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14 Cards in this Set

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Saphenous opening

A gap in the fascia lata inferior to medial part of inguinal ligament

Great saphenous vein and some lymphatics pass through it

Superficial veins of the LL

Great saphenous vein

Small saphenous vein

Great saphenous vein



Dorsal digital vein of the great toe and dorsal venous arch

Femoral vein

Anterior to medial malleolus

Small saphenous vein

Dorsal digital vein of the little toe and dorsal venous arch

Popliteal vein

Posterior to the lateral malleolus along the lateral border of calcaneal tendon

Which vein ascends between the two heads of the gastrocneminus muscle?

The small saphenous vein

Rem- sural nerve also descends b/n the two heads of gastrocnemius

The deep veins finally drain into which vein

Popliteal vein->femoral vein-> external iliac vein in the pelvis

Superficial lymph vessels

Those that follow the great saphenous vein

Those that follow the small saphenous vein

Superficial lymph vessels following the great saphenous vein

Drain into the superficial inguinal lymph nodes (into the inferior vertical group)

Superficial lymph node following the small saphenous vein

Drain into the popliteal lNs

Deep lymph vessels

Drain into popliteal LNs

Same drainage as the superficial lymph vessels following the small saphenous vein

Superficial inguinal LNs

Superior horizontal and inferior vertical

Superior horizontal

Abdominal wall, penis, scrotum, vulva, distal vagina and anal canal, gluteal region, perineum

Inferior vertical

Along the great saphenous vein

Receives lymph vessels of the lower limb

Deep inguinal lymph nodes

Receive from superficial nodes

Drain into the external iliac lymph nodes

Pass through the femoral canal deep to the inguinal ligament