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725 Cards in this Set

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what is distributive shock
shock where vasodilation
so drop in SVR
- septic shock
- anaphal
- neurogenic
Drug treatment
- septic shock (distributive)
- anaph (distrib)
Septic shock: fluids, NE (levafed)
Anap : epi, intub, diphenhyd, steroids
neuro : see low BP and low HR, fluids, dopamine or dobutamine
s shock
SIRS : meetsSIRS crit (under 50% infected)
Sepsis : SIRS + infected likley
severe sepsis: organ dysfx but fluid responsive
septic shock: non resp fluids
cardiogenic shock ?
low CO
high SVR high wedge
cold clammy skin (skin vessels clamp)
high JVD
If only iso R heart failure just give fluids to inc preload.
wedge measures
nml wedge 6 - 12 mmHg
floats down PArt
pulm cap bed pressure
L Atrial
L Vent end Diastolic OR PRE-LOAD so increases with pump failure
Cardiac output CO
? nml ?
? how measure
? clinical
nml 4 - 8 mmHg
CO = SV x HR
measure with Swn Ganz thermodilution
In MI low SV and low CO, in hemmorr no preload, no SV, no CO.
Increase CO: inc contractility, inc HR, inc preload, dec afterload.
clinical comparison
SVR / Body surface area = SVRIndex
nml SVRI 1500 - 2400
SVR vas resist over sys circ aka afterload
low in distrib shovk,
high in cardiogenic and hypovol shock as vasoconstriction
shock with
low wedge
low CO
high SVR
shock with
high wedge
low CO
high SVR
shock with
low / nml wedge
high CO
low SVR
distributive shock
NE : strong A2 vasoconst, some B1 HR , ++ SVR +CO, USE sepsis

EPI : strong B1, A1 vasoconst, ++ SVR, Use snaph, Arrest

Phenylephrine : A1 vasoconst, Sepsic, neuro, hypo2/2 anesthesia

Na nitroprusside : dilates AandV, dec pre and afterload, USE : heart failure with low CO

int dose 5-10 ug/kg/min "Cardiac dose"
+ DA-R, + heart-R, some A1 to + CO in cardioshock
high dose 10-10 ug/kg/min
DA, B1, ++ A1 vasocon, ++ SVR to treat cardio or septic shock.

dobutamine +B1 B2 to +CO dec SVR to treat cardiogenic shock

milnerone: phosph dioester inhib
ABG vent pulm

ventilation mode to wean / liberate
pressure support often used with IMV

pressure support is set pressure delivered with each breath pt takes (boost)

* liberation is taking off vent and may not require weaning first (now not on vents long so lung muscles dont get weak)
* taking out ET tube = extubation
* removing tracheostomy tube = decannulation
ABG vent ICU pulm

what is assist control vent ?
CMV or assist control

* every breath has same volume or pressure, time

if pat initiates breath by themselves, they get the full tidal volume given.
ABG pulm ICU

what is IMV vent
* spont breathes are allowed between mandatory breaths

* when pt inintiates breath, vent gives pressure support
but vol of breath determ by pt effort
ABG pulm ICU

- uses
- SE
- elevated end expir pressure
- keep alveoli open
* min 5 mm H2O
* ARDS 10-20 cm H2O
* COPD 5-10 cm H@)
- use CHF, ARDS
** -SE hypotension as decreases PRE-LOAD
acid base state that keeps patient on a vent ?
alkalosis as H+ stimulates resp.
meds / mech of injury
past med hx / pregnant
EVENTS surrounding mech of injury
trauma recusiation
amt urine adequete
adults 0.5 ml/kg/hr ~ 30 ml/hr
child over 1 : 1 ml/kg/hr
child under 1 : 2 ml/kg/hr
head face fracture changes in acute trauma mgt
no NGT tube, use OGT tube
what is 3 to 1 rule
3 crystaloids vol to 1 vol blood loss
blood vol in adult ?
blood 7 % adult wt
70 kg adult 4.9 L blood
Kid 8-9% weight

loss half blood volume
rise PT, PTT to 1.5 nml
fibronogen under 100]
GIVE PLTS when under 50-17K
After chest tube for hemothorax
indications for thoracotomy
1,500 cc drainage from tube at placement
200 ml/hr for 4 hours
decomp after intitial stablization

~ 25% hemothorax pts have pneunon also
sucking chest wound
lung collapse on inspiration
init treatment cover with occlusive dressing sealed on 3 sides
seal belt sign
lower ant abdom wall
- perf bladder / bowel
- chance fx a lumbar distraction fracture
blood around umbilicus
Cullen sign
peri umbilical bruise
intraperitondeal hemm
Cullen sign
peri umbilical bruise
intraperitondeal hemm
peritoneal viscera: liver, spleen, stomach, sm bowel, sig tranv colon
grey turners sign
flank hemm ( bet ant post axill folds)
retroperitonfeal hemm

retroper organs
most duod, panc, kidneys, ureters, desc and asc colon , Abd aorta, IVC , renal and splenic vessels
Kehr sign
refer pain left shoulder or neck due to splenic supture
worse in trendelenberg or with LUQ palpation
FAST looks at what 4 sites
morrisons pouch RUQ liver - kidney
splenorenal recess LUQ
pouch douglas above rectum
for hemopericardium : sub xiphoid and parasternal
When DPL
sens for hemoperitoneum
questionable FAST
hollow organ injuries
Negatives: 1% risk injury, false postives, no good retroperitoneum
Must place foley and decompress stomach first.
Amer Burn Assoc criteria admid burn center
Under 10 yrs or Over 50
2nd 3rd degree > 10%

other ages 0ver 20%

FT burns over 5 % any age
elec incl lightening
inhal injury or other trauma too
fluid lyte requirements in 24 hours
per 24 hours you need
Per kg and Per 70 kg person
water 35 ml/kg -> 2,100 ml per 70 kg
K 1 mEq/kg -> 30 mEq
Chl 1.5 mEq/kg -_ 45 mEq
Na 1-2 mEq/kg -> 30-60 mEq
Fluid lyte losses daily
Na and K
Fluid lyte losses daily
urine 25-30 ml/kg/day-> 1,200-1,500 ml
sweat 200-400 ml, Has 40 mEq of Na, Cl per liter
resp 500-700 ml
stool 100 - 200 ml , from colon has mainly potassium 65 mEq liter

LYTe losses
Na and K 100 mEq
Chl 150 mEq

Physiol resp hypovolemia :
save Na and fluid via renin, aldo, ADH, vasoconst ANGII and symp, low UOP, first tachycardia, then hypotension.
? third spacing and fluid shifts post op
edema or fluid to interstitim
Happens in ileus when fluid leaves bowel post-op.
Then day 3 post-op fluid returns intra vascularly and can cause fluid overload.
So switch to hypotonic fluid and slow wIV rate.
surgical cause metabolic acidosis
loss bicarb : diarr , ileus, fistula of pancreas or sm bowel so loss of fluid , CA inhibotors
Anion Gap Met Acidosis :
starvation (ketoacids)
lactic acidosis (ischemia, necrotic tissue)
Uremia (renal failure)
surg cause hypochloremic alkalosis
NGT suction
loss stomach HCL vomiting
resp acidosis
hypovent CNS depress
airway obst
acid/base with NGT suctioning
hypochlor hypocalcemic met alkalosis

RX: IVF, Cl/K replacement
Normal daily secretions
Sm bowel
Normal daily secretions
bile 1000 ml / 24 hrs
gastric 2000 ml
pancreas 600 ml
Sm bowel 3000 ml
saliva 1500 ml
almost all secns are reabsorbed
REMEMBER BGS (alphabetically) and !L, 2L, 3L
fluid to replace
gastric NGT suction :
duod bile and panc :
sm bowel ileostomy :
colon diarr :
post op p lap :
fluid to replace
gastric NGT suction : D5 1/2 NS + 20KCL
duod bile and panc : LR +/- bicarb
sm bowel ileostomy : LR
colon diarr : LR +/- bicarnb
post op p lap : LR for 24-36 hrs then main
what lyte causes or worsens ileus
* low K
it also worsen dig toxicity
it can be caused by low mg

also low Na
# 1 cause post op of low Na
fluid overload
how treat hyper mg
hyper mg is over 2.5
treat ca gluconate IV
resp failure, CNS depression, depressed DTR
CAUSES in sx:
TPN, renal failure, over IV hydration
ICU glucose goal
Top causes low plts in sx pt post op
H2 blockers
massive transf
DIC abx spurriius
swn ganz
Under 20K spont bleed
Need over 50K for surgery
body fluid composition in lytes
hint compare to lyte's conc in plasma
Na 10 K 26 Cl 10 HCO3 30
na 60 K 10 cl 130 HCO3 0
ileal (like plasma)
Na 140 K 5 Cl 104 Hco3 30
panc (high bicarb)
Na 140 K 5 Cl 75 HCO3 115
colon (K ++ higher plasma, and bicar)
Na 60 K 30 Cl 40 HCO3 40
recus fluid lyte compositions
Na 130 K4 Cl 109 HCO3 28
Na 154 K 0 Cl 154 HCO3 40
1/2 NS
Na 77 K 0 Cl 77 Hco3 0
M/6 lactate
Na 167 K0 Cl0 HCO3 167
3% hypertonic saline
Na 513 K0 Cl 513 HCO3 0
adynamic ileus
aneurysm rupture
aneurysm rupture
RUQ pain
atel L lung due to asthma
atel L lung due to asthma
Where ? atel vs PNA
Atel LUL
What ?
cavitary breast cancer
What ?
cecum cancer
What ?
esophagus cancer
trouble breathing
common congen malform
What ?
cavitary cancer
abscess cavity
co arc aorta
figure 3 sign
Colon polyps
What ?
congenital defect baby
problem ?
free air under diaph
watery diarrhea that is smelly
gut pain
no fever
lung Ct
person feels fine
lung harartoma
newborn 36 weeks
had to be intubated
hyaline mmb dz
What is going on ?
person cant breath post trauma
hydro pneumo thorax
patient with nephrotic syndrome
gut scan
I made up scenario for image
name stone
jackstone calculus
type of fx
jones fx
gut pain
no stool
localized ileus LUQ
HIV gut pain
lymphoma gut
bloody diarrhea
meckels diverticula
type of fx
monteggia fx
non cardio edema
rib osteochrondroma
person losing weight
hoarse voice
pancoast tumor
shot in butt
so do BE
rectum perf

patient post cardiac surgery
pericardial effusion
" water bottle sign "
what sx do they need ?
gall bladder removal as have
porcelain GB and risk cancer
What do you need to do ?
Tension PTX
Needle to chest
What is happening ?
Tension PTX
pat with JVD
ascites maybe
old guy
Pulm HTN
chronic lung disease
post surgery on leg fx
Now acutely SOB
lung infarct
had hodkins as a teen
radiation fibrosis
problems pooping
rectal cancer
sm bowel obst

gut pain
hands abn tight
face skin tight
50 YO male
small scrape to toe
now red and hot
septic arthritis
chronic episodes of watery diarr starting as child
skin lesions
sprue celiac dz

The BEnema shows :
biopsy : blunted villa and crypt hyperplasia
cough blood
was in jail
young women, on OCP, RUQ pain.
On ultrasound, hepatic adenoma can be seen as round smooth-surfaced mass, slightly more echogenic than surrounding liver.
Ans image is CT with Figure 1. Computed tomographic scan of abdomen showing large intraparenchymal hematoma in the liver measuring 7.5 X 7.5 X 10 cm. Seen also is large subcapsular hemorrhage with evidence of hemoperitoneum.
female, RUQ pain
CT FNHyperplasia : stellate scar, lobulated intrahepatic lesions with central lucency (scar).
liver mass ?
Hemangiomas enhance in BOTH art and venous phases just as bright as aorta.
LEFT: rimenhancement in breast metastasis.
RIGHT: nodular discontinuous enhancement in hemangioma.

The enhancement of a hemangioma starts peripheral .
It is nodular or globular and discontinuous.
Rim enhancement is continuous peripheral enhancement and is never hemangioma.
Rim enhancement is a feature of malignant lesions, especially metastases.
diastasis recti ?
DIASTSIS RECTI is not a hernia. Although often confused and at times mis-diagnosed as an epigastric hernia, which it is not, these abdominal wall protrusions occur due to a widened band of non-contractile fascia or tendon normally present between the rectus musles. There is no defect or true hernia present in a normal Diastaasis Recti. Since this fascia does not contract as does normal adjacent muscle, when individuals with DR strain (e.g., do a sit-up), an elongated bulge in the upper abdomen, tappered at each end will appear. This non-tender bulge extends from just below the breast bone, down to the navel. Unlike Epigastric Hernias, a Diastasis Recti is not localized along the linea alba line, but involves the entire space between the breast bone and the navel. They are likened to a narrow foorball in shape. There is no pain associated with this bulge and it is not apparent when standing or walking, but is evident only when straining (sit ups). This is a variant of normal anatomy and Diastasis Recti is not a hernia. Surgery is not indicated for this condition and we disuade ill-advised attempts at surgical correction.
name groin triangles ( 3 )
MEDIAL TRIANGLE aka Hesselbach's, Hessert) is bounded by the inguinal ligament, the lateral border of the rectus muscle and the deep epigastric vessels.
LATERAL triangle is bounded by the deep epigastric vessels medially, and by the inguinal ligament laterally to a variable point approximately halfway between the deep inguinal ring and the anterior iliac spine (the lowest point on the inguinal ligament that the internal oblique and tranversus abdominus muscles are fused). The superior boundary is a line connecting that point on the inguinal ligament to the medial reach of the deep epigastric vessels.
femoral hernia
medial to femoral vessels
under inguinal lig

Another kind hernia
Coopers hernia : thru fem canal and tracking into scrotum and labia majus
whats spigelian hernia
direct ?
old man hernia
he's a smoker
Direct inguinal hernia

men. Rare to strangulate. Does not go into scrotum.

Thru transversalis fascia _> post to inguinal canal not in canal.
MEDIAL to inf epi vessels.

RF: men with chronic cough (smokers), and BPH(strain to pee).
hasselbach s triangle borders
epigastric vessels
inguinal ligament / Pouparts (from int oblique)

DIRECT hernia goes thru Hess. Triangle
lat border rectus sheath
organs in inguinal hernia in boys and girls ?
boys sm int
girls ovary/Ftube
can see Littre : meckels
adrenal rest
sliding hernia =
pantaloon hernia =
hernia sac partly made by wall of viscus organ like bladder or stomach

pantaloon = both direct and indirect as starddles inf epigastric vessels
types lumbar hernia
petits rare, inf lumbar triangle
Borders: iliac crest, ext obliq anterioraly, lat dorsi posteriorly

grynfelts rare, sup lumbar triangle
hernia next to an ostomy
parastomal hernia
richeters hernia
only on part of bowel sidewall in hernia sac
type diaph hernia
morgagni : anterior parasternal

bochdalek : thru post diaph often on left 'de lk' on the left
hernia with meckels
or appendix
meckels : littre
rupture appendix : Amyand's
most common hernia ?
most likley to strangulate ?
indirect inguinal hernia
5% all men
most common in men and women
strangulate : femoral > indirect > direct
indications for lap hernia repair ?
when never use mesh ?
bilat inguinal
need to resume full activity soon
no mesh if infection risk higher
femoral hernia
who ?
how fix ?
femoral hernia rarest, 5% all
but 85% of these women.
MEDIA to inguinal ligament
1/3 incarcerate
Repair with McVey using Coopers ligament, mesh plug repair
women multiparous
recent weight loss
Howship Romburg sign : hip flexed, ext rotated and abducted and you feel mass
obturator hernia, rare
more likley assoc other defects
can see malrotation
on umbilicus with cord on sac
can have liver
Rx: Ng decompress, IV abx and IVF, later sx
no sac
off to side
get fluid and lyte abn
uncommon to see assoc abn except for intest atresia
umbilicus on skin to left of gasro sac
child umbil hernia ?
repair if 2 cm at age 4 to 5
use pants in vest method to close defect in linea alba
femoral canal borders ?
MED " lacunar ligament / Gimbernat
LAT : fem vein
ANT : ing ligament
Post : Coopers lig / pectineal lig

hernia goes thru fem ring
Patient coming to have sx for indirect hernia needs what pre-op ?
rectal exam
they may be straining due to colon cancer.
rib fractures
if rib 1 and 2 look for great vessel inj
Rx consv, rest , pain mgt
tube thoracotomy
if fail to reexpand consider injury to trachebronch tree
how dx trauma aortic rupture
CXR loss of knob**, apical cap, deviated NG tube, HEMOmediastinum.
CT angio
Gold is aortagram not CT Angio but most use CT Angio
blunt cardiac injury presentation ?
40% with arrhythmia
45% cardiogenic shock
15% anatomic defects (most die pre-hosp)
treat bleeding liver
first in trauma bleeding liver
pack liver
then can try pringle where compress proper hepatic artery between on finger in epipolic foramen/winslow and another anterior to free edge of lesser omentum.
flail chest treatment
first do thoracocentesis to R/O PTX, hemothorax.
Then if no early response early ETT.
LAter on can use intercostal blocks for pain.
emergency airway on person who shot self in face
midface injury emergency airway
cricothyROTOMY - needle/percutaneous or surgical
Needle thry cricothyroid membrane

Using nasal or oral airway can push blood into trachea
face injury and loss of upgaze ?
injury sup rectus muscle or occ inf oblique
blunt trauma pericardial tamponade is due to what
rupture of myocrdium
or Cor art lacteration
becks triad ?
muffled heart sounds
Signs of pericardial tamponade
which pentrating chest wounds req abdom exploration
below nipples or tip scapula
diff blod pressures in blood and feet
pulsatile left supraclavicular hematoma
left hemotjorax over 500 ml
What is gonna happen ?
imment completion of
traumatic rupture of aorta
- falls over 12 feet
- head on collision
- tbone collision
9% pts have nml CXR
GOld is thoracic aortagram
TREAT with beta blocker keep systolic under 120 mmHg
Kehr signs ?
pain left shoulder due to diaph irritation from splenic injury
loss strength at 2 weeks
gone at 4 weeks
non absorbable
non absorbable
Used: hernia, vas anast
vert vs hor mattress stirch
Question showed a horizontal mattress :
hor mattress
parallell to wound

vert mattress :
everts, perp to wound
Fig. 4. Transverse and transverse-oblique Incisions. A. Kocher incision. B. Transverse Incision. C. Rockey-Davis incision. D. Maylard incision. E. Pfannenstiel incision
kocher subcostal for gb open sx
The incision may be continued across the midline into a double Kocher incision or roof top approach (Chevron Incision) (Figure 6), which provides excellent access to the upper abdomen particularly in those with a broad costal margin (Chute et al, 1968; Brooks et al, 1999). This is useful in carrying out total gastrectomy, operations for renovascular hypertension, total oesophagectomy, liver transplantation, extensive hepatic resections, and bilateral adrenalectomy etc (Chino & Thomas, 1985; Pinson et al, 1995; Miyazaki et al, 2001).
1/3 from ant sup il spine to umbilicus
for appy
bassini hernia repair
Figure 13. Modified Bassini. The posterior wall is not opened. Sutures placed between the transversus arch aponeurosis and conjoint tendon to the inguinal ligament create tension on the tissues approximated.

