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27 Cards in this Set

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Urban populations
large size, high density, social heterogeneity (diversity), legal entities, continuously built-up, manufacturing and service, municipal functions.
Rural populations
small size, low density, homogenous, dominated by farm land, primary activity, simple way of life, weak or simple legal power.
an increase in the percentage and number of people living in urban settlements.
central business district, less than one percent of urban area, but contains larger percentage of the public, business and consumer services.
CBD extensive land use
CBD accessibility produces extreme competition for the limited sites available. Land values are very high. too expensive for some activities.
Concentric Zone model
first model to explain the distribution of different social groups within urban areas.
A zone in transition
industry poorer quality housing
a zone for working class homes
modest, older houses occupied by stable, working class families
A zone for better residencies
newer and more spacious houses for middle class families
A commuter's zone
beyond the continuous built up area of city. some who work on CBD choose to live in small villages that have become dormitory towns for commuters.
Sector model
a city develops in a series of sectors, not rings. Certain areas of city are more attractive for various activities. As a city grows activities expand outward on a wedge or sector from the center.
in some ways its a refinement of the concentric zone model than a radical statement.
Multiple Nuclei Model
a city is a complex structure that includes more than one center around in which activities revolve.
examples, neighborhood business center, a university, and airport, and a park.
Census tracts
contain approx 5000 residents and correspond, where possible to neighborhood boundaries.
Social Area analysis
an overall picture of where people tend to live.
Squatter settlements
an area within a city in a less developed country in which people illegally establish residences on land they not own or rent and erect homemade structures.
cities in LDC are not able to house the rapidly growing number of poor people. People migrate from rural areas for more opportunities.
Inner city physical issues
poor condition of housing
Peripheral model
urban area consists of an inner city surrounded by a large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road.
the process of legally adding land area to a city
Local government fragmentations
the fragmentation of local government in the U.S make it difficult to solve regional problems of traffic management, solid-waste disposal, and the building of affordable housing.
Council of government
cooperative agency consisting of representatives of the various local governments in the region
Urbanized Area
in the U.S and urban area with at least 50,000 inhabitants
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
urbanized area with at least 50,000
the country in which city is located
a continuous urban complex in the northeastern U.S
a ring of land maintained as parks, agriculture, or other types of open space to limit the sprawl of an urban area.
the progressive spread of development over the landscape
Smart growth
legislation and regulation to limit suburban sprawl and preserva farmland
Zoning ordinance
a law that limits the permitted uses of land and maximum density of development in a community