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50 Cards in this Set

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According to Freud, a toddler is in the __________ stage of psychosexual development.


Dominant themes in cultural art represented by images of nurturing mothers and protective fathers are examples of Jung’s conceptualization of archetypes.

Attributions are the tendency to seek information that supports one's beliefs.
Which of the following ideas lies at the core of the concept of personality?

Consistency across situations

_____ refers to an individual’s unique constellation of consistent behavioral traits.
“Shrewd,” “timid,” and “self assured” are all adjectives that can be used to represent
personality traits.
Sue’s friends say that she is sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, and straightforward. Which of the following Big Five traits would best describe her?
Eric studies three hours per day, five days a week. He only misses school when he is sick and is almost never late for class. On which of the following Big Five traits would he likely receive a high score?
The area of psychological research that attempts to trace the hereditary influences on personality is called
behavioral genetics.
Brianne likes to explore new experiences and has recently taken up mountain climbing. She is likely to have a high score on Zuckerman’s scale to measure
High sensation-seekers are more likely to
have unprotected sex.
Most psychological tests can be placed in one of two broad categories:
projective tests and standardized tests.
The vast majority of personality tests take the form of
self-report inventories.
______________ test requires people to respond to ambiguous stimuli. Inferences about needs, emotions, and personality traits are drawn from the responses.
A projective
A ____ is a durable disposition to behave in a particular way in a variety of situations.
personality trait
The idea that personality traits have reproductive payoffs, such as extraversion being higher in those with greater physical attractiveness, complies with the _____ view.
When MRI technology was used to look for associations between the Big Five traits and variations in the relative size of specific areas of the brain,
extraversion correlated with the volume of brain regions that process reward.
Betty likes to post flattering photos of her body on her Facebook page. She believes that cheating on a test is okay because she is smarter than other students. When her friends comment on her behavior, she gets very angry. Betty’s behavior is most likely that of
a narcissist.
According to a video we watched in class humans achieve self-awareness around 18moinths of age. Often considered a human “right” we now know that self-awareness exists in other species. What species did the video talk about?
Great Apes
An attribution is
an inference about the causes of behavior and events.
Internal attributions ascribe causes of behavior to
personal dispositions.
In explaining the causes of behavior, the fundamental attribution error refers to the overestimation of the role of ______ factors.
Brett thinks he failed the math test because his brain just isn’t built for math. Which type of attribution is he practicing?
Categorizing others by ethnicity, gender, age, or religion is used to

avoid expending cognitive effort to form a more accurate impression.

Confirmation bias occurs in
casual social interactions. job interviews. courtrooms.
______ are widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group.
_____ refers to the tendency to explain other people's behavior as the result of personal, rather than situational, factors.
The fundamental attribution error
A negative attitude held toward a particular group of people is referred to as
Which of the following statements is true?
People tend to see what they expect to see when they are prejudiced

_____ occurs when people yield to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs have not changed.

In Milgram's studies of obedience, participants were
instructed to deliver electric shocks to a learner.
In general, prejudice is ______ and discrimination is ______
an attitude; a behavior
Research indicates that East Asians are less prone to the fundamental attribution error than Americans.

In general, we are more likely to get help in an emergency when there is only one witness.

Zimbardo’s Stanford experiment split participants into two groups and then observed the resulting behavior. What were the two groups used in Zimbardo’s experiment?
Prisoners & Guards

Based on Loftus’ work on memory, eyewitness testimony should be the primary evidence we use to determine guilt.

Which of the following is NOT one of the key elements of the interpersonal communication process?
Poor communication ranks high as a cause of breakups with
both gay and straight couples.

In nonverbal communication, meaning is transmitted from one person to another

through means or symbols other than words.
Facial expressions are most likely to convey messages dealing with
Which of the following is considered the most meaningful aspect of eye contact?
Duration of eye contact
To be an effective listener, you need to
pay attention to nonverbal signals.
As an indicator of lying, lack of eye contact is
not a reliable index of deceptive intent.
Which of the following statements about gender differences in nonverbal communication is accurate?
Women are better encoders and decoders than men.

The study of communication through body movement is called


One idea from Jung’s personality theory that has been incorporated into mainstream modern

psychology is the notion of


Which of the following statements is true according to Big Five research?

Extraversion and conscientiousness are positive predictors of career success.

______ includes all vocal cues other than the content of the verbal message itself.


In interpersonal communication, the person who originates a message is called the


External attributions ascribe causes of behavior to

situational factors