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94 Cards in this Set

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Can you label the parts of the ilium (most superior part)?

Can you label the parts of the ilium (most superior part)?

How many fused vertebrae does the sacrum contain?


how many vertebrae are fused to formed the coccyx?


What divides the greater and lesser sciatic foramen?

the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligament

the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligament

where is the sacral prominency?

anterior to S1

Where is the true pelvis in relation to the inlet and outlets?

the true pelvis is above the outlet and below the inlet?

What is above the inlet of the pelvis?

the false pelvis

what is below the outlet of the pelvis?

the perineum

what are the borders for the pelvic inlet?

pubic symphysis, pubic crest, pectineal line, arcuate line, sacral ala and sacral promontory

what are the borders for the pelvic outlet?

inferior pubic symphysis, inferior rami, ischial tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament, coccyx

what is contained within the false (greater) pelvis?

the abdo organs

what is contained within the true (lesser) pelvis?

bladder and reproductive organs

bladder and reproductive organs

in the anatomical position what two points could you draw a line through in the hip bone?

pubic tubercle and the ASIS

What are the main differences between the male and female pelvis?

Generally: female is lighter and thinner

muscular attachments: more poorly marked in female

Greater pelvis: shallower in the female

Lesser Pelvis: wider and shallower in the female

Inlet: Oval in female, Heart shaped in Men

Outlet: large in women

subpubic angle: women: >80 degrees men: <70 degrees

acetabulum: smaller in women

Which is larger the AP/conjugate line in the inlet or the outlet of the pelvis?

outlet > inlet

which is larger in the transverse plane the inlet or outlet of the pelvis?


what measurement int he pelvis is particularly important in pregnancy?

the interspinous measurement

What are the boundaries of the true pelvis?

pelvic brim, sacrum and coccyx, obturantor internus, pubic symphysis, pelvic floor

What are the boundaries of the false pelvis?

ala of ilium and abdominal wall

What muscle surrounds the wall of the bladder?

the detrusor muscle

the neck of the bladder is what sphincter?

the internal urethral sphincter

what is the epithelium of the bladder?

ridged transitional epithelium

What is the trigone in the bladder?

smooth triangle area betters the 2 ureteric orifices and internal urethral orifice. (mesoderm unlike the rest of the bladder which is endoderm)

What are the attachments of the bladder?

to pelvic wall by parietal pelvic fascia

apex connected to umbilicus by urachus (middle umbilical ligament)

neck connected to pubic bones by pubovesical ligament

to pelvic wall by parietal pelvic fascia

apex connected to umbilicus by urachus (middle umbilical ligament)

neck connected to pubic bones by pubovesical ligament

What is the passage of the ureters?

pelvis of kidney, inferiorly over psoas major, ver the prim of the pelvis, anterior to bifurcation of common iliac artery, posteroinferiorly on lateral pelvic wall, anteromedially into bladder

what are the 3 points of constriction of the ureters?

renal pelvis to ureter

crossing of bony pelvis and iliac artery

penetrating bladder wall

what prevents vesicoureteric reflux in the bladder?

the oblique entry of the ureters into the bladder creates a flap valve

At what level is the rectosigmoid junction?


Where is the rectum anatomically?

posterior to the bladder in males and posterior to the bladder and the uterus in females.

how does the rectum dilate in the storage of faeces?

it dilates distally at the ampulla of the rectum

what is the significance of the dentate/pectinate line in the rectum?

transition from handgun to ectoderm (stratified squamous-->keratinised)

what muscles support the rectum?

pelvic floor muscles (elevator anti), internal and external anal sphincters

What are the different sections of the male urethra?





what are the different epithelium present in the different sections of the male urethra?

pre-preostatic transitional

prostatic transitional

membranous pseudostratified columnar

penile/spongy pseudostratified columnar to stratified squamous

In the prostate, what proportions are fibrous and glandular?


glandular 2/3

What is the function of the prostate?

secretes some of the ejaculatory fluid

What is the function of the vas deferens?

transports spermatozoa from epididymis to the ejaculatory duct

what is the seminal vesicle?

paired gland below the bladder, produces the bulk of ejaculatory fluid

what is the bulbourethral gland?

just below the prostate, produces lube

locate the funds, isthmus and horns of the uterus

What is the anatomical position of the uterus (usually!)?

anteverted and anteflexed

What ligament contains the ovaries and the fallopian tubes?

the broad ligament

what is the function of the ovaries?

oogenesis and endocrine

what connects the ovaries to the uterus?

the ovarian ligament

what are the different sections of the fallopian tube?

what are the 3 divisions of the broad ligament?

mesovarium: ovary

messosalpynx: ovary to fallopian tube

mesometrium: uterus

What is the ligament that carries the ovarian vessels and connects the ovary to the lateral wall of the pelvis?

suspensory ligament of the ovary

what does the round ligament connect?

hold uterus in anteversion and travels through the inguinal canal to labia majora

What pouch is referred to as the pouch of douglas?

the rectouterine pouch (between the uterus and and the rectum?

what pouch is present in men?

between the bladder and the rectum (rectovesical pouch)

What are the pouches present in women?

vesicouterine (bladder and uterus)

rectouterine (rectum and uterus)

What level does the abdominal aorta divide into the left and right common iliac arteries?


