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Configuration setting changes are written to where?

The tabsvc.yml file located in the ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\config directory

How can you make Tableau server configuration changes after installation?

1. Tableau Server Configuration utility (dialog), or

2. Change the server's configuration using the tabadmin set command:

-tabadmin stop

-tabadmin set [option-name value]

-tabadmin config

-tabadmin start

What file path do you navigate to execute tabadmin & tabcmd commands?

Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.0\bin

What tabcmd options are required at least once to begin a session?

--server (-s)

--user (-u)

--password (-p)

When you delete or disable a user in Active Directory and then synchronize that user's group on Tableau Server, what occurs?

The user is removed from the Tableau Server group you synchronized

The user's role is set to "unlicensed”

The user will still belong to the All Users group

The user is unable to sign in to Tableau Server

What are the tabcmd Global options?

--help (-h)

--use-certificate (-c)

--server (-s)

--user (-u)

--password (-p)


--site (-t)

--proxy (-x)

How do you create a zip log archive (snapshot)?

"Generate Snapshot" option on the Status page

tabadmin ziplogs name_of_log.zip

After submitting an offline.tlq to Tableau and creating a activation.tlf file, what command do you run to activate the license?

tabadmin activate --tlf filename.tlf. Note this needs to run twice, once during install, and once after accessing "Manage Product Keys"

In what order are server processes invoked when loading a view?

1. Gateway (Apache Web Server)

2. Application server (vizportal.exe)

3. VizQL

4. Data Server

5. Data Engine

What are the two primary levels of caching?

1. Model cache (check if view has been done)

2. Query result cache (If the view requested has not been run before, check for existing query)

What are Tableau distributed environments designed for?


When should you optimize for user traffic?

1. Slow load times for views

2. High resource usage corresponding to user traffic

How do you optimize for user traffic?

1. Add VizQL server processes and measure the effect with more performance monitoring

2. Increase number of cache processes, or reduce data engine & backgrounder processes

3. Refresh the cache less often

4. Reduce the VizQL session timeout limit

When do you optimize for extracts?

1. High CPU usage corresponds to extract schedules

2. Extracts fail or run slowly

How do you optimize for extracts?

Increase backgrounder processes

Schedule extracts for times when the server isn't busy

Reduce the frequency of refreshes

Reduce the size of extracts

Use incremental refreshes

True or False: You can use 32-bit Tableau Desktop to connect and publish to 64-bit Tableau Server, and 64-bit Tableau Desktop to connect and publish to 32-bit Tableau Server

True. You do not have to match bitness between Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server

Does Tableau Server support mutual SSL and SAML?


Can you publish a workbook created in a earlier version of desktop to a later version of server?

Yes. For publishing, the Tableau Server version must be the same or newer than the version of Tableau Desktop

Can a workbook edited and saved on Tableau Server be opened in Tableau Desktop if the version of Desktop is older than Server?


Can you publish a workbook created in a later version of desktop to an earlier version of server?


How do you start a performance recording?

Open the view to record, and type :record_performance=yes& at the end of the view URL, immediately before the session ID

What is the option to verify a backup?

tabadmin backup backup.tsbak tabserver -v

What is the command to create a new key to encrypt sensitive information, such as credentials for external databases, stored within the Tableau repository?

tabadmin assetkeys

How do you confirm the integrity of the asset_keys.yml file?

tabadmin assetkeys --validate

What command is used to restore extracts?

tabadmin restore \filepath\uninstall-10.0.tsbak

What is the command to enable remote server status monitoring?

tabadmin set wgserver.systeminfo.allow_referrer_ips [ip address]

What is the URL to remotely see server status?


If you don't set a minimum site role, new users are added as what by default during an active directory sync?


True or False: Embedded credentials will work when a workbook is opened in Tableau Desktop


What are the seven logging levelsin order of increasing amount of information logged?

1. off

2. fatal

3. error

4. warn

5. info (the default)

6. debug

7. trace

How do you set logging levels?

tabadmin set





What are causes of an unlicensed VizqQL status?

Network issues preventing a VizQL process, which is running on a worker machine, from communicating with the primary machine

The licensing process may be getting sent more requests than it can accept at that time

What is the command to cleanup coordination service files (removes log files, transaction logs, and snapshots that are maintained by the Tableau Server coordination service)?

tabadmin cleanup --reset-coordination

When should you use the default Network Service account?

