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74 Cards in this Set

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Neolithic Revolution
Farming. Good water and soil sources.
River Valley
Indus River Valley. Civilizations that developed in what is now modern day India and Pakistan. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are significant cities because they had a form of indoor plumbing, brick buildings and advanced irrigation.
Trade. One idea from one group is adopted by another group. Such as; religion, languages, writing systems and alphabets, weapons and tools, legal codes and customs.
Belief in many gods.
Belief in one god.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Did not have a written language. The Bantus spread their language through migration. The migration of Bantus led to the spread of settled agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Aryans' collection of writings which clearly defined specific classes or castes. The castes were based on skin color, therefore you were born into your caste. Lowest group was called the untouchables. Had to be reincarnated to move to another caste. These beliefs formed part of the polytheistic religion of Hinduism.
settled along the Nile River in 3100bc. Depended on the river for everything. Famous Giza pyramids. Excellent geometry and engineering skills. Form of writing was hieroglyphics. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt.
Huang He River. Mandate of Heaven government which meant the ruler had the blessing of Heaven. Dynastic Cycle meant emperor would gain power and then later be overthrown. Confucianism stressed proper behavior and respect. Taoism/Daoism finding peace. Legalism is government control and harsh punishment.
Han Empire
Trade along the Silk Roads gave the Han Empire wealth. These roads connected China and Asia to the Middle East.
Mediterranean World
Greece: sculptures of males, study of science, geometry and medicine, and democracy which were landowners that could prove their family heritage to Athens.
Rome: Had a Senate and all citizens voted. Julius Ceaser.
Dominant political system of the European middle ages. King>Lords>knights> feudalism was governed by the code of chivalry
Economic system of the European middle ages. The manor was the land granted by the king to the lords and knights in exchange for military service. Serfs and pheasants provided physical labor.
Norman Conquest of 1066
William of Normandy invaded the isle of Britain. Defeated the king and took England as his own, and brought feudalism to England. He created a census, the Doomsday Book on who to tax.
In 1095, Pope Urban II asked the kings of Europe to send knights to liberate the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslin Turks. The Crusades led to an increased trade between western Europe, Byzantium and the Muslim states of the eastern Mediterranean, thereby promoting European economic expansion
Limit workers so wages remain high. Artisan groups.
Roman Catholic Church
Roman empire religion. Led by Pope.
Eastern Orthodox Church
In 1054, the eastern part of the church which was centered in Constantinople broke away from the authority of Rome. The Eastern Orthodox Church became the major religious factor in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Although it was not as powerful as the Roman Catholic Church, it did exert great political power.
Five Pillars of Islam
Kuran, Quran. Muslims. Mohammad.

Five Pillars of Faith:
1. the declaration of faith
2. prayer five times a day facing mecca
3. fasting during the month of Ramadan (daylight)
4. alms giving (charity)
5. pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime if healthy and can afford it.
Silk Roads
Trade along the Silk Roads gave the Han Empire wealth. These roads connected China and Asia to the Middle East.
The emperor of the Romans. Long tradition of the Holy Roman Empire that had little to do with Greece.
Created an empire through conquering their neighbors. Had a written language and books.
No written language, tied knots to count. Incan Empire connected by roads.
Black Death
40% of the population of Europe died from the plague.
Gutenberg's Printing Press
Invented in 1450. Books and ideas were spread quickly. Erasmus, Thomas Moore and Shakespeare were major writers.
Art, dancing, music, and science.
Italian renaissance stressed human achievements.
Atlantic Slave Trade
Native Americans were dying out due to European diseases so they began to import slaves from Africa. About 12 million African slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas in a cruel and often deadly journey called the Middle Passage. Slavery was part of the triangular trade.
Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther
Officially began in 1517 when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on a church door. This document was a list of issues that Luther thought the catholic church should address. The selling of indulgences was the forgiveness of sins without formal confession. The protest against Catholicism began Protestantism. Luther rejected monasticism (monks and nuns) and recognized only two sacraments - baptism and communion.
Economic policy dictated that colonies were set up to benefit the mother country.
The political philosophy that absolute rulers had absolute control over all aspects of government. Dominated in Europe at this time.
Political and social theories that developed primarily in France in the 18th century. John Locke "life, liberty, and property". Right to freedom of speech. Applying reason and the scientific method to the study of all aspects of social and political life.
The American Revolution. The 13 American colonies declared their independence from Britain.
The French Revolution. Cause of revolution was severe economic crisis.
Leonardo Da Vinci
The "ideal" renaissance man. Skills in art, dancing, music and science.
The Fall of Constantinople
the capture of Constantinople, which occurred after a siege by the invading Ottoman Empire. Marked the end of the Roman Empire.
