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49 Cards in this Set

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Native Americans experienced which 4 dominant group response patterns?
Xenophobia, Legislative action, Segregation, Expulsion
What is the most agreed-upon number of Native Americans living in the US before Eurpean colonization
6-10 million
How did whites justify their treatment of Native Americans
said they were cruel dirty heathens, savages
What was the US government policy of dealing with Native Americans in the mid 19th century
relocate them to low status areas, Indian removal act
Which state has the most counties made up of over 50% Native Americans
New Mexico
Example of cultural diffusion from the Iroquois
What type of justice describes the Belief that a wrong had to be repaid
Why were the Cherokees expelled from the east
the fertile land was coveted by the whites
What was the General Allotment Act of 1887
ended communal ownership
What other program did Dillion preside over
Japanese internment camps
How do suicide deaths among Native Americans compare to the national average
N.American avg is twice the national avg
How does education of N. Americans compare with the nations average
fewer high school graduates than any other minority group
What is the recent proposed use for many N American reservations
Toxic dumping
What tribe is the largest of the Native Americans
most serious resource shortage for many western tribes
What is the Alcatraz Proclamation
sarcastic proclamation attacking the neglect and deprivation faced by Native Americans in the past/present
What was the 1954 landmark desegregation ruling and what institution did it cover
Brown vs. Board of Education and covers schools (education system)
Which minority response pattern are the 1960s sit-ins and freedom rides
Acts of defiance
describe Repatriation and Operation Wetback
expelled thousands of Mexican Amer, families were divided, 1954-59 expelled 3.8 million many who looked Mexican were deported
What was the impact of the massive civil rights legislation
equal life opportunities for blacks
What did the National Commission on Civil Disorders say was a major cause of the 1960s riots
underemployment and inadequate housing
What were the causes of the 92 LA riots
Rodney King, Multi racial riot with various conflict combos
The major criticism against using intelligence testing to compare the capabilities of races is
bias, trying to use genetics saying one race is more intelligent than the other
Which groups income has benefited most from the civil rights movement
Black middle class
What is Blauner's "internal-colonialism"
1 in 4 blacks live in poverty, Fastest growing segment of poor is the Female headed households
Describe the Black middle class
experience less discrimination but still endures various forms of racism
How do African-born Americans differ from the general population
better educated, higher income
What is the Bell Curve and how was it criticized
Denial of racism, selecting certain data
Has the number of elected black officials changed since the 1960s
Which cities have the highest percentage of Hispanic residents
SAN ANTONIO, LA, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas
What causes variances in the Hispanic experience in the US
social status of ethnic group, area of country, period involved (economic situation)
What states did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo bring into the US
California, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona
What is La Raza Cosmica
movement activists said all Spanish people in Americas should unite around common political goals
Does culture affect behavior and interpersonal interactions
How do Mexican Americans living in LA and New Mexico, compared to those living elsewhere
They have assimilated better
3 proponents of Chicano power
Reizes Lopez Tijerina (Land Grant restitution) David Sanchez (Brown Berets police brutality) Cesar Chavez (United Farm Workers Union)
How and why do changes in the US economy affect Puerto Rico
They are a territory of ours so they are dependent on the US
What is the basis for an individuals identity, importance, and security depend on
In the Puerto Rican American communities, what are bodegas
grocery stores, center for community interaction
In what categories Puerto Ricans surpass Mexican Americans
poverty rate, better education, better english
What is the Platt Amendment
right to intervene in Cuba if necessary to protect US interests
How do Cubans compare to other Hispanic-American groups
assimilated better, greater educational attainments, lower unemployment rates, higher median family income
Which ethnic group commonly co-exists with Dominicans
Puerto Ricans
Who was involved in the sanctuary movement that hid Salvadoran refugees
The Catholic church
What country sent the greatest number of South American immigrants
What variable aids Hispanic immigrant youth remaining in school
age at the time of entry into the US
Which groups have low intermarriage rates with non-Hispanics
Puerto Ricans and Dominicans
What does conflict analysis suggests will improve Hispanic status
getting political "muscle"
According to Alejandro Portes and Alex Stepkick, how did Cubans respond to discrimination in Miami in the early 1980s
Cubans formed economic enclave and entered politics