Local authentication

All users include extracted data in workbooks

Single server deployment

External data doesn't require Windows NT integrated security or Kerberos

True or False: Tableau only supports port 443 as the secure port

True. It cannot run on a computer where another application is using port 443

True or False: For a domain user account, you need a service account in Active Directory


For Trusted Authentication, how do you add trusted IP addresses/web servers?

tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts ",,"


tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts "webserv1, webserv2, webserv3"

What are the the user license levels?

Interactor, viewer, unlicensed

What are the available CSV fields for importing users?

User name


Display Name

License level

Administrator level

Publisher permissions

Email address

What is the command to get server status?

tabadmin status --v or,

tabadmin status --verbose

What is the command to delete site users?

tabcmd deletesiteusers "users.csv"

What is the command to delete server users?

tabcmd deleteusers "users.csv"

When removing a user on a Tableau Server Enterprise installation, and the server contains multiple sites, users who are assigned the role of ___________ are removed from the site but are not removed from the server.

Server Administrator

True or False: By default, if the server has only one site, or if the user belongs to only one site, the user is also removed from the server when removed.


What happens when you delete a user that belongs to multiple sites?

The user is removed from all sites in which they don't own content, and their role is demoted to "Unlicensed" in sites where they own content

In the "Actions by All Users" and "Actions by Specific User" admin views, what are the three groups of timelines that can be displayed?

Access & Interactions

Publish and Download


What is the "Actions by Recent Users" useful for?

To see how many users would be affected by server maintenance

What are thresholds for being an "active" user?

5 minutes or less is an active user, 30 minutes or less is a recently active user, >30 minutes is an idle user

What are the two admin views for background tasks?

Extract and Non-Extract (subscriptions, csv upload, AD sync, Oauth connections)

What does the "Stats for Load Times" admin view show?

Which views are the most expensive in terms of server performance

What does the "Stats for Space Usage" admin view show?

Which workbooks and data sources are taking up the most disk space on the server. Disk space usage is displayed by user, project, and by the size of the workbook or data source and is rounded down to the nearest number

What does the "Background Task Delay" admin view show?

The delay for extract refresh tasks and for subscription tasks—that is, the amount of time between when they are scheduled to run and when they actually run

What are possible reasons for delays in background task execution?

Many tasks are scheduled for the same time

Specific tasks take a long time to run and are preventing other tasks from running

Other server processes are running at the same time and are consuming server resources and slowing down performance

What does the "Performance of Views" admin view display?

How long it takes for views to load and how many sessions are running at a time on the server

What does the "Server Disk Space" admin view display?

For the machines in the cluster:

What is the most recent disk space usage

How has free disk space trended in the last month

What is the .csv value to leave a parameter as undefined?

"none" (the literal use of "none")

True or False: Project leaders cannot run, add, or remove extract refreshes for workbooks and data sources in the project


Who can change project ownership?

Server administrator or Site administrator

True or False: The Guest user option is available only with a core-based license


True or false: Guest access is controllable per site

False. It is controlled across the server

True or False: only a server administrator can enable scheduling


A connection type of Tableau Server indicates that the connection is to ___________.

A published data source

A Tableau Data Extract connection type means that the data source has an extract which is stored in ____________.

Tableau Server

True or False: Workbooks published to Tableau Server may not contain an embedded data source

False. Every workbook that is published to Tableau Server contains at least one embedded data source

What is the difference between a published data source and an embedded data source?

Embedded data sources are different from published data sources in that each embedded data source is associated with a single workbook and describes the attributes required for connecting to a data source.

That means if you have three workbooks that connect to the same data source, you will still have three embedded data sources listed on the Data Sources page

True or False: Whether you can edit connections is evaluated the same as your permissions for editing data sources

False. They are evaluated separately, and to edit connections, your site role must be Server Administrator, Site Administrator, or Publisher. If your role is Publisher, you also must be the data source owner.

When you run a schedule in parallel, it runs on all available _______________ processes


To access revision history, a user must have a site role of _________, plus these permissions.

Publisher, and View/Save for the project, & view/save/download for the workbook or data source.

