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200 Cards in this Set

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Prophy Abx of choice
Amox (or amp if IV)
Pen-allergic: clinda or cephalexin (or cefazolin if IV)
Rx for amebic liver abscess
Rx for pyogenic liver abscess
Perc drainage + Abx against G- and anaerobes
Best diagnostic test to determine treatment for sliding hiatal hernia?
Flexible endoscopy to look for esophagitis
1st test when extrahepatic biliary obstruction is suspected?
Increased SGOT and SGPT indicate
Hepatocellular disease
Increased alk phos indicates
Biliary obstruction
Obese/hirsute man with painful fluctuant mass btwn gluteal clefts
Infected pilonidal cyst
Hematochezia, fever, abd pain
Ischemic colitis
Management of ischemic colitis vs. acute mesenteric ischemia
Expectant (IVF, bowel rest, supportive) vs. surgery
Pts who undergo major colon resections undergo what change in their bowel habits?
None, usually; lots of reserve capacity for water absorption
Pts who undergo major colon resections undergo what change in their bowel habits?
None, usually; lots of reserve capacity for water absorption
Work-up of rectal cancer
Rigid proctoscopy (to assess distance of lesion from anal verge); barium enema or colonoscopy to r/o other lesions; CT abd/pelvis for mets; MRI for extent of local invasion; endorectal US for depth of invasion
Where are most dietary carbs absorbed?
Duodenum (even in short gut syndrome is in residual jejunum)

All of milk except fat absorbed in duodenum
Rx for hepatic adenomas <4cm vs. >4cm
OCP cessation vs. surgical resection b/c of risk of rupture/hemorrhage
Management of acute hemorrhage from L-sided portal HTN (gastric varices + splenic or portal vein thrombosis w/o cirrhosis)
Management of hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia
Acute appendicitis presentation but w/ terminal ileum edema/fibrinopurulent exudate in OR
Regional enteritis; in kids, just do appy
Management of iatrogenic injury of CBD --> biliary stricture
End-to-side choledochojejunostomy (Roux-en-Y) performed over a stent
Acute intestinal radiation injury is manifested by
Diarrhea or GI bleeding
Chronic intestinal radiation injury causes ___ and can lead to these clinical problems
Progressive vasculitis and fibrosis

Malabsorption, ulceration, fistulization, or perforation
4 things that inhibit intestinal motility
Sympathetics: drugs, hormones, emotions (fear)
Factor that stimulates intestinal motility
Parasyms: acetylcholine
Best test for diagnosis of gastrinoma
Secretin stimulation test
Another name for gastrinoma
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Most common location of a gastrinoma
"Gastrinoma triangle" : duodenum, junction of neck/body and pancreas, and junction of cystic and common bile duct
Expected fluid/electrolyte status in SBO
Dehydration from vomiting and poor oral intake

