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31 Cards in this Set

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All cultures have the same degree of emphasis they place on individuals exploring their uniqueness and independence versus maintaining their conformity and interdependence. T or F?


By strengthening the abilities necessary to communicate appropriately, effectively, and ethically across cultures, one can improve the quality of one's life.
______is defined as the characteristic of high-quality interaction. Research suggests that it is determined by both conversational partners, involves knowing how to communicate, references actual communication behavior, and takes into account the communicator’s success in achieving his or her goals.
Communication Competence
______as it relates to intercultural communication competence means that one possesses a personal desire to improve communication abilities.
World-mindedness is very similar to ethnocentrism, the belief that one’s own cultural beliefs, attitudes, values, and practices are superior to those of others.
The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) _________________ converges across aspects of inclusion, supportiveness, openness, and challenging and innovative wor
Diversity Initiative
The way employees are treated by their leaders is reflected in the ways that they treat customers. When customers are loyal and make repeated purchases, the company’s financial health increases. In other words, financial results are leading indicators of success, and leadership behaviors are lagging indicators.
*** check A case becomes a learning experience when we apply the theories and concepts we study in an effort to determine the best solutions for resolving the issues presented in the case
occurs when a person engages in activity, reviews the activity critically, abstracts some useful insight from the analysis, and applies the result in a practical situation.
Experiential Learning
Verbal communication often conveys more information than nonverbal communication


are specific gestures that are widely used and understood within a culture, they can enliven, clarify, and substitute for words.


fills a human need. It expresses liking and affection; warmth, reassurance, and comfort.


Facilitating Turn-Taking suggests that less-assertive members need help in getting their turn to speak. If you are sensitive to the transactional process, you will know when to use nonverbal regulators to help another person get a turn.


There are nonverbal elements embedded in every element in the communication model


holds that each person is unique, special, completely different from all other individuals, and “the basic unit of nature.”


While Westerners tend to prize rationality, objectivity, empirical evidence, and the scientific method, it is important to consider when discussing worldviews that these views often mesh well with cultures that value and believe in fatalism, subjectivity, mysticism, and intuition.


Often referred to as a melting pot, the United States is popularly regarded as a nation that assimilates or absorbs immigrant populations to produce a standard American.


________ holds that each person is unique, special, completely different from all other individuals, and “the basic unit of nature.”


______describes how the people in a culture organize themselves and relate to one another.

Social Relations Orientation

For most Americans, work represents a cluster of moral and effective conditions of great attractiveness, while voluntary idleness is often seen as a severely threatening and damaging social condition.


Individuals can be much better problem solvers and decision makers than groups


In a process called ___________________________, decisions are made in bits and pieces, responding to pressures as they are felt.


________________ occurs when a group continues to pursue a course of action just because it feels it has gone too far to quit. When faced with negative results of its decision, the group decides to simply keep going in its current direction and just work harder.


A problem is a discrepancy between the current state—what actually is happening—and a desired goal—what should be happening.


The__________________________________, which states that the communicative actions of group members determine decision-making and problem-solving performance.
Functional Perspective

In multicultural societies, the ideology of dominant cultural groups produces patterns of cultural abstraction, cultural artifacts and cultural language practices that displays silence or marginalize other cultural groups.


Studies demonstrate that people who are typically apprehensive about engaging in interpersonal communication are more likely to communicate for pleasure, to control others, or to express affection.

False ** Check

is a structured symbol system of signs, sounds, gestures, and marks used to create and share meaning.


place a high degree of importance on the spoken word, and verbal communication is often used to express individuality

Many researchers suggest that there are more differences than there are similarities in gender communication, and that the overemphasis on differences doesn’t paint a realistic picture of gender and communication

are examples or illustrations of problems or challenges