True or False: If a different author publishes over a workbook or data source with the same name, the most recent author becomes the owner of the content and can see its entire revision history


True or False: When a workbook or data source is deleted from a site, all previous versions persist.

False. They are removed.

True or False: If revision history has been turned on and then turned off, saved revisions are retained, but new versions will overwrite the latest version


True or False: When you restore a workbook that uses a live connection and prompts for a username and password, you have the option to embed the credentials for the connection


True or False: If you intend to use OpenID for authentication, you must choose local authentication.


True or False: Kerberos can work with local authentication

False. Kerberos only works if Tableau server is configured for Active Directory

True or False: You cannot use Active Directory with site-specific SAML


True or False: It is not recommend to use the default account to access resources on remote computers within the same Active Directory domain.

True. It is best to set up a different, domain account for the run as user.

What are the 64-bit minimum hardware requirements for Tableau server?

2-core CPU, 8 GBs of ram, and 15 GB of disk space

What are the 64-bit minimum hardware recommendations for Tableau server?

8-core CPU, 32 GBs of ram, and 50 GB of disk space

True or False: Workbooks that are saved in an earlier version of Desktop cannot connect to Server data sources published to later versions of Server

False. They can connect.

True or False: Workbooks created in the latest version of Desktop can access and open data sources from an earlier version of Server


Workbooks created in the latest version of Desktop cannot be published to earlier versions of Server.


When would you not enable automatic logon during install?

You plan to configure Tableau Server for SAML, trusted authentication, or if you will be deploying a reverse proxy server to enable internet access to the content on this Tableau Server.

When using Active Directory authentication, how do you treat passwords for a CSV import?

The CSV file should never contain a password, because user passwords are managed by Active Directory.

If a user exists in more than one site, and you attempt to import a CSV, how can you avoid import errors?

Leave the password field blank, and the CSV import window alerts you that the new user doesn't have a password. You can then use the server environment to assign a password to any user who doesn't have one

True or False: Administrators, project leaders, and content owners do not have the option to subscribe other users to workbooks and views

False. These users DO have the option

For Tableau Server users to receive subscriptions, these things need to be in place:

SMTP server settings are configured

The datasource used has embedded credentials, or credentials aren't required

The view must have the subscription icon

What configuration information should be collected before upgrading?

Customizations, SSO, SMTP, Content information, worker node info, Tableau Worker Software setup program (if using distributed installation)

What are the pre-upgrade tasks?

Perform a backup & check product key status to make sure it is not expired

What are the general upgrade steps?

1. Prepare a test environment

2. Upgrade the test environment

3. Smoke test

4. Test any new features

5. Communicate the upgrade

True or False: During an upgrade, the existing version needs to be uninstalled before performing the updgrade

False. The installation process will perform the uninstall itself

True or False: For a multi-node upgrade, you need to separately upgrade the backup primary after your main primary & workers are upgraded.


True or False: All nodes in a distributed installation must have the same bitness.


True or False: If upgrading from a 32-bit to a 64-bit version, you must uninstall the old version first


The same Tableau Server product key can be activated ______ times

Three - QA, test, Prod

If you are moving your Tableau installation to new hardware, what command must be executed to ensure a proper install?

tabadmin restore --no-config

Which user has more access to the Workgroup database, readonly or Tableau user?


In the "Traffic to Views" Administrative View, what are the key metrics?

View Count by Day

View Count by Time

Most seen views

Who access views most often

In the "Traffic to Data Sources" Administrative View, what are the key metrics?

Data source usage by day

What data sources are viewed the most

Who uses data sources the most

True or False: The percent of CPU usage for individual processes may add up to more than 100 percent.

True. The processor utilization for individual processes is measured for a given processor core

What is restored/overwritten when restoring from a backup?

Postgres database, data extracts, and configuration files

True or False: There is no benefit to stopping the server before running tabadmin reindex

False. Reindexing while the server is running can result in content, including sites and projects, temporarily disappearing from server pages.

What are the general steps of offline activation?

1. Activate offline to generate an offline.tlq file

2. Submit offline.tlq to Tableau

3. Get activation.tlf file from Tableau

4. Navigate to the bin folder

5. Activate using tabadmin activate --tlf \filepath\activation.tlf to initialize

6. Repeat 1-4 to fully activate, except use "Manage Product Keys"

What is the default process configuration for the Vizql process?

