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36 Cards in this Set

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When mental health patients are released back into their communities, generally after having their symptoms alleviated through medication
Community psychology
An area of psychology that focuses on identifying how individuals mental health is influenced by the neighborhood, economics, community resources, social groups and other community-based variables
Empirically supported treatments
Treatments that have been testes and evaluated
The use of self-help books and other reading materials as a form of therapy
Insight therapies
A general term referring to therapy that involves dialogue between client and therapist for the purposes of gaining awareness and understanding of psychological problems and conflicts
Psychodynamic therapies
Forms of insight therapy that emphasize the need to discover and resolve unconscious conflicts
Free association
Clients are encouraged to talk and write without censoring their thoughts in any way
Dream analysis
A method for understanding the subconscious by examining the details of what happens during a dream, in order to gain insight into the true meaning of the dream, the emotional, unconscious material that is communicated symbolically
Occurs as the treatment brings up unconscious material that the client wishes to avoid and the client engages in strategies for keeping the information out of the conscious awareness
A psychoanalytical process whereby clients direct the emotional experiences that the are reliving toward the therapist, rather than the original person involved in the experience
Object relations therapy
A variation of psychodynamic therapy that focuses on how early childhood experiences and emotional attatchments influence later psychological functioning
Phenomenological approach
The therapist addresses the clients feelings and thoughts as they unfold in the present moment, rather than looking for unconscious motives and dwell in the past
Client centered therapy
Focuses on an individuals ability to solve their own problems and reach their full potential with the encouragement of a therapist
Behavioral therapies
Address problem behaviors and the environmental factors that trigger them, as directly as possible
Systematic desensitization
Gradual exposure to a feared stimulus or situation is coupled with relaxation training
Aversive conditioning
A behavioral technique that involves replacing a positive response to a stimulus with a negative response, typically by using punishment
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
A form of therapy that consists of procedures such as cognitive restructuring, stress inoculation training and exposing people to experiences they may have a tendency to avoid Internal attributions: blaming oneself excessively for negative things that happen
Stable attributions
Seeing a situation as permanent or irreversible
Global events
Blowing things out of proportion instead of seeing negative events as simply that
Occurs when is able to “step back” from ones normal consciousness and observe oneself more objectively and as an observer
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Involves combining mindfulness meditation with standard cognitive-behavioral therapy tools
Systems approach
An orientation that encourages therapists to see an individuals symptoms as being influenced by different interacting systems
Psychotropic drugs
Medications designed to alter psychological functioning
Blood-brain barrier
A network of tightly packed cells that allow only specific types of substance to move from the bloodstream into the brain, in order to protect it against infection and harmful substances
Anti-depressant drugs
Medications designed to elevate the mood and reduce other symptoms of depression
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
A class of antidepressant drugs that bock the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin
Mood stabilizers
Drugs used to prevent or reduce the severity of mood swings experienced by people with bipolar disorder
Antipsychotic drugs
Generally used to treat symptoms of psychosis, including delusions, hallucinations and severely disturbed or disorganized thought
Tardive dyskinesia
A movement disorder involving involuntary movements and facial tics
Atypical antipsychotic drugs
Makers claim that these drugs are less likely to produce extrapyramidal side effects including movement disorders
Frontal Lobotomy
Surgically removing regions of the cortex
The surgical destruction of brain tissues in the prefrontal cortex
Focal lesions
Small areas of the brain tissue are surgically destroyed
Electroconvulsive therapy
Involves passing an electrical current through the brain in order to induce a temporary seizure
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
A therapeutic technique in which a focal area of the brain is exposed to a powerful magnetic field
Deep brain stimulation
A technique that involves electrically stimulating specific regions of the brain