d
A:dry mouth, constipation, NV, blur vision, dry eyes, dizzy h/ache memory impaired insomnia
R:hypersensitivity rxns worsening dyskinesia, severe eye pain
L:don't stop taking med suddenly, can make drowsy
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Anticholinergic
I: PD, drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders
MoA: block muscarinic actions of acetylcholine -> less stimulation, less jerky movements
D: (PD) 1mg bd increase up to 1-4mg tds/qid
A:dry mouth, constipation, NV, blur vision, dry eyes, dizzy h/ache memory impaired insomnia
R:hypersensitivity rxns worsening dyskinesia, severe eye pain
L:don't stop taking med suddenly, can make drowsy
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
I: Parkinsons Disease
MoA: Increase DA release and blocks cholinergic receptors
D: 100mg od increase at least a week to 100mg bd up to 100mg tds (>65yo 100mg od) cc
A: nervous, depression, nightmares, insomnia, blur vision dry mouth etc
R: seizures, true eye pain, GI bleed (blood in stools)
L: incr seizure risk, with food, don't stop taking abruptly (may get signs of NMS)
(Madopars, Sinemets, Stalevos)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Dopamine precursor
MoA: dopamine precursor
D: 50-100mg tds incr gradually yp to 2g ddd (CR - same daily LD dose and freq then incr q2-3 days according to response)
A: anorexia, NV OHoTN, "off" effect (sudden loss of movement); dark urine and sweat
R: impulse control disorders (gamble shopping)
L: food reduces abs but may need it to start and then later on try without (w medical supervision). Don't stop rapidly
(Cafergot S)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Ergot Alkaloid
I: acute relief of migraine + cluster h/aches
MoA: arterial and venous vasoconstrictors
D: 1 suppos (2mg) asap then rpt prn after 30-60min. Max 6mg d, 10mg/ week, 2 courses in 1 month with a min of 4 days in between each course
A: NV abd pain, D, muscle pain, weak numb and tingling, cold extremities; angina, tachy
R: MI,
M: XS use for pleural fibrosis (lung fn?)
L: Migraine Px
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Triptan
I: acute relief of migraine
MoA: vasoconstriction of cranial vessels
D: 40mg asap then rptd after 2 hours max 160mg daily
A: tingling sensations, heat, pain, flush dizzy, dry mouth; rash
R: tight chest/heaviness, MI, anaphylaxis
L: if no relief after first dose, dont repeat. Migraine Px
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Triptan
I: acute relief of migraine
MoA: 5HT1B/D agonist - vasoconstriction of cranial vessels
D: 2.5mg asap then repeat after 4hrs if ned, Max 5mg daily
A: tingling sensations, heat, pain, flush dizzy, dry mouth; rash
R: tight chest/heaviness, MI, anaphylaxis
L: if no relief after first dose, dont repeat. Migraine Px
(Maxalt wafer)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Triptan
I: acute relief of migraine
MoA: vasoconstriction of cranial vessels
D: 10mg asap then again prn after 2 hours. Max 30mg d
A: tingling sensations, heat, pain, flush dizzy, dry mouth; rash
R: tight chest/heaviness, MI, anaphylaxis
L: if no relief after first dose, dont repeat. Migraine Px
(Sumagran, Imigran)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Triptan
I: acute relief of migraine
MoA: vasoconstriction of cranial vessels
D: 50-100mg then rpt prn 2hours max 300mg d . Intranasal - 10-20mg in 1 nostril then after 2 hrs prn 40mg d max
A: tingling sensations, heat, pain, flush dizzy, dry mouth; rash
R: tight chest/heaviness, MI, anaphylaxis
L: if no relief after first dose, dont repeat. Migraine Px
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Triptan
I: acute relief of migraine
MoA:vasoconstriction of cranial vessels
D: 50-100mg then rpt prn 2hours max 300mg d . Intranasal - 10-20mg in 1 nostril then after 2 hrs prn. 40mg d max
A: tingling sensations, heat, pain, flush dizzy, dry mouth; rash
R: tight chest/heaviness, MI, anaphylaxis
L: if no relief after first dose, dont repeat. Migraine Px
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C:Ergot alkaloid
I: prevention of migraine and cluster headaches
MoA: 5HT2 antagonist, vasoconstriction
D: 1mg n increase to 1-2mg bd/tds
A: NV dizzy, drowsy insomnia, behavioural disturb, alopecia
R: heavy chest pain (angina)
L: Migraine Px
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C:5HT2 antagonist
I: Px migraine and cluster headaches
MoA: 5HT2 angag with antihistaminic and anticholinerigic pptz
D:0.5mg d nocte increase to 1.5mg d od or dd. Max 4.5mg in ddd
A:sedation, fatigue, N, wt gain
L: appetite may increase so u may need to pay more attn to what you eat. Migraine Px
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Anticholinesterase
I: Alzheimer's
MoA: decrease breakdown of ACh
D: 5mg od for min of 4 weeks then incr 10mg od if nec
A: NVD, anorexia, abd pain, h/ache, sleep disturbances, wt loss HTN
R:seizure, GI haemorrhage
L: support groups for pt and carer
(Reminyl, Galantyl)
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Anticholinesterase
I: Alzheimer's
MoA: decrease breakdown of ACh
D: 8mg od mane for min 4 weeks then 16mg od for min 4 weeks. Max 24mg od
A: NVD, anorexia, abd pain, h/ache, sleep disturbances, wt loss HTN
R:seizure, GI haemorrhage
L: support groups for pt and carer
C, I, MoA, D, A, R, M, L
C: Anticholinesterase
I: Alzheimer's
MoA: decrease breakdown of ACh
D: 1.5mg bd incr by 3mg q2 weeks max 6mg bd. Patch 1 4.6mg patch od incr to 1 9.5mg od after 4 weeks
A: NVD, anorexia, abd pain, h/ache, sleep disturbances, wt loss HTN
R:seizure, GI haemorrhage
L: support groups for pt and carer