Needs relaxing incision.
lichenstein hernia sx
shouldice canada
tension free with mesh
shouldice : imbrication uses 4 layers muscles, conjoint to inguinal
Potassium is over 6.5
Why :
Rx: Ca
insulin and dextrose
ileus,weak, tetany

RF: diuertics, some abx, steroids, alkalosis, diarr, intestinal fistula, NG aspiration, vomit, insulin, amphotericin
Potassium under 3.5
ECH flat t waves u waves,
Rapid Tx, IV KCl IV
Max periph 10 mEq hr
try treating low mg
seizure confusion
pulm edema or periph edema
RF innadequete hydration, diuersism Vomit, diarr, tachypnea, TPN
Hypernatremia Na 135 - 145
TReat D5W 1/4 NS or 1/2 NS
slowly hydrate

If over do it
SEIZUURES not cental pontine myelosis !!
Treating hypernatremia to fast causes what ?
treating hyponatremia too fast causes ?
central pontine myelosis
seixure coma
lethary confusion weakness
low Na
Can be hypovol, euvol, hypervol
Post op usually vol overload.
SIADH what about Na level ?
SIADH Sodium level is always down here
acute treamtent hypercalcemic crisis
what are ecg signs
1. vol expand with NS
2. diuresis furosimide.
ECG short QT, prolong PR
- how calculate Ca level in
- surg causes
(measure alb level) x 0.08 then add this to measured Ca level
surg causes : short bowel
intest bypass, sepsis, pancreatitis
ECG: prolonged QT and ST,
TREAT: Ca gluconate IV.
high blood glucose

high sx cause: DM, infection, TPN, drugs, drawing over site, somat-oma, glucoma

low:liver failure, ad insuff, gastrojejunostomy
labs to assess O2 delivery
* SvO2 : = mixed venous oxy sat which is O2 in blood of RV or pulm art so indirect measure supply and demand.
* lactic acid
* ph
* base deficit
frank starling curve
CO increases with increasing preload up to a point.
In ARDS what do want vent to be
LOW TIDAL volume so 6 cc/kg ideal body weight
cause CO2 retention
inc dead space
inc CO production (hypermetabolic state)
dec COutput
esp with hypovolemia
dec compliance with high PEEP
fluid retention
high ICP
nml ph and Pco2 values
ph 7.35 to 7.45
PCO2 35 - 45

35-45 rule
liver cyst
high eosinophils
cyst may have calcified walls
hydatid cyst
echoncoccus from sheep, cat dog travel
usually asympto, incidental finding
Rx: albenadole then resect
liver cyst
fever high WBCs high LFTs
guatmalan homosexual veteran alcoholic now living in VA institution
what is it ?
treat ?
Amoebic abscess "anchovy paste"
w/u ct or us
Bug is entamoeba from intestine
Rx first with Iv metro. Do not drain in OR unless do not resolve or super infected with bacteria
liver cyst
high WBCs high LFTs
#1 cause
treat IV antibiotics and
percutaneous drainage with U/S and CT drainage
No OR unless multi and loculated.
things that are in right lobe
cysts congenital many small ones
cysts hyatid from echinococcus
cavernous hemangioma right posterior
how can you tell
liver adenoma from FNH
USe tc-99 study
And FNH uptakes sulfer
treatment FNH ?
resect only if symptomatic
treatment adenoma ?
resect all
Diverticulitis scan of choice
abdom CT
never colonscope or enema
When to operate diverticulitis
Under 40
not better in 72 hours with antibiotics
immunocompromised patients
2 or more episodes have electie resection later
Complicated diverticulitis :
abscess, perf with peritonitis,
diverticulitis surgery
* primary anast if no poop leak
* if pt hemo unstale, hartman, colostomy, close rectal stump. later on re anastmosis
* if just local perf with abscess try antibtoics or percut drainage and later surgery
how work up if fistual from divertic
barium enema, ct, sigscope
vag exam
most common gi fistula
bowel bladder from diverticulitis
surgery nutrition
respitory quotient
what can be done to decrease CO2 production/retention in patient on a vent ?
increase fat decrease carbo calories given.
serum markers of nutrition in order of timingq
prealbumin t1/2 2-3 days
transf 8-9 days
albumin 14-20 days
total kymoh count
retinol binding ptn 12 hrs
vit a def ?
no vit a : poor wound heal
no chromium : diabetic state
pt TPN
poor wound healing
taste disorder
zinc def
patient on TPN
dry flaky skin
fatty acid def
state of shock ?
HR 130
RR 31
BP 80/50
class III
state of shock ?
mild anxiety
normal vital signs
class I hemmorage
under 15% blood loss
state of shock ?
BP 110/50
HR 105
RR 24
class II
15 - 30 % blood loss
nml systolic BP
decreased pulse pressure
state of shock ?
HR 145
BP 70/50
RR 36
confused lethargic
no urine output
class IV
over 40 %
dypnea rales
pulsus alternans (pulse increased with greater filling after weak pulse)
loud P2 part of S2
low CO
low UOP
cardiogenic shock
post injury thrown from car
neurogenic shock
bacteria that cause infection in wound in first 24 hours
what does abscess look like on CT
only post op on day 7, takes that long.
fluid in fibrous rind. gas in fluid collection.
thick mural wall grey narrow contrast in lumen
black dot is gas in wall which is wall abscess
- vit to help healing ?
- what stage of healing ?
vit a helps corticosteroids pts
helps inflammation stage
how long do you hold ASA
10 days
spinal anesthesia
where ?
SE urine retention
hypotentsion (neurogenic shock)
regional anesthesia
spinal afferant from region
like radial nerve block
rapid seq anesthesia steps
pre ox and short acting induction agent ( prop, midozolam, Na thiopenta)

muscle relax
cricoid pressure
inhalation anesthetic

RApid to dec risk of aspiration !
Contraindication to Succ choline
NM trauma or paralyzing diseases
eye trauma (it inc eye pressure)
or increased ICP

(it inc K)
- signs of OD
-why add Na bicarb to lido
- signs toxicity : tinnitus, perioral numb, metal taste, blur vision, muscle twitch, drowsy as large overdose (10 mcg/ml) seizure, coma, respa rrest, LOC, apnea

- bicarb dec burning as lido is acidic

Note, it wont work in abscess
CI nitrous oxide
why can you get low BP from morphine ?
SE mepiridine ?
How treat low RR from both ?
mepiridine SE : like morphine but less phinter spasm, but normepiridine seizure and tachycardia

Use naloxine for low RR from both.
epidural anesthsia
Advantage : no dec cough reflex
SE: ORTHOSTATIC hypotension
dec motor fx, urine retention, remove foley after epidural cath removed or likely urine retention
Several different terms are used for the chronic symptoms that can occur after a deep vein thrombosis:

1. Venous stasis syndrome
2. Postthrombotic syndrome
3. Venous insufficiency syndrome
4. Postphlebitic syndrome

These terms all describe the same symptom complex.

What is it? Clots in the deep veins (DVT) lead to an obstruction of blood outflow from the legs or the arms back to the heart. When the body tries to heal from these clots the valves in the veins are often damaged. However, functioning valves are needed to prevent blood from pooling in the legs. Following a DVT the obstruction of the vein and the destruction of valves lead to impaired blood flow from the extremities back to the heart.

If a vein is completely blocked, neighboring smaller veins may enlarge to bypass the obstruction. These bypassing veins are called collaterals and can get quite large, particularly in the pelvis and abdomen in patients with thrombosis of the big vein in the abdomen (= inferior vena cava). Such collaterals can sometimes be seen as prominent veins underneath the skin. If good collaterals have formed, symptoms of leg swelling and pain are often not present or are only mild. However, in some patients collaterals do not get all that big and can not carry all the blood needed to drain the legs or arms; this then leads to chronic arm or leg swelling, pressure and pain.

Who develops it?

Patients who have had a DVT may or may not develop the venous stasis syndrome. Typically, the more extensive the DVT was, the more severe the syndrome will be. However, this is not always so: patients who have had very extensive acute DVTs with severe acute symptoms may recover completely and may not be left with any chronic symptoms. Approximately 60 % of patients will recover from a leg DVT without any residual symptoms. 40 % of patients will have some degree of postthrombotic syndrome, ca. 4 % of patients severe symptoms. The symptoms of postthrombotic syndrome usually occur within the first 6 months, may be up to 2 years after the clot. If a patient has done well for ½ - 2 years after the clot it is highly unlikely that he/she will develop the postthrombotic syndrome.

In patients with arm DVT postthrombotic syndrome develops in approximately 15 % of patients. Patients with DVT of larger veins, i.e. those in the shoulder and upper chest area (in medial terms "axillosubclavian DVT") and left-over clot (residual thrombosis) appear to be at particular risk for postthrombotic syndrome, whereas arm clots associated with catheters are at lower risk.

Little is known as to who will develop chronic symptoms and who won't. However, it is known, that patients with DVT who wear daily compression stockings (see below) for several month after the acute DVT will develop significantly less venous stasis syndrome. It is, therefore, important to wear individually fitted compression stockings if there is any leg swelling, beginning within days of the diagnosis of the acute DVT. They are typically worn for several months, if not years.


* chronic leg swelling
* chronic (or waxing) pain
* diffuse aching
* leg heaviness
* leg tiredness
* leg cramping
* dark skin pigmentation (=postthrombotic pigmentation; figure)
* hardening of the skin
* skin dryness
* formation of varicose veins
* skin ulcer (stasis ulcer)
Name ?
Pt has heart dz, DM, smokes
venous stasis ulcer
Loc : medial malleolus
Assoc : skin changes with statis dermatitis like thick scaly skin, pigementation,


• Ruddy color base

• Surrounding skin is reddened or brown

• Shallow depth

• Irregular wound margins

• Moderate to heavy exudate

• Pitting or non-pitting edema

• Skin temperature is warm to the touch (normal)

• Granulation tissue is present

• Infection is not common

• Minimal pain (unless infected)

• Peripheral pulses are present and palpable

• Capillary refill is normal

• Usually located near the ankle or lower calf

Pt is a
high fat/chol diet
HTN, heart dz, DM, obese,
Chronic art insuff :

- tissue necrosis and / or ulceration
- Pulselessness
- Painful ulceration
- Small, punctate ulcers well circumscribed
- Cool or Cold skin
- cap refill over 3 secs
- shiny, thin, dry skin and
Loss of digital and pedal hair

Location : top of the foot.
smaller arterial vessels is more difficult to address.
name mallipati class
A class I see fauces, ant post pillars, uvual
B class II palate, fauces, base uvual
C class III palate, only base of uvula
D class IV cant see palate
Pre-Op finding on cardiac auscultation linked to ischemia, MI, sudden death ?
aortic stenosis
thrill over R sternal border
cresendo-descc SYSTOLIC 2nd R intercostal space murmur, radiates to carotids
L V heave of lift from LV hypertrophy

Need CXR, ECG, echo, maybe cath as need operation for new valve.
SX: Syncope, angina, dypnea
Aortic stenosis indicaton for repair
valve Xsxn area under 0.75 cm2 and/or gradient over 50 mmHg

Note: loud murmur sign of big gradient or big LV
mech vs non valve
mech durable but need life anticoag
what is + stress test pre-op ?
what is a bad echo ?
ST depression over 0.2 mV
poor response HR to low BP or stress

echo bad : aoric stenosis, or EF under 35%
echo sens but not very specific
REVERSIBLE defects more concerning
Risk of MI in non cardiac sx
High : h or EG evidence infact, angina, or angio CAD, prior CABG
Intermed : evidence non heart atheroscledfosis
Low no clinical athersclerosis but high RF profile
negibible : low Rf profile

no prior MI 0.1-0.6
Mi in lat 6 months : 4%
prior cabg 1.2
need endocarditits prohy
CHF: risk P edema
CAD : 3x risk death, if need CABG first wait 30 days, death in 3 days asympto MI
Valve: Aortic stenosis under 1 cm and gradient over 50 mmHg, do echo, maybe new valve first
endocarditis : mod risk hypertrophic myppathy, Tet, fake valve
treat post op urine retention
- ensure fluid rescus
- straight cath twice 6 hrs apart, then foley if no pee
- can try prazozin or penoxybenzomeine
stages of guts return to action
sm int
plt needs
how much a bump with one unit ?
normal over 150 k
unlikley to bleed 100-150k
20-50 possible excess sx bleeding
10-20k spon muscosal and curt bleed
under 10 k spont bleed and in GI

one plt unit bumpps 5 - 10k
labs indicate malnutrition ?
inc sx risk ?
alb under 3
trans under 150

under 80% IBW or over 120% IBW
recent change over 10%
real time to be NPO pre-op
To dec risk aspiration with intubation
- solids 6-8 hrs
- fluids 2-3 hrs
when hold warf pre op
3 choices :
- avoid 3 days pre, start again POD#2
- admit preop , change to hep and hold few hrs preop
- change LMW heparin
thyroid meds
give thyroid replacements on day of sx, ok to hold post-op a day pr 2 as t1/2 7 days.

thyroid antagonist hold on day of sx
wound healing
what impairs collagen stage
vit c def
ptn calorie malnut
classic example of delayed primary closure of surgical wound ?
ruptured pus full appendix
- close periotoneumm fasica and give abx
- use secondary intention as wound dirty and risk infection HIGh
- sub cut tissues not sutured until 3 to 5 days later
- magic number for wound infection risk
- type of pressure inn OR
> 10 5 microorgs dose
- postive pressure
- sterile parts of body: lower Resp, upper urinary
sm bowel bugs
normal flora
very low lactobacilli
lg bowel bugs
normal flora
enterobacter ( ecoli, kleb, salm)
s aureus,
lower urinary tract
normal flora
staph epi
gram neg rods
post mastectomy skin flap
seroma as lymph channels disrupted
aspirate (unless it is in groin) and place drain
do inc risk infection as feed bugs
patient with incisional hernia
abd pain, N, V
may strang bowel
repair fascia +/- mesh
no mesh if infected
when is tape CI
active bleeding
complex surface perimeum

tape >> staples > sutures
calcium and ph
acidosis increases ionized fraction
alkalosis, hyperventilation, decreases it
Harris vs Fick for calorie requirements
Basal Energy expenditure
Harris : estimates BEE
Fick catheter equation if have swan ganz: (SaO2-SvO2) xCOxHbx95.18

Males 25 kcal/kg/day
females BEE 22 kcal/kg/day

KIDS do not use Harris for REE
Use kilocal/kg for age using chart of RDA

post op : x 1.3
trauma/sepsis/burn x 1.6-2
fever : 12% inc per degree C

STAGES OF decub ulcers
neck injury zones
triangles :
anterior and posterior

anterior has three zones
I : below cricoid
III above angle mandible

posterior : not much above spin acc nerve, below it subclavian vein, plexus, apices lung

if intubate and no airway:
may have laryngtracheal separation and you are in false lumen.
So, tracheostomy.
CAreful of pneumonhemoPTX at apices lungs. If suspect, and need central line, use femoral or opposite side.
Never blind probe neck.
Go to OR** zone II with expanding hematoma,
and SQ emphy, trachea dev, change voice quality, air bubbles in wound,
Subclavian injury: put IVs in legs or opposite arm.
"sacral sparing"
voluntary anal sphinter intact or voluntary toe flex, perianal sensation

sign of incomplete cord injury

But sacral reflexes may be preserved in complete transection
determines ICP ?
What is CPP ?
indication to moniter ICP in trauma ?
- monroe kelly
vol brain
vol blood
vol CSF
- GCS under 9, altered LOC or unconc and muti trauma ir dec consc focal neuro abn
Use of CN to localize injury in coma ?
cornea reflex intact pons
gag intact upper medulla

CN6 palsy is often false localizing sign
how remember which brain bleed is cresect ?
sUbdural is cUrved like
anti-conv and observe
skull fx:
open and closed
which need OR
depressed skull to OR if:
dirty for debriide, severe deform, ipinge brain, open fx, CSF leak

If open fx, abx, seiz prophy, surgery
when to OR for spine fx
unstable vertbra
incomplete injury extrinsic compression
spine hematoma
patient post spine surgery
- bilateral loss pain and temp
- paraplegia
what part of cord ?
what happened ?
Anterior cord syndrome
art adamawitz (enter L1 supply to T4)
or compression from FLEXION
- pain and temp (Sthal)
- paraplegia (CST)
still posterior cord so vibr, position
man stabbed in back
left side paralysis
left side loss of virb and position
right side loss of pain and temo
Brown Sequard syndrome
ipsi motor
contra pain temp

stab, tumor,
60 year old man has car crash
walks ok
very weak hand shake
central cord syndrome
pre-existing canal stenosis
like hyperextension

weaker in arms > legs
hands weaker than biceps
if steroids are helpful, when
non penetrating and within 8 hours
high dose methypred (30mg/kg over 25 min in hour 1) then continuous 5.4 mcg/kg/hr over next 23 hours
Patient fell of ladder onto their head
anvil fell on head
name fx ?
stable or not ?
burst fx or jefferson fx
C1 fx of both sides of ring
from axial loading
hyperextension injury
hangman fracture
C2 (hangman C2, jefferson president so #1)
more stable meaning rarely spinal cord injury but treat all as unstable
The hangman´s fracture is located in the pedicles of C2, with C2 displacing anteriorly on C3 (Fig. 264-15). The fracture is caused by an extension mechanism and is seen in judicial hangings. Suicidal hangings do not usually cause the extreme hyperextension seen in judicial hangings and do not cause a hangman´s fracture. The same fracture is seen in motor vehicle and diving accidents where sudden hyperextension forces are applied in deceleration. Owing to the large diameter of the spinal canal at the level of C2, even displacement of C2 on C3 may not cause neurologic injury, and these patients may be neurologically intact. This injury is unstable and mandates immediate consultation.
look at C2
teardrop flexion fx
ant inf vert body chips off like teardrop
assoc with tear of post lig so often neuro injury too
man shoveling snow, heard crunch in shoulder
An avulsion of the spinous process of the lower cervical vertebrae, classically C7, is known as a clay-shoveler´s fracture (Fig. 264-7). Intense flexion against contracted posterior erector spinal muscles causes avulsion of the spinous process. An isolated clay shoveler´s fracture is mechanically stable. Conservative treatment with ice, analgesia, rest, and early referral is indicated
Man fell
back pain
bruise on lower abdom wall
chance fx = distraction of posterior part of vertebra usually lower lumbar, below cord, L1 or L2 (is some ant compression but minor vs post compression)
Originally most often caused by seat belts as hyperflexion injuries , now thorax crush or hyperflex.

