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25 Cards in this Set

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Policy implementation involves only government officials.
Elected officials such as the governor and institutions of government such as the legislature can participate in the policymaking process but not interest groups or the media.
Policy formulation is the official decision of a government body to accept a particular policy and put it into effect.
A group of political actors that is concerned with some aspect of public policy is known as an issue network.
The context of policymaking refers to the set of factors outside of government that affects the policymaking process either directly or indirectly.
The development of courses of action for dealing with the problems on the government's agenda" is the definition for which of the following?
policy formulation
A newspaper editorial praises the Texas legislature for passing a law that requires public college and university students to complete six semester hours in American national, state, and local government, including the study of the Texas Constitution. The editorial illustrates which stage of the policy process?
policy change
The assessment of policy" is the definition for which of the following?
policy evaluation
Texas has the nation's fourth largest population, just behind California, New York, and Florida.
Population experts predict that by 2030 Hispanics and African Americans combined will represent a majority of the state's residents
The median annual household income in Texas is below the national average.
The majority of Texans live on farms in rural areas.
Historically, the Texas economy was based on what economic activity?
Agricultural commodities and raw materials
All of the following statements are correct regarding the population growth in Texas EXCEPT?
Rapid population growth does not present challenges for policymakers.
The population of which of the following areas has been growing the most rapidly?
the suburbs
The decrease in oil prices in the 1980s forced policymakers in Texas to do what?
Take steps to diversify the Texas economy.
The most rapidly growing components of the Texas economy involve what industry?
high technology
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the changing nature of the state's economy?
Because of the increased importance of technology in the work place, unskilled workers will be lucky to find jobs that pay more than minimum wage.
Which of the following groups of Texans has the LOWEST incidence of poverty?
non-Hispanic whites
"The widely held, deeply rooted political values of a society" is the definition for which concept?
political culture
Which of the following types of political culture stresses the importance of the individual and private initiative?
In which type of political culture do people expect government to intervene in social and economic affairs, promoting the public welfare and advancing the public good?
Government leadership is in the hands of an established social elite and the level of participation by ordinary citizens in the policymaking process is relatively low in which of the following types of political culture?
In which of the following types of political culture do citizens believe that the role of government is to protect and preserve the existing social order?
According to Professor Daniel Elazar, what type of political culture does Texas have?
a combination of traditionalistic and individualistic