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Opiod

I:Mod>Sev pain

MoA: mimic endogenous opioids

D:(patch) start at 5mcg/hr (SL) 200-400mcg q6-8h

AE: N/V/C, site reactions

P: Sedation, difficulty breathing, allergy

L: Rotate patch, avoid direct heat, do not cut


(Durogesic (P), Actiq(Loz))

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Opiod

I:Mod>Sev pain

MoA: mimic endogenous opiods

D: (B-pain) 200mcg loz repeat once after 30 mins

AE: N/V/C, site reactions, bradycardia

P: Serotonin tox, Arrhythmias, Diabetes (loz)

L: Rotate patch, Laxatives, 3 days per patch, avoid direct heat, 15 min per loz



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Opiod

I: Mod>Sev pain

MoA: mimic endogenous opiods

D: 50mg bd, titrating with response

AE: (Opiod) N/V/C, resp depression

P: Renal (<30), Hepatic, MAOI

L: Swallow whole, background paracetamol

Paracetamol +Codeine

(Panadeine [forte])

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Combination

I: Mild>mod pain

MoA: depends on ingredient

D: 1g qid M8

AE: N/V/C, Liver toxicity

P: Hepatic impairment

L: Be careful of products containing paracetamol



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Macrolide

I: CAP, Chlamydial infections

MoA: Bacteriostatic; inhibits protein synthesis

D: 500mg OD for 3 days

AE: Hypersensitivity syndrome, GI

P: QT, Diabetes (liq), Allergies

L: Resistance of S.pneumniae after one dose



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Quinolone

I: Complicated UTIs, Bone/Joint infections, Prostatitis

MoA: Bactericidal; inhibits DNA synthesis

D: 250-500mg bd (max 1.5g daily) IV; 200-300mg bd up to 300-400mg Q8-12h (max 1.2g daily)

AE: N/V/D, abdo pain, rash, tendonitis, phototoxic, QT, transient hearing impairment

L: IV over 60mins, lots of fluids, Tendons



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Macrolide

I:Upper + lower resp inf, Chlamydial, Pertussis

MoA: Bacteriostatic; inhibits protein synthesis

D: 1-2 g daily in 2-4 doses (max 4g), IV; 15-20mg/kg in 4 doses (max 4g)

AE: N/V/D, fungal, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

P: QT!, Renal (<10), Severe hepatic

L: IV over 60min, many interactions, Best on empty stomach (ERYC) but can take with food



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Azole

I: Mucocutaneous/Vaginal candidiasis, Tinea

D: Vag; 150mg single dose, Dermal cand; 50mg OD for 2-4 weeks

AE: Anorexia, fatigue, SJS

P: QT!, Renal, Allergies

L: Tell your doctor if you feel tired or nauseous, or dark urin, pale faeces or yellowing skin.


