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60 Cards in this Set

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1.What is the theater? And how is it different from drama?
The word "theater" comes from the Greek word "theatron," which means “seeing place." It is a place where something is seen.
The companion term "drama," comes from the Greek "dran", which means “to do."
2. "Greek theatron" means
seeing places
3. Drama
means “to do"
4. What are the different ways we use the word “theater?"
H: There are 3 ways.
We use it in the following ways:
1. To describe the building where plays are put on: the architecture, the structure, the space for dramatic performance—the place where “something is seen.”

2. Location where films are shown, as in “movie theater.”
3. Metaphorically to refer to a place where wars and surgeries occur: the “theater of operations” and the “operating theater.”
5. We use the word theater in multiple ways
A space for dramatic performance, it is a place where something is being seen
A place where films are shown
Metaphorically where operations and wars take place.
7. In essence, Theater is the combination of the following:
(H) It is the combination of several actions
It is a combination of people, ideas, and the works of art that emanate from their collaboration.
It is the aggregate product of people's ideas, inspiration and works of art.
8. What are the 3 ways Theater is perceived, as noted by the author.
1. a building
2. a company
3. an occupation
9. How is "Theater" a building?
It is a space for drama to take effect.
10. How is "Theater" a company?
People's of skills contribute to its production.
11. How is "Theater" an occupation?
ppl's livelihoods
12.What are the minimal requirements for a building to be considered a “theater?" And when does it become the place to "hear?"
Nothing but a place to act and a place to watch.
When the production play has texts and scripts, it then becomes a place to hear as well as watch.
13. What does "Audience" in Latin mean?
"those who hear"
14. What is the difference between theater and drama?
1."theater" often denotes the elements of the whole theatrical production (architecture, scenery, acting).
2. "drama" is a more limited term, refers mainly to the plays produced in such a “theatrical” environment.
15. How is Theater more complex than Drama?
Theater evokes and involves all the operational and management side as well as the art side of the production.
16. What is Drama in comparison to Theater?
H: Drama's distinguished qualities
1. It means "to do" or "what is done”
2. refers more to the text and the dialogue.
3. the software
4. highlight on actions that are emotionally compelling and intellectually challenging
17. Theater vs. Drama
Theater is that which “is seen,” and drama is that which “is done.
Theatre can mean a building, drama cannot. Theatre refers to all the theatrical arts — architecture, design, acting, scenery construction, marketing, and so on
Drama focuses mainly on the written actions and the words of a play, whether acted onstage or simply read.
18. Theaters are a central part to ____________, just as theater (the ___) is central to contemporary life.
Are central to modern urban architecture, just as theater (the art) is central to contemporary life.
19. How is Theater a "company?"
H: Troupe of Players
Theatre is a collaborative art, usually involving dozens, even hundreds, of people working closely together for a single production.
20. How is theater a "company," and why is this function important?
H: Important for its survival.
Theater is a collaborative artistic venture. For this tradition to survive, grow, & excel, it need the ideas and the skills of numerous people, group work.
21. Theater is a also a general category of different dramatic works; what are examples that fall under the theater category?
American theater
the Elizabethan theater
musical theater
the theater of the absurd
black theater
22. Theater, in general, can be used to define a broad category of dramatic works, specific examples that falls under this category are...
American theater
the Elizabethan theater
musical theater
the theatre of the absurd
black theater
23. How is theater an "occupation?"
H: 1) Work & methods. 2) "Work" alludes to. 3) Aspects of Theater.
1. It is a occupation for its practitioner, essentially, theater is "work." By "work" it alludes to the set of methods and operations actors exercise in order to impersonate their characters.
Also, theater is a principal occupation of its practitioners.
24.What are the aspect of theater that make it an "occupation," and so, given individual attention.
H: There are 4.
1. work
2. art
3. impersonation
4. performance
25.The theater enterprise involves hundreds of people with different skills. Many more are involved in the ____stage than __stage.
Many more are involved in backstage than onstage, underscoring the large complex underbelly.
26. The "Work" of Theater includes:
H: 2 kinds of work.
1. The physical labor work, include the backstage staff and management staff.
2. The creative, artistic, and intellectual endeavors
27. The "Work" of theater is broken up into 8 functions.
H: (PDHm)^2 * C
Hardware: building, carpenters, electricians, make-up artists
Stage Managing
House Managing
28. Producing involves
acquiring the finance, space, and staff for the project.
29. Directing
generates the overarching vision
30. Designing (H: layout)
they map out the visual and audio factors of productions
31. Building, carpenters, electricians, make-up artists
basically all the ppl who are responsible for the "hardware" details of the show
32. Crewing (H: Real time operations)
they execute the lighting and audio changes within a set time with respect to the play, ex. lighting
33. Stage managing
responsible for carrying out all the complex operations relating to the play
34. House managing
H: guests
responsible with entrance, seating, and taking care of the audience
35. Playwrights
so important they are a independent section
36. When we think of the “work” embodied in the theatrical arts, we must think of work in a sense of ________toil and sum of an artist's ________ endeavor.
In the sense of physical toil and sum of an artist’s creative endeavor.
37. How is theater different from child's play and sports?
Theater is by its nature a calculated act from beginning to end. Unlike adult games, which are open-ended, every theater performance has a preordained conclusion.
38. The theater is artistic work. What does the word "art," conjure?
Art brings to mind a host of intangibles: creativity, imagination, elegance, power, aesthetic harmony, and fineness of form.
39. How is "Theater" an Art, there are 5 reasoning.
H: Great Theater never fails to amalgamate many of these intangibles. Visual Peg System.
This is an artistic practice. Great theater never fails to bring together host of intangibles: creativity, power, imagination.
Art integrates & combines:
1. human emotions with intellects
2. beauty and aesthetics with revelations
3. sharpen thoughts and feelings
4. brings reality against imagination
5. aids push the limits of creativity
40.Theatre is the art of making play into work, specifically, into a ________
Into a work of art.
41. The theatrical art involves actors impersonating characters. How is this feature unique from other literary art forms?
It is unique because it separates the theatrical discipline from other art forms such as: poetry, painting, sculpture, music, performance art, cabaret acts.
The other artists don't have to internalize their character, they create this work form mind to pen. There is no mental molecular level internalization of the character's persona.
42. How is impersonating characters foundationally important to theater?
H: It helps distinguish between the real actor and the character on sage.
Try to imagine what extreme conceptual difficulties the ancient creators of the theater encountered in laying down the ground rules for dramatic impersonation. For how was the audience to distinguish the “real person” from the “character” portrayed—the actor-as-himself from the actor-as-character? And when the playwright was also an actor, how could on- lookers distinguish between the thoughts of the playwright-as-himself and those of the playwright-as-character? Questions such as these are often asked by children today as they watch a play.
43. Impersonation is when
H: this is a crucial foundation to theater.
Is when an actor impersonate characters.
44. How did ancient humanity get around the conflict of distinguishing between the character portrayed and the real life actor?
They got around this with mask.
45. Why is Mask important?
H: There are 3.
1. Provides both a physical and a symbolic separation
2. It suspends the audience's awareness about reality, making it easier to accept the fantasy displayed on stage.
3. The point of the mask is to hide the actor while display the character, crucial for impersonation.
46. i) What is Suspension of disbelief? ii) Why is it important?
H: How does it affect the character & plot, as viewed from the audience?
The audience “believe in” the play and allow themselves to forget that the characters are really actors and that the apparently spontaneous events are really a series of scripted scenes.
Our appreciation of theater rests largely on our dual awareness of actor and character and on our understanding that they live inside the same skin. We import the fantasy staged in our experience of theater.
47. Realism, which is part of the Representational Movement, seeks what out of Theater?
To have actors behave onstage exactly as real people do in life, where, the settings are made as lifelike as possible.
48. What is the opposite Representational plays, and what does it seek to appeal?
It is presentational style; it seeks to appeal directly to the audience on a variety of social issues, featured lettered signs, song, and through various literary techniques (symbolism, metaphor, etc.)
49. Theatrical performance is can be both presentational and representational, but differ in what?
They differ in degrees of how many presentational &/or representational elements they consist.
50. What are the aspects of performance that distinguish theater from certain other forms of performance?
H: The physics behind it: time, space.
1. theater is a living, real-time event.
2. actor and audience are in the same time space dimensions.
3. It is a real time event.
51. What are some of the fundamental forces at work in Theater that affect the chemistry between audience and actor?
H: There are 3 forces at work.
1. audience and actor are in the same time & space

