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141 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the process by where gametes have their chromosomes number reduced in half?
What is the name of the structure that divides the chromosomes into longer and shorter segments?
What is the entire collection of genetic material in each typical cell of the human body called?
What is the final product of a gene?
What is another name for chromatin strand?
How long does infancy last?
18 months
What is the name of the condition where the placenta seperates from the uterus wall after 20 weeks of pregnancy?
abruptio placentae
What is the name of the condition that occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus?
ectopic pregnancy
What is the name for the grid used to determine the probability of inheriting genetic traits?
punnett square
What are genetic mutations?
a change in the genitic code
What is trisomy-disease associated with?
chromosome breakage or from the abnormal presence or absence of entire chromosomes
What is the name of the inherited condition where there is a lack of dark brown pigment melanin in the skin and eyes?
What is the final product of a gene?
What is it called when there is implantation outside the uterus?
ectopic pregnancy
Do identical twins have the same blood type?
What stage of labor does the process of expulsion of the placenta occur?
third stage
What are the functions of the placenta?
acts as a nutritive bridge between the mother and baby, but also as an excretory,respiratory and endocrine organ
Where does fertilization most often occur?
outer one third of the oviduct
Where does fertilization take place?
ova ducts, fallopian tubes
What is the name of the fertilized ovum?
What is the name of the hormone that is mostly responsible for ovulation?
luteinizing hormone (LH)
What is the name for the phase of the menstrual cycle that follows ovulation?
secretory phase
What is the name for the hormone that is mostly responsible for stimilating inmature ovarian follicles?
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
What is the name for the last part of the internal female reproductive system?
vagina (it is not part of the external genitalia)
What is the name for the lower and narrower part of the uterus?
What is the name for the line above the point where the uterine tubes attach to the uterus?
fundas it gives an arch to the top part of the uterus
What are two names for the uterine tubes?
fallopian tubes , ova ducts
What is the muscle layer of the uterus called?
What is the function of estrogen?
it initiates the first menstrual cycle, the apperance of pubic hair and breast, maturation of female reproductive organs
What is the name for the mature ovum when it's in the sac?
graafian follicle
What is it called when the urethral meatus is on the underside of the glans?
What gland produces 5% of the seminal fluid?
cowper's gland
What is another name for cowper's gland?
bulbourethal gland
What is the name of the tube that permits sperm to exit the scrotum, it's also part of the spermatic cords?
vas deferens
What is the name of the tube in the lobes of the testes, it makes up most of the mass of the testicule tissue?
seminiferous tubule
What is the name of the coiled tube that is in the shape of an english coma and it is behind the testes?
What is the function of testosterone?
it stimulates the protein anabolism, masculanizing the male, promotes and developes the male accessory organs
What is the function of the middle of the sperm?
this is where the mitrocondria is stored, so it can supply energy to the sperm to swim to the ova
What is the function of the acrosome in the head of the sperm?
it stores enzymes to help break down the covering of the ova
What is the function of the follicle-stimulating hormone?
it stimulates the production of sperm in males, stimulates the ovarian follicles to mature,stimulates the follicle cells to secrete estrogen
What is the name of the tough membrane that surrounds the testes, it's really glistening and whitish?
tunica albuginea
What do we call reproductive cells?
sperm, ova, gametes
What are three mechanisms of regulating body fluid?
the kidneys removing hydrogen and hydroxal ions, the stomach absorbing acid, buffers in the blood
What is it called when a person loses the elacticity of their skin?
clinical sigh of dehydration
What does it mean if you have a PH of over 7?
this is an alkaline solution, it has more hydroxal ions than it does hydrogen ions
What is interstitual fluid?
fluid located in the microscopic spaces between the cells
What will a drop in the capillary pressure do?
decrease interstitual fluid volume
What is the name of a negatively charges ion that has the greatest concentration in the blood?
What are three types of water loss for the body?
kidneys, lungs, skin (catabolism of food is not a source of water loss for the body)
What is considered to be part of the extracellular fluid?
intertitial fluid, plasma, lymph
What is the name of the body tissue that contains the least amount of water?
adipose tissue
What is it called when the kidneys produce urine but the urinary bladder cannot empty?
urinary retention
What is it called when the kidneys do not produce urine?
urinary suppression
What is the name of the tube that carries urine out of the body?
What hormone would tend to increase the amount of urine produced?
atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH)
What is the name of the tube that carries urine out of the body?
What is the name of the tubes that carry urine out of the kidneys?
What is the process called when most of the material in the nephron moves back into the blood?
What is it called when substances are added to our urine in the distal and collecting tubules?
What is it called when we move blood plasma from the glomerulus to the bowmans capsule?
What is the name of the structure that releases a hormone that constricts blood vessels?
JG apparatus
What is the name of the structure that drains into the collecting tubules?
distal convoluted tubules
What is the first segment of the renal tubules?
proximal convoluted tubules
What is the name for one of the structures in the renal corpuscle?
bowmans capsule
What is the name for the upper expansion of the uriters?
renal pelvis
What is the inner portion of the kidney called?
renal medula
Is the left kidney or the right kidney higher?
left kidney
What is the function of the urinary tract system?
removing waste products from the blood, maintaining the proper electrolyte balance in the blood, maintaining the proper PH level of the blood
When the temperature rises in the body to fight an infection,what is this called ?
What are three methods to conserve energy?
reducing blood flow to the skin, increasing the level of the metabolizing hormone, shivering
Where does protein digestion take place?