(*no brand*)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Aminoglycoside

I: Serious gram -ve, Enterococcal infections

MoA: Inhibit protein synthesis

D: TDM! CrCl>60 5-7mg/kg OD, CrCl 30-60 4-5mg/kg

AE: Nephrotoxic, Otoxtoxic, Neuromuscular blockade

P: Ototoxicity, Renal, Allergies

L: Gent with Benpen for serious enterococcal infections (Endocarditis)



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Guanine analogue

I: Herpes simplex, Genital herpes, Shingles, CMV

MoA: Inhibit viral DNA polymerase and synthesis

D: Genital; inital 500mg bd for 5-10 days,

AE: Neurological, agitation, vertigo, renal

P: Renal (Neurological), Allergy

L: Drink plenty of fluids, prodrug, carry a course with you to start as soon as you can


(Noten, Tenormin)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: B blocker

I: HTN, Angina, Tachyarrhythmias, MI

MoA: block B receptors in heart, periphery, bronchi, pancreas, uterus, kidney, brian + liver. reduce CO, reduction in LV work + O2 use -> decr HR

D: 20-50mg OD incres to 100mg in 1-2 doses

AE: HoTN, N/D, transient worsening of HF, Cold extremeties, fatigue, blurred vision, glucose and lipid metabolism altered.

P: Renal, Diabetes, Vascular, Respiratory, Hepatic, Interactions, Masking effects

L: Dizziness, HoTN, L9



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor

I: hyperchol, mixed hyperlipidaemia, high risk for CAD, HTN pts with risks for heart disease

MoA: inhibit HMG-CoA reductase

D: 5-10mg OD increase as req

AE: Proteinuria, GI, myalgia, h/ache, rhabdo, myopathy, liver/renal failure, hepatitis

P: Renal, Hepatic, Asian

L: Liver Signs, muscle pains



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: B-blocker

I: HTN, HF, Angina, MI

MoA: block B receptors in heart, periphery, bronchi, pancreas, uterus, kidney, brian + liver. reduce CO, reduction in LV work + O2 use -> decr HR

D: HTN; 12.5mg OD inc to 25mg OD, HF; 3.125mg BD slowly inc to 25mg BD

AE:HoTN, N/D, transient worsening of HF, Cold extremeties, fatigue, blurred vision, glucose and lipid metabolism altered.

P: Hepatic, Diabetes, Vascular, Respiratory

L: Dizziness, HoTN, L9

Irbesartan with Hydrochlorothiazide

(Avapro HCT, Karvezide)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist with Thiazide diuretic


MoA: blocks Ang II binding to AT receptors --> vasoconstriction, Na reabs, aldosterone rls, HCT inhibits reabsorption of Na and Cl

D: 1 d; usu 150mg increase to 300mg plus relecvant HCT

AE: dizzy, h/ache/ hyperkalaemia; 1st dose hypo, rash D, dyspepsia

P: hepatitis sx, African

L: avoid K supp, dizzy; Salt, exercise, diet



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Selective alpha-blocker


MoA: Selectively blocks alpha receptors

D: 0.5mg bd, inc to 1 2-3 times d


P: HF, diuretics, B-blockers, CCB, cataracts, renal

L: Dizziness, Hypo-tension risk

Enoxaparin Sodium


C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Heparin (LMWH)

I: VTE Tx/Px, STEMI and non-STEMI, VT

MoA: Inactivate factor IIa and Xa

D: VTE Px; 20mg d (med risk) or 40mg d (high risk), VTE Tx; 1mg/kg bd or 1.5mg/kg od

AE: Bleeding, bruising, thrombocytopenia, inj pain, hyperkalaemia
P: Renal, Bleeding risk, Hepatic, Surgery

L: Monitor bleeding, sharps



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Cardiac glycoside


MoA: Slow HR and reduce AV node conduction. Increases contraction force by inc Calcium

D: Loading 250-500mcg q4-6h (up to 1.5mg), Maintenance 125-250mcg od

AE: May worsen arrhythmia, NTI, N/V/D, blurred vision, anorexia, dizziness, rash
P: Hyper/Hypo-thyroidism, some cardiac condition, Hypokalaemia, Other drugs, Renal
L: TDM (0.5-2mcg/L)



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Specific

I: HCholesterolaemia

MoA: Reduces cholesterol absorption across intestinal wall.