Equal to the number of cores divided by four, up to a maximum of four process instances

What is the default process configuration for the Backgrounder, Data Server, and Cache Sever processes?

Set to two unless the number of cores is fewer than eight

True or False: When possible, you should run Backgrounder processes on a dedicated computer

True. Backgrounder processes are generally the most CPU intensive

True or False: There is no need to separate Data Engine processes and Backgrounder processes

False. Since they are both CPU intensive, they should be on separate nodes whenever possible.

True or False: If you have multiple trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) you can copy and paste the entire contents of each CA certificate, including the "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "END CERTIFICATE" lines, into a new file


True or False: When you configure a Tableau Server cluster to use SSL, you place the SSL certificate and key files on every computer that's running a gateway process


You can configure Internal SSL for "Required for all Connections" to use SSL for all traffic between ___________ and other server components

The Postgres repository

What are SAML configuration requirements?

-Certificate file

-Certificate key file not password protected

-IdP account that supports SAML 2.0

-IdP provider that supports import and export of XML metadata

-Matching usernames (Server and IdP usernames must match)

What is the SAML return URL?

The URL users will access to authenticate

What is the SAML entity ID?

The name that identifies your Tableau Server installation to the IdP

When configuring SAML, what files are exchanged with the IDP?

The XML export from Tableau, and the returned XML from the IDP which is used for the metadata file

What does the Kerberos configuration script do and who do you send it to?

The configuration script generates service principal names (SPNs) and a keytab file. It should be sent to the Active Directory domain administrator for them to run.

What do you do with the kerberos keytab file generated from the Kerberos script?

Save a copy of the .keytab file, and use the file path it is saved at in Step 3 of the Kerberos configuration.The keytab file will be copied to all the gateway nodes in your Tableau Server installation when you click OK in the Configuration utility.

True or False: When you embed Tableau Server views into webpages, not everyone who visits the page must be a licensed user on Tableau Server

True. Guest users can view embedded views if a core-based license is used

What is "Trusted Authentication?"

Trusted authentication simply means that you have set up a trusted relationship between Tableau Server and one or more web servers.

What does the server process vizportal.exe handle?

REST API calls

What does the Backgrounder server process handle?

Executes server tasks, including extract refreshes, subscriptions, ‘Run Now’ tasks, and tasks initiated from tabcmd

What does the Cache Server server process handle?

A query cache distributed and shared across the server cluster

What does the Cluster Controller server process handle?

Monitoring various components, detecting failures, and executing failover when needed

What does the Coordination Service server process handle?

In distributed installations, responsible for ensuring there is a quorum for making decisions during failover

What does the Data Engine server process handle?

It loads extracts into memory and performs queries against them.

What does the Data Server process handle?

It allows you to upload and share data extracts, preserve database connections, as well as reuse calculations and field metadata.

What does the File Store process handle?

It automatically replicates extracts across data engine nodes

What does the Repository server process handle?

The Tableau Server database, stores workbook and user metadata

What does the Search & Browse server process handle?

It handles fast search, filter, retrieval , and display of content metadata on the server

What does the VizQL Server server process handle?

It loads and renders views, computes and executes queries

True of False: Revision history is not enabled by default

False. It is enabled by default

What is default number of revisions saved in history for each resource?


What server processes are single threaded?

Cache Server


What server processes have a Yes/No configuration option?



File Store

Search & Browse

What is the default limit of instances for server processes?


For Tableau Server to function, there must always be one active instance of what processes?

The data engine (and associated file store) and the repository

What are the Tableau Server Process statuses?






Status unavailable

True or False: The coordination service is listed with other server processes on the Server Status Page

False. You need to use "tabadmin status --verbose" to see the service status

The base install includes what two server processes?

The Coordination Service and Cluster Controller

For each process instance, Tableau recommends that the machine running the process have at least ___ GB of RAM and ___ logical CPU core

1 & 1

True or False: If Tableau Server is installed in a Windows Active Directory environment, not all computers in a cluster have to be members of the same domain.

False. All nodes must be part of the same domain

If the IP address on the primary has already changed, what is true about the tabadmin stop command?

The tabadmin stop command will not work because the worker nodes will not accept connections from the new IP address

What are the four server process areas that require redundancy?

