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31 Cards in this Set

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Why are the steps of distribution often compared to the links of a chain?

So it can be split into links for analyzation, and make it easier to analyze the different necessary care and handling techniques which are necessary for the longevity of the product.

What are the links of the distribution chain?

Grower to transporter or shipper to broker to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.

Describe the basic care and handling procedures for cut flowers.

Recut stems, remove foliage that falls below the waterline, dip in a hydrating solution, place in a sanitized bucket full of properly mixed floral preservative solution, and refrigerate to prevent ethylene production.

What are the primary ingredients in floral preservatives? What is the function of each?

Sugars for food, biocides to kill bacteria, and acidifiers to maximize water uptake.

When during the day should flowers be cut from the garden for use in fresh arrangements and why?

Early morning or evening when they are the most turgid with more food reserves.

What are ways to enhance your design skills?

Thinking, observing and practicing.

Name the parts of a floral composition.

Container, flowers, foliages and accessories.

What are the similarities and differences between harmony and unity?

Both have to do with coordinating parts of a designs together. Harmony is finding pieces and parts of the whole that work well together and unity is making sure that over all your design is looks good as a whole.

How can unity in floral design be easily achieved?

Use proximity, repetition, and transition.

What are the emotional responses to warm colors in floral designs?

Evoke warm, cheery, and happy feelings.

Emotional responses to cool colors in floral arrangements?

Restful, peaceful and soothing feelings.

To individual colors such as yellow, red and blue?

Yellow is friendly and happy, red is strong and dominant, blue is calm, peaceful, cool, and quiet.

What visual elements to achromatic and monochromatic color schemes rely on to make themselves more visually interesting?

varying the types, sizes, forms, and textures of materials used.

Besides the color wheel what else can inspire color selection for floral design?

Seasons, holidays, special occasions, etc.

What are good rules to make color schemes more palatable?

Vary the values, intensities, and proportions.

How can color create emphasis, depth, balance, rhythm and unity?

Emphasis: bright colors. Depth: bright colors come foreword and darker colors recede. Balance: colors have weight which can be used to balance an arrangement. Rhythm: by repeating colors throughout an arrangement. Unity: by having an overall color scheme.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of symmetrical or formal balance?

Strong and stable designs that evoke restful or peaceful feelings. Disadvantage is that it comes across as stiff and contrived.

What are the advantages of asymmetrical or informal balance?

Very casual, natural and informal designs. They're visually interesting for a long time.

Advantages of radial balance?

Radial balance is versatile in that it can be combined with symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. It also provides a strong focal point.

Advantages of open balance?


Doesn't follow strict rules and is open and unstructured.

It relies on perceived balance which only the designer and the viewer can sense.

How are proportion and scale similar? How do they differ?

They both involve size and comparison. Proportion is the relative size of the parts of an arrangement in relation to the rest of the parts and the whole. The scale is the size of the whole arrangement in comparison with the space it will end up in.

When can the golden mean be applied in floral arranging?

Anytime a line, area or object can be divided in half.

What are some ways of creating focal areas in floral designs?

Location, isolation, accents and contrast.

Why is the concept of rhythm important to floral design?

It creates a sense of movement that stirs emotions and draws the eye throughout the design.

What are some unique accessories that may be incorporated into arrangements to draw the eye?

Fruit, figurines, bows, candles, and novelty items.

Emotional responses to vertical lines?

Power, strength, formality and are dignified.

Emotional responses for horizontal lines?

Calm, peaceful, restful and a sense of stability.

Diagonal lines emotional responses?

Energy, exciting and create eye movement.

Curved lines emotional response?

Calm, soft and comforting.

What are factors that make a line dynamic or static?

Vertical and horizontal lines are static. Non vertical and horizontal lines are dynamic. Intent and movement.

What are techniques that most artists use to achieve a feeling of depth? How can these same techniques be used by floral designers?

Angled lines and the overlapping of objects. Slightly different heights of flowers also creates depth.