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45 Cards in this Set

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A controversial 2010 Arizona law gave local law enforcement officials the authorization to
Question anyone they believe to be an illegal immigrant
According to the text, proponents of the 2010 immigration law in Arizona contend all of the following EXCEPT
A) Arizona is fully within its rights to enact the legislation.
B) Arizona can take action on issues that are not addressed by Congress.
C) Arizona is better equipped at handling the modern immigration problem than the national government.
D) this law addresses the specific needs of Arizona.
E) the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of states’ rights to immigration reform in similar cases.
E) the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of states’ rights to immigration reform in similar cases.
Under the Constitution, both the national and state governments
Are accountable to the people
All of the following are generally state issues EXCEPT
A) currency circulation.
B) divorce.
C) child custody.
D) death penalty.
E) marriage age.
A) currency circulation
The system of shared powers, divided between the central government and the states, is called
A system of government where the local and regional governments derive all authority from a strong national government is known as a
A unitary system
The enumerated powers of the national government are found in
Article 1 of the constitution
Article I, section 8 gives Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper to carry out its powers. These powers are known as
Implied Powers
In situations of conflict between state and national law, national law prevails due to
The supremacy clause
The Tenth Amendment provides for
States reserved powers
An example of a concurrent power is
Spending money for the general welfare
In addition to granting certain powers to state and national governments, Article I of the Constitution also denies some powers to those governments. Which of the following powers are denied?
I. Passing bills of attainder.
II. Entering compacts with other states.
III. Passing ex post facto laws.
IV. Laying duties on exports from any state.
1, 3, & 4
A law declaring an a citizen or group of citizens guilty without a judicial trial is called
A bill of attainer
The clause of the Constitution that ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another is called the ________ clause.
Full faith and credit
________ contains the privileges and immunities clause.
Article 4
If a person accused of a crime in Arizona leaves for Missouri, are Missouri authorities required to return the defendant to Arizona to stand trial?
Yes, because it is required by the extradition clause of Article 4.
If a person accused of a crime in Arizona leaves for Missouri, are Missouri authorities required to return the defendant to Arizona to stand trial?
Has become a controversial issue in light of recent legalization of gay marriage in some states.
The first major federalism decision by the Marshall Court was
McCulloch v. Maryland
In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that
The necessary and proper clause gave congress the power to charter a bank.
"The power to tax is the power to destroy" comes from
John Marshall's opinion in McCulloch v. Maryland.
In Gibbons v. Ogden, the U.S. Supreme Court
I. articulated an expansive view of congressional powers.
II. gave Robert Fulton the exclusive right to operate steamships on the Hudson River.
III. concluded that commerce should be given a broad definition.
IV. declared that the states had sole authority to regulate commerce.
1 & 3
The Supreme Court held in Barron v. Baltimore that
The Bill of Rights did not apply to state governments
The belief that the national government should not exceed its enumerated powers and that all other powers should be reserved to the states or the people is known as
dual federalism
The Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens, but property, in the case of
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Was used to justify South Carolina's refusal to abide by federal tariff laws.
The nature of federalism was changed forever by
The Civil War
In a series of cases concerning the scope of Congress's authority under the commerce clause in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the U.S. Supreme Court
Made a series of inconsistent decisions
The Constitution did not empower the national government to
Levy a national income tax
The era of dual federalism ended with the
Great Depression
The Great Depression led to
I. a variety of innovative programs to combat unemployment.
II. a new philosophy about the role of government.
III. a growth in national government activity.
IV. a provision allowing the election of FDR for four terms.
1, 2 & 3
During the early years of the New Deal, the Supreme Court
Ruled certain New Deal programs unconstitutional
Frustrated by the U.S. Supreme Court's opposition to many New Deal programs, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed
Increasing the number of justices from nine to thirteen
Cooperative federalism has been likened to a ____ .
Marble cake
Cooperative federalism is characterized by
A stronger, more influential national government.
Categorical grants
Allocate federal dollars by a precise formula
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society Program
Integrated local governments into the federal system
New Federalism was the guiding doctrine of the
Reagan administration.
The Contract with America was MOST influential in starting _______
The devolution revolution
National laws that direct state or local governments to comply with federal rules or regulations but do not include funds to help defray the costs are called
unfunded mandates
The No Child Left Behind Act is an example of
The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., appears to be deciding federalism cases
Without a strong inclination toward either federal or state rights.
In The Price of Federalism, political scientist Paul E. Peterson considered how governments should best divide policymaking responsibility, focusing mainly on _______ policies.
Redistributive and developmental
What is an example of a redistributive policy?
Medicade or Medicare
According to the text, which of the following best exemplifies progressive federalism?
A) Economic stimulus package
B) Health care reform
C) Allowing California to impose stricter environmental standards than those established by the federal government
D) Creation of the U.S. Department of Education
E) Social Security
C) Allowing California to impose stricter environmental standards than those established by the federal government
Over the course of American history, the federal government has grown ________ compared with the states.