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25 Cards in this Set

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1) How did Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine expose conditions during the Progressive Era?

They took photographs

2) What were political machines?

A powerful organization that influenced city county politics in the late 1800's.

3) What was the spoils system?
the practice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters
4) How did muckrakers impact the Progressive movement?

They exposed organization industrial growth

5) What is an initiative vs. referendum?

an initiative is referendum was initiative is allowing voters and referendum allowed

6) Why did some families SUPPORT child labor?

They believed it was right for everyone to be doing work.

7) What was the EFFECT of Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle?

Produced clean factories

8) Which event CAUSED factory safety laws to be passed?

the book "The Jungle"

9) What the difference between capitalism and socialism?

Campitalism- an economic and political system in which county's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

Socialism- a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owened by the community as a whole.

10) What did Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fight for?

Woman's rights

11) What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?

an African-A,erican civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 by Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W. E. B Du Bois.

12) What did the Pure Food and Drug Act require?

Preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or mishandled or poisonous or deleterious food, and drugs, medicines, and liquors.

13) What was the Square Deal?

A term for Teddy Roosevelts domestic program. Formed upon three ideas....conservation

Of natural recourses, control of corporations, and consumer protection.

14) Who created the Square Deal?

President teddy (Theodore) Roosevelt.

15) What did Theodore Roosevelt do to help the conservation movement?

Sided empathically with the conservationists. Legislative effort was devoted to changing the way America used its land, especially in the West. The Newlands Act of 1902 placed the federal government in an activist role in the areas of water management and reclamation

16) What was the goal of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union?

Promote worker solidarity in the revolutionary struggle to overthrow the emplying class

17) What was the Sixteenth Amendment?

Congress have the power to lay and collect taxes and incomes

18) What was the Seventeenth Amendment?

2 senators for each state allows you to directly vote too.

19) What is the eighteenth Amendment?

Prohibits achohol

20) What is the nineteenth Amendment?

Allowed women to vote

21) What is a labor union?

An organization association of workers, often in a trade of profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.

22) What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

A U.S law, enacted in 1883 which established that positions within the federal government should be awarded on the basis of merit instead of the political affiliation.

23) What was the Temperance Movement?

Typically criticize excessive achohol consumption. Promote complete abstinence, or use its political influence to press the government to enact achohol laws to regulate the avaibility of achohol or even its complete prohibition.

24) What was the goal of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?

Expanded platform to campaign for labor laws, prison reform and sufferage

25) What was the goal of progressive reformers during the Progressive Era?

Protect social welfare, promote fairness, control big businesses, uphold moral values and promote greater efficiency of government and business.