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58 Cards in this Set

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the basis of economics. the more scare something is, normally the more it is worth
opportunity costs
when someone chooses to buy one item, then he/she will not be able to spend that same money on something else. what is not bought is called opportunity cost. it is what was given up to get something else.
circular-flow of money
when someone buys something, money flows from households to businesses. In turn, businesses employ people. Employees receive money from businesses. This is the circular flow of money.
supply and demand
supply is how much a producer is willing to produce at a given price. demand is how much consumers are willing to buy at a certain price. the key for producers and consumers is to find the equilibrium price that will bring in the most consumers at a level that will be beneficial to producers.
market economy
command economy
traditional economy
one does what his/her father did. this system was the basis for Neolithic societies and most pre-industrial countries. Today, this system is found in developing countries where subsistence agriculture (producing just enough for personal survival) dominates.
command economy
associated with communism. in this system the government determines prices and what is produced. Karl Marx is most associated with this system.
market economy
associated with capitalism and free enterprise. in this system the market (consumers and producers) determines prices and what is produced. supports pure competition.
pure competition
the market economy supports pure competition. this is where everyone has the opportunity to engage in the producing and consuming aspects. anyone with the means and desire can become a producer of an item. the more producers and economy has, the more competition. as consumers view their choices for a product they will consider price and the quality of the product being offered.
one producer or business that emerges to control an entire market. under capitalism, a lack of producers undermines the competition aspect and threatens the market system. some monopolies are accepted, such as local water utilities.
when just a few companies control the majority of the market. normally permitted as long as they do not conspire to set prices. ex: the big three American automakers.
absolute advantage
refers to a country that can produce at an item at less cost than another country.
comparative advantage
refers to a country that has less opportunity cost in producing an item.
john maynard keynes
a major modern economic capitalist philosopher. Keynesian economics is the driving factor behind the U.S. monetary policy. Through monetary policy the government controls the supply of money through determining interest rates. When the government believes that more money should be in the economy, then the interest rates are reduced (through the FED) and banks loan more money to businesses and individuals. That money is in turn used to build factories, buy homes etc. If the government determines that less money should be in circulation (such as during inflation when money losses value) then the FED will raise interest rates so that less loans will be made and less money will be circulated. As the level of money in circulation decreases, then the value of money increases.
Another way to increase and decrease money is through the fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is determined by congress and the president and concerns the level of taxes and spending by the federal government. Unfortunately, fiscal policy is more politically motivated than monetary policy (there's no election process for members of the FED) and fiscal policy takes longer than monetary policy to carry out, so fiscal policy is normally considered less stable than monetary policy in controlling the money supply.
karl marx
associated with command economy.
adam smith
wrote a book in 1776 The Wealth of Nations that documented the world economies that were more successful than others. One of his major findings was that the countries that were most successful had limited government involvement in basic economic decisions. This lack of government decision-making was coined "laissez faire" and remains a fundamental principal in most western economies. he also addressed monopolies.
free enterprise
associated with a market economy.
free trade and the effects of trade barriers
free trade refers to when goods can be exported and imported without tariffs. tariffs are taxes on imported goods and often are used to protect domestic businesses. When countries have free trade agreements, goods are exchanged without tariffs. This is the case in NAFTA - the free trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
the study of how goods, services, and property is produced, distributed, and consumed
exchange rate
refers to how much one country's currency is worth in relation to another country's currency. countries that have a lower exchange rate can normally expect more goods.
free enterprise system
through banks and credit unions individuals and businesses can save, invest, and borrow money. all of these functions are vital to our free enterprise system.
profit motive
people want to make money
Sherman antitrust act
said that to hinder competition was illegal. law against monopolies that hindered competition or made competition impossible.
government has the ability to set tariffs. tariffs are taxes on goods that are imported. The GETT general agreement on tariffs and trade is an international set of guidelines that are used to encourage trade between countries. GATT set guidelines for tariffs. the U.S. has used tariff policies to help protect domestic businesses.
sole proprietorship
one individual owns a business. one person is responsible for financing and managing the business. a disadvantage is that the only capitol available is what one person can secure. can be sued personally for such things as accidents in his or her business.
when two or three people join to open a business together. a benefit to this type of business is that the financial resources and risks can be shared by all in the partnership. disadvantages include loss of autonomy and the fact that the partners could still be held personally liable for accidents in the business.
normally has several initial investors and organizes a formal organization. They choose a name and the business really becomes a second entity. corporations have to be registered with the state and the owners of the corporation can not be held personally liable in civil cases.
federal reserve system
the major controller of the money supply through monetary policy. then the FED determines that more money needs to be put in the economy (normally to increase employment), then the FED can lower interest rates so that loans are easier to secure and businesses to expand. When the FED determines that less money should be in circulation (normally to increase deflation) then the FED can raise interest rates so that loans are harder to secure.
private property rights
Property rights are theoretical constructs in economics for determining how a resource is used and owned. Resources can be owned (the subject of property) by individuals, associations or governments.[1] Property rights can be viewed as an attribute of an economic good. This attribute has four broad components[2] and is often referred to as a bundle of rights:[3]
1.the right to use the good
2.the right to earn income from the good
3.the right to transfer the good to others
4.the right to enforcement of property rights.

In economics, property usually refers to ownership (rights to the proceeds of output generated) and control over a resource or good.
voluntary exchange
consumers choose to buy and sell
different ways money can be invested
savings accounts
clayton antitrust act
outlawed price discrimination, charging different customers different prices for the same product
federal trade commission act
allowed actual government enforcement of clayton antitrust act
robinson patman act
companies could no longer offer special discounts prices only to certain customers (clarified clayton trust act)
economic effects on the war
when a country goes to war, it normally vastly increases the economic output of the country. the government the mass production of war-related materials. men go off to war so women move into the workforce.
industrial revolution
changed the economic system of the world; however, it would not have been possible without scientific inventions and advancements such as:
-jethro tull's seed drill to assist in planting crops.