· Seat belt injuries usually involve the lower thoracic and upper to mid lumbar spine (L1 and L2 most commonly)

· Chance fractures are hyperflexion injuries in which there is distraction of the posterior elements and impaction of the anterior components of the spine

o Compression component from hyperflexion is usually minor compared to distraction componento SIGN : BACK PAIN,

*** NEED ADB CT !!!!
rare is spine cord transection.
o Up to 50% serious blunt injury to internal organs : primarily the pancreas, duodenum and mesentery
0 children may not fx but intestinal and urinary bladder injuries
o fx is below cord end but can hit nerves so bowel and bladder signs
o die from gut injury
rectal exam, feel step off
coggeal fx, r/o rectal bleed
rx donut
how dx pericardial tamponade
GOLD : direct see via
subxiphoid window sm midline
if see injury, do median sternotomy.
Cut sac ant and parallel to phrenic N, stuff hole with foley baloon, use 3-0 non absorb sutures,
tamponade relief, vol expland, correct adidosis, perfuse heart, avoid hypothermia

chamber injury :
LV 40% = RV
then RA 24%
LA tiny, 3%
Also: fast
diaphragm holes ?

spine levels needed for diaph function ?
"I 8 10 ECGs at 12"

I = I (IVC) @ 8th vertebra
ECG = esophagus at 10th vert
A is aorta, azygous, thoracic duct at 12th vert

T9 esoph, vagus,
T12 aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein

C3 thru 5 keeps you alive
peritoneal or retro ?
peritoneal or retro ?
peritoneal or retro ?
duod :
1-3rd parts retro
4th intra
peritoneal or retro ?
kidney ureter
peritoneal or retro ?
asc colon
peritoneal or retro ?
trans colon
peritoneal or retro ?
desc colon
peritoneal or retro ?
sigmoid colon
peritoneal or retro ?
sm bowel
peritoneal or retro ?
peritoneal or retro ?
peritoneal or retro ?
peritoneal or retro ?
peritoneal or retro ?
renal vessels
peritoneal or retro ?
splanic vessels
peritoneal or retro ?
iliac vessels
like urethra, bladder
peritoneal or retro ?
pt post trauma
neuro intact
peritonitis and guarding
what do they need ?
trauma lap now.
no other w/u
waht does CT miss
panc injury
critieria ex lap
stomach bleeding
periotoneal irritation
dipah injury
free air in gut
bladder rupture
rectal perf confirmed with sig scope
transabdom misslepath
+ DPL,abd trauma hemo unstable
evisceration, Ct see injury you can fix in OR, remove impaled thing
trauma thor
reasonable w/o dipah injury
cxr (at first nml in half)
upper GI
barium enema
CAreful with NGT as esoph gets kinked.
liver injury
-who might escape OR
standard is OR
May try non-OR (~half):
-very few pentrating stab stable after CT/DPL
- try blunt more often
- clearly grade and see injury with CRT as grade III or less (hematoma subcapsular, hema parencyma under 75% or under 3 lobes, no vena cava or major hep vein injury, no avulsion
- no peritoneal signs
- no other inj needing lap
- no need blood tx

Mgt: serial hct Q4-6hrs
ReCt 2-3 days
Pt post liver lac
Scenario A :
upper gi bleed
RUQ pain
+ fecal occult blood
Scenario B:
draining bile over 50 mls/day for over 14 days
A. hemobilia (1%)
try angioembolize
B. bile fisula, 7-10%, closes on own with drainage
C. also see hyperpyrexia for 3-5 days self lim
kid with 9th rib fx
left neck/shoulder hurts when you push LUQ
Name w/u modality
What degree means go to OR ?
spleen fx
CT great, prescise
If unstable, U/S for hemoperitoneum
No good: DPL, laparoscopy
Therapy: angio embolize if stable

hint of may of failing nonOR mgt: .
blush on CT

Grade III goes to OR : subcap hematomam over 50% area, or parenchyma over 5cm or expanding parenchymal hematoma, or lac over 3 cm or lac into vessels
or HILAR injury or devascularized spleen.
remove spleen if : "pulverized"
shock, otherwise repair/antomic resect.

Give pneumo vax day discharge.
trauma to stomach , sm bowel , and perf
type of wound ?
Diagnosis ?
- wound clean-contam in stomach, gut not dirty until term ileum really
- Dx:
Exam for peritonitis
DPL or laparoscopy
free air on CXR ! note it is CXR
Bad choices : CT false-neg
OR :
stab pylorus : pyloroplasty, stab body fix it.
Sm Bowel: most 1 anast, unless nasty then try 2nd look delay anast
Kid 4 yr old
signs like SBO
gets CT/upper GI with water sol con
See duod bruise
which in kids assoc abuse
Rx: NGT decom
reeval upper GI 1 week
man 24 yr
shot in lg bowel
bleeding ALOT
Rx ?
What is lac to rectum ? anus ?
OR ASAP, skip CT but may show free air, may miss specific injury.

If small perf try repair or small resxn with 1repair
CI to ANASt with hemmorage as #1 cause death exsang from other injurys or MOFS or sepsis.

Most rectal injury extra peritoneal, + bladder
Dx: DRE,
RIGID proctoscope (in OR) mandtory of path of knife or bullet thru pelvis

Rx: diverting proximal loop colostomy +/- distal limb closure and repair of perf,
end col muscus fisuta.
Can close colostomy in 3-4 mnths.

Anus injury : do sigmoid colostomy
what can bleed if panc gets shot ?
behind pancreas is :
IVC, aorta, L kidney, renal vein, splanic vein, spleinc Art, SMA,, SMV

lateral : spleen
medial : duod
pancreas ducts anat
Major duct joins CBD at ampulla where sphincer Oddi is. Then they dump to duod at ampulla Vater.

minpr duct is higher up.
panc trauma
labs :
when take out pancreas ?
- amylase
- dx:
CT : LESSER sac fluid, fluid spleic vein and panc body, retro bleed
ERCP, if stable or to eval mised injuries
Sx: Whipple or remove panc when duod or panc head devitalized.
with distal transxn: take out distal panc, tie ducts.
with prox transxn hard, try ext drain and stenting.
trauma with flank pain and hematuria
fluid responsive, distended abd, hypotensive, dec pulses LE, fluid on FAST, missles on KUB
renal art injury
contained hematoma vas injury
MGT vascular injuries:
recus, prep ct chin to thigh
warm, srtop bleeding,
if tamponaded get prox and distal control before opening hematoma.
if active hemm, get active contrl

Comps: vasoenteric fisula
renal injury
contusion : capsule intact, can have hematoma, IVP nml, CT can have edema or micro-leak contrast to renal parencyma; admit hx, no OR

lacL if minor and only cortex watch clolosely,

renal fracture/shattered kidney : OR ASAP. kidney rips off.
airway for 10 year old
face shattered
NEEDLE cricothyroidomy
a cricothy surgically CI in under 13 yolds

minor extra per bladder rupture
foley drain and observe

if intraperio or large need OR closure
seat belt sign :
3 injuries
(one is gut)
sm bowel L2
blood in pelvis fx is A or V ?
90% venous
duod injury
Duod injury : Dx with upper GI watersoluble con, CT MISSES so does DPL. 1-2nd part of duod more likley fatal
1. Most 1 repair, try omentun patch, gastric diversion.
2. pyloric exclusion : close duod injury, staple off pylorus, gastrojejunostomy
stable parasternal GSW
FAST, chest tube, +/- Or for subxiph window
in kids, a lab for abd injury
Rx myoglobinuria
hydrate IVf
Alkalinize urine with IV bicarb
mannitol diuresis
change in fluids burn pts after 24 hrs
colloid, D5W and 5% alb : need free water and have cap leak.

also in first 24 hrs never give glu
What closes ductus arteriosus and what opens it ?
closes it : indomethacin

Keeps patent : prostaglandin

In fetus desat blood goes thru it.
arterial switch vs Rastelli ?
transpostion of great arteries
egg heart
marked pulm congestion on cxr

TGA with VSD -> arterial switch before 2 wks old

TGA with VSD plus LV outflow obst -> palliative systemic pulm shunt, then Rastelli (aorta reroute internally over VSD, then PA attached to Rv externally)

TGA with septium: balloon septosomy of f ovale, then arterial switch.
surgery for tet of fallot
If ratio pulm art to aorta 1:3 one step

ratio under 1:3 2 step:
palliative enlarge stenotic outflow (blalock-taussig anast subclav to PA, wateston aortic-pulm anast, potts)
THEN corrective procedure.
balloon dilation for ?
pulm stenosis
tricuspid atresia sx ?
newborn emergency palliation enlg ASD/fovale or systmeic-pulm shunt

Then bidirectional Glenn then Fontan (cavopulm shunt)
what drug ?
when sx ?
indomethacin to close it
OR when : premie severe resp insiff refractory indo and then double ligate ductus watchful for L recurr laryngeal, larger kids get a coil in it.

infants get more risk endocarditits, pulm HTN
when OR for VSD
most close on own
patch if
* CHF not controlled with meds
* VSD not closed by 9 mnths old and pulm pressure 2/3 of systemic pressure
* if pulm and systemic flow is ovr 2:1 after 4 yrs old

Outcome : 1/3 regress pulm vasc resist, 1.3 same, 1/2 gradual dec
eisenmenger rx
only can try heart lung tx
heart sx that can result in paralysis
co-arc sx as cross clamp aorta
goal to keep occlusion under 20 min
distal aortic pressure over 50 mmHg
norwood sx ?
hypoplastic left heart
1. attach PA to arotic arch, resex atrial septum to mix blood
2. later take down shunt, connect atrial to PA via Glenn or fontan.
neonatal GFR and urine
GFR half that of adults
50 ml/min/m2
vs adult 100

urine conc 600 mOsm vs 1200 adults
stress sx hormones do what ?
muscle breakdown faster than normal
more gluconeogenesis
where do you see muscle wasting in PE
interossues fingers
also PE:
check lungs PNA, GI look for BS and periotonitis post op
What is total energy expediture ?
1. basal metabolic rate
2. phy activity ~ 10%, more vairable pt in health
3. diet induced thermogenesis (still goes in when TPN ! biochemical)
BMR depends on ?
body size
BODY composition
- lean body mass **
- fat mass
- free fat mass

** So not body wt is predictor. Danger is when obese person loses body wt in illness people don't feed as fast as 'dont look thin'. but person losing fat and LEAN body mass.
starving vs stress ptn needs
inc ptn needs
more muscle ptn breakdown
more aa oxid
more ACR synth

dec ptn needs as metab adapts (slower)
dec gluconeogenesis
more ketone oxidation
ptn go to liver where deamin and then glu to brain for use.
where does nitrogen from ptn get elim ?
carb use in stress vs starvation
inc gluconeogensis
inc INSULIN resistance
inc plasma glu
inc energy needs

less gluconeogensis
less energy needs (adapting)
nitrogen balence
order 24 hr urine
1 g ptn intake has 0.16 g nitrogen
So if 40 g ptn in diet
40 g x 0.16 g nitrogen - urine nitrogen - 3g =

* For TPN use -3g as adjustment factor. can be a little bit neg, like 0.13ish as in crit ill not going to be + or zero exactly.
acute abd davis lecture
pain poorly localized diffuse
assoc autonomic signs like:
- sweat
- N/V
-abd wall spasm
visceral pain
- organ with visceral peritonem cover
So capsule of organ stretching, distension
- chem irritation (gastric or panc enz)
- ischemia
- stretch of hollow viscus
(so NOT liver)
acute abd davis lecture
Pain sharp , well localized
arises near site pathology
- abd wall
- par peritoneum
- root mesentary
- dipahragm
via ff spinal nerves
acute abd davis lecture
referred pain

kidney stone
acute abd davis lecture
referred pain

supraclavicular fossa / clav region

esp left with spleen when push LUQ
acute abd davis lecture
referred pain


aneurysm (back)
acute abd davis lecture
referred pain


abd aneurysm
acute abd davis lecture

colicky pain ?
comes and goes

from obst hollow viscus organ as peristalsis waves
acute abd davis lecture

ulcer pain
burning pentrating
sharp knife like perf ulcer
acute abd davis lecture

cyst pain
mid cycle mittleschmertz / graafian follicle

onset of menses : ruptured corpus luteum cyst
acute abd davis lecture

peritonitis pt position
knees and hip flexed
acute abd davis lecture

tenderness types
rigidity ?
direct : over inflam local or stretched capsule

rebound : from peritnoeal inflamm

crepitis : soft tiss infection (anar) , air leaving pleural space

Invol rigidity = from spasm of abd wall muscle, can be uni or bi, +/- tenderness
acute abd davis lecture
- hyperresonance
- tenderness
- bowel gas OR free air
- tender : infla local or general , distended capsule
bowel sounds ranges

1. Bowel Sounds

Normal bowel sounds occur approx. every 5-10 seconds and have a high-pitched sound. If after 2 minutes no bowel sounds are heard, the statement “absent bowel sounds” may be made and suggest a paralytic ileus that is due to diffuse peritoneal irritation. Also borborygmi associated with hyperperistalsis which is common in early acute intestinal obstruction.

"hypoactive" is under 3-4 a minute
succussion splash ?
A succussion splash may be detected in a distended abdomen as a result of the presence of gas and fluid in an obstructed organ. The examiner applies the stethoscope over the patient’s abdomen while shaking the patient from side to side. The presence of sloshing sound generally indicates distention of the stomach or colon.
liver span
liver span
In the right midclavicular line, liver dullness should be 6 to 12 cm. In the midsternal line liver dullness should be 4 to 8 cm. Bates pg 366


The liver span should be 6-12 cm. in the MCL.

The liver span should be 4-8 cm in the midsternal line.

