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66 Cards in this Set

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At the beginning of the school year , a first grade teacher assesses the students to determine their understanding of print book. This will be best demonstrated by the students...

a. Showing where to start reading the test

Mrs. Rivera's Kindergarten class asked her to write their favorite poem. She writes each phrase or sentence the child dictates. She directs their attention to the beginning and ending of each line as she writes and then orderly repeats the dictation to reinforce...

b. Left to the right writing knowledge

When student dictate stories reread their stories then practice he words on flash cards, the teacher is using...

b. Language experience approach

A teacher wants to enlist the assistance of her students' reading performance . The most effect way to involve the parentis to

a. Parent-Child pair reading

At teacher read numerous word plat books to and with her students. This captivity primarily promote the development of

b. Phonological awareness

which word recognition method would be most effective for teaching the following words ? mailman, fire place, anchor woman...

a. Sight words

It is very difficult for students to accommodate new information that conflicts the previous information of belief. Which of the following explains this phenomenon?

b. Metacognitive process

which of the following illustrates a directed reading approach sequence?

The teacher prepares student for reading with vocabulary in background information, conduct oral reading, and provide for the silent reading.

Mr. Sutton is beginning a new unit in his social studies textbook. He instruct the class to read the title; read the introduction , summary and question; read the heading and sub headings; read the print; study visual materials such as pictures, maps and diagrams. Which study skill is he demonstrating?


Textual factors that affects comprehension include...

Word identification, background and visual displays.

Following a student incorrect response, a teacher rephrases the question again. This activity is appropriate...

Appropriate because it helps the student focus on the question.

Will thought He was a poor writer because he misspelled so many words even though his teacher found the story he wrote exciting. The best method to help will with his spelling ability is to have him...

Use a word wall to look up his words

Mr. Mixon develops a set of words cards emphazing the at sound that has different beginning. He ask the students to read each word. If a student cannot read the word then Mr. Mixon points out the letter difference and how it is pronounced. Mr. Mixon is asking the students to do what?

Graphophonemic cues

When reading a paragraph in her social studies textbook, Mary has difficulty distinguishing a main idea from supportive points and details. An appropriate activity that will help her will be to ...

Skim an entire reading selection rapidly.

A teacher is helping his students locate, who, what when and why in reading. This activity will help student develop which of the following reading skills?

Critical reading skills.

The study of Acronyms would help students understand the meaning of which of the following words?

a. scuba , sonar, zip

b. Atlas, eco, panic, epicure

c. Brainy, crafty, intelligent, smart

d. cup, mug, glass, tumble

a.Scuba, sonar, zip

which instructional methods will help students recognize the follow words?

shred, flake, crumble, bake, broil, fried, stir, toss,fold, mixture, and blend...

. Paraphrasing

Knowledge of vocabulary or word meaning correlates strongly with:

a. Study Skills

b. Word Recongnition

c. Reading comprehension

d. Picture interpretation

b. Word recognition

Mr. Cury's 4th grade class will do a unit on Florida early history. Students will read about the major events from this period. Which graphic organizer will help facilitate student's understandings of this unit?

a. Venn diagram

b. Time Line

c. Readers response journal

d. Two-Colum chat

b. Time Line

One of the best ways to help students learn to read graph is to...

a. Ask student to record their reading rate on a graph

b. Have student contsruct graphs themselves

c. Assign work pages from the basal series

d. Cut graphs from currents news papers

a. Ask student to record their reading rate on the graph.

The local newspaper contains two articles on an editorial on the same subject. Two articles could be used in the language arts to teach:

a. cause and effect

b. Facts and opinions

c. Hidden messages

d. Feature writing

b. Facts and opinions

Mrs. Thomas wants to teach critical thinking skills to her third grade class. what would be the most effective strategy in doing this?

c. Provide open end reading problems to solve in groups.

After his students read a detective story from a basal reader . Mr. Voran ask them to make a judgement about the guilt or innocent of the main character. What type of thinking is Mr. Voran promoting?

a. divergent

b. collective

c. literal

d. convergent

a. Divergent

Directions for characters in an example of elements mos frequently found in...

a. Drama

Which genre of literature describes deeds of heroes or heroine who are swift, moving rate, magic and with happy ending...

a. poetry

b. parable

c. mystery

d. Fairy tails

d. Fairy Tails

Identify the literary device used in the following example; "his noise is as red as rose."

a. metaphor

b. Simile

c. Allegory

d. Irony

b. simile

A media specialist selected mostly award winning classified literature for the media center. This selection process was...

a. Appropriate because the selection represents the best writing models.