-james watt invented the steam engine that would be the major power source of the industrial revolution.
-spinning jenny was used to make thread
-power looms was used to take the thread and make cloth at a fast rate.
-Robert Fulton's steam locomotive allowed for a transportation revolution.
scientific revolution
brought about a new system of thinking about science. the most famous scientists from this era were astronomers.
*consequences of scientific advancements have major moral and ethical issues attached to them
Copernicus who first detailed the heliocentric (sun centered) view of the universe
Galileo who used a homemade telescope to observe planetary motions.
Isaac newton
ushered in the age of physics with his discoveries of gravity and the development of calculus
marie curie
radioactive elements (allowed for x rays)
Thomas Edison
major inventor in American history. phonograph (record player), the movie camera, and the light bulb.
theory of relativity (fundamentally changed physics)
Robert Fulton's steamed locomotive allowed for a transportation revolution.
Bessemer steel process
American inventor, henry Bessemer, created a way to mass produce steel that was used to build skyscrapers.
European science, math, and technology
the earliest European science and math advances were from the greeks and romans. the greeks were very advanced in math with the development Pythagorean theorem and Euclid's geometry. Archimedes discovered the advances of lifting heavy objects through a lever and pulley system while Hippocrates conducted research into what caused disease and how to cure it (today, doctors take the Hippocratic oath). Aristotle wrote extensively about science, including zoology and botany while Ptolemy proposed that the earth was the center of the universe (widely accepted until the 17th century). The Romans major contributions were in the field on engineering with great advances in architecture. The Romans designed the arch and the dome that allowed bigger building to be built. They also routed water from mountains and into cities through aqueducts (some still work today).
William harvey
discovered that the heart pumps the blood through the human body.
Native American Advances
The Mayans were a prolific group who had an advanced writing system and had one of history's most advanced calendars. the Mayans also had knowledge of planets that was far more advanced than other societies. They had the engineering ability to build massive stone pyramids.
The Aztecs also had an advanced calendar and a writing system. The Aztecs had the ability to drain lakes and swamps to allow for selected building locations.
Chinese discoveries
the Chinese had many advances in math and science. such as:
-textbooks were written on zoology, botany, and chemistry.
-accurate astronomy-based clocks and calendars.
-invented paper
-invented rudders (used to steer ships), fishing reel, and wheel barrow.
Islamic discoveries
the Islamic world also made huge advances in science and math. such as:
-ibn sina wrote a comprehensive medical textbook that was used by Europeans.
-elaborate calligraphy designs in architecture.
-improved upon roman arches and domes to build massive structures
-al-khwarizimi pioneered a branch of math called algebra
-calculated the circumference of the earth (pretty close to accurate) and also studied eclipses and the rotation of the planets.
-doctors had to pass exams to practice medicine
-treatment for cataracts
"Modern Science"
the world has witnessed major changes in the scientific world. many inventions have changed daily human life. These have included: radio, tv, automobile, airplanes, telephone, and computers. Modern medicine provides vaccines against diseases and antibiotics.
In a competitive market the equilibrium price of a good is determined by the interaction of supply and demand. If the price of a good is above the market equilibrium, there will be a:
surplus of the good in the market because the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded. (A surplus of the good is created when the price is set above the market equilibrium, resulting in the quantity supplied exceeding quantity demanded.)
Economic Indicators:
Unemployment rate 9.6%
GDP growth rate –4.2%
Inflation rate 2.9%
The economy of the country described in the table is undergoing which stage of the business cycle?
Recession, (The table shows that the country has a high unemployment rate, is experiencing contraction in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and has a relatively low inflation rate. Such types of data are typical of economies that are in the recession phase of the business cycle.)
Which of the following is the main incentive for entrepreneurs to take risks to start a business?
Profits. (Entrepreneurs take the risks of organizing productive resources to make goods and services. Profit is an important incentive that leads entrepreneurs to accept the risks of business failure.)
Assume that the demand for soft drinks is relatively inelastic. If the government imposes a per-unit tax on the sale of soft drinks, which of the following correctly identifies how the tax will affect the quantity demanded in the market and who will pay the largest portion of the tax?
Quantity Party that Pays;
Demanded Largest Portion of Tax
Will decrease; Buyers (Imposing a per-unit tax on soft drinks will shift the supply curve to the left (or upward) by the amount of per-unit tax, resulting in a higher price to the consumers, thus decreasing the quantity demanded. Because the demand curve is relatively inelastic, buyers will be less responsive to the higher price of soft drinks that results from the tax. As a result, sellers will be able to pass the greater portion of the tax in the form a higher price on to buyers. Thus buyers will bear the larger portion of the tax burden.)
President Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956, which he promoted as a benefit to national defense. The act also had the benefit of promoting the national goal of:
full employment (Government spending on infrastructure projects such as roads increases aggregate demand and encourages firms to hire more workers to meet the higher demand, a process that can eventually lead to full employment. President Eisenhower and his advisors hoped to stimulate the economy with this infusion of government spending.)
A geography teacher is most likely to use the term “cultural convergence” when discussing:
contact and interaction between different cultures. (The term “cultural convergence” refers to the idea that the availability of media such as the Internet, printed text, television and radio tends to provide groups of people from different regions more access to other cultures. Such access may lead to the adoption of cultural traits and cultural forms by different groups and may lead to greater cultural similarities.)