- Will decreased when there is free air in the abdomen, as from a perforated hollow viscus
-The span of liver dullness is increased when the liver is enlarged. Cirrhosis, hepatitis, venous congestion,malignancy. The span of liver dullness is decreased when the liver is small. It may also be decreased when free air is present below the diaphragm as from a perforated hollow viscus.. The span is usually greater in men and in tall people.
- A more common cause of overestimating liver size (false-positive measurement) is some form of chronic obstructive lung disease. This makes percussion of the upper border of the liver difficult. Obesity can cause problems in both percussion and palpation. Distention of the colon may obscure the lower liver dullness. This may result in understanding the size of the liver (false-negative measurement).
psoas sign ?
can also bring leg straight up Key is bring hip posterior.
FIGURE 1A. The psoas sign. Pain on passive extension of the right thigh. Patient lies on left side. Examiner extends patient's right thigh while applying counter resistance to the right hip (asterisk).
what is this ?
The obturator sign.
Pain on passive internal rotation of the flexed thigh. Examiner moves lower leg laterally while applying resistance to the lateral side of the knee (asterisk) resulting in internal rotation of the femur.
Diastasis recti ?
Diastasis recti- separation of the rectus abdomenus muscle, contents bulge from to form a midline ridge. Repeated pregnancies, obesity, and chronic lung disease predispose to it. No clinical consequences.
acute abd cope

abdom pain and constipation
inc distention
little to no vomiting
lg bowel obstruction

Do plain film

before OR, rule out renal failure as uremia causes giant abd distention and vomit
acute abd cope

male infant
draws up legs
looks pale and ill

gets better

later on happens again

rectal exam : blood or mucus
rectal air enema
acute abd cope
severe abd pain
ridgid wall
visceral perf
usually stomach or duod

-often stomach ulcer erode
- can be gb perf or stercoral ulcer colon or rare app rupture
acute abd cope
severe abd pain
ridgid wall

then ridgid board like abdomen
hr or 2 later pt looks and feels better bit still ridig wall

later inc HR, vomit, more distension
perf gastric ulcer

pain by shoulder
has peritonitis
can see air under diaph
acute abd cope

severe RUQ pain / tender and risgid
acute cholecystitis
leaking duod ulcer
(exclude chest with CXR)
acute abd cope
severe LUQ pain / tender and ridgid
perf gastric ulcer
jej diverticulitis
spont spleen rupture
leak spelic A
acute perinephritis
acute abd cope
leak duod ulcer
regional illeitis
infl ileocecal glands
infl meckels
cholecystitis w/ low gb
biliray pancreatitis

left iliac low left kidney left pyelitis or left pleurisy
acute abd cope
pericolitis around colon cancer
pelvic peritonitis spreading up

crohn's colitis
acute abd cope
Barium usage
sm int PARTIAL obst
- xray first to r/o total obst, can miss partial, ok to give meal w/barium when symtoms, won't turn partial to full
Lg intestine
- NEVER barium as can complete a block
Colon obst
Barium ENEMA
acute abd cope

w/u renal system
uretala colic
* serious injury pt, think renal injury
- do IVPyelogram to confirm one good kidney before take out injured one

* plain film to show stone -> (if no stone shown ~15%) TRY U/S -> then IVP

* suspect uretal stone from acute pyenephrosis-> IVP
acute abd cope

tell acute panc from acute cholecystitis
in crit ill
radio scans
tc uptake by liver and goes to GB

in panc see uptake by GB usually
acute abd cope

pt central epigastric pain

A. LUQ pain left side plural effusion
B. right side pleural effusion
Pleural effusion seen with sub-diaph
inflamm processes , uni or bi

A. pancreatitis

B. perf ulcer

Do not tap unless want to test for amylase as unsure if from panc
acute abd cope

role of u/s in appendicitis appy
Graded compression u/s
less sensitive 85%
specificity 92%
- a thick wall appendix confirms ( over 6mm noncompressible appendix)
but abscense does not rule out

- useful in questionable case to r/o tubal, female gyne
RLQ pain
25 yo
+ CT for appy :
Use contrast
thicken wall
over 6 mm dilation of lumen
periappendiceal streaking (density in perimesentary fat)
see arrows
under 15% have fecolith xray only 30% obst czed by fecolith overall

CT with con : sens 95-98% and spec 83-90%

acute abd cope

best modalities for w/u
Choices : XRAY, Barium/GI, US, CT

Appy :
Perf :
Panc :
DiverticITIS :
CholecystITIS :
abscess :
intest Obst :
intest inflam :
int ischemia :
aor aneu :
aor rupture :
renal colic :
gyne :
- rupture follicle
- ectopic
- TuboOvAb
best modalities for w/u
Choices : XRAY, Barium/GI, US, CT

Appy : CT -> US
Perf : XR GI > CT
Panc : CT > US > XR GI
DiverticITIS : CT > GI
CholecystITIS : HIDA US > CT > XR
abscess : CT > US
intest Obst : GI XR > CT
intest inflam : GI > CT > XR
int ischemia : CT ok
aor aneu : CT US
aor rupture : CT > US
renal colic : IVP > rest same
gyne : US > CT
- rupture follicle US
- ectopic US >> CT
- TuboOvAb US > CT

Page 60
Order of exam in abdomen
hernia exam in inguinal canal
which kind of hernia touches where on finger
- your finger tip points lateral / to side and lateral to external ring ring
- indirect hernia : touches fingertip in inguinal canal
- direct : touches side of examiner finger as not in canal but bulging anterior to canal
pat can't stand but want to see if air fluid level ,
what to do ?
left lat decub
lay 20 min

(so stomach DOWN )

- air stomach : ok
- air sm int : adult abn and obst (baby ok)
- colon : shld habe no gas colon, rectum
choledocholithiasis Rx
ERCP spincterotomy
if fails, Sx
bact cholangitis
try iv abx , bil drainage , treat cause
biliary tumors
relieve mech obst
ERCP and stent
percut stent by rad
featuers of #1 GB cancer
adenoca of intra bile ducts
assoc stones
spreads vascular

NO link to HBV or cirrhosis
cancer of extra hep bile ducts
rare in US
#1 far east
realt flukes
also of ampulla vater
always adenocarc

present progessive relent obstructive jaundice
sig jaundice
When use PTC and what it stands for ?
percutaneus transhepatic chlangiogram
when can't do ERCP and want to try non-sx mgt
what does panc make that eats it up ?
Inactive as eat panc
tyypsinogen + by enterokinase in duod and then turns on others
prophospholipase A

Active enz : don't autodigest panc
(panc no strach or fat)
Dx chronic panc
US : sensitive
CT : more sensitive duct dilate, Calcify
ERCP more sens as dz advanced, show ducts
MOST sensitive endoscope u/s

PET scan tells chr panc from panc cancer

alcoholics have Ca in 20-50% can go away with abstain
Surg tx chr panc
nerve block thorascopic
decomp - whipple, puestow
autoislet tx and total panc-ectomy endotherapy
ERCP stents
comps enteral
bowel obst
when use TPN ?
CI ?
crohn IBS
post op abd sx
short bowel syndrome

life expect under 3 mnths
use TPN only 3 days
(gut works)
blood to apapendix
SMA to ileocolic to appedicular
fold of treves
= inferior ileocecal fold
bloodless fold of treves
how big is too big for appy ?
causes of obst ?
- nml size 6 to 9 cm
- obst #1 lymphoid tissue (young adults), 30% fecolith, barium, ascarids
order of symptoms
!! key is abd pain before vomit !!
unlike gastro
High Likilihood ratio appy

Low LR appy
High LR
#1 RLQ pain
periumb -> RLQ pain
pain before vomit
Low LR fever, rebound,

Negative LR : unikley to be appy
no RLQ
had sim pain before
vs mesenteric adenitis
mes ad
concurrent or prior URI
so nonGI symptoms
appy perf
peritoneal washout
Iv abx
leave skin open, reclose ~ 5 days
close fascia only
use us not ct
#1 sx emer in preg
1st tri
fetal mort 3-8% up to 30% with perf
RX: surg and risk premat labor 10-15%
appy elderly
late present as dont show peritoneal signs as soon

perf high 1/2
delay high WBC
AIDS pts or on chemo
looks like appy
think neutropenic colitis
CMV bowel perf
#1 tumor and cause Rx
carcinoids are 2/3 primary tumors
under 2 cm : remove appy
over 2 cm : right hemicolectomy
branchial cleft vs thyroglossal cyst
which arches ?
sx must remove what ?
thyroglossal must remove middle of hyoid bone.
most common is cleft 2

thyroglossal cyst can move with swallowing but doesn't have to

don't probe brachial arch cysts or can lead to infection
what is it ?
Rx ?
cystic hygroma
remove early or get sclerotic
what is it ?
Rx ?
thyroglossal cyst
man 20 year old
pain periumbil and RLQ that is
intermittent and colicky
slightly high WBC
temo 98


case files
Not appy
as pain
INTERMITTENT and colicky
What modality of w/u ?

Female sex active pain RLQ
WBC 12K fever 100

case files

A. Urine clean, exam right adnexal tenderness

B. Urine + WBCs, + RBCs
A. likley pelvic so use u/s

B. likley not pelvic, (pyelo) so try Ct

To be SURE PID vs appy need laparoscopy
CT shows abscess

case files
Interval appendectomy

for appendicitis comp w. abscess or phlegomon

1. 1st treat broad abx
2. CT guide drainage, resolve infection
3. sev weeks later take out app
never use clinical obesrvcation if see any of what

case files
limited use of
localized pain , fever, of high WBC already

maybe use in early appy w/o local signs as CT less good in early appy
burr holes ?
Rapid decline in consciousness
inc BP and low HR

try CT first ! that guides whatever neurosurg does

- never do blind ED craniotomy before CT
- can consider ventriculostomy / burr hole to release hematoma. If you don't have a CT you can put 6 holes in "woodpecker method"
in blunt trauma what does CT pick up and miss ?

case files
CT good for solid organs

poor at retroperitoneal
poor hollow viscus organs
man 60 yr
h/o polyps removed
now gross positive hemeoccult
hgb 8.7 chronic
w/u ?

case files
1. transfuse
2. needs EGD and colonoscopy
likely colon
what is a abdominoperineal resection ?
For anal cancer that is low lying
- remove rectum and anal canal and sphinter
- leaves a permenent colostomy (on left)
- small absces
- lger
- not better in 72 hours
- are better in 72 hours

case files
- - small mesenteric abscess can heal w/ abx
- lger pelvic abscesses need CT drainage
- not better in 72 hrs go to OR
- are better in 72 hrs may beed to return for elective sx
- OR ASAP if perf and peritoneal signs, hemounstable and so resetion and Hartmanss if no contamination can be orimary anastamosis
repair divertucilar fistula

case files
- resect sigmoid colon that is part of fisula
- excise fistulous tract
- repair/resect other organ
what is a hartmann ?
2 stage surgery for emergent sx for diverticlitis
first make colostomy
then later take it down
fascial defect or incisional hernia at midline laparotomy site
when ?
who ?
treatment ?

case files
When ? 3 weeks post op
RF : over 70 Yr, DM, malnutr, perioperative pulm dz
Treatment :
1. Eval for sepsis or evisc so do WBC
2. local wound care
3. later on elective repair of fascial defect / incisional hernia that will occur

Who needs OR asap : pts risk eviscerate, high WBC and fever, enterocutaneous fistula, uncontrolled sepsis

Who not to operate on if can help it : stable dehis, no bowel out, nasty abd you don't want to open
incisional hernia ?
repair ?
- can present 5 yrs post op
- avoid repair when occur as high wound infeciton rate and recurr rate so use mesh
5 days pot op patient has 40 ml serosanguinous fluid from midline lap wound
- what to do ?
open wound and eval fascia

infected wounds have up to 20% rate of incisional hernia / defect
biliary colic vs acute cholecystitis vs cholecdocholitiasis
b colic : intermittent , nml liver enz

acute cholecystitits : high WBC, stays painful, mild rise non specific liver enz

choledocholithisias : dilated common bile duct on U/S of over 5 mm and high liver enz

gallstone pancrease: if amylase and lipase high
biliary colic vs acute cholecystitis vs cholecdocholitiasis
b colic : intermittent , nml liver enz

acute cholecystitits : high WBC, stays painful, mild rise non specific liver enz

choledocholithisias : dilated common bile duct on U/S of over 5 mm and high liver enz

gallstone pancrease: if amylase and lipase high
gallstone pancreatitis treatment
- bowel rest and IV hydration
- during same hospitalization but after calm down (no jaundice) lap cholecystetomy as long as uncomp gallstone panc
man presents with sudden painful groin mass
what to do ?
sudden painful mass suggests incarceration
so OR before strangulates

Before OR
- IVF and fix lytes and try to reduce it
- 80 year old women in nursing home lost several pounds over last mnths
- 3 days not eating, vomiting, this AM confused and very ill
- abd benign no scars,
mass on medial thigh

Obturator hernia
XRay will show dilated small bowel

Rx :
FIRST recus and hydrate (altermed mental)
Then to OT urgent repair
FNH what has good spec and sens ?
liver tumors seen well on MRI ?
- high spec and sens for mets adeno and hemangioma
- low FNH unless see central scar, low hepato carcinoma, adenoma
liver tumor seen well on CT ?
angio is good for which liver tumors ?
gold standards for hemangioma
and high for mets
lap u/s good for which liver tumors ?
gold standard for hepato carcinoma

when combo w. lap biopsy good for adenoma and met adenocarc
biopsy which liver tumors ?
mandatory got hepato carcinoma and mets adeno

helpful adenoma ,

rarely helpful in FNH (do angio)
CI hemangioma
name 2 kinds pulm sequestration and treatment ?
Intralobar :
presents with infection, has no pleura cover, CXR mass or air/fluid level
veins drain via pulm veins
Rx lobectomy

pleural covering
assoc diaph hernia
incidental finding CXR
venus via pulm vein or azygous vein


Must do aortigram? or somesthing to prove no vessels draining below dipah which can cause exsanguination if cut
ruptured omphacele vs gastroschisis
omphacele has intact umb cord at leve of abd wall
lab bili findings indicating biliary atresia
direct bili over 2 mg/dL
direct bili over 10% of bili of total bili
4 month old infant jaundice direct bili 3 mg/dL
correctible type : blind ending dialtion of c hep duct Use anast with Roux-en-Y loop jejeumum

non-correctable use : Kasai hepato portoenterostomy

post op tx prophy abx, phenobarb , liver transplantation

Kasai : A surgery performed on an infant with Biliary Atresia to allow bile to flow from the liver. In a Kasai the damaged ducts are removed and replaced with some of the infant’s own intestine. The small intestine is divided (Roux-en-Y) and a section is brought up to the liver. This connection may be inside or outside of the liver. The Kasai procedure is also called a hepatoportoenterostomy.
kid with volvulus
CI barium enerma
No enemia if periotontits, perf , profound shock

Rx volvulus :
treat dehyd
NG to decompress
hydrostatic decompression
barium enema
air enema
meckels repair ?
diver tic resection and transverse closure of enterostomy
GI bleed lecture
NG aspirate finding
neg blood
pos bile
What next ? If this test neg, what next ?
on test rules out U GI bleed
-> Do EGD
If neg ->
Tagged RBC scan ! (not colonoscopy as only see poo and blood)
If pos -> Angio to localize
GI bleed lecture
How fast a bleed needed to see with Tagged RBC scan and angio ?
Tagged scan : 0.1 cc/min
very sens but not specific to an area

Angio L 1 cc/min nad localizes to an area. Still do tagged RBC first and only if tagged pos go to angio.
GI bleed lecture

NG aspirate
neg blood
neg bile
can't rule out U gi bleed
GI bleed lecture

+ blood
+ bile
U GI bleed
Diff :
PUD gastric or duod (since bile)
mall weiss
GI bleed lecture

when might you go to OR without localizing lesion in GI bleed ?

incision ?
hemo unstable (BP under 70) despite cont'd transfusion

NG negative so know its lower

4-5 units/24 hrs
8-10units/48 hrs

incision : lap
Sx : total abdominal colectomy
Risk as 15% bleeds from sm int can try seriel enterotomy (peek holes in sm bowel)
TEst answer: no 1 anast as that is slow and concerns about unpreped bowel and healing esp if left colon
But 85% stop bleeding on own
GI bleed lecture

can angio be therapeutic ?
Can use vasopressin to close vessel

Risk colon ischemia as no alot collateral vessels
GI bleed lecture

First tag scan negative
Pt in ICU for moniter
BP drops now

What to do ?
Re RBC tag scan.

Do not have to re-dye load as tagged cells last 24 hours.
notes fluids kagen
drug that causes hyperkalemia
pen G
Treatment for hyperkalemia
Glucose-insulin-bicarb :
- 50 cc D50
- 10-25 u reg insulin
- 1 amp NaHCO3

Ca gluconate 10% 50-100cc
Kayexalate 5-10 gm po QID
Treatment hypercalcemia
NS and furosemide
chelating agents
treatment hypocalceima
ca chloride
ca gluconate
lecture notes
treatment metabolic alkalosis
ch replacement
potassium replacement
0.1 N HCL or ammonium chloride

lecture notes
treatment resp acidosis
mech ventilation

lecture notes
treatment resp alklosis
pain mgt
vent support CPAP/PEEP
search for sepsis

lecture notes
small cell lung cancer
chemo (has fast mitotic rate) hafe regress
VS non-small cell only 5% regress with chemo

No sx

- central
Lung CA
Small cell
lung ca
plain film
size ?
size ? 0.8 to 1 CM diameter most malig nodules

Good features :

Bad features :
chronic cough
bloody nose
worse with leaning forward and upin AM awakening
Superior vena cava syndrome blocks venous return
chronic cough
low serum osmol but no edema
due to AVP ectopic release
treatment lung CA

nonsmall cell
30-50% shrink with radiation
chemo doesn't work
Sx if under stage IIIA
Types of tumor trachea and bronchi
- benign
- malig potential

bluprints , old version
sq papillamoatosis HPV 6 11

br carcinoids (10% malig)
adenoid cystic carcinoma
lung ca nodules

- nodule that is stable for 2 yrs
- nodule new in last 2 months
- and clubbed fingers
- nodule that is stable for 2 yrs -> needs no further eval

- nodule new in last 2 months -> unlikley to be malignant
- SPnodule with hypertrophic osteoarthy : 75% chance carcinoma
lung ca nodules

no bony mets
no bulky contra lat mediastonal LN
plain film first, may be enough
lung ca nodules
when CT
CT should inc liver and adrenal

better mediastinal LNs
lung ca nodules or CA

when do bronch ?

When do TBNA ?
Sentral masses
- small cell
- squamous

Options :
direct visualize and biopsy lesions , TBNA (transbronchial needle aspirate), washings

TBNA best for staging mediastinal LNs
lung ca nodules or CA

When do trans thoracic needle biopsy ? TNB

When thoracocenesis ?
Diagnosis :
Chest CT with needle biospy
bronchoscopy plus/minus transtracheal biopsy (note with transtrachel needle biopsy can't see node as needle it, rely on CT scan from before of where it is. Endoscope better but only at a few centers. )

Excisional biopsy open vs thorascopic diagnostic but risks PTX. Can be therapeitic for small lesions, sol mets, prim cancer if cant have more major sx

-peripheral nodules
- Most CT guided
-sensitivty 70-100%

-TOC pulm effusion and suspect malignancy
lung ca nodules or CA

nodule under 3 cm
intra parenchymal opacity
wel marginated
= def of solitary pulmonary nodule

Most benign
- granuloma, haramtoma, intrapulm lymoh nodes

Some malig
- bronchogenic carcinoma
RF malignant :
- over 1 cm and even more if over 4 cm
- indistinct margins (corona radiata)
- document growth on FU plain film
- pt older
- male

Smoker over 50 YRs over 50% malig VS 5-10% malig overall.
lung ca nodules or CA

small cell staging
70% met at dx

2 stages
limited : one radiation portal
extensive : the rest
lung ca nodules or CA

non-small cell staging
Work up to determine if sx possible

Chest CT (incl liver and adrenal for mets)

If malig pleural eff CI sx

TNM staging system
lung ca nodules or CA

lung areas where CA more often ?
Right > left
upper > lower
lung ca nodules or CA
Sites of extra thoracic mets
1. bone (vert bone pain)
2. liver
3. adrenal
4. kidney
paraneo syndromes can also get with lung CA not just gut cancer ?
acanthosis nigracans
Also paraneo
Eat Lam
cerbellar ataxia
hypertrophic osteoarthy
tests to workup tumor or lung mass
- sputum cytology (diagnostic in 5-20%)
needle biopsy w. CT or floror guidance
broncho with brushings, biopsy or both
w or without mediastinoscope, scalene node biopsy, or open lung biopsy.
lung CA

T3 and T4 stage ?