Students are working on several groups around the classroom after becoming familiar with the textbook William Staige. Some are constructing murals. Other are dramatizing the story. The rest of the students are constructing the story a larger paper Marchel Model. Which grouping style is used in this situation?

B. interest

According to the reader responses theory, what activity would be most appropriate to be used in advance 6th grade class who are reading demuapassant's "The Necklace"?

D. Elicit Students' experiences relevant to the story; assign readings followed by discussions.

A student in the beginning stage of writing development will be most likely to...

d. Develop sentence writing

A 1st grade teacher shares a poem about mice and nice and says, " I think mice are nice!" each child is asked something about mice. This exercise represents which type of writing process?

a. prewriting

b. drafting

c. revising

d. publishing

a. Prewriting

A 6th grade guide requieres students to revise all parts of writing process-prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. What will be the best approach at the beginning of the school year?

b. Explain all the phases of the writing process, provide visual stimuli, and brainstorm ideas on the topic to be assigned.

Choose the sentence that contains no errors

a. Geneses Laboratory is ready for production as their cancer detection compound gets approved for clinical trials.

b. Genese Laboratory, is ready for production as its cancer detection compound gets approved for clinical trials.

c. Geneses Laboratory is ready for production as its cancer detection compound gets approved for clinical trials.

d. Geneses Laboratory is ready for production , as its cancer detection compound gets apprpoved for clinical trials.

c. Geneses Laboratory is ready for production as its cancer detection compound gets approved for clinical trials.

Miss Bankraft wants her students to write an essay that would cause then to consider ways that they have acquired and currently use language. What kind of piece would be most effective for this purpose?

a. Literary analysis

b. Linguistic Study

c. Literacy autobiography

d. Literature Survey

c. Literacy autobiography

In her writing task Mrs. Charles has asked her students to write a selection that will include characters , actions relative to problem and solutions. This an example of what writing mode?

a. Persuasive

b. Narrative

c. Descriptive

e. Expository

e. Expository

Which mode of writing is best characterized as using metephor , similes and details to create a picture?

a. Persuasive

b. Descriptive

c. Expository

d. Narrative

b. Descriptive

What writing format is used when writing a friend or relative?

a. Letter

b. Essay

c. Expository

d. Narrative

a. Letter

A first grade has completed a unit on nature and science and syllabication in reading. When the class creates these words as interdisciplinary project, what type of writing is appropriate?

a. Journal

b. Narrative

c. Poetry

d. Expository

a. Journal

An effective way to determine students' ability to recall information is...

a. Summarizing

b. Outlining

c. Sequencing

d.Note taking

a. Summarizing

Tad is a 3rd grade student working on a 2.5 instructional reading level. He enjoys reading but has difficulty in comprehension. He is having difficulties in pronouncing words. What would be the first appropriate test for the teacher to administer?

a. Phonics test

b. Concept of print test

c. close word recognition

d. multiple choice word recognition test

a. Phonics test

Simon score at the 80th percentile on a standardized reading achievement test. This indicates that Simon is...

a. Mastered 80% of the skill covered on the test

b. Reading at a level of 20% above his grade placement.

c. Score as well as or better then 80% of the norming group

d. He score 80% our of 100% on the best

c. Score as well as or better then 80% of the norming group

Which is an example of emergent literacy student progress?

Emergent literacy is a term that is used to explain a child's knowledge of reading and writing skills before they learn how to read and write words. Through the support of parents, caregivers, and educators, a child can successfully progress from emergent to conventional reading


Sorting games can help children build vocabulary skills by asking them to identify defining characteristics of the items being sorted.

Letter recognition games help children learn the letters of the alphabet.

Rubric is used for a student...

a. Writing an essay

b. Taking a vocabulary test

c. Taking a phonic test

d. Reading orally

a. Writing an essay

The FCAT writing test is graded on a scale of...

a. 0-5

b. 0-6

c. 1-5

d. 1-6

d. 1-6

Mr. Howard works with a big red book in his kindergarten class, he reads the title and the authors name, emphasizing and explaining the words title and author to stress...

a. Prediction of a story content

b. Left to right directionality

c. Identification of sight words

d. Part of a book

d. Part of a book

The concept of reading depends on more than letter cues can be developed through the use of ...

a. Linguistic reader

b. Explicit graphophonics analysis

c. Linguistic attack

d. The language development approach

b. Explicit graphophonics analysis

Which vocabulary skill would a student use to do the exercise presented below?