Columbian Exchange
The massive transfer of animals, plants and diseases between the Americas to Europe.
Conquest of the Aztec and Incas
The Spanish conquered the Aztecs and Incas so quickly because of European diseases and gunpowder.
Expansion of the Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire took control of most of the major trade routes connecting Europe to India and China. Ottomans as leaders of the Middle Eastern World. Ottoman Empire lasted until its defeat in WW1. The Ottoman Empire granted religious freedom to Jews and Christians. Ottomans were able to maintain internal peace for most of its 600 years history.
Simon Bolivar
Led a revolution. Achieved independence for most of the Spanish colonies of south America. Slavery was still common though.
Charles Darwin
Origin of Species. Animals that could adapt to climate survived while others died off.
Karl Marx
Proposed communism. Predicted a revolt where the masses would seize the factors of production from the owners.
Industrial Revolution
Urbanization, transportation, emergence of a middle class, child labor, clash of economic theories, increased imperialism, cheaper goods.
British Empire
By far the largest imperial power with colonies and possessions on every populated continent. "The sun never sets on the British Empire. India was one of its significant colonies.
: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority
The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.
a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products
Cold War
U.S. versus soviet union after defeating Hitler.
Nelson Mandela
President of South Africa elected in 1994. Went to prison for 30 years for trying to put an end to apartheid, released in 1990.
Mao Zedong
Created a ommunist state. Started the cultural revolution which was anti western and anti intellectual
WWII allies and axis
Russian Revolution
A revolution in Russia led to its withdraw from WW1. Communism and Joseph Stalin came to charge..
The Great Depression
an international event that affected all parts of the globe. Economic conditions allowed totalitarian leaders to emerge, such as Adolph Hitler in Germany.
Mother Teresa
She dedicated her life to helping the poor of India.
Mohandas Gandhi
Led India to independence in 1947
In which of the following ways did the migrations of Bantu-speaking peoples into many regions of sub-Saharan Africa in the period 1000 B.C. to 500 A.D. most fundamentally affect the continent?
The migrations led to the spread of settled agriculture.
If anyone is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death. If the robber is not caught, then shall he who was robbed claim under oath the amount of his loss; then shall the community . . . on whose ground and territory and in whose domain [the robbery took place] compensate him for the goods stolen.
Babylonian law applied both the concept of individual responsibility and the concept of collective responsibility in assigning penalties for crimes.
Most early civilizations of Afro-Eurasia arose in physical environments that featured:
proximity to a reliable freshwater source that could be used for crop irrigation.
Which of the following was an effect of the Crusades on western Europe?
The Crusades led to an increased trade between western Europe, Byzantium and the Muslim states of the eastern Mediterranean, thereby promoting European economic expansion
Which of the following statements best describes a major impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe?
New food crops from the Western Hemisphere promoted better health and longer life spans in Europe
Which of the following was the most significant effect on Europe of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (1453) and the eastern Mediterranean (1516–1517)?
The Ottoman Empire took control of most of the major trade routes connecting Europe to India and China
In contrast to the First Industrial Revolution, the Second Industrial Revolution was characterized mostly by:
innovations in mass production and electrification.
The Chinese government responded to the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square by:
forcibly dispersing the demonstrations with tanks and troops.
Which of the following best describes an important contribution of the ancient romans to western civilization?
Their legal system had a major influence on the development of modern jurisprudence
In ancient China, the concept of the Mandate of Heaven served which of the following purposes?
legitimizing the transfer of power from one dynasty to another
Which of the following best describes a major characteristic of classical Mayan civilization (AD250 to AD900)?
Religious principles permeated all aspects of Mayan life.
Which of the following features of Byzantine civilization between the sixth and tenth centuries most distinguished it from western societies of the period?
the wealth and vitality of Byzantine cities
In which of the following ways did the Crusades most influence the development of western European society?
They motivated Europeans to establish permanent commercial contact with eastern lands.
Enlightenment thinkers most influenced subsequent developments in European history by:
applying reason and the scientific method to the study of all aspects of social and political life.
The cultural exchanges that took place between Europeans and the indigenous peoples of sixteenth and seventeenth centuries most influenced which of the following?
global distribution of plant and animal life
Which of the following was a major cause of the Latin American independence movements of the early nineteenth century?
Spanish restrictions on colonial economic and political activity
Territorial changes resulting from WWI played a major role in which of the following European conflicts in the later twentieth century?
The wars among Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia (1991-1995)
Nelson Mandela most directly influenced which of the following phases of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa?
the effort to turn the African National Congress into an effective political force during the 1950s.