Adam online
In T3, a tumor of any size has directly invaded any of the following:

* Chest wall
* Diaphragm
* Membrane covering organs and structures in the chest
* Outer wall of the membrane around the heart (pericardium)

In addition, one or more of the following conditions are present:

* The tumor is in the main airway, less than 2 cm away from the carina, but is not in the trachea (windpipe).
* The tumor is associated with a collapsed lung or swelling that blocks the entire lung.

In T4, the tumor has invaded any of the following:

* Area between the lungs (mediastinum)
* Heart
* Great vessels (the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart)
* Carina, trachea, or esophagus
* Main portion of the spine

In addition, one or both of the following occurs:

* Separate tumors are present in the same lobe
* The tumor is accompanied by an increased amount of fluid between the pleural membrane and the lung.
lung CA and on biopsy :
- Only a few layers of cancer cells are detected within one local area. - The cancer has not grown through to the top lining in the lung
Stage 0 or Carcinoma in Situ

Stage 0 or carcinoma in situ (Tis, N0, M0) are noninvasive cancers. Only a few layers of cancer cells are detected within one local area. The cancer has not grown through to the top lining in the lung and can be surgically removed. There is a high risk for development of a second tumor, however.

Treatment Options:

* Surgery, often a limited procedure, where only part of a lobe is removed from the lung.
* In patients who cannot be treated surgically, consider photodynamic therapy, cryotherapy, or brachytherapy.

Adam online
lung CA treatments
Treatment Options.

* Combination of two- or three-drug chemotherapies that include platinum-based drugs and newer drugs;
* Bevacizumab (Avastin) may be used for patients with non-squamous lung cancer, no spread to the brain, and who are not coughing up blood.
* External-beam radiation for symptom relief
* Paclitaxel, gemcitabine, or docetaxol are all additional drug options
* If metastasized cancer involves only one or two areas in the brain, it may respond to surgery followed by radiation to the brain.
lung CA sx :
# Mainstay lobestomy for central lesions

# for primary cancer that is re sectable and no CI, do node dissections.

The surgical removal of an entire lobe or parts of a lung is the primary treatment for eligible patients in the early stages of cancer. Recurrence is high after surgery, although the new tumor is often operable.
# Some patients with stage IIIA cancer may also benefit from surgery. The intent at this stage is to extend survival time, rather than cure the disease.

Wedge Resection or Segmentectomy. Wedge resection and segmentectomy remove only a small part of the lung. They preserve almost normal breathing function after the operation.

Lobectomy. Removal of one of the lobes of the lung is called lobectomy. The patient must have enough lung function to undergo this procedure. The patient has a 3 - 5% after this operation, with older patients having the highest risk.
Pneumonectomy. Pneumonectomy removes the entire lung. The patient has a 5 - 8% risk of death after this procedure. The oldest patients have the greatest risk, and they almost always have a recurrence.

Stage 1 and small, and old try VATS
pt too sick or for sx and early stage and adequte lung function
try radiation.

also palliative rad
features sq lung CA ?
central in HILUS so
slow growth and late mets
assoc smoking
lung CA features ?
rapid spread
hematog and nodal spread
assoc lung scarring
small cell lung CA feautres ?
Small cell
highly malig
non operable usually
LARGE CELL lung CA features ?
large cell lung CA a subtype of non-small cell

usually peripheal
very malig
lung Ca
diff between IIIa and III b and why it matters ?
For NON SMALL cell

III a operate/resect if early IIIA, chemo +/- radio., 5yr surv ~ 20%
1. tumor in chest wall, diah, or mediasrinal pleura or pericardial sac AND + nodes in lung or ipsi hilum and NO mets T3N1M0
2. LN mets ipsi mediastinal or subcarinal nodes, NO Mets and NO mediastinal tumor invasion
T1-T3N2 M0

III b no operate but chemo and radiation (XRT)
When chemo for lung CA
induction chemo BEFORE sx for NON small cell CA inc survival
lung CA
isolated brain mets ?
sx resect
CI to sx for lung CA

Sup vena cava syndrome
supra clav LN mets , scalene node mets , mets in other organs
trachea carina involved
small cell cancer

PFTs show FEV1 under 1 (as to remove lung must be over 1 to start as must be over 800 cc after sx to do well)

cardiac cripple or prior MI
Post op FEV1 goal
Post op FEDV1 over 800 cc

so pre op must be over 2 for pneumonectomy

If FEV1 under 2, try VQ scan
bronchoscope shows round red-yellow mass protrudeing into brochial lumen
carcinoid tumor
slow growing
comnfused with asthma
Rx: lobeectomy with LN dissection
OR sleeve dissection of proximal (cut out bad ring of bronchus and anast ends) good prog if nodes negative
why does it leak after anastomosis ?
What nerbe runs here ?
no serosa , like distal rectum

nerve here is VAGUS
esophagus thru what level in diaphragm
esophagus thru T10

T10 esophagus
T12 aorta
name wrist bones ?
proximal row and distal row ?
Some scaphoid
Lovers lunate
Try triquetrum
Positions pisiform
That Trapezium

Also the areticular disk between pisiform, ulnar bone and lunate which makes meniscus of wrist.
They trapezoid
Cant Capitate
Handle hamate
muscles that extend wrist ?
On posterior of wrist / dorsal side
RADIAL NERVE and all extrinsic muscles meaning attach to forearm not to within hand.
* Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
* Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis


* Flexor Carpi Radialis
* Palmaris Longus
* Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
* Pronator Teres
* Pronator Quadratus
* Supinator
what is dequer wrist tenosynovitis ?
de Quervain's tenosynovitis affects two thumb tendons. These tendons are called the abductor pollicis longus (APL) and the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB).

tendons run along radius

Sx : pain above thumb in wrist

diff : intersection syndrome , more medial
name problem ?

ext tendon along top of finger rips off DIP

Rx splint for 6 weeks or else cant straighten finger out

(under side of finger is flexor tendon )
name problem ?

tear in central slip of extensor hood
chronic onset
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

ulnar nerve where it crosses the inside edge of the elbow. ( very similar to the pain that comes from hitting your funny bone).

It supplies feeling to the little finger and half the ring finger. It works the muscle that pulls the thumb into the palm of the hand, and it controls the small muscles (intrinsics) of the hand.

N actually stretches several millimeters when the elbow is bent. Sometimes the nerve will shift or even snap over the bony medial epicondyle. Over time, this can cause irritation.

pulling levers, reaching, or lifting. Constant direct pressure on the elbow over time may also lead to cubital tunnel syndrome. The nerve can be irritated from leaning on the elbow while you sit at a desk or from using the elbow rest during a long drive or while running machinery. OR The ulnar nerve can also be damaged from a blow to the cubital tunnel IN MEDIAL ELBOW
hand nerve radial sensory ?
radial nerve enters between superfic and deep extensor muscles in back of hand.

supplies extensors
hand nerve ulnar ?
ulnar :
passes between pisiform and hook of hamate and tunnel of guyon

supplies Flex carpi ulnaris and 1/2 F dig profundus
hand nerve median ?
enters carpal tunnel
to flexor muscles
hypothenar muscle ?
nerve ?

hypothenar muscles are opposite hand

Ulnar nerve

- abductor digiti minimi
- flex digiti minimi
- opponoms digiti minimi
hand injurys needing OR vs ER repair ?
extensor : more ER

flexor : more OR
flexor tendon of hand injury zones ?

Flexor Tendons

The most common cause of flexor tendon injury is a laceration. Flexor tendon lacerations can be subtle; however, the careful examiner will identify these injuries. A classification system for flexor tendon injuries has been developed based on location, treatment considerations, and prognosis.


Extends from the insertion of FDS to the profundus tendon. Patients with these injuries lose flexion at the DIP. Retrieval of the proximal tendon is often difficult.


Involves the portion of the digital canal occupied by both FDS and FDP. The close proximity of these tendons makes it essential for exact repair with minimal operative trauma. This region is often referred to as “no man´s land” because of the frequent poor outcomes prior to the 1960s when improved repair techniques were developed. Lacerations in this zone are common, and partial lacerations are more common then complete.


Extends from the distal edge of the carpal tunnel to the proximal edge of the flexor sheath. The lumbrical muscles originate from FDP in this region. Outcomes are generally favorable.


Involves the carpal tunnel and related structures. The area must be explored carefully because so many vital structures go through the carpal tunnel. Isolated injuries are the exception.


Involves injuries to tendons proximal to the carpal tunnel. Injuries here tend to be severe and often involve multiple tendons as well as the median or ulnar nerve. It is essential to search for all major structures.

A hand surgeon should repair flexor tendon lacerations. Primary repair should occur within 12 h. Secondary repair can occur up to 4 weeks after the injury.

Another type of flexor tendon injury is the avulsion of FDP from its insertion in the distal phalanx. This can occur from a grasping motion against high-speed resistance. The patient will be unable to flex the distal phalanx. Prognosis depends on the size of the bony fragment, the length of time from injury to repair, and the blood supply to the tendon.
hand intrinsic muscle ?
Median nerve :
- dorsal interossei : abduct finger
- palmer interosseu : adduct finger

lumbricals flex MCP and extend PIP, DIP use Median and Ulnar nerve

Ulnar for palmaris brevis for hand grip
hand tests ?
- bend thumb tip ? flex pol longus
- bring thumb to side and back ? ext poll brevis and abd poll brevis
- raise thumb only while rest of hand is flat ? ext poll longus
hand tests ?
- bend thumb tip ? flex pol longus
- bring thumb to side and back ? ext poll brevis and abd poll brevis

- make fist with little finger extended alone ? ext digiti minimi

Radial , extrnsic muscle (Extrensors)
hand tests ?

- flex and ext a fist at wrist ? ext carpi radialis longus and brevis

- make fist with little finger extended alone ? ext digiti minimi
hand tests ?

- flex and ext a fist at wrist ? ext carpi radialis longus and brevis

- make fist with little finger extended alone ? ext digiti minimi

Extensors are Radial
name injury ?
Felon :
tense in fingertip pad unlike whitlow where painful but soft pad.

Pad has fibrous septae so little room so gets tight and swollen.

Bugs : S. aureus, streptococci First-generation cephalosporin or anti-staphylococcal penicillin
Incision and drainage should be performed if infection is well established.
Oral antibiotic therapy usually is adequate.

Because the septa attach to the periosteum of the distal phalanx, spread of infection to the underlying bone can result in osteomyelitis.16
Rx paronchyia ?
7 days abx soaks, retract skin nail margin

If more extensive, unroll skin at base of nail and lat and ID at area of most pus and drain under dig block.
breast CA

findings on prior breast biopsies assoc with breast CA ?
aty hyperplasia
breast CA
and hormone meds ?
combo HRT over 4 yrs
estrogen over 5 yrs
OCP slight inc and stops once stop OCP
breast CA
percent biopsies showing CA ?
breast CA

sens and spec mamm ?
Screening : 80-95% sens IF so with breast exam
Also high specificity

Vs diagnostic if done with symptoms
breast CA
sens and spec ultrasound ?
US used only diagnostically NOT for screening

poor sens
good spec solid vs cyst
homo vs not

1st tool for young women
breast CA

sens and spec MRI ?
diagnostic use
high sens over 95%
low spec as sees lots of masses
useful in breast dense on mammogram
can use gadolin contrast
breast CA

options palable mass ?
FNA : give no tissue arch just cytology, at best 94% accurate sens for CA. ** 10% FALSE neg rate so can't r/o CA

Percut core biopsy 96% sens CA

excisional biospy 100% sens CA
incisional biospy Dx adv dz and inititate Rx
breast CA
options non palp mass
need imaging

stereotaxic core biopsy (mammogram guide) 96% sense CA

U/S guided core biospy 90-95% sens CA

needle localized excisional biospy (sx after needle placed mamm) 98% sens CA
breast CA
screening recs ACS
BSE monthly age 20
clinical breast exam per 3 yrs age 20-39, annually age 40
mamm age 40 yearly
breast CA
what has Ca++ on mammo ?
fibrocystic change
ductal hyperplasia
insitu carcinoma
invasive carcinoma
breast CA nodes ?
on clinical exam palpate :
thyroid involved in adv cases
breast CA
Mammogram views ?
MLO medial lateral oblique
CC cranio caudal : top of muscle, and between breast and muscle should be lucent
breast CA
breast CA ultrasound breast findings
cysts should be in same place as tissue and often oblong in that plane

no echos in them (be homgen)
breast CA

month after box falls of women
skin or nipple retraction
oil cyst in wall of breast
fat necrosis

Rx follow by PE
breast CA
women 35
well circum tumor
mobile mass
women younger / Middle aged
more cellular vs fibroadenoma

RX: Wide local excision (recur locally)
If recur or large may need mastectomy.

Do not need LN removal even if malig cystosarc phyloide as don't met by lymph
breast CA

what is LCIS ?
marker for inc risk Breast CA
not itself pre malig
bilat and multicentric

Rx no sx
breast CA

What is DCIS ?
usually defined as mammogram changes, sometimes comedo mass

if any signs invasion managed as such

- lumpectomy and total br radiation post op
- total mastectomy
breast CA

extended beyond BM
Rx ?
= invasive carcinoma

remove breast plus mgt axillary LN mgt
breast CA

stages I and II
- lumpect axill LN dissection and total breast irrad post op
- mod rad mastect and rad sometimes and chemo sometimes
who is poor candidate for lump and breast irradiation ?
small breat / lg tumor
tumor over 4 cm
carcinoma behind nipple
multicentric DCIS or invasice
extensive ductal carcin in situ
scleriderma / SLE
breast CA

read skin or peau d'orange
stage III B or C
inflamm carcinoma

Rx chemo PRE - op = neoadjevant AND
modified rad mast (total mast and axill LN mgt)
then radiation afdter chemo as lots of local recurrence
breast CA

axillary lymph nodes ?

DAngers of dissecton ?
The surgical classification is used in axillary dissection for breast cancer.

CA spreads level 1 to 2 to 3 and 3 is worse.
- based on relationship to pec minor.

Level 1 nodes : lateral or side of pec minor (lateral, anterior and posterior nodes)

Level 2 consists of those nodes under pec minor : central nodes and some of the apical nodes.

Level 3 (medial to medial border of pec minir nad under clavicle) consists of those nodes beyond the superior border of pectoralis minor.

ROTTER's nodes :
between pec major and minor.

Axill and int mamm LN drain also.
It includes the remaining apical nodes and infraclavicular nodes.

Dangers of dissection :
damage axillary A and nerbe
seroma, lymphedema, rest shoulder mvt from scar contraction
breast CA

mets ?
via venous plexus Batson's
to spine
breast CA


long thoracic nerve is posterior -> serr ant -> wing scapula

mediaL pectoral N is really lateral to lat pect N as named based on brachial plexus -> pec maj and minor -> weak of these muscles

intercostobrachial N : anesh inner arm skin
thoracodorsal N -> lat dorsi -> cant push up from sitting
axill vein is superior and is most of vein drainage

Art :
- lat thoracic A and thoraco dorsal A to Axill A
- int mamm A perf and intercostal A
breast CA

Cse 42 yr old
mass persists for 3 mnths
FNA non- diagnostic
what to do ?
FNA false neg 10% !! cant r/o cancer

Oberving not option if over 30.

Algo: Over 30 : U/S or FNA.
- fluid non bloody and mass resolves serial fu screening per guidelines
- mass persists/no fluid -> mammo or get tissue via FNA or needle biospy
----- dx made then treat
---- non diagnostic : get more tissue with excisional bx then treat and f/u
breast CA

20 yr firm mass
well circum non tender
fibroadenoma til proven other
RF AA, smoker

Dx FNA and can observeif under 3 Cm

if FNA non dx, pt over 30 or symptoms MUST excise mass
breast Ca

what is mondot's dx ?
thrombophlebitis of lat thor or thoracoepi vein

RF trauma, sx, infection

Sx: pain axilla or upper breast and on PE feel a tender cord

Dx US gives clear dx

Tx ASA, wam compress, resolves 2-6 wks

if persist can try sx
breast CA

you needle aspirate cyst and fluid is ____ what do you do ?
- green or cloudy and single dom cyst ok to discard

- bloody sent to cytology
peds sx

peds sx

gi sx

name condition
cecal volvulus
what sx is this for ?

gi sx
gi sx

what is antrectomy ?
see pic
name sx and what it is for ?

gi sx
gi sx

what is an ivor lewis ?
gi sx
peds sx

what is kasai ?
i think for biliary atresia
gi gb sx

describe lap chol and who can get one ?
what is this ?
s sx ?
sx emergency
gi sx
what is this test and what does it show ?
meckels scan

sx to take out not just meckels but also part of intestine near it as that is part that bleeds due to acid eating it.
gi sx

anat of panc
peds sx
pulm seq
name 2 types
peds sx

how repair TEF ?
gi sx

types of stomas ?
gi sx

descrive whipple

name disorder

pic is pre and post procedure
esoph atresia
Achalasia of the esophagus. Left: Moderately advanced achalasia. Note dilated body of esophagus and smoothly tapered lower portion. Right: Widely patent cardioesophageal region following cardiomyotomy (Heller procedure). (Reproduced, with permission, from Way LW [editor]: Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment, 10th ed. Originally published by Appleton & Lange. Copyright © 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.)

treatment for achalasia
Surgical Myotomy

A modified Heller cardiomyotomy of the LES and cardia results in good to excellent symptomatic improvement in over 85% of patients. Because gastroesophageal reflux may develop in up to 20% of patients after myotomy, most surgeons also perform an antireflux procedure (fundoplication). Myotomy is now performed with a laparoscopic approach and is preferred to the open surgical approach. The low morbidity of laparoscopic surgery has led some experts to recommend it for initial treatment. In experienced hands, however, the initial efficacies of pneumatic dilation and laparoscopic myotomy are nearly equivalent.
abg pulm icu

what O2 sat does the following equal :
30 mmHg ?
40 mmHg
60 mmHg
30 mm Hg ~ 60% O2 sat
40 ~ 75% O2 sat
60 mm Hg ` 90% SaO2 2

Once PaO2 exceeds 70mmHg further increases do not necc increase O2 delivery.
abg pulm icu

What is base excess ?
non resp part of ABG
incl RBC buffering

nm is -2 to +2
abg pulm icu
If the PH is decreased by 0.8 : what should happen to others for a balenced deficit ?

