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59 Cards in this Set

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What are the Superficial Veins of the Forearm?
1. Median Cubital Vein
2. Accessory Cephalic Vein
3. Median Basilic Vein
What type of joint is the wrist?
Condyloid Synovial Joint
What are the deep muscles of the anterior compartment f the forearm?
1. Flexor pollicis longus
2. Flexor Digitorum profundus
3. Pronator Quadratus
What are the superficial muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm?
1. Flexor Carpi Radialis
2. Palmaris Longus
3. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
4. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
What are the Supinators of the arm?
1. Biceps Brachi
2. Supinator
What are the Pronators of the Arm?
1. Pronator Teres
2. Pronator Quadratus
What are the Suerficial muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm?
1. Extensor Radialis Longus
2. Extensor Radialis Brevis
3. Extensor Digitorum
4. Extensor Digiti Minimi
5. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
What are the Deep Muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm?
1. supinator
2. Abductor Pollicis Longus
3. Extensor Pollicis Brevis
4. Extensor Pollicis Longus
5. Extensor Indicis
Wht are exrensic hand muscles?
Muscles with one attachment on the hand
What are intensic Hand Muscles?
Muscles with both attachment on the hand.
What is the significance of the distal wrist crease?
It is the beginning of the flexor retinaculum
What is the best example of a saddle joint in the body?
The joint between the 1st metacarpal and the trapezium.
MP Joint
metacarpal- Phalangeal joint
PIP Joint
Proximal Interphalangeal joint
DIP Joint
Distal Interphalangeal Joint
What are the extransix muscles of the carpal tunnel?
4- digitorum superficialis
4- digitorum profundus
1- Flexor Pollicis Longus
What are the contents of the Carpal Tunnel?
9 Flexors
Median nerve
What is the roof of the carpal tunnel?
Flexor retinaculum or the transverse carpal ligament
Where do the digitorum profundus tendons attach?
Distal Phalanx
Where do the digitorum superficialis tendons attach?
Middle Phanlanx
What is the roof of Guyon's canal?
1. palmar carpal ligament
2. Palmeris brevis
What are the contents of Guyon's Canal?
1. Ulnar N
2. Ulnar A
What are the boundaries of guyon's Canal?
1. Pisiform
2. Hook of Hamate
What is the floor of Guyon's Canal?
Pisohamate ligament
What are the thre condensations of fascia in the hand that prevent bowstringing of the long flexors?
1. Flexor retinaculum
2. Palmar Aponeurosis
3. Fibrous Digital Sheaths
Where does the palmar cutaneous branch of the Median Nerve branch off of the median nerve?
before entering the carpal tunnel
What are the components of the fibrous digital sheaths?
1. Annular Pulleys (5)
2. Cruciate Pulleys (4)
How do you fix "Trigger Finger?"
Cutting the A1 pulley
What is the gap in the syovial sheath called?
mesotendon- allows for blood flow
What is tenosynovitis?
Inflamation of the synovial sheaths.
What are the divisions of flexor synovial sheaths?
1. Ulnar Bursa- common flexor sheath
2. Radial Synovial Sheath- Surrounds Flexor Pollicis Longus
What is s horseshoe abcess?
Tenosynovitis that communicates between the ulnar and radial
What are the characteristics of the extensor snovial sheaths?
1. 6 Compartments
2. Endoscopy Approach to Wrist is between compartments 2 and 3
3. Each Compartment is isolated
Depuytren's Contraction
Thickeing of extensions of palmar aponeurosis. Caused by Alcoholism.
Compartments of the hand
1. Thenar Compartment
2. Hypothenar Compartment
3. Cenral Compartment
What are the components of the hypothenar compartment?
1. Abductor Digiti Minimi
2. Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
3. Oponens Digiti Minimi
What are the components of the thenar compartment?
1. Abductor Pollicis Brevis
2. Flexor Pollicis Brevis
3. Opponens Pollicis
What are the components of the Central Compartment of the Hand?
1. Superficial- lumbricles
2. Deep- Adductor Pollicis
What are the characteristics of the lumbricles?
1/2- radial N
3/4- Ulnar Nerve
What are the characteristics of the Adductr Pollicis?
1. Transverse Head
2. Oblique Head
3. Gap between heads gives rise to the radial artery
What are the characteristics of the palmar inerosseus muscles?
1. Unipenate
2. Adductors
3. 3 muscles
What are the characteristics of the dorsal interosseus muscles?
1. Bipenate
2. Abductors
3. 4 Muscles
What hand muscles does the median nerve supply?
1. Thenar compartment (recurrent branch)- Abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis
2. 2 Radial Lumbricles- digits 2 and 3
How many muscles does the Ulnar N supply in the hand?
14- Ulnar nerve splits into deep and superficial branches after passing through Guyon's Canal.
Deep Branch- Palmeris brevis
On what joint does the extensor expansion lie?
The MC Joint
What is the Allen's Test?
Determines if superficial palmar arch is complete in order to determine if radial artery can be used for tranplant.
What are the components of the superficial palmar arch?
Primary- Ulnar A
Minor- Radial A
What are the components of the deep palmar arch?
Primary- Radial A
Minor- Ulnar A
What are the characteristics of the palmar digital arteries?
1. Extend from the superficial plamar arch
2. Run with palmar Digital Nerves (from median nerve)
3. Anastamose with the palmar metacarpal Arteries (from deep palar arch)
What are the characteristics of the princeps pollicis artery?
1. Primary blood supply to the thumb
2. Arises from the deep palmar arch
What are the characteristics of the Radius Indicis Artery?
1. Radial side of the index finger
2. Arises fromt eh deep palmar arch/princeps pollicis a.
What are the boundaries of the anatomical snuffbox?
1. Extensor pollicis Longus
2. Extenso Pollicis Brevis- Abductor Pollicis Longus
What are the components of the anatomical snuff box?
1. Superficial Brachial radial nerve
2. Radial Artery
3. Cephalic Vein arises here
Pain in he anatomical snuffbox is indicatie of what?
Fracture of the scaphoid
The recurrent branch of the median nerve supplies what?
Thenar compartment- abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis
What dermatome is the thumb?
C6 "six shoter"
What is the most often injured ligament of the elbow?
Anterior ulnar collateral ligament
What is the TFC
Triangular Fibrocartilage- Articular cartilage of the wrist
What does the TFC separate?
Proximal carpus from the articulating end of the ulna