D: 10mg od

AE: Headache, D, inc LFTs

P: Fenofibrate, Hepatic
L: Muscle pain/tenderness/weakness, LDL


(Betnovate, Diprosone)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Corticosteroid

I: Inflammatory skin conditions

MoA: Anti-inflam and immunosuppressive

D: 1-2 times d

AE: Folliculitis, atrophy, delay healing,
P: Diabetes, Ulceration, Infections
L: Finger tip unit, Moisturize,


(Elocon, Zatamil)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Corticosteroid

I: Inflammatory skin conditions

MoA: Anti-inflam and immunosuppressive


AE: Folliculitis, atrophy, delay healing,

P: Diabetes, Ulceration, Infections

L: Finger tip unit, Moisturize,



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Corticosteroid

I: Inflammatory skin conditions

MoA: Anti-inflam and immunosuppressive

D: 1-2 times d

AE: Folliculitis, atrophy, delay healing,

P: Diabetes, Ulceration, Infections

L: Finger tip unit, Moisturize,



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Bisphosphonate

I: Paget's disease, Osteoporosis
MoA:Inhibits osteoclasts
D: Paget's; 40mg od, Osteo; 5-10mg od or 70mg once weekly,
AE: Alopecia, N/V/D, headache, muscle pain, oeophagitis, gastritis, rash, JAW necrosis
P: Inability to remain upright, Oesophageal disorders, Upper Gi, Renal, Hypocalcaemia
L: Morning with full glass of water, upright for 30min, L4, Swallowing difficulty see doc



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Bisphosphonate

I: Paget's disease, Osteoporosis (steroid)

MoA: Inhibits osteoclasts

D: Paget's; 30mg od, Osteo; 5mg od or 35mg once weekly or 150mg once monthly

AE: N/V/D, headache, muscle pain, oeophagitis, gastritis, rash, JAW necrosis

P:Inability to remain upright, Oesophageal disorders, Upper Gi, Renal, Hypocalcaemia

L: Morning with full glass of water, upright for 30min, L4, Swallowing difficulty see doc

Zoledronic Acid


C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Bisphosphonate

I: Hypercalcaemia, Osteoporosis, BMD, Paget's

MoA: Inhibits osteoclasts

D: Malignancy; IV 4mg, Paget's; IV 5mg (single)

AE: AF, N/V/D, headache, muscle pain, oeophagitis, gastritis, rash, JAW Necrosis

P: Renal, hypocalcaemia, Jaw Necrosis

L: Drink plenty of water, Dental procedures


(Oroxine, Eutroxsig, Eltroxin)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Thyroid hormone (T4)
I: Hypothyroidism, Suppressive regimen, block in hyperthyroidism
MoA: Acts like endogenous hormone
D: 1.6mcg/kg of ideal weight od
AE: Hyper; tachy, arrhythmia, excitability, insomnia, flushing, sweats, weight loss
P: Hypopituitarism/ adrenal insufficiency, cardiovascular disorder, diabetes

L:Empty stomach, watch for hypers



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Biguanide

MoA: Reduces hepatic glucose and inc peripheral utilisation

D: T2DM; 500mg 1-3 times daily up to 3g or CR 500mg od up to 2g

AE: B12, N/V/D

P: Renal!, hepatic

L: With food, renal function, GI, diet, BGL


(Diamicron, Glyade)

C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Sulfonylureas
MoA: Increase pancreatic insulin secretion

D: 40-320mg d in 1-2 doses or 30mg od

AE: hypoglycaemia, weight gain, N/D, rash

P: Ketoacidosis, T1DM, Acute illness.

L: Take with food, avoid alcohol 30mg CR= 80mg



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Sulfonylureas


MoA: Increase pancreatic insulin secretion

D: 1mg od, inc up to 4mg od

AE: Hypoglycaemia, weight gain
P: Ketoacidosis, T1DM, acute illness, Renal
L: Take with food, avoid alcohol



C, I, MoA, D, AE, P, L

C: Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist

I: Endometriosis, Endometrial thinning, Uterine fibroids, Prostate/Breast cancer

MoA: GnRH stimulates FSH and LH, continuous use inhibts gonadotrophin production

D: 3.6mg implant every 4 weeks

AE: Transiet BP changes, hot flushes, sweating, reduced libido, dizziness, breast changes, mood changes, N/V/C, decreased BMD

P: Unexplained vag bleeding, low BMD, Polycystic ovaries

L: SC Anterior abdo wall