The data engine, repository, and gateway processes, and the primary Tableau Server

With a core-based license, what processes consume no cores?

The gateway, search & browse, cluster controller, and coordination processes

True or False: If you are exporting a site from Tableau Online or from a different Tableau server, you must create user accounts on the target server before you can perform the import.


True or False: If the target site is not empty, workbooks and data sources with identical names on both target and source sites will be replaced by workbooks, data sources, and permissions from the source site


True or False: Deleting a site doesn't remove workbooks and data sources that were published to the site, as well as users

False. It does remove workbooks, data sources, and users (if the user belongs only to that site)

When a site is suspended, only the ___________ can activate the site to make it available again.

Server administrator

True or False: Any user can be become the project owner.

False. Only the site administrator can be assigned project ownership

New projects are always created with the default permissions set for the __________ project.


True or False: You cannot delete a Tableau Server user if the user owns any items


For a Server User import, what happens if you import a file that has a new password for each existing user?

The users' passwords will be reset

For a Site User import, what happens if you import a file that has a new password for each existing user?

The import will fail

What happens during an Active Directory group import if a user already exists on the site without a group affiliation?

The user is added to the group with the assigned site role, and the same permissions in the site

True or False: You need to stop Tableau Server before you use the exportsite command

False. You do not need to stop the server

What is the tabadmin command to display help for all tabadmin commands?

tabadmin commands --help

What is the tabadmin command to display help for a specific command?

tabadmin [command] --help

True or False: Running the backup command also removes Tableau Server log files older than seven days as well as some of the information displayed in certain Administrative Views.


True or False: tabadmin decommission can be run without stopping the server


True or False: You must be a server administrator to approve web data connectors for use on Tableau Server.


True or False: When you import a site that you exported earlier, each user and schedule that is being imported must match an existing user and schedule


True or False: If your source site has workbooks that use published data sources, the target site name must match the source site name.

True. The data connections for the workbooks will continue to refer to the source site name and can't be updated on the new site.

The command "tabadmin reset" resets what account?

Server Administrator

How does REST API apply to Tableau Server?

The REST API lets you programmatically manage users, workbooks, data connections, and other resources on the server. By using the API, you can create users or import them from Active Directory, publish workbooks, create, view, and delete data sources, etc. It is like tabcmd, but the REST API methods provide more granular control

When a user opens a view in a client device, that user starts a ____________ on Tableau Server


Where can you find Tableau release notes?


What are the supported operating systems for Tableau server?

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 R2

>= Windows 7

What are the supported browsers for Tableau server?

>= Android browser 4.4

Microsoft Edge

>= IE 11

>= Firefox 3.0


What are the anti-virus considerations for Tableau server?

Server performance can be degraded by anti-virus scanning. For virus scanning, exclude the directories "C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server" and "C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data" (this folder must be unhidden)

What is the standard port for the SMTP server?


If you install multiple instances of a process (Cache Server for example) on a node, what is true about port usage?

Consecutive ports are used, starting at the base port

How do you view licensing information?

In a site, click Settings > Licenses, or

tabadmin licenses -p

Where do you access Tableau server product keys?

Tableau Customer Portal (Account Center)


What are the implications of network latency?

Slow to load views and slowly executing refreshes.

True or False: Client browsers must be configured to allow third-party cookies if you want to use trusted authentication with embedded views.


What is the advantage of Trusted Authentication?

If you already have a way of authenticating users on the webpage or within your web application, you can avoid this prompt and save your users from having to sign in twice by setting up trusted authentication.

What is the impact of enabling automatic logon?

Users are not prompted for credentials after authenticating to a computer in the domain

True or False: For mutual SSL, if the client does not have a valid SSL certificate, Tableau Server will allow the connection.

False. Tableau server will deny the connection.

To use SSL between a load balancer and nodes in a cluster, how should the load balancer be configured?

It should be configured for pass through

For configuring data connection cache settings, what cache option would you use when data is not changing frequently?

Refresh less often

For configuring data connection cache settings, what does the cache setting of "Balanced" do?

Refreshes data after a specified number of minutes

For configuring data connection cache settings, what cache option would you use when you want to refresh data each time a page is loaded?

Refresh more often

True or False: You can change the Tableau logo for the browser window tab.

False. You cannot change this logo.

