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12 Cards in this Set

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Define political culture.
Broadly shared values,beliefs, and attitudes about how the government should function and politicsshould operate; American political culture emphasizes the values of liberty,equality, and democracy.
Understand Daniel Elazar’s three categories of political culture. (Know main points foreach)
Moralistic PoliticalCulture

Individualistic Political Culture

Traditionalistic Politcal Culture

What political culture category does Texas fall under and why?
Texas is categorized astraditionalistic - individualistic; Taxesare kept low and social services are minimized
Be familiar with the three historical characteristics of Texas discussed in class,as well as how population growth and diversity have changed thesecharacteristics. (Know main points for each.)

One-Party State


Business Dominance

Define the theory of creative destruction, and know the three waves of technologicalchange in Texas.
Creative destruction:Capitalism is subject to periodic waves of transformation, fueled bytechnological innovations in production and distribution of goods and services.

1stWave: Cotton and cattle production and their distribution by railroad

2ndWave: Oil industry

3rdWave: High-tech economy

What consequences did the tenant farming and share-cropping system have on Texaspolitics?
System could easily placehouseholds in debt from which they could not escape

Tenant farming givesrise to grange/ populist movements

What is the purpose of the Texas Railroad Commission?
State agency regulatingoil and gas industries

Allowed common pipelinecarriers that served many different companies (efficient)

Regulated oil productionto smooth pricing

As discussed in class, what example was given for technological change in theTexas?
Technological change inTexas best evidenced by the development of high-tech industry after slump inoil prices.
What is NAFTA and what impact has it had?
Trade treaty between theUnited States, Canada, and Mexico to lower and eliminate tariffs among thethree countries.

Both positive andnegative impact in Texas

Positive:Increase in State exports to Mexico & Canada

Negative:Texas workers lost jobs due to:

(1) Competition

(2) Plantshad been relocated to Mexico

What three factors does the textbook claim accounts for the population growth inTexas?
Natural increase (Becauseof the difference between births and deaths)

Internationalimmigration (Particularly from Mexico)

Domestic Immigration(From other states)

Understand the main points we discussed concerning urbanization and suburbanization.
Urbanization: Theprocess by which people move from rural areas to cities.

o 1850s,only about 4% of Texans lived in urban areas

o Over88% of state’s population now resides in urban areas

Suburbanization: Theprocess by which people move out of central city areas to surrounding areas.

What impact did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 haveon political discrimination in Texas?
Helpopen the political system to Latinos o Fewerparticipation/representation barriers o 20%of Texas legislatures is Latino (37 of 181)o By2010, approximately 2,500 Latinos held elected office in various state andlocal positions.
Helpopen the political system to African Americans o Today,African Americans political leaders have come to play a major role in thestate’s politics o Texaspopulation is 12% African American