Contraction alkalosis with hypokalemia (due to loss of H+, Na+, and Cl-)
Concern with SBO and heme-positive stool in rectum
Obstructing tumor or ischemic bowel
Management of SBO due to inguinal hernia
Urgent repair and relief of bowel obstruction due to risk of strangulation
Most common tumor that metastasizes to the intestine
Indications for surgical exploration with SBO
Localized abdominal tenderness, fever, tachy, leukocytosis, metabolic acidosis (high risk for strangulation)
2 operative management choices for pt with SBO with uncertain bowel viability
Resect and anastamose
Second look operation 24hrs later
Greatest risk associated w/ enterotomy
Postop leak and development of small bowel fistula
3 causes of abdominal distention other than SBO
Ileus, air swallowing, constipation
Diagnostic tests for suspected ischemic bowel
Mesenteric angiogram (to determine whether candidate for surgical revascularization)
Long-term medical Rx after surgical revascularization
Management if full-thickness necrosis found on sigmoidoscopy
Exploration and resection (vs. mucosal ischemia only, can observe closely)
Long-term management of pt with necrosis from ligament of Treitz to transverse colon
Can resect, esp in younger pt, but will have short bowel syndrome and need chronic TPN/ small bowel transplant
Most common location for Crohn's
Thickened bowel wall with fibrous strictures and deep fissures
Epithelial ulceration and crypt abscesses
Noncaseating granulomas or mesenteric lmphadenopathy can both indicate this type of IBD
Focal aphthous ulcers can indicate this type of IBD
Crohn's (whereas general ulceration is usually UC)
What is the "string sign" and what does it indicate?
Narrowing of terminal ileum from edema: Crohn's
Rx for acute disease vs. prevention in UC
Steroids for acute
5-aminosalicylic acid for prevention of relapse
Drug for perianal Crohn's
Problems associated w/ resection of the terminal ileum
Poor reabsorption of bile acids and vita B12 --> diarrhea, malabsorption, oxalate stones, B12 deficiency
Rx for Crohn's disease of the rectum
Can use 5-acetylsalicylic acid
Screening recommendations for UC of pancolitis vs. L-colon only
Colonoscopy every 1-2yrs beginning after 8yrs of disease vs. after 10yrs of disease
Why are random biopsies during colonoscopy necessary in UC?
Colon cancer of UC doesn't always follow sequence of polyp --> cancer
Fever, blood-tinged diarrhea, and pain on defecation after a total proctocolectomy w/ ileal pouch- anal anastamosis
Rx for pouchitis
Pt with UC, abdominal pain, distention, fever, and bloody diarrhea
Worry about toxic megacolon
Diagnostic test for toxic megacolon
Abdominal series (v. dilated colon w/ mucosal edema and w/o signs of abscess or perforation); often also a CT to r/o abscess or perf
Rx for toxic megacolon
If stable: NGT, NPO, TPN, IVF, broad spectrum Abx, high-dose IV steroids
Suspected toxic megacolon + free air on upright CXR
Perforation! Immediate OR
Air in wall of colon on XR
Impending perforation, likely OR!
PEX manuever that must always be done when appendicitis is suspected?
Rectal exam to detect pain in the right pelvis from retrocecal appendicitis
Appendicitis like presentation + dysuria/urinary WBCs
Possibly uncomplicated UTI, but also possibly appendiceal abscess in continuity w/ bladder
Abd pain + urinary RBCs too numerous to count
Severe UTI or kidney stone
Pregnant woman with RUQ pain
Worry about appendicits (appendix has been shifted)
Surgical management of perforated appendicitis w/ localized abscess
Appy + incise, drain, and irrigaet abscess; leave closed drain in abscess draining to outside; close muscle but leave skin open
Suspected appendicitis with small yellow firm mass at TIP of appendix
Carcinoid tumor (if not spread, just needs routine appy)
Suspected appendicitis with larger yellow firm mass at BASE of appendix
Needs excision; if >2cm or at base, suggestive of malignancy and indication for R colectomy
Diagnostic tests needed after carcinoid tumor diagnosed on path
Baseline urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and serum serotonin level (carcinoid determinants of malignancy involve mostly biological behavior of tumor)
Management of postop pelvic abscess
Drain w/ perc catheter if possible, other open surgical drainage (or transrectal/ transvaginal drainage)
Colonoscopy screening for pts with first degree relative w/ CRC or adenomatous polyp?
Starts at 40yo (or 10yrs prior to relative's diagnosis?)
Colonoscopy screening for pts with FH of FAP?
Genetic counseling, yearly flex sig

Colectomy once polyps discovered
Colonoscopy screening for pts with FH of HNPCC?
Genetic testing and colonoscopy every 1-2yrs beginning at age 20yo, yearly beginning at 40yo
Colonoscopy screening for pts w/ Hx of large or multiple adenomatous polyps that were remoevd?
Colonoscopy 3yrs after removal
Colonoscopy screening for pts with Hx of CRC
Colonoscopy 1yr after initial op, screening at 3yrs and then 5yr intervals
CEA measurement indications after CRC
Every 2-3mo for 2yrs (detects 80% of recurernces)
Surgical management for external vs. internal hemorrhoids
External: excision
Internal: excision or banding
Any hemorrhoids w/ bleeding need what?
Colonoscopy to r/o colon cancer
2 types of polyps
Pedunculated (on a stalk)
Sessile (flush w/ mucosa)
F/u after polypectomy
Repeat colonoscopy after 3-6mo to ensure sucessful removal and then surveillance colonoscopy every 3yrs
Management of carcinoma in head sv. stalk of pedunculated polyp
Head: polypectomy only
Stalk (esp if margin <2cm, poorly differentiated, or vascular/lymphatic invasion): may require bowel resection in addition to polypectomy
Staging studies for colon cancer
Most common presenting symptoms of R or L-sided colon cancer
Most common presenting symptoms of sigmoid colon cancer
Pain or bowel complaints
Most common presenting symptoms of rectal cancer
Bowel complaints or bleeding
Prep before bowel surgery (3 parts)
- Bowel prep (polyethylene glycol or mag citrate)
- Oral nonabsorbed Abx (to decrease colonic bacteria)
- Single preop dose of 2nd generation cephalosporin (to decrease wound infections)
Specific places to explore for colon cancer mets
Small bowel mesentery, peritoneal surface, diaphragm, liver
Postop management after colon cancer surgery
NPO w/ IVF until bowel function returns; d/c when tolerating food
Colon cancer prognosis worse for these types of tumors (4)
Signet ring cell tumors
Tumors p/w bowel perf
Tumors w/ venous or perineural invasion
What types of adjuvant chemo are used in colon cancer pts and for what stage?
Stage III
5-FU and leucovorin or levamisole
Screening f/u after colon cancer
Repeat colonoscopy at 6mo then 12mo intervals + frequent monitoring of CXR, CEA, and LFTs
Management of colon cancer + large liver lesion
Large liver lesions shouldn't be resected at tmie of surgery
Feculent vomiting postop from colectomy ddx (2)
Leakaeg from anastomosis --> persistent ileus