When configuring a site, what are the two storage quota options?

The server physical limit and an editable limit in GBs

When configuring a site, what are the user quota limits?

The server limit and an editable limit of n-users

True or False: Data model editing is not supported on the server


True or False: Web authors can create new workbooks only from data sources published to Tableau Server, and can connect to published data sources only


True or False: Users with a site role of Interactor or Publisher can get full project leader permissions


What is the purpose of the role, license, and publisher options for tabcmd createsiteusers "file.csv"?

To specify options that were omitted in the .csv

True or False: You cannot set permissions at the site level; permissions are assigned to resources only.


What permissions apply when you Lock Content Permissions to the Project?

The Default permissions

How do you add capacity with product keys?

Start > All Programs > Tableau Server > Manage Product Keys

How do you refresh the maintenance date for product keys?

All Programs > Tableau Server> Manage Product Keys> Click "Refresh"

Google BigQuery, Salesforce.com, and many web data connector connections use the ______ authentication standard, which uses secure access tokens instead of user name/password credentials


To publish data sources, a user must have a site role of at least _________ for the site


What permission role allows the user or group to connect using the data source on the server and also to publish, edit, download, delete, set permissions, and schedule refreshes for the data source?


True or False: Users can't subscribe to workbooks that prompt for credentials for live database connections.


What is the menu navigation order to create a schedule?

Schedules>New Schedule

True or False: On a multi-site server, allowing users to subscribe to workbooks and views is a site-specific setting.


What is the menu navigation order to enable scheduling on the server and refresh failure notification?

Settings > General

True or False: To get data about licenses, each copy of Tableau Desktop version 10.0 or later needs to be configured to send data to Tableau Server


True or False: Tableau Desktop reporting is enabled by default

False. It is disabled by default

What are the commands to enable desktop reporting?

tabadmin set features.DesktopReporting true

tabadmin config

tabadmin restart

True or False: When you restore an extract with embedded credentials and a refresh schedule, you will need to edit the connection to provide the credentials


True or False: When you restore a workbook that uses a live connection and prompts for a user name and password, you have the option to embed the credentials for the connection


How do you view Revision History?

Select a workbook or data source, and then on its actions menu (. . .), select Revision History

For server component events, you can receive a notification when:

Tableau Server processes stop or start

True or False: If alerts are configured correctly, Tableau Server sends an email titled "Multiple services on your-server are UP."


What are the email alert options for disk space?

Warning threshold, critical threshold, and the number of minutes to wait for sending subsequent email alerts

How do you view a performance recording?

Click "Performance" in the view toolbar

What are site administrator capabilities?

Site administrators can manage groups, projects, workbooks, and data sources (including connection information) for the site. For on premise, they must be allowed by the server admin to add/remove users

True or False: Project leaders can lock project permissions and edit default permissions


True or False: New projects inherit permissions for the project and its workbooks and data sources from the site’s Default project.


True or False: Views inherit permissions from the workbook.

True. However, views can have independent permissions when content permissions are not locked, and the views are not shown as tabs in the workbook. Then you can edit individual view permissions to differ from the defaults.

True or False: Updates to a published data source flow to all connected workbooks, whether the workbooks themselves are published or not


True or False: When you embed a Tableau Server view into an internal website page, every person who views that page will need a Tableau Server account unless you have purchased a core-based license.


What is the tabadmin command to reset a password?

tabadmin passwd

The ___________ is a Windows account that Tableau Server uses ("runs as") when it access resources

Run As User

What is the default Run As User configured to run under?

The Network Service account

True or False: You must delete a log snapshot before generating another


By default, Tableau Server logs events at the ______ level


True or False: Increasing the log level to debug or trace increases the amount of information being logged and can have a significant impact to performance


The primary method for sending files to Tableau Support is to upload the files to _______________

The Tableau Customer Portal

What is the size limit of log files submitted via the Tableau Customer Portal?

2 GB

What are the steps to open a support ticket with Tableau?

1. Sign into the Customer Portal

2. On the Customer Portal home page, click My Cases.

3.Click the Create New Case button.

4. Fill out the form

How do you rebuild the search index?

Status > Rebuild Index

Preferred method: tabadmin reindex

True or False: For all Active Directory scenarios, it is recommended updating the Tableau Server Run As User with a domain user account.


