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66 Cards in this Set

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Gregor Mendel

Pea plants: discrete and discontinuous

a single pea plant has male and female reproductive organs

Discontinuous vs Continuous

tall or short vs an infinite range of heights


process where chromosomes split and find another to attach themselves with during sexual reproduction

Principle of Individual Assortment

inheritance of one trait does not affect the inheritance of another

i.e. a pea plant can be tall and purple or tall and white; the height does not affect the color

Which is dominant and which is recessive?

T=tall and t=short



Phenotype & Phenotype Ratio


Definition: what does it look like? i.e. tall/short

Genotype & Genotype Ratio


Definition: TT, tt, Tt

two alleles create a genotype

Homozygous Dominant

Homozygous: having the same alleles

i.e. TT

Homozygous Recessive

Homozygous: having the same alleles

i.e. tt


having different alleles



portion of DNA that make proteins which influence our physical traits


location of a gene on a chromosome


alternate form of DNA sequence at locus

i.e. tall and short are two different alleles


sex cells (sperm and egg)


egg fertilized by sperm

Blood Types:

What are the phenotypes, alleles, and genotype?

Phenotype: A, B, O, AB

Alleles: A, B, O

Genotype: AA, AO, BB, BO, OO, AB

A and B are dominant over O

A and B are co-dominant

Polygenic/Continuous Trait

two or more genes affect a trait

Somatic Cells

body cells

DNA Bases

adenine (A) and thymine (T) bond together

cytosine (C) and guanine (G) bond together

DNA Sequence

a combination of bases

i.e. ACTGCAATGC would pair with TGACGTTACG


wound up DNA


large organic compounds that are composed of amino acids

Amino Acids

molecules which are the building blocks of all proteins

each triplet of bases (ATGC) codes for one amino acid this is called a Codon *see codon flashcard

20 different amino acids (do NOT need to have them memorized for the test)

RNA (Ribonucelic Acid)

switch base Thymine (T) to Uracil (U)

tRNA= transfer RNA

mRNA= messenger RNA


a set of three bases *see Amino Acid flashcard

ribosomes read a codon at a time

Template Strand


T - A U - A

A - T \ A - U

C - G \ C - G

G - C / G - C

C - G / C - G

C - G C - G

*bolded bases are the template strand

DNA to mRNA to tRNA to Amino Acids




amino acids: look at mRNA bases NOT tRNA

Haploid vs Diploid

23 pairs (haploid)

46 chromosomes (diploid)


an organized profile of a person's chromosomes

chromosomes are arranged and numbered by size (largest to smallest)

How many chromosomes do you get from your parents?

23 chromosomes from each parent = 46

*a person with Downs Syndrome has 47

Reductive Division

begin with 4 chromosomes in 1 cell

end with 4 cells with 2 chromosomes

when the sperm fertilizes the egg there is no need for 46 chromosomes in each, so there is a reduction so that a person has 46 total not 46 from each parent

Crossing Over

exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes, resulting in a mixture of parental characteristics in offspring

exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes, resulting in a mixture of parental characteristics in offspring

Random Assortment

chromosomes are randomly separated and paired

chromosomes are randomly separated and paired

Mitosis vs Meiosis

mitosis replicates 

meiosis splits

mitosis replicates

meiosis splits


the entire genetic makeup of an individual or species

Dr. Francis Collins

led the Human Genome Project

used genetic sequence to determine health risks

he is an evangelical christian that believes in evolution as well as a musician and author

What are the epigenetic mechanisms for turning genes on and off?

methylation is placing a chemical (methyl) tag on the C base; these 'molecular tags' turn genes on and off

Evolution (microevolution perspective)

change in the frequency of a population's alleles over time

Population Genetics

study of if, how, and why allele and genotype frequencies change from one generation to the next

Forces of Evolutionary Change

mutation, gene flow, genetic drift,

natural (& sexual) selection


Definition: change in structure or amount of genetic material

mutations that occur in gametes are inheritable

can be good, bad, or neutral

introduces new alleles into a population

Point Mutation

change from one DNA base to another

Synonymous vs Nonsynonymous

Synonymous does NOT alter your amino acid

- aka 'Silent Mutation'

Nonsynonymous DOES alter your amino acid


protein on red blood cells that carries oxygen to different parts of the body

normal hemoglobin: A

mutated hemoglobin: S

Sickle Cell Anemia

anemia: deficiency of red blood cells or 

more prominent in Africa and Middle East

anemia: deficiency of red blood cells or


more prominent in Africa and Middle East


-caused by a parasite called plasmodium

-completes it's lifecycle in your liver

-gets into & eventually explodes out of red blood cells

-transmitted by mosquito

-symptoms: fever, shivers, headaches, vomiting

-Sickle Cell Anemia makes it harder to get Malaria because of the sickle shape of the blood cell

Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia Genotypes

(A - normal & S - mutated)

AA won't have SCA but more likely to get Malaria

AS has mild SCA but less likely to get Malaria

SS has full blown SCA but least likely to get Malaria

Frameshift Mutation

caused by insertion or deletion of DNA bases

Trisomy 21

most common form of Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome number 21

Gene Flow

movement of genes from one population to another

reduces genetic differentiation and introduces new alleles into a population

Genetic Drift

changes in allele frequencies due to random factors

this change is felt more in a smaller population

The Founder Effect

person or small group that have a lot of descendants, and they pass their alleles to their offspring

rare alleles can become prevalent due to disproportionate frequencies in an initial breeding population

person or small group that have a lot of descendants, and they pass their alleles to their offspring

rare alleles can become prevalent due to disproportionate frequencies in an initial breeding population

Bottleneck Effect

i.e. northern elephant seals were hunted so drastically that their entire population today comes from a stock of about 20

i.e. northern elephant seals were hunted so drastically that their entire population today comes from a stock of about 20

Biological Species Concept (BSC)

species are members of populations that actually or potentially interbreed in nature

not according to similarity of appearance (i.e. ape vs monkey)

Allopatric Species

new species form due to geographic location

cannot use the biological species concept

i.e. Mandrill and Drill are separated by a river in Cameroon

Allopatry vs Sympatry

Allopatry: populations living in different locations

Sympatry: populations living in the same location

Allopatry: populations living in different locations

Sympatry: populations living in the same location

Microevolution vs Macroevolution

Micro: evolution occurring below the species level and usually takes a much shorter time

-change in a population of a species

Macro: evolution that results in the production or destruction of a species and usually takes a much longer time

-origin and extinction of a species

What evolutionary forces can help create new species?

natural selection, genetic drift, and mutation

*gene flow is NOT on the list because it makes the species more similar

Adaptive Radiation

rapid evolutionary change through:

-extinction of competitors i.e. dinosaurs

-colonization of area where no competitors are found i.e. finches and lemurs

-adaptive 'breakthroughs' i.e. incubated egg

Carolus Linnaeus

binomial nomenclature


science of finding, describing, naming, and classifying organisms

What Kingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, and Order do Homosapiens fit in?

Kingdom: animalia

Phylum: chordata

Subphylum: vertebrata

Class: mammalia

Order: primates


the study of the evolutionary relationships among organisms

the study of the evolutionary relationships among organisms


Goal: to determine the evolutionary relationships among organisms based on characteristics shared between organisms that share a common ancestor

Goal: to determine the evolutionary relationships among organisms based on characteristics shared between organisms that share a common ancestor

Convergent Evolution

traits shared between organisms due to similar use but do not have a common ancestry

traits shared between organisms due to similar use but do not have a common ancestry

Maria Concepcion Soto

'founder' of the Huntington's Disease in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela

an example of the Founder's Effect