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52 Cards in this Set

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Agatston scores on mdct cardiac exam

Minimal. 1-10

Mild. 11-100

Moderate. 101-400

Extensive. >400

Type of ct best suited for evaluating of Coranary disease

Electron beam scanners are very fast

Mtt mean transit time

Time for blood to pass through a given region of brain tissue

Layers of the uterous




Phases of contrast administration

Non-enhanced CT (NECT)Helpful in detecting calcifications, fat in tumors, fat-stranding as seen in inflammation like appendicitis, diverticulitis, omental infarction etc.

Early arterial phase - 15-20 sec

Arterial phase 20-30 sec delay

Late arterial phase - 35-40 early venous portal phase", because some enhancement of the portal vein can be seen. All structures that get their bloodsupply from the arteries will show optimal enhancement.

Corticomedulary phase 30-40 sec delay in handed renal cortex (gastric and intestinal wall inhansement) liver spleen pancreas optimization

Portal venous phase 60-70 sec

Hepatic or late portal phase 70-80 sec. In this phase the liver parenchyma enhances through bloodsupply by the portal vein and you should see already some enhancement of the hepatic veins.

Nephrogenic phase - 100 sec This is when all of the renal parenchyma including the medulla enhances. Only in this phase you will be able to detect small renal cell carcinomas.

Delayed phase - 6-10 minutes p.i. or 6-10 minutes after bolustracking. Sometimes called "wash out phase" or "equilibrium phase". There is wash out of contrast in all abdominal structures except for fibrotic tissue, because fibrotic tissue has a poor late wash out and will become relatively dense compared to normal tissue.

Voxel dimension

Divide dfov by matrix size multiply by length

On mdct cardiac exams for Coranary artery calcification areas of calcium are identified when?

Greater than 1mm squared in area with hf values of 130 or greater.

Slice sensitivity profile is ____

Than the dose profile


Ssp is?

Slice sensitivity profile

Or degree of broadening or point spread that occurs along the z axis during volumetric data acquisition.

Pixel =

Dfov/matrix size

Ct xray amount of inherent filtration =

3.0 mm aluminum

Spatial resolution is affected by

Geometric factors such as focal spot size and slice thickness,detector size,reconstruction algorithm, pixel dimention,sampling frequency.

Contrast resolution is affected by

Slice thickness


And noise

And detector sensitivity


Window setting

Noise is affected by


Pixel dimention

Central volume principal

Cerebral blood flow=cbv/mtt

A solitary pulmonary nodule

May be defined as

Ovoid focal area of increased density less than 3 cm.

Infarction core defind

Cbv less than 2.5 ml/100 g

Angle for butterfly insertion.

15 degrees

The quantity of absorbed dose based on radiosensitivity of a particular tissue type

Effective dose

Harmful effects of xrays

Stochastic- non threshold but probability increases with increased dose.

Enteric precautions

Prevents infection through spread of fecal material gloves and gown.

R-r interval% at diastole


Gas within a degenerative disk

Vacuum effect

During a spiral or helical scan how does the scanner acquire data

Continuously as the pt moves through the table

And in the form of a volumetric set.

Anougther name for fatty liver


Interstitial disease of the lung






Benign mass of smooth muscle found commonly on the uterus

Perotoneal organs

Stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, ovaries, transverse colon, and most of the small bowel.

Minimum intensity projection techniques used for

Demonstrating air trapped within the trachea and bronchial tree

Used in pet ct as contrast

Fludeoxyglucose f 18 (fdg)

Average photon energy of a ct scanner at 120 kvp

70 kev

Photon flux

Rate xrays pass through a unit area over a unit of time.


Relationship between ct number and actual linear attenuation coefficents

adding a math filter to remove blurring



Reformatted image that lie perpendicular to original plane of acquisition

Ray sum

Measurement of transmitted radiation made by a single detector

Information included in a 3d recon is controlled by the

Threshold setting

Normal cvb in 100 g of brain tissue

4-5 ml

Quanta time computerized tomography used for

Diagnosis of osteoporosis

Range of ct hu numbers on a modern ct system

-1024 to + 3071

4096 different values on a 12 bit system

The Compton efect

Xray photon ejects an outer shell electron producing scatter radiation


Xrays produced by acceleration or expecially deceleration of an electron while passing close by a nucleus.


Ejection of a inner core electron being replaced by an outer shell electron drop in energy given off in xrays.

Pt dose Is directly effected by filtration . Detector efficiency and source to detector distance .

But not filament size

First type of reconstruction used in prototype ct scanners

Iterative technique.

Common areas of calcification in the brain

Chord plexus and pineal gland

Dermoid tumor of the ovary


Cystic teratoma

Stores majority or sperm

Vas deferens

Crystal material used in scintillating crystal detectors

Cesium iodide, cadmium tungstate, bismuth germinate, gadolinium oxysulfide, and gemstone material.,

Mathematical process by whereby data from tube rotations just above and just below a given slice position are used for image reconstruction ,which also clears up pt motion Artifacts.


After back projection math marital filters and kernels used to remove the unwanted blurring effect


Reconstruction of ray sums onto a matrix

Back projection.