2. both are reacting to each other on the real time, there is a relationship between the two types of agents
3. the quality of immediacy, you are watching it right now, and anything can happen. Also you cannot go back, its all real time.
52. What is one prime function of Theater?
H: Humanity and unpredictability.
Theater is used to address unpredictability of human nature. The live performance unfolding min-by-min mirror the uncertainty that challenge humanity.
53. What is the 1st fundamental force affecting the dynamics between actor & audience?
1st force is the rapport existing between actor and audience. Both are breathing the same air, both are involved, at the same time and in the same space.
Every actor’s performance is affected by the way the audience yields or withholds its responses — its laughter, sighs, applause, gasps, silences.
54. What is the 2nd fundamental force at work in live theater?
H: Audience's common experience.
The 2nd is that live theater creates a relationship among the audience members. The audience enter theater alone or in groups of 3, but they quickly find themselves fused with strangers: laughing at the same jokes, empathizing with the same characters, experiencing the same revelations.
This communal experience can never be attained through television.
55. What is the 3rd fundamental force at work in live theater?
H: This one contributes to the audience's dynamic experience with theater?
Live performance inevitably has the quality of immediacy. The action of the play is taking place right now. As it is being watched, anything can happen.
56. One prime function of theater is to do the following:
Address the uncertainties of human existence. The very format of live performance presents a moment-to-moment uncertainty right before our eyes.
57. These are important axioms to know about a play?
H: This is regarding the Scripted and Rehearsed performance process of theater.
1. the play follows a script and outline
2. it is well rehearsed
3. there is some improvisation, but most plays follow a predetermined rehearsed script.
58. How is the text/ script not a play?
The text of the play is not the play itself; the play is playing, it is unfolding.
59. What is the chief value of play scripts?
H: Record.
They generate theatrical production and provide an invaluable, albeit imperfect, record of performances past.
60. In conclusion, a theater is the following
It is the theatre: buildings, companies, and plays
61. Although there are as many theatrical genres that diligent critic wishes to define, it is important to note the following wisdom:
H: Anti-_________
No system of classification should obscure the fact that each play is unique. The grouping of any two or more plays into a common genre is only a convenience for purposes of comparison and analysis.