In a distributed deployment of Tableau Server, you can use different Run as User accounts for each server node.

False. You must use the same Run as User account for each node.

True or False: A moderate data refresh use profile is when you refresh extracts hourly


True or False: If you have more than 500 extracts, or if you refresh extracts to support live data analysis, this is considered a high data refresh use profile and Tableau should be consulted for deployment design.


True or False: It is recommend that you install Tableau Server on a computer that's dedicated to running Tableau Server


For Active Directory authentication, the first time your users sign in, they'll need to use the fully qualified domain name. On subsequent sign-ins, they can use the _________.

Nickname (the nickname as specified in Server general settings)

True or False: The Tableau Server administrator is not a Windows account

True. It's a user identity that's internal to Tableau Server.

True or False: By default, Tableau Mobile will work with self-signed SSL certificate

False. Self-signed certificate trust must be configured.

If a server SSL certificate is not signed by a root CA directly, the issuer should provide a ______ file


What are the SSL certificate files?

Certificate, key, and chain files (if applicable)

True or False: SSL Certificate chain files are required for Tableau Mobile and Tableau Desktop on the Mac


Allowing publishers to embed credentials in a workbook or data source is a site-specific setting

False. It is a server wide setting.

If there are peak times for extract refresh tasks, what is recommended to reduce the backgrounder load?

Distribute the extract refresh schedule so that fewer extracts run at the same time

If individual extracts are taking a long time, where should you start troubleshooting?

Use Tableau Desktop to see how much data is being pulled into the extract and reduce if possible

If many extracts are failing, but the failed extracts had very short run times, what is a likely cause?

The data source(s) for those extracts is unavailable.

True or False: Inefficient workbooks are one of the most common reasons for poor server performance


What is included with Windows Server to monitor server processes and resource utilization?


The ___________ server process is installed when you install data engine and cannot be installed separately

File Store

What are the non-licensed server processes?

Cache Server

Cluster Controller

Coordination Service

File Store


Search & Browse

What Tableau server processes are configurable with check boxes?



Search & Browse

What is the command to configure failover for the primary?

tabadmin failoverprimary --primary "computer1, computer2", where computer one is the computer to designate as the primary

True or False: When configuring for multiple gateways & failover, all computers should be running a gateway process


When configuring for multiple gateways & failover, what processes are recommended to run on the Primary?

Only Gateway and Search & Browse

In high availability configurations, what four areas require redundancy?

The data engine, repository, and gateway processes, and the primary Tableau Server

True or False: Site administrators can see administrative views.

True. Site administrators can see administrative views for any site they are admin of

True or False: Workbooks in Tableau Desktop can use data sources that have been published to later versions of Tableau Server


True or False: When importing users with a .csv, you need to include a header.

False. You do not include a header

True or False: Site availability can be suspended and can be made unavailable to users

True. This is the "Availability" option in Site Settings

True or False: A workbook created with any version of Tableau Desktop can connect to any supported version of Tableau Server


True or False: Workbooks saved on a newer version of Tableau server can be opened by an older version of Tableau Desktop

False. The Desktop version must be the same or newer than the server version.

A user is a member of Group A & B. Group A is specifically allowed to view Workbook C, and Group B is specifically denied. If the user is unspecified for viewing Workbook C, what is their resulting permission?


A user is a member of Group A & B. Group A is specifically allowed to view Workbook C, and Group B is unspecified. If the user is unspecified for viewing Workbook C, what is their resulting permission?


A user is a member of Group A & B. Group A is specifically denied to view Workbook C, and Group B is specifically denied. If the user is specifically allowed for viewing Workbook C, what is their resulting permission?


What is the tabcmd command to login to a server?

tabcmd login -s http://[host]:[port] -u [username] -p [password]

True or False: Snapshots are high-resolution images of favorite views that are available offline. When these are not enabled, favorites appear as low-resolution images and server-accessible only


What question can the the Desktop License Expiration view help answer?

What trial or term licenses have expired?

What perpetual licenses have expired maintenance?

What perpetual licenses have maintenance renewals coming up?

True or False: The Desktop License Expiration is available to both site and server administrators.

False. It is only available to server administrators

True or False: When importing a site, all site-specific settings from the source site (including site quota, subscription and web authoring settings) are preserved in the target site.


