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40 Cards in this Set

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What is Wien's Law ?

Wien’s law states that thedominant wavelength at which ablackbody emitselectromagnetic radiation isinversely proportional to theKelvin temperature of theobject

temperature and peak wavelength

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that ablackbody radiates electromagneticwaves with a total energy flux E directlyproportional to the fourth power of theKelvin temperature T of the object

temperature and energy radiated

How do you convert from inches to centimeters?

1 inch X 2.54 cm.

How do you convert from centimeters to millimeters?

1 cm = 10 mm. To convert mm to cm, divide the number of mm by 10 to get the number of cm.

To convert pounds to kilograms what do you do?

Divide the weight in pounds by 2.2.

To convert kilograms to pounds what do you do?

To go from kilograms to pounds, multiply by 2.2. One kilogram = 2.2046 pounds.

To convert millimeters to meters what do you do?


What is the meridian?

A line that goes from the northern horizon to the southern horizon

When can a solar or lunar eclipse occur?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun, and the Earth's shadow obscures the moon or a portion of it.

How did Kepler discover his laws of planetary motion?

having found them by analyzing the astronomical observations of Tycho Brahe.

Compare the gravitational force of the Earth on the Moon to the force of the Moon on the Earth.

if the Earth exerts a force on the Moon, the Moon must exert an equal and opposite force on the Earth.

What is astrology

the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

What is the Doppler Effect?

an increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move toward (or away from) each other. The effect causes the sudden change in pitch noticeable in a passing siren, as well as the redshift seen by astronomers.

If you turn up the temperature of an oven from 250 degrees Kelvin to 500 degrees, the oven will be require how much more energy?

500/250 = 2^4=16 times.

In about 200 BC Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the Earth. The observation he used was

the difference in the Sun's altitude at two places

Jupiter's maximum distance from the sun is approximately 8.2 x 108 kilometers and its minimum distance is roughly 7.4 x 108 kilometers. What's the difference between the minimum and maximum distance?

8.0 x 10^7

If you apply a high voltage across electrodes in a chamber of hydrogen, the type of spectrum you will see in a spectroscope looking at the gas is:

an emission spectrum

How do you convert from scientific notation to colloquial notation?

Divide by 10

Why is Polaris a very important star?

Because it sits nearly in a direct line with the earth's axis

What is altitude?

Measures between 0 and 90 degrees and measures where things are in relation to where you are

What is azimuth?

Represents the cardinal direction in which an object can be found

What is angular measure?

How much of the sky an object takes up

Where on Earth can the Sun circle the sky in 24 hours without rising or setting?

North celestial pole

At what latitude on Earth is the North Celestial Pole on the horizon? At the zenith? At the nadir?

Horizon = 90 degrees

Zenith = 90 degrees

Nadir = 0 degrees

What is the ecliptic?

the straight path the sun takes along the celestial sphere

Compare the Copernican solar system model with the Ptolemaic model.

Copernicus had the sun at the center, Ptolemy had the earth at the center

What are Kepler's 3 Laws of Planetary Motion?

The orbits are ellipses,Equal areas in equal times,The period squared equals the semi-major axis cubed

What are Newton's 3 Laws of Motion?

An object in motion stays in motion,

For every force there is an equal and opposite force,

The force of an object is directly related to its mass and acceleration

What is the speed of light? Can anything travel faster?

299,792,458 m/s, no

How did Kepler discover his laws of planetary motion?

From the observations of Tycho Brahe

Compare the gravitational force of the Earth on the Moon to the force of the Moon on the Earth.

The same

What would happen to an orbiting satellite if gravity disappeared?

It would go off into space in a straight line

How does visible light differ from other electromagnetic radiation?

It can be broken up into different wavelengths

What is a Planck curve?

A way to depict frequency

You have a chamber of hydrogen gas, apply a voltage and place it between you and the sun. What type of spectrum will you see looking at it through a spectroscope?

Both emission and absorption spectral lines

If two objects have the same size but different temperatures, what can be said about them?

The hotter object is emitting more energy

How are visible radiation and radio waves related in frequency and wavelength?

Visible radiation is shorter in wavelength and radio waves are longer in wavelength.

What is electromagnetic radiation?

it is light

Although similar to optical telescopes, radio telescopes

use wire mesh instead of mirrors

What are the functions of a telescope

Light gathering, magnification, and resolution