What is it called when liquid water turns to water vapor due to heat loss?
What is the name of the condition when you have a diet that has plenty calories but it is dificient in protein?
Kwashiorkor disease
What vitamines are your body unable to store?
B's and C's
What hormone raises your blood sugar?
glycogen, growth hormone
What is the name for the protein produced by the liver that is NOT involved in the blood clott formation?
albumine ( prothrombin and fibrenogen are involved)
What are the functions of the liver?
producing plasma proteins, helping to maintain the proper blood glucose level, producing bile for the chemical digestion of fats
What are the two parts of metabolism?
catabolism anabolism
Where does fat digestion take place?
small intestines
Where does protein digestion take place?
Where does protein digestation take place?
Where does the process of carbohydrate digestion take place?
What is the name of a very important extension of the visceral peritoneum?
greater omentum
What is the name for the autoimmune disease of the large intestines?
crohn disease
What is the order that material will pass through your large intestines?
cecum, ascending colon,transverse colon, decending colon,
What is the name of the pancreatic juice that has an enzyme that helps us digest fats,carbohydrates,and proteins?
If someone has gall stones that block the bile ducts and it's left untreated what will it cause?
What causes contraction of the gall bladder to release bile?
What is the order of segmentation of the small intestines? Starting from the stomach.
What is the name of the layer of wall of the digestive tract that contains blood vessels and nerves?
What is the name of the outermost covering of the digestive tract; composed of the parietal pleura in the abdominal cavity?
What is the name of the two layers of muscle surrounding the digestive tube that produce wave like rythmic contractions called peristalsis, which move food material.
What is the name for your parotid gland, submandibular gland, sublingule gland?
salivary glands (submaxulary gland is NOT)
What is the most common disease of the teeth and mouth?
dental caries
What prevents food and liquid from entering your nasal cavities when you swollow?
What is it called when you have an alternation of hyperventilation and the stoppage of breathing? Critically ill patients will demonstrate this. The death raddles follow.
cheyne-stokes respiration
What is the name for labored or difficult breathing?
What is it called when we exchange gases between air in the lungs and in the blood?
external respiration
What is it called when we move air into and out of the lungs?
pulmonary ventilation
What are the three parts of the larynx?
epiglottis, thyroid cartilage, vocal cords
What are the names of the subdivisions of the pharynx?
oropharynx, nasopharynx, laryngopharynx
What is another name for the nostrals?
external nares
What is one of the functions of the respiratory mucosa?
to help trap containments found in inspired air and to help humidify inspired air
What are the three names of the upper respiratory tract?
Why does the HIV virus damage your immune system?
because it invades the T cells
What is the name of the structure where stem cells have to see that T cells develop?
thymas gland
If a B lymphocyte is exposed to an antigen and developes into cells that produce antibodies ,what are these antibodies called?
plasma cells
What type of immunity is it when a mother passes on antibodies she has to the fetus?
natural passive immunity
What type of immunity is it when you get a flu shot?
artificial active immunity
What are three examples of nonspecific immunity?
Tears, the phagocytic white blood cells, the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract
What is the PH of blood?
7.4 or alkaline, basic
What is the universal blood reciepient?
What is the universal blood doner?
Is there serum in the plasma?
What are the names of the two white blood cells?
If a person has type AB blood, what antigen do they have?
B antigen
What is the role of the hemoglobin that we find in the red blood cells?
to carry carbon dioxide and oxygen
Does carbon dioxide help to maintain the PH of blood?
What are two names of hemolytic anemia?
sickle cell, thalassemia
Are lymphocytes a granule cyte?
What is the name of the cancer that affects the plasma cells, it's one of the most deadly and most common form of blood cancers?
multiple myeloma
What is the name of the clotting disorder that is refered to as an inherated X link disorder and it is passed down from mother to son?
Where does the apex of the heart lie in the chest?
it touches the diaphragm and points toward the left lung
Which valve opens from the left ventricle into the artery?
aortic semilunar valve
Which valve is between the right atrium and the right ventricle?
tricuspid valve
The second heart sound is caused by what?
the closing of the semilunar valve
What is the name of the structure that is part of the conduction system and it actually makes the ventricles contract?
purkinji fibers
What is the sequence that the blood goes through the blood vessels, starting from the heart?
arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
What is the name of the layer of the blood vessel that is made of a tough connective tissue?
tunica externa
Do capillaries have a one way valve?
What is the first blood vessel of the pulmonary circulation?
pulmonary artery
What is the name of the structure in the fetus that allows blood to be shunt off from the right atrium into the left atrium,which should close shortly after the baby is seperated from the mother?
foramen ovale
What is the name of the structure in the fetus that carries oxygen rich blood from mother to baby?
umbilicle vein
Which vein is the blood pressure lowest in?
large veins
What does polycythemia have a affect on, which influences blood pressure?
blood viscosity
Where are the locations where the pulse can be felt in the upper limbs?
radial artery(wrist), axillary artery(axilla), bracial artery(bend of the elbow)
Where are the locations where the pulse can be felt in the lower limbs?
femeral artery(groin), dorsalis pedis artery(top of foot), popliteal artery(behind the knee)
Is brachial a pulse in the lower limb?
No, it is in the bend of the elbow
What type of shock results from an accute type of allergic reaction to food, a drug, etc.?
anaphylactic shock
What do blood capillaries and lymph capillaries have in common?
they are both microscopic, and made of endothelium tissue
What is the name of the condition where tissues will exhabit swelling due to a accumulation of lymph?