True or False: You can export from and import to servers that are using different user authentication methods without modifying any mapping files

False. Domain mappings must match the Target user authentication type

True or False: You can add a second repository if you have two or more nodes.

False. You can only add a second repository if you have THREE or more nodes

True or False: If you configured SAML on the Tableau Server primary node, you need to copy the SAML certificate, SAML key, and SAML IdP metadata files to each node that's running a Tableau application server process (vizportal.exe)


How do you configure Tableau server system for redundancy?

You add additional servers to host copies of the repository and data engine/file store processes

For failover, what is the minimum number of computers required in Tableau server system?

Three (a primary and two worker nodes)

For high availability configurations, what is the minimum number of computers required in Tableau server system?

Four (an active primary, passive primary, and two worker nodes)

How could you prevent Tableau Desktop publishers from seeing schedule options during publishing?

Clear the check boxes in the "Embedded Credentials" section in Server Settings

True or False: Users with Active Directory accounts in a Kerberos-enabled environment can use SSO to connect to Tableau Server from Tableau Desktop and web browsers


When would you want to you use Kerberos delegation?

When you want to enable Tableau server to use the Kerberos credentials on behalf of the viewer of the workbook, or execute a query on behalf of the viewer.

True or False: Tableau Public is not secured one and anyone can access the data and download


True or False: Both Tableau Server and Tableau Public allow embedding and sharing of views.


What are the three SAML configuration options?

Server-wide SAML authentication

Server-wide local authentication and site-specific SAML authentication

Server-wide SAML authentication and site-specific SAML authentication

True or False: When you use the tabcmd login command, you cannot use SAML single sign-on (SSO)


True or False: Enabling Revision History is a server setting

False. It is a site setting

What is the limit of concurrent users for small deployments?


What is the limit of users for medium deployments?


What is the default http port?


What does the "Optional for direct user connections" SSL configuration option do?

This option configures Tableau Server to use SSL between the repository and other server components and supports but does not require SSL for direct connections by "tableau" or "readonly" user

True or False: If you use restricted tickets (the default) to render an embedded view, the Subscribe button doesn't appear


How does Automatic Client Authentication differ from Automatic Logon?

Automatic Client Authentication enables desktop clients to automatically authenticate after their first login. Automatic logon uses Microsoft SSPI to automatically sign in server users based on their Windows username and password

True or False: If an extract does not have a scheduled refresh, you can refresh it on demand from the Data Connections page


True or False: On the Tasks page, you can do any of the following: Change Schedules, Run Now, Change Priority, or Delete


True or False: Allowing users to use web authoring is a server setting

False. It is a site setting

When you remove a user from a group in Active Directory and then synchronize that group on Tableau Server, what occurs?

The user is removed from the Tableau Server group you synchronized

The users role is retained - it is not set to “unlicensed”

The user will still belong to the All Users group

The user will still have permission to the Tableau Server with access to everything that the All Users group is granted permission to use

A performance recording contains what three views?

Timeline, Events, and Query

True or False: Users can reset their own passwords by clicking "Forgot password" on the sign-in page


True or False: Beginning with version 10, Tableau Server is available only as a 64-bit application


True or False: Tableau Server does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and higher in compatibility mode, and no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10


True or False: If you are upgrading Tableau Server from User-Based to Core-Based Licensing, you can simply activate the new product key

False. You must first deactivate the old product key

What are some key points for when should you add workers or reconfigure Tableau server?

More than 100 concurrent users

Heavy use of extracts

Frequent extract refreshes

Downtime potential

True or False: As a general rule, run a Cache Server process for every VizQL Server process on the node


True or False: If you upgrading Tableau Server to a non-default location, include the \version? folder when browsing or typing the path

False. You don't include the version folder

True or False: If your web server uses Microsoft SSPI (Security Support Provider Interface), you do not need to set up trusted authentication


True or False: If a workbook is configured to show sheets as tabs, all views use the workbook permissions, even if different permissions are specified on an individual view.


In what Windows file path would you find the Tableau license?

[Drive]:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server

How could you quickly determine which workbooks are taking up the most space?

Use the "Stats for Space Usage" administrative view

True or False:Restarting Tableau Server automatically re-activates any decommissioned File Store nodes