Calculate what PaCO2 should be for a pt with PH of :
For 0.8 change in Ph

pa CO2 changes 10 mmHg

0.8 PH -> 10 in CO2 [ this is using HCO3 / PCO2]

Ph 7.40 -> PaCO2 40
Ph 7.32 -> PaCO2 50
7.48 -> CO2 30
abg pulm icu

low ph : acidosis
high PaCO2 : retaining CO2
nl BE and HCO3
resp acidosis

as BE and bicarb nml

like NM dz or lung dz or resp center depression

Rx treat cause, mech vent, buffers
abg pulm icu

nml ph
high paCO2
high BE and HCO3
comp resp acidosis
like NM dz or lung dz or resp center depression

Rx treat cause, mech vent, buffers
ABG icu pulm

high ph
low pa CO2
nl BE and bicarb
uncomp resp alk

Cx: resp center stim , iatrogenic

Rx: treat cause
ABG icu pulm

nml ph
low pa CO2
low BE and bicarb
comp resp alk

Cx: resp center stim , iatrogenic

Rx: treat cause
ABG icu pulmarb

high ph
high HCO3
nml paCO2
uncomp met alk

Cause : hypokalemia , NG suction / vomit, contraction alkalosis, admin bicarb, steroid therapy

Rx : treat caues, volume, diamox, NH4CL, arginine monohydochloride, HCL
nml ph
high HCO3
high paCO2
comp met alk

Cause : hypokalemia , NG suction / vomit, contraction alkalosis, admin bicarb, steroid therapy

Rx : treat caues, volume, diamox, NH4CL, arginine monohydochloride, HCL
ABG pulm ICU

tidal volumes to use
post op 8-12 ml/kg ideal BWt
restrictive lung dz 4 - 8 ml/kg
(ARDS 6 ml/kg)
obstrctive 8-10 ml/kg

Alveloar vent = tidal vol - dead space

Vent Ex = freq x tidal volume

Main determ tidal vol is ht not weight
Women 45.5 +2.3(ht inches -60)
Men 50+2.3(hr inches-60)

modify so airway press under 30 cm H2O
ABG pulm icu

Failure to liberate from vent ?
heart dz
ELectrolyte (alkalosis)
Anx, airway probs, alkalosis
NM dz
sepsis, sedation
Nutri (over and under feeding)
Opiates, obesity
thyroid dz (RARE)
ABG pulm icu

weaning readiness daily screen
cough when suctioned
no contin pressors or sed infusion
PaO2/FIO@ over 200
PEEP <= 8 cm H2O
f/Tv under 105 for one minute ***
Ely author

If pass this go to SBT 30 mins
ABG pulm icu

SBT is what
resp rate > 35 for over 5 mins
spo2 under 90% over 30 secs
20% inc or dec HR for over 5 mins
SBP over 180 or under 90 for 60 consec seconds

Agit/diaph > baseline for over 5 minutes
where is dorsalis pedis ?
Proximal base of metatarsals 1 and 2.

the dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial and femoral pulses are not palpable 8.1%, 2.9% and 0.0% of the time respectively (McGee, 1998).

Absense of both DP corr to PAD though.

ABI values nml and with rest pain ?
1 nml
0.5 t0 7 claud
under or equal 0.3 ~ ischemic rest pain and gangrene
suture class
classifications ER vs Or
aseptic -> clean (hair, sweat) _> contam (hair, gravel)
DIRTY : 4-8 hrs
infected is over 8 hrs
sloghing or granulating


clean-contam : hollow organ entered
infected : est infection going
Suture class

is a 2-0 bigger or smaller than a 0 ?
A 2-0 means 00

2-0 Or 00
3-0 or 000
Suture class
suture type

these are what kind of sutures ?
multi filiment
Suture class
suture type

these are what kind of sutures ?

stainless steel
Suture class
suture type

these are what kind of sutures ?

plain gut
chromic gut

plain gut
chromic gut
monocryl ( 1-3 weeks)
PDS ( 3-6 mos)
suture class
these are what kind of sutures ?
vicryl rapide
multifilament absorbable

vicryl rapide (2 weeks)
vicyl (3-4 wks)
panacryl (3-6 mos)

common site of leg clot PVD or claud ?
Bifurcation COMMON femoral artery : where splits to profundi/deep and superficial

which is In Hunters canal

bypass of plaque in femoral bifurc

- indications ?
- req to work ?
Indications :

Req to work : inflow via aorta, ouflow via patent downstream popliteal A, and 'Runoff' or posterior art in back of leg at trifurc (post tib and peroneal) patent

true vs false aneur ?
degf aneur
true : dilation over 2x nl diameter ALL 3 layers

false/pseudo : not all 3 layers like hematoma with fibrous scar

pt awakens at night
hurts in foot esp over front of foot

in this story what makes pain better ?

- distal metatarsals or front of foot
- better if hangs foot over edge of bed or walks over as
pain 2/2 ischemia

not like DM neuropathy

calf pain when walk
better when stop and rest
usually better after consist time of rest

Diff : neurogenic (nerve entrap ,shopping cart)
arthritis, co-arc aorta ?? , popliteal A syndrome ?? , chr compartment syn ?? , neuroma, anemia , DM neuro
young man of 35
calf pain when walks
better when rests
diminished distal pulses observed with forced plantar- or dorsiflexion
The popliteal artery entrapment syndrome
- rather uncommon pathology
-SSX : claudication and chronic leg ischemia
- The popliteal artery may be compressed behind the knee, due to congenital deformity of the muscles or tendon insertions of the popliteal space. This repetitive trauma may result in stenotic artery degeneration, complete artery occlusion or even formation of an aneurysm.
- One Rx : The patient was treated with myotomy of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle and concomitant endarterectomy of the popliteal artery. They later reported four more cases and claimed incidence of this pathology in patients younger than 30 years old with claudication was 40%.

Souce Wiki
older guy of 65 with popliteal artery aneurysm
Important tests to do ?
Need exam all arteries !
- as over half have aortic/iliac aneu !
- 3/4 have an aneu somewhere
- half bilat pop aneu

Dx pop aneur : PE -> A gram, U/s

Indication for ELECTIVE repair :
equal over 2 cm
INTRALuminal thrombus (atheroscler or rare bact infection etiol pop aneur)
art defomation

Size of aneur indicating sx repair ?
thoracic aorta 7 cm
abd aorta 5.5
iliac 4 cm
femoral 2.5
pop 2
An 85-year-old woman with newly diagnosed metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer was admitted for pain control. Two days after admission, bluish discoloration of the left great toe was noted. Doppler ultrasonography revealed a left femoropopliteal deep-vein thrombosis. Anticoagulation with heparin was initiated, but there was progressive swelling and cyanosis of the leg (Panels A and B). The patient was referred for prophylactic placement of an inferior vena cava filter. Fluoroscopy revealed that the clot had extended into the left iliac vein and lower inferior vena cava. Filter placement was successful. However, despite continued intravenous anticoagulation and attempts at mechanical thrombectomy, the clinical findings progressed to venous gangrene.
NEJM case and image :
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
aka painful blue leg
is an uncommon severe form of deep venous thrombosis which results from extensive thrombotic occlusion of the major and the collateral veins of an extremity.
- massive pulmonary embolism hig risk even under anticoagulation
- Foot gangrene
- An underlying malignancy in 50% of cases.

This phenomenon was discovered by Jonathan Towne, a vascular surgeon in Milwaukee, who was also the first to report the "white clot syndrome" (Now called HIT= Heparin induced thrombocytopenia). Two of their HIT patients developed Phlegmasia cerulea dolens that went on to become gangrenous

Other RF phlegmagsia :
hypercoagulable syndrome, surgery, trauma, ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis, heart failure, mitral valve stenosis, vena caval filter insertion, and May-Thurner syndrome (compression of the left iliac vein by the right iliac artery). Pregnancy has often been associated with phlegmasia alba dolens, especially during the third trimester when the uterus is large enough to compress the left common iliac vein against the pelvic rim (ie, milk leg syndrome). Finally, 10% of patients with phlegmasia have no apparent risk factors.
source wiki NEJM
An 85-year-old woman with newly diagnosed metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer was admitted for pain control. Two days after admission, bluish discoloration of the left great toe was noted. Doppler ultrasonography revealed a left femoropopliteal deep-vein thrombosis. Anticoagulation with heparin was initiated, but there was progressive swelling and cyanosis of the leg (Panels A and B). The patient was referred for prophylactic placement of an inferior vena cava filter. Fluoroscopy revealed that the clot had extended into the left iliac vein and lower inferior vena cava. Filter placement was successful. However, despite continued intravenous anticoagulation and attempts at mechanical thrombectomy, the clinical findings progressed to venous gangrene.
NEJM case and image :
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
aka painful blue leg

Etiol : SEVERE venous OUTFLOW obst due to thrombosis major and collateral vesels ->
the extensive venous clots lead to arterial impairment -> cyanosis

Main root hypercoag as thrombosis of vessels.

- massive pulmonary embolism hig risk even under anticoagulation
- Foot gangrene
- An underlying malignancy in 50% of cases.

This phenomenon was discovered by Jonathan Towne, a vascular surgeon in Milwaukee, who was also the first to report the "white clot syndrome" (Now called HIT= Heparin induced thrombocytopenia). Two of their HIT patients developed Phlegmasia cerulea dolens that went on to become gangrenous

Other RF phlegmagsia :
hypercoagulable syndrome, surgery, trauma, ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis, heart failure, mitral valve stenosis, vena caval filter insertion, and May-Thurner syndrome (compression of the left iliac vein by the right iliac artery). Pregnancy has often been associated with phlegmasia alba dolens, especially during the third trimester when the uterus is large enough to compress the left common iliac vein against the pelvic rim (ie, milk leg syndrome). Finally, 10% of patients with phlegmasia have no apparent risk factors.
source wiki NEJM

30 yr old male smoker
black finger
digit gangrene gets amp

Rx stop smoking

Sx recall
68 yr old

toes hurt swelling
started 4 days ago
PMH: HTN, afib on anti-HTN and warf

PE : sharp demarc at base toes
tender to touch, nml periph pulses legs, ABI nml
Also known as "trashfoot," blue toe syndrome is an arterial embolic disorder. Thrombogenic and atherogenic sources for emboli need to be considered in the diagnostic work-up. Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed in this patient and was negative for vegetations or clots. Computed tomography scanning revealed no evidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm or atheromatous plaque.

A thrombogenic etiology initially seemed more likely in this patient, given his known atrial fibrillation, the distal location of the embolic event, and its simultaneous onset in adjacent toes. However, when review of laboratory values confirmed consistently therapeutic anticoagulation and no cardioembolic source was found on transthoracic echocardiogram, attention shifted toward a possible atherogenic source.

He was admitted on abx as w/u pended but stopped.
d/c pain meds.
outpt consult vasc sx to see if need amp but wait it out


Erythema, edema, warmth, pain with or without fever

Recurrent palpable purpura on lower extremities with or without arthralgias and renal disease

Warfarin skin necrosis Onset during first week of warfarin use in areas of adipose accumulation

Blue toe syndrome
Acute onset of painful cyanotic discoloration caused by embolism in a vascular distribution pattern
45 year old male
also has ulcer on ankle
Cryoglobulinemia may lead to purpuric or gangrenous lesions in the distal extremities, and its incidence is increasing recently because of its association with hepatitis C infection. Skin lesions from cryoglobulinemia typically would be more widespread and be unlikely to affect only two adjacent toes

Type 1 cryoglobulinemia is often associated with lymphoma.
Type 2 cryoglobulinemia is often associated with hepatitis C infection.

Symptoms may include a rash on the lower limbs, arthritis, nerve damage and tissue necrosis of affected areas.
Pictured below is a close–up view of an angiogram of the left vertebral and subclavian arteries in a patient with Takayasu's arteritis. Note the narrowing and irregularities that occur at several sites, and the “corkscrew” configuration of one vessel segment near the junction of the two arteries. These changes, caused by inflammation in the blood vessel wall, sometimes cause complete blockage of the artery.

signs of occusive phase (after inflam systemic one)
- pain/claud limbs that occurs during repetitive activities, such as pain in the arm that occurs while using a handsaw
- The symptoms also include dizziness upon standing up, headaches, and visual problems.
- no palp pulses in the neck, elbow, wrist, or lower extremities
- “bruits”
- High blood pressure is common, but blood pressures taken in the arms may be read as falsely low if there is a narrowing of an artery high up in the arm.

arteriogram pitfalls
Prestudy : iodine, shellfish allergy, use under 200 cc

Dose-Independ rxns : asthma, laryngo edema, sasm, CV collapse

post-agram expanding hematoma : would be pulsitile, direct pressure 30 min then explore wound

vasc spasm : if dec pulses post-proc that are up to 1 hr ; of longer consider art injury or clot

Relative CIL coagulopathy, allergy contrast, shellfish allergy, renal insuff, dehydr, metformin within 48 hrs, CHF, rencent MI, CT dz like ehlers-danos

Orders to do pre-angio:
hold warf 3-4 days
hold metform pre Iodine contrast (ok before gadolin MRA)
correct coagpathy and low plts
clear liqs 8 hrs
if entereing dirty area give abx
if h/o asthama etc give rxn prohy

What is DSA ?
dig substraction angio

USES contrast
inject dye vein or art
computer floroscope subst bones and soft tissue so only see art tree

Magnetic resonance imaging

see patent distal vessels with minimal flow, eval carotid bifur or Abd aorta.
NO CONTRAST uses gadolin
imaging AAA ?
spiral CT
Doppler types
doppler pulsed wave : flow velocity and resistance to flow

doppler color : flow direction and turbulence

nml doppler lower extremities : triphasic w. cardiac cycle

with stenosis changes to monophasic pattern of forward flow in systole only

(no more retro backwash with 1st pt diastole and low vel in late diastole)
angiogram of aorta and head
when do you enter R vs left side ?
You enter LEFT subclavian as reduces stroke risk. Can get to asc aorta w/o crossing R brachioceph and L comm carotid.

EXCEPTION: Use right if want to study asc aorta, R subclavian, R vertebral or coronary arteries or L is bad.

Note the three vessels taking off from the top of the arch from right to left:

* the brachiocephalic (AKA "innominate") artery
* the left common carotid artery
* the left subclavian artery

name branches of ext carotid in head ?
trick : ext carotid has no branches in head, branches in neck
vasc radio

what is gadolinium
Gd atomic number 64
solid lanthanide, solid mathal at RT

MRI : Because of their paramagnetic properties, solutions of organic gadolinium complexes and gadolinium compounds are used as intravenous MRI contrast agent to enhance images in medical magnetic resonance imaging, Ex, Magnevist. in the 3+ oxidation state, the metal has 7 unpaired f electrons. This causes water around the contrast agent to relax quickly, enhancing the quality of the MRI scan.
As contrast, dangerfor those with renal dz who cannot chelate it and then it become sunbound and . Cz skin rxn.

In X-ray, gadolinium emits green emahnce image.

Gadolinium oxyorthosilicate PET as scit to detect neutrons
doing a balloon

PTC / PTA means what ?
percut translum angioplasty

Indications :
SHORT (under 5 cm) NON-occluding lesions with less extensive atherosclerosis

athero, taka, fibromus dyspalsia, failure of graft

When gradient is more than 15-40 in artery or more than 3 in vein

Outcome : 5 yr patency 90% with 2nd inteventions too
radrecell p 274
pt fails PTC what now ?
repeat it
percut atheroectomy
sx bypass
laser ablate
stent graft is what ?
ind ?
Ind : long seg of stenosis/occ so PTA (balloon less favorable) , ulcerated plaque, failed PTA (resid stenosis over 30/10 or dissection), recur

DEf: dacron/PTFE graft with self expanding metal frame, go via femoral usually for aortic diss/trauma/aneur

Need annual f/u CT or MRI
vasc ICU

PICC line
1. need line longer than 3-6 mnths
2. severe coaglopathy
3. central venous occ [realtive]
4. thrombophlebitis
5. bactremia

Arm basiclic, brachial, ceph
antecub fossa,

Comps :
thrombophebitis #1 3-10% check this
sepsis 1-3%

what imaging favored for aneur

- pre-op : angio for branch vessels and pre-op
- follow over time :
- accurate to measure size :
- pt allergy contrast :
- MRI benefits:

- pre-op : angio for branch vessels and pre-op, assesses mesenteric ischemia, HTN, renal dysfx, horsekidney and claud
- u/s to follow over time not for acute
- accurate to measure size : CT, MRI
- pt allergy contrast : MRI
- CT: wall thickness, loc and if leak or rupture
- MRI benefits: more detail about lumen and surface anat and relation to renal artery, acc size mesure, any place, contrast allergy, reproducible

* CT : saccular anur shape, inflamm around it, breakdown of wall
* Loc : aorta > cerebral . mesentary > spleen > renal

Pt recently d/c from hospital

RF : bact endo, sepsis, IVDA , immcomp

Need sx as expand and rupture

Etiol: weak art wall at bfurc due to bacteria
gi bleed
bleeding not seen well with tagged rbc or angio ?
gastric varices or esoph VENOUS bleeds seen better with Ct
vasc gi
80 yr old man with afib, PVD, smoker.
severe abd pain after eating
weight loss
fear of food
mesenteric ischemia
CHRONIC : only shows when all 3 branches occlude, Cz athero

Cz emboli
expanding aneur, hypotension, post-op

Dx: trad gold standard selective mesenteric angio but now using CTA and MRA. 3 vessels celiac and IMA and SMA.