Mechanical obstruction
Cause of feculent material draining from inferior wound
Anastomotic leak that is spontaneously draining to skin; should close with NPO and IVF; need CT scan to determine if there is undrained collection
Diagnosis and management of distended colon
Likely sigmoid or cecal volvulus

Proctosigmoidoscopy first to eval for/hopefully treat sigmoid volvulus; if negative, emergent celiotomy for presumed cecal volvulus (risk of rupture in 1-2hrs)
Common additional site of liver cysts
2 equivalent management options for echinococcal liver infections
Surgical drainage

Albendazole/mebendazole + perc drainage
2 causes of feculent vomiting after colectomy
- Leakage from anastomosis --> persistent ileus
- Mechanical obstruction due to adhesions, hernia, or obstructed anastamosis
Management of feculent material draining from inferior aspect of colostomy wound
Likely due to anastomotic leak

NPO, IVF, usually will self-close
Pt 6mo s/p colostomy for colon cancer returning w abd pain, constipation, small stools
Concern for anastomotic recurrence of cancer or stricture at anastomosis
Rectal carcinomas spread to which lymphatic nodes?
Internal iliac
Inferior mesenteric
Inguinal (if <5cm from anal verge)
Type of resection necessary for rectal cancer >5cm above anal verge vs. <5cm
>5cm, can do anterior resection

<5cm, need abdominoperineal resection due to margins including sphincter
Which rectal cancers require postop chemo?
Stage III (regional LNs) or high-risk stage II
Which rectal cancer pts receive preop radiation?
Those with large/bulky tumors
2 alternatives to colostomy for rectal carcinoma
Sphincter-preserving proctectomy or local resection
Pelvic pain after rectal cancer
Early postop: operative nerve injury or infection