The boy hit the tall ball bat with a bat...

a. use of classification skill

b. knowledge of homophones

c. use of context clues

d. use of root words

c. use of context clues

What is the largest vocabulary for a 2nd grade child?

a. Reading

b. Writing

c. Speaking

d. Listening

c. Speaking

Jerry a bright 6th grade student did not read a short passage and subsequently could not answer the teacher's questions. Which corrective strategy be most appropriate?

a. Direct him to read the key portion of the test silently

b. Call on someone else and ignore the behavior

c. provide the answer and ignore the behavior

d. have him read the story orally into a tape recorder.

a. Direct him to read the key portion of the test silently

Using letter/sound connection is an example of what type of cueing system?

a. syntactic

b. semantic

c. Graph phonic

d. Morphologic

c. Graph phonic

Which strategy will be most useful for increasing a students understanding of a main idea?

a. supply missing words or phrase of a text in a close paragraph.

b. Categorizes phrases in the lesson to a central idea

c. Analyze and for positive praising

d. list words to describe a magazine picture

b. Categorizes phrases in the lesson to a central idea

Identify the instructional methods that will help students to recognize the relationship among the following words: alligator, frogs, crocodriles, toads, salamanders

a. semantic feature analysis

The study of acronyms would help students to understand the meaning of which of the following words?

a. Radar, laser, sonar, scanner

b. Dough, square, cool, rock

c. inspect, spectacles, respect, introspection

d. Rodeo, palomino, bareback, corral

a. Radar, laser, sonar, scanner

The following exceprt appeats in 5th grade social studies texbook: " the trouble was getting worse. People in many of the small towns were geting ready for war. men and tenage boys were being trained to fight. They were called minutemen because they were ready to fight a moments notice."

Which question would be most efective in directing students' attention to the cause effect relationship?/

a. What war is being written about in this section?

b. what does small town mean

c. what could they have done to improve the situation

d. why were men and teenage boys being trained to fight

d. why were men and teenage boys being trained to fight

Students in a 6th grade class are encouraged to read the news paper for a part of the class period 3 days a week. The teacher should suggest to the student that the best approach for reading a newspaper is to

c. skim the entire newspaper, then read closely the important and interested articles

To help her 6th grade students to apply critical thinking skills Mrs. Flowers wants her students to identify propaganda techniques. The most effective instructional practice would be to have the students...

c. Create a dictionary of biased or loaded words and phrases

A Selection in a 5th grade textbook about the first woman astronaut Sally Ride exemplifies the genre of...

b. Biography

Mrs. Green realizes her classroom needs a wider selection of multicultural books. To help her choose good books she woul refer to...

c. The media center's collection

Which 6th grade activity represents a student-centered approach of responding to the Theodore Taylor novel, the sniper

b. Following reading , students participate in teacher led discussion

3rd graders have listened to the teacher read the humorous part of a book just for you. They each have written an original sentence after the book, the teacher intends to collect their work in a book loaned out in the media center. The students are now in the process of illustrating their own sentences. For which of the following are the children preparing?

d. Publishing

Choose the sentence that contains no errors.

a. An effective way to teach a large group of students, in grades three, four, and five is through the use of flexible groups.

b. An effective way to teach a large group of students In grades three, four, and five is through the use of flexible groups.

c. An effective way, to teach a large group of students in grades three, four, and five is through the use of flexible groups.

d. An effective way to teach a large group of students in grades three, four, and five is through the use of flexible groups

d. An effective way to teach a large group of students in grades three, four, and five is through the use of flexible groups

A student is writing a cause and effect paper an ask for assistance with transition. Which group of transitions would be the best choice?

a. Since, therefore, consequently

b. In addition, furthermore, another

c. to begin, next, finally

d. but, however, in contrast

c. to begin, next, finally

The mode of writing that includes many details and often uses adjectives and verbs to evoke images in a readers mind is called...

a. descriptive

b. expository

c. persuasive

d. narrative

a. descriptive

After a unit on book report the teacher receives the following response from the writing assignment. " I grew up in a citrus grove in central Florida. One of my duties was to help pick the oranges. "This is an example of what type of writing?

a. Autobiography

b. Biography

c. Persuasion

d. Reflection

d. Reflection

At the beginning of the year a teacher wanted to determine her student independent and instructional levels. Which assessment instrument is most appropriate?

a. Informal reading inventory

b. Running record

c. Miscues analysis

d. Standardized test

a. Informal reading inventory

The following information has been recorded about Gonzalez, a 2nd grader. Running record note1: Read words accurately but slowly

Anecdotal note2: resist reading silently

running record 2: Read words accurately but slowly

Performance on informal silent reading test1: poor comprehension

what instructional strategies would probably be most beneficial for Gonzalez?

a. provide a software program that includes short passages, questions, and feed back on performance.