Signs infracted bowel : gas in wall , thick wall, gas in portal vein (late sign), free air w. perf
On Benema : "thumb printing" from gas in wall

Rx: broad abx and agressive fluids. Lap and resect dead bowel. In 24 hrs can do re-look at bowel.

Can try angio for stent, lysis clot if localized dz, papaverdine given if see occlusion on aGram.

thrombectomy is possible but very risky.

UCV sx p59

DVT gold stand dx

acute : has menisucus, and tram tracks as contrast outlines thrombus

chronic : "linear filling defects" as syncytia or collaterals detours vessels
bad aorto illiac dx
Pt : elderly 85 year old , bad risk for comps from abd sx, had prior graft and it is infected
aXILLo BI femoral graft as better than unilateral

Other extra-anatomic bypass :
best is femoral-femoral 5 yr patency 50-70%
aorto femoral bypass VS aorta iliac bypass
ind ?
aorto femoral better patency
90% 5 yr patency, 10yrs is 75%

Others : aorto-iliac endarterecomy if local and distal vessel nml
pt has gangrene, rest pain, ulcers long term
prob multisegment
poor life expectency
get venous and art ulcers

NonOp: no smoke, Meds: oentoxifylline and CILOSTAZOL

OP: revasc , fem-pop bypass with synthetic or saph vein and RSVG best patency

Endaterectomy not as useful as limited to sht lesions at adductor cancal or profunda origen
left mild arm claud
arm fatigue

syncope attacks , vertigo, confusion, blind, dysartria,

PE: upper arm BP discrepency
bruit above clavicle
subclavian steal
Dx w/ angio flow reversal in vertebral A.

When move ipsi arm (usually left) increased demand causes retro flow from vertebral Art "stealing" from vertebrobasilar circ.

PAtho : dec flow post cerebral A when blood goes retro to vert A to SCA

When OR:
incompac arm claud
hand emboli or to post cerebral circ
symptoms subclav steal
** fix carotid first if have both issues

Note: some pts only have arms sx not carotid.

OR: sx bypass or endovasc stent
(a) TOF sequence with a saturation band above the section demonstrates absence of signal in the left vertebral artery (arrow). (b) TOF sequence with a saturation band below the section demonstrates signal corresponding to retrograde flow in the left vertebral artery (arrow). (c) Coronal maximum intensity projection (MIP) image from contrast-enhanced MR angiographic study demonstrates occlusion of the proximal subclavian artery (arrow), with reconstitution distal to the origin of a patent left vertebral artery.
vasc ortho
amp sites and why for ischemia ?
BKA : isch up to med malleoli, CI if dead above ankle and likley to fail if no femoral pulse; with pop pulse 95% success w/o 82%

AKA : alderly and non amb, contractures at knee/hip

hip disartic : extensive leg ischem, prox gangrene, poor outcome for PVD

with sepsis use guillitine not flap
vasc AAA
75% asymto at dx
in pts 1 degree relative known AAA 11% risk so recc u/s screening

RF rupture DIASTOLIC HTN, lr at dx, COPD
Have AAA and want to do repair ,
pre op
* no h, nml ECG -> repair
* stable known CAD -> echo/dipy or thall and consider revasc before
* clin severe CAD -> Need Cor Art revasc before AAA repair unless percut
If get a CABG wait 4-6 weeks to fix AAA.
more risk rupture
try repair retroperitonreal
also bene's of this approach :
less adhesions, no interfere GI or GU, see suprarenal better

AAA repair
pt 85
lots of co-morb
try endovasc repair

AAA repair
pt 85
lots of co-morb
try endovasc repair
AAA rupture presenting signs
A * pt has h/o AAA and unstable
B * pt has no h/o AAA and stable
A * GO to OR, no anesth until scapel in hand as anesth -> hypotension

B * CT then if needed OR

Comps of repair :
If reach hx alive mort 50%
renal failure 75%
isch colitis 5% bloody diarr, high wbc, perioitits
spinal cord ischemia
DM vasc dz features
lower down on leg (spares aortoiliac) hits smalller vessels
derm plastic melanoma CA
skin cancer staging

mets and work up ?
bresLOW THICKness more accurate

Clark depth of invasion

spread to bone : bone scan
spread to liver : do u/s and CT nodular solid masses
derm plastic CA

pre skkinv CA conditions
2/3 melanoma de nov0
1/3 from pre malig conditions

Actinic keratosis -> sqaum cell

nevi super spreading

a marker of inc risk
congen nevi
dysplastic nevi
derm plastic CA
ABCDE diameter that is bad
invasion level that needs prophy lymphadectomy ?
over 6 cm ABCDE

under 0.75 mm invasion do not need prophy removal of LN. Can use sent node mapping.
derm anal

obese woman , lots of cystic acne
job where sweats alot

1st stage "cold" lump in groin,rounded and hard, painful, fever, induration. Skin near it shiny and swollen

2nd stage "mature" : liquid green pus tracts open at sides of lump draining as multiple fistula tracts
suppurative hidradenitis
SItes in males perianal, female areaola, axilla in females #1

cold stage : abx and compresses
warm : sx I&D

if chr and scarring can need sx wide excision of apocrine tissue
abd liver

scan shows periph nodular enhancement
chr anal fissures
Sx :
hypertrophic papilla
anal ulcers , sentinal pile

Do sigscope for crohns

Rx: Lat internal sphincterotomy
biopsy ulcers for cancer
anal fistula
sx : anal itching , d/c on underwear
Use Goodsalls rule to tell if form ant or post crypt

usually from anorectal abscess

W/U : Recto sig scope for term colon and rectum and usually bar enema

Can try fistulogram to define tract if needed

Nearly always need sx fistulectomy to unroof tract leaving in seton (piece of material) to cz fibrosis on purpose

CI sx are HIV and IBS

comps are injury to puborectalis czing incont
colon CA
old man
alternate D and const
wt loss
dec stool caliber
occ red blood in stool

What side of colon ?
More like in left colon :
rectum or sigmoid
apple core as spread circum so cz obstructive symptoms
gi CA esoph

Pt : smoking man 75 yr Af Amer
Sx hard swallow, losing wt
Postive LN supra-clav on left (Virchows)
esoph CA
usually squamous which is in upper 2/3
spreads locally to mediastim easy, no serosa
Dx: endo with biopsies multiple times as lots false negs

Rx: If can be cured try Pre-op chemo and rad -> sx.
Otherwise try pall radio or chemo

VS adeno in lower 1/3 related Barretts
abd biliary acute abd

pres of gallstone ileus
elderly lady
h/o of 3 years of stomach upset / heart burn
presents obstipation / bowel obstruction
BUT no h/o sx, no hernias , no periotontis , nml liver tests

Radio : dilated jej loops and "FILLING DEFECT" which is where stone is so contrast can't fill it

Rx rapid lap sx and enterotomy

pics ucv p43
upper gi bleeds
endo shows bleeding peptic ulcers
Rx ?
If bleeding active or see vessels at ulcer base : under endoscope use epi, polidocanol , cautery, laser sx.
Use IV PPI to reduce risk of re-bleeding.

Most common bleeders are duod ulcers, 40% :
vagotomy and pyloroplasty

For severe gastric ulcers occ gastrectomy
upper gi bleeds
endo shows hemmorg gastritis
rx ?
ice lavage
and angiographic vasopressin
abd gi obst
how does obst lead to perf ?
* pressure builds up stream of block as air and fluid accum
* then pressure in lumen exceeds post-capillary venule pressure impairing blood flow
* bowel necrosis and ischemia
abd gi
abd tympanic distended and tender
no ridgid or rebound tenderness
Bsounds high pitched and increased
bowel obst
On KUB : string of beads of step ladder as air fluid levels above obst
abd gi

causes bowel obst
which bowels ?
adhesions, hernia, cancer
infants : hernia, intuss

volvulus : cecum or sig colon cz obs with less vomitingand of lg bowel ot sm bowel

75% is small bowel

Rx NPO, fluids, NG aspir and decomp, fix lyte and acid/base imbalence
Then lap and fix obst
gi panc
what lies behind neck of panc ?
gi panc
panc - itis effect on gut ?
signs on films ?
adynamic ileus
dehyd and shock
fluid shifts

AXR: sentinel loop** , colon cutoff

** sentinal loop most common sign on Abd xray. It is area of lg GI near area of inflammation so in panc it is jej and in appy can be RLQ.
u/s : phelgmon and panc necrosis
gi panc abd
ranson admit
georgia's law
glu over 200
age over 55
LDH over 350
AST over 250
WBC over 16,000

** not amylase or lipase
gi panc abd
ranson less than 48 hrs
C HObbs like calvin and hobbs
ca under 8
Hct drop 10%
O2 under 60
base deficit over 4
bun over 5 increase
seq over 6 L
gi panc abd
* cause of panc and Ca
* % pts chr panc get panc ca
high Ca -> panc so hyper PTH
2% get CA
gi panc
treatment for chr panc when duct large/dilated and looks like chain of lakes
Fig. 2A —Puestow procedure = lateral / longitud pancreatico-jejuno-ostomy
Diagram of anatomy after modified Puestow procedure. The pancreas is filleted to expose main duct from neck to tail, and ductal calculi are removed. Roux loop of jejunum is anastomosed to "capsule" of pancreas with direct drainage of main and secondary pancreatic ducts into lumen of jejunum over 8-10 cm segment. This procedure is best performed if main pancreatic duct is significantly (>6 mm) dilated.
gi panc
to drain panc
Duval :
partial drainage of panc to help pain

distal/caudal amp of panc which is a near total panc-ectomy
Developed on the basis of presumption that a single stricture of duct of Wirsung near the ampulla was responsible for the obstructive pathology and terminal drainage would treat the condition. It consists of a distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and retrograde drainage of the main duct into a defunctioned jejunal loop (Fig. 1).
gi panc
for chr panc
* Ind : chr panc with comps liek cysts or still pain after puestow / lateral panc jej.
* CI in cancer as leaves behind panc head but does a core resection of head
* also saves duodenum
gi panc
pt with acute panc but pain still there after ? 2 weeks
mild fever
wt loss
tender epigastrium and ileus
Suspect panc pseudocyst
W/u amyylase/lip ,bili, CBC

See high SBS

US : fluid fillled mass and CT will show mult cysts

ERCP to tell if common or non-commun (connect to panc duct or not)

MUST biopsy cyst wall to rule out cystadenoCANCER (adenoma or carcinoma)

Comps include bleed into cyst

Rx wait 6 weeks to resolve, half do, before drain for walls to get thick to hold sutures

Drain : infeccted ones (percut drainage and IV abx) , over 5 cm, caldify wall or thick wall
gi panc
cyst not sticking to stom or duod
(in which you take out part of that)
roux en Y cysto-jejunoostomy and drain into roux limb jej
gi ulcer

males 35, burninf pain empty stomach
H pylori ?
ESt Dx ?
Ca ?
Who ?
r/o ?
H pylori duod 70-90% vs stomach only 50-70

Loc : 1-2 cm from distal pylorus

Est Dx : endoscopy with antral biopsy 90% and does beyond duod, CLO test, serology, VS upper GI series only sees duod and 70-80% accurate

CA : rarely

Who ?
If multiple r/o Zoll-Ellison
gi ulcer
med mgt and when do sx
6-8 weeks med mgt :
cytprotective agents
treat h pylori : lansoprozole, amoxi, clarithro

Try sx if not better after 8 to 12 weeks

bleeding that won't stop and trans over 6 units, usually with post ulcers and into gastduod ulcers

OR perf, more with anter and acute pain and free air

OR gastric outlet obst more duodo r near bulb
trauma airway
emergent airway page
a trach falls out
what to do ?
rookie move is to shove new trach in old hole, often get in wrong space.

FIRST : plain old endo tracheal intubation

Second : can't do ETT (airway cancer or Max-fac trauma that was cause for trach) use NG/cook/eschmarr into trach hole.
Then use this a guide to feed in new trach.
Gi panc
tests for steattorhea ?
fecal fat
fecal lactase
gi panc
role of octreotide ?
AE ?
convert high output fistula to low output fistula.

Will not close hole.
SE include cut off blood to spleen.
CA syndromes
lynch ?
hered non polyposisi coli
auto dom
CA stomach

DREbyrly age 40 + FOBS
CA Gi stomach
RF ?
Prior gastric sx (reflux of bile)
including partial gastrectomy
atrophic gastitis
pern anemia
h pylori
Gi CA stomach
spread ?
* drop mets to pelvis like to shelf above rectum (note : note drop mets as pieces to lumen)
* direct * lymph * hemat

So met w/u :
* CT abd + pelvis
* CXR chest and if + do CT chest
NO BONE scan and NO brain scan

Top distant mets are liver and lung

Source : Mont Reid Prof hr ITSessions
chest thoracic lung
mainstay to eval cervical LN
Ind : stage lung CA or dx cause of hilar LN
Better than VATS
Have to sample nodes at 3 stations, ipsi and contra lateral paratracheal nodes levels 2,3,4 and subcarinal 7
Can access nodes AorPulm window.
AE: risk 1-2% bleed into chest req opening chest
Incision 1 finger above sternal notch
Gi ulcer

define peptic ulcer disease
includes ulcers in stomach and duod
gi ulcer
what cells make acid ? loc ?
stimulus ?
Parietal cells make acid and intrinsic factor
Body and fundus (NOT antrum even though sometimes remove this in sx)
+ gastrin from antrum via blood
+ Ach (vagus)
+ histamine H2 cephalic phase

Stim for gastrin ?
antrum stretch aa
gastric phase acid secn
5 days post AFBG
1 loose BM
some red blood
* concern for IMA mesenteric ischemia
* Dx sigmoidoscope / proctoscope
If see black spots it is real late and to to OR ASAP.

If this is negative do not need colonscope, it is not mes ischemia as IMA only up to ___ flexure and you see with sig-scope.

10 year post AFBG
aorto enteric fistula
derm CA
bulging red / black
local spots recur after excise
merckel cel carcinoma
neuroendocrine tumor

do excision, LN excision

f/u LN exams
has 50% local recur rate

stage 2 if regional nodes,
stage 3 if N1
deaths are when ?
golden hour : head injury, hemm shock ,
min to hours : exsang, PTX
14-21 days : "second hit" MOFS , sepsis
peds gi embry

desc why mid gut volvulus using embry terms ?

midgut goes out umbil week 6
returns week 10 whilst spinning COUNTER clockwise 270 degrees SMA.

Abn rotation causes Ladds bands fixing at 2ND part DUOD and all of midgut hangs on SMA -> obst and vomit about day of life 2.

midgut volvulus when impair perfusion and SMA -> atresia or gangrene,

Foregut : 90 rotate celiac A
....hepatic divertic and panc buds
mid 270 CClock SMA
hind septates IMA

foregut rotates 90 degree
peds gi embry

sm int "apple peel" appearence
midgut fails to rotate properly as returns to gut,
impairs perfusion SMA -> necrosis/gangrene
-> atresia of sm int
"apple PEEL" appearence
no dorsal mesentary
affected gut spirals around vessel
anat step 1

abd divisions blood structures nerves
foregut celiac tr , great splanchnic T5-9
...abd esoph, stomach, duod part, liver, GB, panc, spleen

midgut SMA lesser sphlancnic t10-11
....aftermaj duod papilla to 2/3 trans colon

hindgut IMA least sphlannic
... splenic flexure to anus
gi cancer CA hemmorroids anat
anus anal canal rectum

nerves and blood to here ?
ABOVE pectinate line ?
insensate and adenoCArcinoma
Visceral nerves
IMA : superior rectal A
vein sup rectal -> IM vein -> portal vein

Below ?
ext hemm painful and sqaum cancer
nerve : somatic
blood : inf rectal from internal pudendal A
Vein : inf rectal -> internal pudendal -> int iliac ->IVC
peds gi

day 2

- polyhydram
- bile vomit and stomach distension
duod atresia

failure to recanulate (unlike sm int atresia which is ischemia from failed midgut rotation and block SMA)

- polyhydram
- bile vomit and stomach distension
patient with ascites
esophageal varices
never drank alcohol
splenomegaly ?