Later: need to r/o local recurrence w/ CT pelvis
Which hepatic mets are unresectable?
Multiple lesiosn in both lobes, lesions intimate w/ vascular structures or invading local structures, or lesions in cirrhotic livers
Most common cause of anal cancer and presenting symptoms
Bleeding, drainage, pain, pruritis
Where does anal cancer metastasize to?
Inguinal LNs (also superior rectal LNs)
Staging w/u for anal cancer
CT and transrectal US
3 treatment regimens for anal cancer depending on location of lesion:
- Superficial, small, mobile
- Large w/o extension or LNs
- + LNs
- Local excision alone
- Nigro protocol: chemo (5-FU, mitomycin C) and radiation, then resection only if there's biopsy-proven residual cancer
- Chemoradiation, then radical resection
Pain med to be avoided in diverticulitis
Morphine (b/c increases intracolonic pressure)
Management of 2nd episode of diverticulitis
Elective resection 4-6wks after inflammation has resolved (b/c risk of significant complication (perf, abscess) increases w/ each recurrence)
What is required before surgery for diverticulitis?
Preop or intraop colonoscopy to identify region w/ diverticula
Diverticulitis w/ patient deteriorating
Free perforation or intra-abdominal abscess
Eval for suspected perf/abscess from diverticulitis
Management of diverticulitis abscess
CT-guided needle insertion of catheter in collection
What is Ogilvie syndrome?
Pseudo-obstruction: massive cecal and colonic dilation in absence of mechanical obstruction
Management of Ogilvie syndrome?
D/c narcotics/ anticholinergics; endoscopic colonic decompression if dilation >10cm; surgery if perforation or ischemia suspected
Cause of Zenker's diverticulum
Premature contraction of cricopharyngeal muscle on swallowing --> partial obstruction
Symptoms of Zenker's
Dysphagia, regurgitation, recurrent aspiration PNA
Diagnosis and treatment of Zenker's
Barium swallow
Diverticulectomy w/ cricopharyngeal myotomy
RUQ pain, jaundice, GI bleeding
Quincke triad for hemobilia
Causes of hemobilia
Iatrogenic (from percutaneous liver procedures), anticoagulation, gallstones, parasitic infection, neoplasm
Diagnosis and treatment of hemobilia
Angiography/ endoscopy
Angiographic embolization if intrahepatic
Surgery if bleeding from extrahepatic bile ducts or gallbladder
Noncaseating granulomas are associated with this type of IBD
IBD w/ crypt abscess
Sensation of voided air with urination
Pneumaturia, e.g. from colovesical fistula
Most common type of fistula due to diverticulitis
Colovesical fistula
Most common cause of rapid lower GI bleeding
Bleeding diverticula and vascular ectasias
Rx for vascular ectasia
Coagulation w/ monopolar current
Why are diverticula associated w/ bleeding?
Underlying vasa recta artery penetrating thru bowel wall
How to diagnose an ongoing GI bleed w/ negative upper and lower scopes
Technetium-labeled RBC scan or mesenteric angiography
When to use angiography vs.RCN scanning
Angiography in less stable pts
RBC scanning in more stable pts, can detect slower bleeds
2 treatment options for bleeding discovered during angiography
Vasopressin into the vessel
Typical pt/ causes of sigmoid volvulus
Debilitated pts from nursing homes due to chronic laxative use, chronic illness, or dementia
Type of obstruction in sigmoid volvulus
Closed loop obstruction
Rx for sigmoid volvulus
Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy and placement of rectal tube
Definitive Rx for sigmoid volvulus
Sigmoid colectomy w/ colostomy or anastomosis
Rx for cecal volvulus
Urgent surgical treatment w/ detorsion alone, cecopexy, or right colectomy
3 treatment options for Ogilvie's syndrome w/ colon diameter >11-12cm (otherwise conservative Rx)
1) Endoscopic decompression
2) Neostigmine (increases colonic tone and counteracts dilation)
3) Surgical decompression
Rx for rectal prolapse
Internal: high fiber diet
External w/ bleeding: surgery
3 surgical options for prolapse
1) Rectopexy (no removal)
2) Transabdominal rectosigmoid resection
3) Perineal approach w/ removal and anastamosis
Rx for anal fissures (conservative vs. more invasive)
Bulk agents/ softeners, sitz baths

If deep and chronic, lateral sphincterotomy +/- biopsy if suspicious for cancer
What are anal fissures and what causes them?
Tears in the anoderm (--> painful BM, tenderness on palpation, blood on TP) due to repeated trauma from hard stools or IBD
Pain and drainage in sacrococcygeal area
Pilonidal abscess (infection in hair-containing sinus in sacrococcyx)
Rx for pilonidal abscesses
Unroof, remove all hair, leave open to heal by secondary intention
Most common complications of stomas
#1: leakage around the bag
Also parastomal herniation, bowel obstruction abscess, fistula formation
What is a Hartmann pouch?
If distal bowel is closed and not brought to abdominal wall but rather dropped back into pelvis
Common indication for Hartmann pouch
Diverticulitis when bowel can't be safeul reconnected
Small intestine bleeding in a pt under 30
Meckel's diverticulum
Work-up for suspected Meckel's?
99m-Tc pertechnate scan
What type of tumor is a carcinoid tumor?
Congenital cystic dilation of the extrahepatic biliary duct?
Choledochal cyst
Management of choledochal cyst?
Complete resection of cyst (due to risk of malignant changes) and roux-en-y choledochojejunostomy
What is stress ulceration?
Acute gastric or duodenal erosive lesions following shock, sepsis, major surgery, trauma, or burns
Cause of stress ulceration?
NOT increased acid; may be ischemic damage to mucosa; often ulcers are in multiple places
Treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst?
Wait 6wks to allow for spontaneous resolution; then excise, externally drain, or internally drain into GI tract
Do pancreatic pseudocysts have malignant potential?
No, b/c have no epithelial lining
Complications of pseudocysts
Gastric outlet and extrahepatic biliary obstruction

