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75 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of the endocrine system

_____________ glands secrete hormones that circulate through the bloodstream. Hormones attach to receptors on cells in target organs (long term effects). "Ductless" glands vs. exocrine. Several major glands throughout the body.

Endocrine System


Chemical messengers secreted into the bloodstream.

Endocrine System

Slow reaction to stimuli, long duration of effects, hormone chemical messenger, gland cell/modified neuron messenger producing cell, messenger, and slowly travels through bloodstream.

Nervous System

Fast reaction to stimuli, short duration of effects, neurotransmitter chemical messenger, neuron messenger producing cell, and quickly travels through the bloodstream across the synapse.

Negative Feedback System

Endocrine control system that is mostly used in the body. Operates like a thermostat, maintains homeostasis. Change in balance causes correction in opposite direction.

Direct Nervous System

Can control certain endocrine organs by the sympathetic nervous system. Ex. Stimulation of the adrenal gland. Can rapidly turn a system on and off.Quicker response.

Negative Feedback System

Pituitary Gland

Hans from the ventral surfce of the brain attached by a thin stalk to the hypothalamus. It is the master endocrine gland that consists of anterior and posterior parts that secrete and control different things.


Secretion from the pituitary is controlled by the ___________.

Pituitary Gland

Anterior Pituitary

Growth hormone (GH), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH),

Posterior pituitary

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxycotin.


Bi-lobed, lateral to the larynx, and are attached loosely to outer trachea. T3 and T4 controls metabolic rate. Has calcitonin

Bi-lobed, lateral to the larynx, and are attached loosely to outer trachea. T3 and T4 controls metabolic rate. Has calcitonin


Decreases blood calcium


Somewhere on or near the thyroid, usually on the cranioventral surface. Has PTH (parathyroid hormone.

Somewhere on or near the thyroid, usually on the cranioventral surface. Has PTH (parathyroid hormone.


Increases blood calcium

Adrenal glands

Near the cranial pole of the kidney, and is bisected by the phrenicoabdominal vein. Off the hilus. Have a cortex and medulla

Near the cranial pole of the kidney, and is bisected by the phrenicoabdominal vein. Off the hilus. Have a cortex and medulla


Area of the adrenal gland that has glucocorticoids and the mineralcorticoids. has a small amount of sex hormones.


Increase blood glucose in the cortex. Stress hormone. Ex. Cortisol


Reabsorption of Na+ from urine in the cortex. Ex. aldosterone.


Adrenal gland that has the epinephrine and nonepinephrine.

Adrenal Gland

cortex; medulla

cortex; medulla


Have an endocrine and exocrine portion. Endocrine islets within exocrine tissue. Alpha, beta, and delta cells.

Alpha cells

Endocrine pancreatic cell that Increases blood glucose. Glucagon

Beta cells

Endocrine pancreatic cell that powers blood glucose. Insulin.

Delta cells

Endocrine pancreatic cell that decreases the secretion of insulin, glucagon, and GH.


Binds to a receptor on a cell, and the cell reacts by taking it into the cell.


Type of gonad that produces estrogens and progestins

Type of gonad that produces estrogens and progestins


Type of gonad that has androgens.

Type of gonad that has androgens.


Physical and behavioral changes for breeding. Female sex characteristics. Regulate mating behaviors.


Prepares the uterus for fertilized egg implantation. Ex. Progesterone. In ovaries.


In testes. Comes from intersitial cells, the main one being testosterone.


Produced in the testes. An anabolic steroid that triggers development of male sex characteristics and spermatogenesis. Regulate mating behaviors.

Pineal body

Not a major endocrine lab. Present in lab. Has melatonin which controls the wake-sleep cycle (circadian rhythms) and mood. The third eye.

Not a major endocrine lab. Present in lab. Has melatonin which controls the wake-sleep cycle (circadian rhythms) and mood. The third eye.

Functions of the Urinary System

Blood filtration to reabsorb some things and secrete/excrete waste products, fluid balance (urine volume regulation), acid-base balance to control the amount of H+ and HCO3- excreted in urine, hormone production and regulation that influences aldosterone and ADH production and release, and makes erthyeopoietin.

Aldosterone and ADH

Have to do with fluid balance and urine volume regulation in the urinary system.


Controls red blood cell production.


Between the parietal peritoneum and abdominal muscles.

Right kidney

More cranial and less mobile of the kidneys.

Gross anatomy of the urinary system

Retroperitoneal, kidneys, uterers, urinary bladder, urethra, perirenal fat, fibrous external capsule, hilus, cortex, medulla, Calyces, pelvis,


Arrangement of medulla and pelvis varies with _____. Ex. multilobar vs. unilobar

Perirenal fat

Surrounds the urinary system and acts as a cushion.


Medial indentation in the kidneys. Vessels, nerves, and uterers enter and exit here

Medial indentation in the kidneys. Vessels, nerves, and uterers enter and exit here


Renal corpuscles in the kidney.

Renal corpuscles in the kidney.


Tubules of the kidneys.

Tubules of the kidneys.


Fits around the medullary rays in the kidneys to collect filtrate (urine). Funnels urine into the pelvis

Fits around the medullary rays in the kidneys to collect filtrate (urine). Funnels urine into the pelvis

Fibrous external capsule

Tough, dense opaque capsule tightly adhered to the kidney to protect the kidney and keep the structure in place.


Urine collection area in the kidneys that connects to the ureters.

Urine collection area in the kidneys that connects to the ureters.

Kidneys in horse



Kidneys in cow



Kidneys in dog/cat




Smallest functional unit of the kidney that is made up of the renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule.

Cow; horse

Highest degree of kidney lobation of all species. The second is _______.

Highest degree of kidney lobation of all species. The second is _______.

Renal corpuscle

consists of the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule in a nephron.

consists of the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule in a nephron.

Loop of Henle

Consists of a descending loop and an ascending loop in a nephron.

Consists of a descending loop and an ascending loop in a nephron.

Distal convoluted tube

Drains into the collecting duct that dumps into the renal pelvis in the nephron.

Drains into the collecting duct that dumps into the renal pelvis in the nephron.


Ball of capillaries in the renal corpuscle. Capillaries leave this as the efferent arteriole.

Ball of capillaries in the renal corpuscle. Capillaries leave this as the efferent arteriole.


Renal artery -> afferent arteriole -> _______________

Efferent arterioles

Capillaries leaving the glomerulus that branches to surround all the tubules (Peritubular capillaries). Eventually drains blood into the renal vein.Secrete and reabsorb all that is needed from urine.

Capillaries leaving the glomerulus that branches to surround all the tubules (Peritubular capillaries). Eventually drains blood into the renal vein.Secrete and reabsorb all that is needed from urine.

Bowman's capsule

Surrounds glomerulus, creating a space around the capillary ball. Parietal and visceral layer

Surrounds glomerulus, creating a space around the capillary ball. Parietal and visceral layer

Production of urine

Filtration of blood, reabsorption, secretion.

Filtration of blood

Part of urine production. Blood under high pressure is

Glomerular filtrate




What gets reabsorbed during urine production




Secreted waste products of urine


Urine volume regulation


Antidiuretic Hormone






Sphincter muscle


Urinary bladder