UNrelated : hemm that alcoholics get, painful or not ?
slpenic A clog ->
gastric vein varies only which are esophageal ones and in lower esophagus and drain to azygus

alcoholic hemm not painful as get internal ones, as sup rectal drains to portal and painless
gi stom
where is antrum
stimulus ?
inhibition ?
action ?
made by : I cells duod and juj
Stim : Fatty acids and monoglyc , small pepetides, aa

and decreased by secretin and stomach ph under 1.5

ACtion: + GB contract, relax sph Oddi, + panc enz secn, i nhibit stom empting
source ?
stimulus ?
action ?
source ? S cells duod
stimulus ? FAtty aids in duod, low ph in duod

action ? inc panc bicarb secn, inc bile production, dec stomach acid secn
action ?
K and colon ?
iron and duod ?
K actively secretied by colon if excess K diet and stim by aldosterone

free heme iron absorbed by duod
gi esoph
what is
esoph web
schatzi ring
a web is above arch and a muscosal fold in upper esoph and related to sq cancer esoph and post cricoid

schatzi ring
ring musoca at squamocolumnar junction below aortic arch
gi stom
2 kinds gastritis
A and B ?
gastritis A Fundal
autoimmune reltd pern anemia, achlorhydria, and no Ifactor
90% antibodies par cells and 60% to IF

gastritis B due to H pylori , a "reactive like gastritis"
and most common and related to metaplasia
gi stom esoph
wt loss
anemia epigastric pain
left supraclav LN enlarged
stomach Carcinoma CA
Sites: antrum and pylorus in 60%
RF hypochlor
nitromasmine diet
Histo : signet ring cells sign gastric carcinoma
gi stom ulcer
with head trama
burns ?
become CA ?
head cushing
burn curling

rare stomach ulcers -> CA
no duod ones
gi CA
lymohoma found
what type usualy ?
non hodkins lymphoma large cell diffuse
If immunosp could be primary lymph of sm int

MALToma more slow prog related to h pylori and may regress with abx
tropical sprue
related licing tropics , vietna, P rico
like celiac but not better with no gluten and ALL of sm bowel
relate dto toxogenic e coli
LN adeno
joint pain
whipple dz
Rare PAS+ bug bacilla trophery whippelli
macros in lamnia propia
gi bleed
loc most bleeds angiodysplasia
lg bowel
gi CA
what type polyps they get ?
harartoma so not premalignant and in all of GI tract
gi ca

dental abn
tumor in jaw with soft tissue and bone in it
as teen colon polyps
gardner syndrome

colon polyps and
desmoid tumors : have soft tissue and bone and often in mandible

risk colon CA 100%
gi liver
portal HTN

ascites with
high ptn
low ptn
portal HTN
ascites with
high ptn / exudate :
Budd chiari (pancreatitis)

low ptn transudate
ascites gi liver

high ptn
peritonitis or CA in peritoneum
portal HTN and panc or Budd Chairi
lymph obst
ascites gi liver

low ptn transudate
....hypo ptn emia

nephrotic syndrome

consti pericarditis / R heart failure
shock ileus
high amylase (lipase high after 3 days)
high leukocytes
acute hemmoragic pancreatitis
gi peds
biliary atresia
extra vs intra hepatic
extra hepatic
first weeks of life
jaundice , dark urine, light stool, hepatosplenomegaloy

sometimes related to alpha1antitryp def
infancy presentation
cholestiatis, itching, growth retardation, high serum lipids
ictrus when bili at 2
gi peds
neonatal hepatitis
50% idio
30% alpha 1 anti tryp
rest TORCH, viral, metabolic,
extra hep bil atresia
gi liver
women of 40
itchy , xanthomas
high alk phos
what is dz ? what specific tests ?
prim bil cirrhosis
anti mitco ab in over 90%
high chol

On ERCP : see biliary tree

VS secondary biliary cirr see bile lakes due to stasis
histo path : granulomas destroy bile ducts
gi liver

man with diarrhea
pale stool and dark urine
pri sclerosing cholangitis
ERCP : "beading" as alt structure and dilate and dz in extra and larer intra-hep ducts
gi liver
women 20-40 yr old
malab , fatigue, abd distension,
dark urine and itch
LFT and bili high
high IgG and ANA

relap and remit course
retd autothyroid and sjorgens
have chr anemia and high ESR
gi liver
bad cancer liver related to vinyl chloride ?
peds gi liver CA
vomit and diarr
wt loss
high AFP
gi liver CA
assoc with hepatocell CA ?
wt loss fever
50-90% HIGH AFP
death from bleed or liver failure.
mets often 1st to lungs via hematos portal and IVC.
gi liver
lab signs
fulm metabolic hepatitis
hypo glycemia
high amm
low K
low cacemia
acid base abn
coag abn
endo thyroid

pecent people pyramidal lobe ?
75-80% goes UP from isthmus
endo thyroid

percent ppl pyramidal lobe thyroid ?
it goes UP from middle isthmus bridge
endo thyroid
2 arteries :
Superior thyroid artery from EXTernal carotid
Inferior thyroid A from subclavian thrycervical trunk
sometimes Ima from aortic arch or innomicate A

Veins (3)
superior thy V -> interal jug
middle thyroid V to in jug
inferior thy vein to brachiocepgalic
endo thyroid

A. scan show diffuse uptake ?
B. scan shows multiple nodules hot ?
A. graves and TOC radioabltion

B. Toxic multinod goiter and recc surgery (radio less successful and med less less effective)
.... if one nodule nodule or lobectomy
.....multi nodules ..lobetomy or contraleteral subtotal lobectomy
endo thyroid
when sx for grave's ?
TOC is radioablation
Sx when can't do radioablate

First get patient euthyroid with PTU/methamozol and b blockers
Is an immediate cure VS radio take 2 months
endo thyroid

post subtotal thyroidectomy
pt with distoriented fever tachy
vomit and diarr
thyroid storm

Best avoided by being euthy w/ drugs pre-op

b blockers
NaI or lugols
cooling blanket
(and with subtotal can get persistant hyperthyroid)
endo thyroid
unilateral neck pain
thyroglossal duct cyst perhaps or goiter
Rx IV abx , sx drainage

RF thyroglossal duct and/or goiter

bugsL come via lymphs, staph, streppyogenes, pnem coccs
endo thyroid
post URI
tired, sad, neck pain and fever
unil lat sweling thyroid and over it is red firm tender thyroid
subacute deQuervain

get transient hyperthy then hypothyroid

Rx: it is self limited
pain rx with NSAIDS
endo thyroid
Pt alz / downs / fam hx thyroid dz

painless enlargement of thyroid
ab present
euthyroid or 20% at diag hypothyroid
Rx ?
hashimoto's AI thyroiditis
see cell hyperplasia

Rx thyroid hormone and often goiter regresses

if no regessino of goiter
partial thyroidectomy
endo thyroid
reidels fibrosis replaces thyroid and isthmus
if airway issue can do
othewise med tx with steroids
endo thyroid
percent thy single masses that care malignant ?
FNA rates false + and - ?
15% malignant
false + rate 1%
false - 5%

FNA less reliable if h/o radiation so try OR biopsy
endo thyroid
role of u/s ?
tells if multiple nodules

If FNA benign can use u/s to follow size and thryglob levels to track over time.
endo thyroid

FNA of nodule is " suspicous" what next ?

If "malignant "
usually follicular (incl huethle cell)
Do I 123 scan
85% will be cold and those are 10-20% malignant

FNA "malignant"

5% are hot and 1% malignant
endo thyroid

cyst what to do ?
what cysts go to OR ?
drain it completely

GO to OR for eval and biopsy if :
over 4 cm or complex
recur after 3 drainage tries
endo thyroid
role of uptake scans for nodules ?
less use now with FNA

if FNA benign -> watch with u/s and labs

If FNA malig -> OR

Only if FNA suspiscius might you use scan
Endo thyroid
After thyroid sx
A pt is hoarse
B pt has airway obst
C deeper and quieter voice ,
A unilat recur laryngeal cut
B bilat recur laryn cut
C superior laryn cut
Endo thyroid
Endo thyroid
TRH from hypo
TSH from ANT pit
Synthyoid = thyroixine = T4
T12 is 7 days,
Endo thyroid
Nodule Multiple non diagnositic FNA
What test next ? ,
A3 I123 scan
,Endo thyroid
What test ?
I123 scan
Endo thyroid
When sx for multi nod goiter ?
cannot rule out CA (1% multi nod are malignant)
Compressive symptoms
Endo thyroid
ho radiation
neg FNA
what to do ?
most remove nodule
Endo thyroid
Pt has gardner’s
Had neck irradiation for hodkins
Now had thyroid nodule
What kind of CA are you worried about ? ,
Endo thyroid
How pap thyroid CA spread ?
P Papillary means Palpable Lymph nodes
Lymph to cervi nodes, and slowly
LN + not related to prognosis really,
Endo thyroid
papaillary thyroud CA
Under 1.5 cm
No ho radioation to neck
Rx ? ,
Thyroid lobectomy and isthectomy
Neat total thyroidmectomy
Total thyroidmectomy
Post-op thyroid meds to suppress TSH,
Endo thyroid
Thyroid pap CA
Over 1.5 cm
+ Cerv node mets,
OR ho neck rad
Rx ?,
Total thyroidectomy
Post-op thyroid meds to suppress TSH
(if + lat nodes need mod rad uni neck dissection)
(if + cerv nodes need central neck dissection),
Endo thyroid
What is “lateral palpable cervical LN” ? ,

A11 a misnomer, it is pap CA of thyroid
Rx with modified uni neck dissection,
Endo thyroid
Post op fu pap CA thyroid
Use Thy hormone to suppress TSH
Scan with I123 for mets outside thyroid area,
endo thyroid
spread of follicular CA ?
what percent of CA ?
follicular os 10% thyroid CA

spread hematogenous -> often to bone.

far away mets : blood and to bone
Female 3:1

rubbery and encapsulated
50% 10 yr survival

Cannot dx invasiveness by FNA as need to tell if into capsule or vessels.
endo thyroid
follicular CA thyroid RX ?
thyroidectomy TOTAL
post-op I123 scan
what is huerthle cells CA thyroid ?
a type of CA from follicle cells
5% total

FNA can tell cells but not maignancy

Mets via lymphs
Rx total thyroidectomy
endo thyroid
aMyloid makes calcitonin
Median LN dissection if LN involved Modified neck dissection if lateral modes +

does spreads lymoh and hemetog

POOR Iodine upake
endo thyroid CA
meduLLRY survival
if found from screening fam members w. calcitonin 10 yr survival is 95%

if when CA palpable under 20%
endo thyroid CA
medullary rx ?
total thyroidectomy
median lymph mode dissection
if lat nodes+ then modified neck dissection
endo thyroid CA

anaplastic CA

what does it arise from often ?
areise from follicular CA
Very poor Iodine uptake
dx FNA
Rx: small tumors total thyoidectomy +/- ext beam xray
lg tumors debulking sx and trach
endo thyroid CA

what if comprimise blood to parathyroids during sx ?
can move parathroids to autograft into sternocleaido mastoid m or forearm

also post op in all thyroid sx check Ca levels.
endo thyroid CA

post -op thyroid sx pat has dyspnea ?

bilat cut recurrnet laryngeal nerve
endo pth
number pts with 3 pth glands ?
5 ?
embryo sup and inf pth glands ?
blood ?
10% pts have 3 PTH glands
5% have 5 and often by thynus

sup PTH glands from 4th phar pouch
inf pth gland from 3rd pouch (careful, couner intuituve)

blood ? inferior thyroid Art and 80% ppl have this Art only give blood to all 4 pth glands
endo pth
role of pth
..bone breakdown, gi absorb, resorb renal,
decrease serum phosphate
....renal exrete
endo pth
how image pth glands
sestamibi scan
endo adrenal
after a bilat adrenal ectomy in 60's
pt now has pigemented skin
maybe visual disturbances
Nelsons syndrome
due to excess ACTH and MSH

Can treat with pituatary ablation surgically trans-sphenoidal
gi rectal
what is a stercoral ulcer ?
fecal impaction leading to perf and ulcer -> sepsis and req emergent laparoromy
treatment of post vagotomy diarrhea
cholestyrameine as it is partly due to unabsorbed bile salts

if that fails consider sx reversal part of sm int to prolong transit time and inc absorbtive capacity
gi rectal
incontinence work up
anal manometry : pressures of sph

endoanal u/s : more acureate vs manometry, detects occultlesions

pelvis floor EM<G to tell anat vs neurogenic probs like childbirth pudendal N injury

and to predit likley success of sx repair a pudendeal nerve terminal motpr latency
gi CA
sequence genes colorectal CA
APC loss or mutation
loss DNA methylation
Ras mutation
loss DCC Gene
loss of p53
gi syndrome
pt gi polyps
nail dystrophy
minimal malig potential
gi CA syndromes
peutz jeugers get what cancers
CA gi syndrome
lynch I vs II
Lynch I
mult polyps, R side colon cancer

Lynch II
same as I but also extra-colion CA like uterus, ovary, cervex, breast
desc blood to spleen
vein: splenic vein joins SMA to portal vein

Art: splenic off celiac tr
some by sht gastric which are off and L gastroepiploic
splenolegaly vs hypersplenism
splenomegaly = physically big spleen, see in 2% nml people as when can feel it. Nml function

hypersplenism = one kind of splenomegaly where big AND increased FUNCTION
#1 cause = portal HTN ;
- primary, rare, females, idio, DOExcl
- seconday: hemolysis, ITP, TTP, neoplasm/MDS, inflamm states,
seconday includes congestive splenomegaly : portal HTN, cirrhosis (60% get splenomegaly, 15% hypersplenism) , splenic vein thrombosis, CHF, infection,
young woman
easy bruise mucosal bleeding
Rx 1st steroids , inc PLTs in 3-7 days.
Sx when steroids fails (yrs) and TCP recurs.
eye issues
smear Howell jowell bodies
pappelheimers (iron)
heinz bodies

collagen vasc
AI dxz

Rx? prophy encapsuled bugs

Note: this is a FUNCTIONAL hyposplenism and spleen can be physically lg, sm, normal.
25 year old male
cyclic fever
wt loss
sup vena cava syndrome
hodkins lymphoma
Reed sternberg cells

stage: clinical vs laparoscopy
spleen can be primary site.
starts localized and regional.
lap staging : liver, splenectomy(2), LN samples (3), iliac crest (4)

For 2 consider radiation alone otherwise chemorad.
systemic s/s at dx
non hodkins
limited role of splenectomy
man over 50
abd full due to big spleen
brusing as low plts
infections low wbc
wt loss, weak,


cells in red pulp of spleen.

Def Dx by BM bx

RX: alpha interferon w/ 80% response rate

splenectomy for symptoms from abd fulness from it, canimprove cell counts and dec risk of hemmorage
big LN
big spleen due to AI hemo anemia
smear: leukocytosis immature leuks
remove spleen : just helps symptoms not prolong life
BIG spleen common finding
BM has ++ cells
smear myelos and fibros
alk phos low in bad cells
phili chromo
Rx chemo and for some w./ symptoms can remove spleen which helps symptoms but not lifespan
most common non lymphoid
hemangioma : risk rupture, plt seq, dx and rx splectomy

haram,toma : incidental, can be cysticsolid, clin insig, need splenectomy to dx

Lymphanioma as with liver angioma and those in body , removing spleen dx and rx

mucosal bleeding
guicac pos stool
rx steroids, or IvIG if severe
can remove spleen to prevent recur
one unit plts inc plt count how much
etiology TTP
hemo anemia from abn VWF multimers in vesssels

RF: infection like HIV , OI57, CA, AI, pregnancy,
scenario : HIV man 27, fever, changing mental status, hematuria or rising BUN
CBC : pancytopenia or low rbc
hemo anemia from abn VWF multimers in vesssels
rx TTP
never give plts
plasma pheresis daily untli plt count nml

or give FFP if no pheresis possible

can give RBCS if symp from anemia

treat cranail bleeds
Pt [ infection, hematoma, IVDA)
LUQ tender and guarding
+/- palp spleen

U/S lg spllen with areas of lucency

CT: area of lower attenuation
usually splenectomy
or if lg solitary juztracapsular abscess try percut drainage
function ?
stores 33% plts
filters RBCS
makes opsonins : tuftsins, properdin
makes IgM
site phagocytosis

** does NOT stores RBCs in humans
pt had motorcycle acc
2 weeks later presents shock and abd pain

Kehrs sign
LUQ pain

Test to Diag ?
delayed splenic rupture
from subcap hematoma or psueudo anuer

Diag splenic rupture :
stable pts -> CT
unstable --> u/s or DPL
treat splenic rupture ?
Non OR :
stable pt
isolated spleen injury
no hilar involvement
not complete rupture

DPL/FAST and then laporatomy with removal of sleeen ( splenorrhaphy) or splenectomy.

Select pts embolization.
Eponym sign for what ?
1. Localisation of trauma in the upper abdomen.
2. Demonstration of internal bleeding.
3. Spread, localized and fixated dullness in the left flank also when changing position.
Ballance's sign

Associated persons:
Sir Charles Alfred Ballance


A trias of clinical signs of rupture of the spleen in abdominal trauma:

1. Localisation of trauma in the upper abdomen.
2. Demonstration of internal bleeding.
3. *** LUQ DULLNESS TO PERCUSSION Spread, localized and fixated dullness in the left flank also when changing position.

what is splennoraphy ?
means a spleen salvage op:

wrap with vicrl mesh
topical hemostasis agents
partial splectomy
post splen comps

subpherenic abscess
gastric dilation
--adults under 1%
--vs kids 1-2% with 50% mortality
post splennectomy pts
fever lethargy cold and URI
Can be OPPS
and mortality of 50%
#1 bug S pna
Neis men, H flu

PRophy: IMMEDIATE PENNY for all minor infections and illness and medical carefor major illness and fever
when vax pts for splenectomy
preop best
or 2 weeks post op
changes in labs postp spleeen ectomy
WBC inc 50% over BL
RBC smear abn : pappen, Howell, Heniz
After shock ?
If pulse ?
CPR after shock
If pulse -> check BP
No pulse / cardiac arrest
(Even if see ECG tracing)
CPR until AED
ECG gain/senstivity up, leads ok
epi, no shock
atropine 1 mg leapfrog with epi
V fib and V tach
shock shock epi
amiodarone 300 mg then 150 mg


lidocaine 1 mg/kg then 1/2 @ 5-10 minute interals
epi , no shock

atropine 1 mg if brady rhythm
ob neonate
new baby has fingers like this.
likly diag ?
Tri 18
characteristically clenched overlapping fingers seen in the image are highly specific for trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). Microcephaly, microphthalmia, malformed ears, micrognathia or retrognathia, microstomia, and other congenital malformations are also associated with this disorder.