Spontaneous rupture and hemorrhage
What is a Diuelafoy's lesion?
Abnormally large submucosal artery that protrudes thru small, solitary mucosal defect 6cm distal to GEJ --> spontaneous bleeding
Rx for Diuelafoy's lesion?
When is hemicolectomy needed for appendiceal carcinoid tumors?
If >2cm
Asthma, right heart valvular disease, flushing, hepatomegaly, diarrhea
Carcinoid syndrome
Indication for resection of a gallbladder polypoid lesion?
Clinical symptoms
Electrolyte abnormalities after pancreatectomy
Iron deficiency
Pernicious anemia
Characteristics of cecal diverticula?
True diverticula (involve all layers of bowel wall)
Management of liver hemangiomas?
Can usually observe; affected by hormones, but usually only hemorrhage iatrogenically (from attempted biopsy)
CEA is elevated in these pts w/o cancer
High CEA indicates?
High likelihood liver involvement/ peritoneal spread
Management of Mallory Weiss tear?
If bleeding stopped: expectant
To control bleeding: balloon tamponade, endoscopic control, gastrostomy/oversewing, or vasopressin (but not in CAD pts)
Types of gastric ulcers and which are acid-associated?
I (lesser curvature)
II (gastric and duodenal)
III (pyloric)
IV (juxtracardial)
II and III are acid associated
Rx for Type I ulcer
Antrectomy (+/- vagotomy)
Surgical Rx for type III ulcer?
Vagotomy and antrectomy
Surgical Rx for toxic megacolon?
Subtotal colectomy with end ileostomy
Rx for SCC of the anus refractory to Nigro protocol (chemo and XRT)?
Abdominal-perineal resection w/ permanent end colostomy
Rx for proximal and midrectal cancers?
Low anterior resection
Radiolucency under right hemidiaphragm indicates?
Causes of pneumoperitoneum
Perforated diverticulum, perforated gastric ulcer, perforated transverse colon carcinoma, or strangulated hernia w/ necrotic bowel
Intestines in upside down U
Sigmoid volvulus
How does PEEP improve oxygenation?
Increasing FRC b ykeeping alveoli open at end of expiration
Potential negative effects of increased PEEP (3)
- Alveolar overdistention --> pneumothoraces
- Decreased venous return/CO
- Increased minute ventilation requirements due to increased dead space ventilation
Systemic hypotension, JVD, distant heart sounds
Beck's triad for cardiac tamponade
What is pulsus paradoxus?
Decrease in SBP by >10 at end of inspiration
Risk factors for eriop MI
Previous infarction, esp w/in 6mo
Age >70
> 5 PVCs/min
Tortuous or calcified aorta
When should you not use epi w/ lidocaine?
Tissues supplied by end arteries (fingers/ toes, ears, nose, penis)
What can interfere with measurement of wedge pressure w/ Swan Ganz catheter?
Increased risk of periop stroke with?
History of stroke
What is the mortality from periop stroke?
PaCO2 levels are a reliable indicator of?
Adequacy of alveolar ventilation
Respiratory acidosis from hypercarbia
Alveolar hypoventilation
Hypoxemia with increased PCO2 is NOT
PE, pulmonary edema, PNA, or atelectasis (b/c those pts should be hyperventilating (decreased CO2) to improve oxygenation
Benefits of albumin vs. transferrin/acute phase reactants to eval nutritional status
Long life life (3 wks) vs. short (hrs), but not affected by intravascular volume
The physiologic goal of shivering is to ___, which causes ___
Generate heat to maintain core temp

Increases metabolism by 3-5x, which increases O2 consumption/ CO2 production, which is usually counterproductive in critically ill pts
What should be administered preop in a pt with vWD?
Cryoprecipitate (provides both FVIII and vWF)
Best choice for stress ulcer prophylaxis
Sucralfate (better than antacids, which cause loss of acidic protection and G- overgrowth)
Procedure for tracheostomy
Skin incision below cricoid cartilage, strap muscles spared and retracted, thyroid isthmus divided if necessary, trachea entered at second tracheal ring
Rx for malignant hyperthermia
Cessation of anesthesia, hyperventilation w/ 100% O2, IV dantrolene
Effect of PE on CVP
Increases by causing RV overload and increasing RAP
Renal failure with eosinophilia
Cholesterol atheroembolism
Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, fever, weight loss, dehydration
Adrenocortical insufficiency (e.g. Addison's disease)
Why are antacids given before emergency intubation?
Risk of intubation, esp if don't know gastric contents
Rx for necrotizing fasciitis
Wide debridement
Passive rewarming is appropriate for which pts?
Mild hypothermia (between 34 and 36C)