What do the common iliac arteries divide into and at what level?

external and internal artery L5/S1

What do the bifrications of the left and right common iliac continue as?

external iliac continues as the femoral artery after the inguinal ligament

internal iliac continues to supply viscera of pelvis and perineum and gluteal region

What does the internal iliac bifurcate into?

anterior and posterior branches

what does the posterior and anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

posterior: supplies posterior abdomen and pelvic wall

anterior: suplies pelvic viscera and perineum, medial compartments of the thigh, via obturator artery

posterior: supplies posterior abdomen and pelvic wall

anterior: suplies pelvic viscera and perineum, medial compartments of the thigh, via obturator artery

What are the branches of the posterior branch of the internal iliac?


posterior branch

iliolumbar artery

lateral sacral arteries

superior gluteal artery

What do the branches of the posterior branch of the internal iliac?

iliolumbar artery: supplies muscles (iliaus, psoas major, quadratus laborum and cauda equina in the vertebral canal.

lateral sacral arteries:supplies piriformis and vertebral canal (runs superficial to piriformis)

superior gluteal artery: leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen above the piriformis. supplies the gluteal muscles and tensor fascia.

What are the branches of the anterior branch of the internal iliac?

inferior gluteal

middle rectal


inferior vesical (only in males)

interbal pudendal


uterine (only in females)

What does the umbilical artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

only present in the foetus and in adults exists as the medial umbilical ligament (urachus)

What does the superior vesical artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

originates from the umbilical artery and supplies the superior part of bladder (ductus deferens in males)

What does the obturator artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

leaves pelvis via obturator canal, supplies the adductor region of thigh

What does the inferior vesical artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

only in men! (vaginal artery in women-branch of uterine)

supplies pelvic part of urethra, seminal glad and prostate

What does the middle rectal artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

supplies rectum and anastomoses with superior and inferior rectal arteries, supplies part of the prostate and seminal glands in males

What does the internal pudendal artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

enters through the lesser sciatic foramen and leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis.

supplies perineum (main artery of the perineum)

-muscles of anal canal, erectile bodies, skin and UG triangle

What does the inferior gluteal artery branch of the anterior branch of the internal iliac supply?

terminal branch, leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis, contribute to gluteal region, coccygeus, elevator ani, piriformis

what is the lymphatic drainage of the pelvic viscera?

lymph nodes along internal and external iliac vessels

what is the route of the lymphatic drainage of the pelvic viscera?

internal and external iliac vessels > common iliac > lateral aortic+lateral lumbar nodes >pre-aortic nodes and thoracic duct at T12

what is the lymphatic drainage of the ovarian vessels?

directly into the lateral aortic or lateral lumbar nodes

What are the two somatic plexuses in the pelvis?

sacral and coccygeal plexus

what is the root values of the sacral plexus?

anterior rami of S1-4

(and contributions of L4-L5 anterior rami of lumbosacral trunk)

What are the main branches included in the sacral plexus'?

sciatic nerve, pudendal nerve

what is the main exit of the nerves of the sacral plexus?

leave throughout the greater sciatic foramen

What are the root values of the coccygeal plexus?

anterior rami of S4-coccyx

what are the root values of the sciatic nerve?


What are the root values of the pudenal nerve?


What are the root values of the superior and inferior gluteal nerve?

superior: L4-S1

Inferior: L5-S2

What are the root values of the obturator internus?


What are the root values of the nerve to piriformis?


What are the 4 routes of the pelvic autonomic nerves?

sacral sympathetic trunks

periarterial plexuses

hypogastric plexus

pelvic splanchnic nerves

Where is the prevertebral plexus located and what does it supply?

formed around the abdominal aorta, supply the abdominal and pelvic viscera

all splanchnic nerves arise from the sympathetic trunk and carry sympathetic fibres, excluding what nerves?

pelvic splanchnic nerves (they arise from somatic routes and carry parasympathetic fibres)

the prevertebral plexus becomes the superior hypogastric plexus at what level?

below the aorta bifurcation

what does the superior hypogastric plexus turn into?

forms two hypogastric nerves which then separate out into the inferior hypogastric plexus' (joined by lumbar splanchnic nerves and pelvic splanchnic nerves)

Where does the sympathetic trunk run?

at the base of the skull to the coccyx alongside the vertebrae and ends as the ganglion impart (single)

the sacral sympathetic trunk also gives branches to two different plexus'?

sacral plexus

inferior hypogastric plexus

what different plexus' does the inferior hypogastric plexus give rise to?

rectal plexus

uterovaginal plexus

prostatic plexus (gives branches to erectile tissue-may be damaged in prostatectomy)

vesical plexus

what makes up the inferior hypogastric plexus?

each hypogastric nerve

sympathetic input from sacral splanchnic nerves

parasympathetic input from pelvic splanchnic nerves

The pelvic inlet is wider transversely or anterior/posteriorly/?


What way does the babies head turn in order to enter the pelvic inlet?

it turns sideways as its head is longer anterior posterior and the inlet is widest transversely

The pelvic outlet is wider transversely or anterior/posteriorly/?

wider anterior posterior

what way does the babies head face when moving through the pelvic outlet?

it faces posterior as the outlet is widest anterior posteriorly

Where is the urogenital diaphragm?

the urethra and vagina pass through it, the anus is not included in it.

where does the perineal body lie?

in-between the anus and the vagina